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94.3% Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer / Chapter 116: Chapter 116 The Galaxy Far Far Away

Bab 116: Chapter 116 The Galaxy Far Far Away

Chapter 116 The Galaxy Far Far Away

Rather than portal to a random planet in the Star Wars Galaxy, Harry just directly opened a portal into space and flew their luxury starcraft through it into the new space.

A moment later, Jean broke the silence. "Um Harry, my Phoenix senses are tingling."

Jade asked, "Wait, was that a Peter joke?"

MJ chuckled, "What, it's not like he's the only one with a sixth sense with an unusual origin. My goddess senses tingle all the time." She winked at Harry, implying that it did not only tingle during battle.

Harry grinned back and her but a second later turned to Jean and asked, "Wait, doesn't your Phoenix sense mean an irresistible urge to burn planets to cinders?"

Jean awkwardly answered, "Yeah... And more than one. This entire Galaxy is practically begging for a cleansing."

Wanda asked, "When did we arrive?"

Harry connected his ship to the local stellar networks and after a moment replied, "Episode one. Coming earlier than that wasn't actually possible."

Rogue asked, "Jean, how bad is it?"

She dropped her shoulders and replied, "Manageable. It's not the Phoenix asking, but the Force. The Force has no real power over the Phoenix, but they are similar enough so that it can directly request things and be very insistent on them."

Jade asked, "You can connect to the Force? Oh! Can we do it too! I wanna be a Jedi!"

Everyone turned to her with a stare that hung the unsaid message in the air, 'you'd make a terrible Jedi.'

Jade didn't back down though and asked, "Can we at least use the Force here?"

Jean closed her eyes for a few moments and so did Harry. Though he wasn't an avatar of the Phoenix, he was still a mighty Psionic and with a bit of tweaking, could use the Force like the Psionic energies of their own Universe.

After a few more moments of silence, both Harry and Jean frowned and opened their eyes. Harry answered, "Sorry. It would not be hard to give everyone Midichlorians, but other than MJ, it isn't safe for you guys to use the Force. Even I can't even use it safely."

Jade complained, "What, why not?"

Jean answered, "The Force is basically the collective consciousness of the dead in the form of energy. It contains multiple layers, many of which I can't even understand. But the gist of it is that the energy passes from the dead to the living when new life is born and returns when the life ends."

Wanda, who was a nerd, pointed out, "The Cosmic Force and the Living Force."

Jean nodded and continued, "In our world, there is something similar, the Phoenix Force, but the Phoenix itself purifies the residual mental energies and Lady Death takes the souls herself."

Jade asked, "So what's the problem with it here?"

Harry answered, "Residue. The residual mental echoes of all sentients in the Galaxy exists in the Force with no Higher Being actively purifying it. Connecting to it will cause you to be tainted, like jumping into a pool of paint. How you are tainted depends on where you jump in and how you jump in, which can be likened to the color of the paint you jump into."

MJ asked, "So why can I use it safely? Is it because I use a sword like the Jedi?"

Harry sighed, "It's actually a philosophy thing. The Light side is basically connecting to the Force using comprehension and understanding to amplify knowledge and wisdom. The Dark side is basically connecting to the Force using emotion to amplify power. Though that's an extreme simplification."

From what Harry could see, the light side gave knowledge and the dark side gave power. But that was not the problem with using it.

Harry continued, "The problem is that when connecting to the Light side, you require a mind set of preserving. While a mindset of altering will connect you to the Dark side."

Jean picked up there and went on to say, "Magic is the epitome of the Dark side. The desire and power to alter the Universe to suit the needs of the caster rather than preserve the Universe as it is to be fair to everyone. That's why things like Alchemy and Sorcery are called Dark Side Alchemy and Sith Sorcery here. A highly practiced magic user would find it incredibly difficult to connect to the Force without being tainted by the darker aspects of the mental residue."

Jade looked like someone kicked her puppy. Anyone who trained in magic found the concept of altering the Universe to suit the needs of the caster to be perfectly fine. The problem was that if such a person tried using the Force, they would naturally be drawn into and then tainted by the Dark side, regardless of their good intentions.

Harry comforted Jade by patting her shoulder and said, "Not all power systems are compatible."

MJ thoughtfully asked, "So can I use the Force?"

Jean answered, "If Harry gave you some Midichlorians, sure, no problem. But you really don't need it other than to feel cool. There isn't anything useful besides telekinesis safe access to the Force can grant you that your goddess blessing doesn't already provide."

"Ah, it is pretty much the same isn't it? Never mind then." In battle, the Light side of the Force gave knowledge which amounted to reflexes and danger intuition to stay safe and defeat foes. But Red Sonja had all of that anyways.

Rogue asked, "You think MJ could beat a Jedi?"

Jean answered, "A Jedi Knight, yes. A Jedi Master, maybe. Yoda? No. But they wouldn't start a fight with her anyways."

Harry asked, "So why does the galaxy need pruning?" The Force was only making the request of Jean, not him, so he didn't have the details.

She answered, "The surface level problems are nothing compared to the festering rot under the surface. I feel dirty just being here. I could burn Coruscant and every Politician and Jedi within to ashes and not lose a wink of sleep."

Jade asked, "It can't be that bad, can it?"

Jean had a far away look in her eye for a moment before she shivered in revulsion. She then calmly stated, "Imagine a massive whale swimming in the ocean. Then imagine that a lot of people discovered this whale and built a city on top of it. And then imagine that the whale slowly died, but a group of necromancers was called by the city to keep the whale from dying and sinking into the bottom of the sea. And last, imagine ten thousand years have gone by and the whale has decayed and corroded, but every part that breaks off is replaced by shiny metal while the necromancers keep it alive, trapped in a state between the living and the dead. The shiny metal plates have completely hidden the rotting carcass of the whale and the necromancers have kept it alive for so long, no one even considers what they are doing to be wrong."

Wanda replied, "And now I'm going to be sick."

Jean nodded, "That's Coruscant and the Republic as a whole. A festering, rotting corpse that should have been allowed to die a long, long time ago."

Jade asked, "Wait, doesn't that make the Jedi the Necromancers? I thought they were the good guys!"

Harry shrugged, "They think they are supposed to maintain the status quo which means stopping the Republic from ending."

Jean sneered, "The Force does prefer that sentient races die of old age over dying of anything else. That is so more mental energy can be added to the Cosmic Force upon their death and used to birth more life. BUT! That doesn't mean causing the entire galaxy to Stagnate because they don't want to deal with the hassle of a new government just because they've gotten Comfortable with the current one!"

The girls shook their heads wryly and Harry chuckled. Jean was quite passionate when it came to complaining about stagnation.

Harry asked, "So what do you want to do?"

Wanda added, "What can we do? Will something happen if we don't allow the plot?"

Harry answered, "That is the case in some versions of this Universe, but we came to this one specifically because it didn't care about plot. Burning down everything is an option if we want to."

Jade asked, "Um, can we... I don't know, do something to help BESIDES BURNING THE GALAXY TO CINDERS?!"

Harry waved her off, "Fine, no need to be such a drama queen."

Jade rolled her eyes and Wanda said, "We can't be here that long though right?"

Harry replied, "Only a few months, but we can just skip forward in time to the good stuff and enjoy the best parts. So. How are we going to do this?"

The girls all shared mischievous grins that looked slightly sinister under the right light.

On the desert planet of Tatooine was a massive stadium filled to the brim with aliens willing to bear the intense sun for a chance to watch the only form of entertainment granted to these people. The Podraces. In the announcer's booth was a two headed alien, one head spoke the local language of Huttese while the other spoke Galactic Basic, also known as English.

"There's a big turnout here from all corners of the outer rim territories. I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid."

The two heads each took turns describing the various racers dragging their contraptions out to the starting line. When the Huttese speaking head introduced the reigning champ, Sebulba, the crowd went nuts, cheering heavily over the most favored to win, most betted on racer.

After announcing the favorites and the veterans, he calmly announced, "And a late entry, young Anakin Skywalker, a local boy."

People cheered and waved, but it lacked the enthusiasm of the other introductions.

Following that, they continued, "And our last entry is a first time racer, the Human Harry Potter in his own unusual customized pod."

As someone who enjoyed going very very fast, Harry had every intention of joining this podrace. Sure, if he won it, the Jedi would not get the prize money for the hyperdrive and lose their ship, but Harry didn't care about that and just wanted to have a bit of fun.

Harry's pod racer looked shockingly different from the others in size and safety. Even Anakin's racer looked safer. Harry's pod was only a little larger than a motorcycle and was mounted the same way, granting no protection to his sides or even a seatbelt. At the speed a podracer could go, he was likely to be blown off his seat by the wind alone. The two engines connected to his biker seat were large, empty metal rings that gave no hint as to how they propelled themselves forward. No one had ever seen anything like it and even Anakin gave it a few appreciative glances.

Harry didn't wear any goggles or a helmet and met the young buy's gaze with a smile and a wave. Anakin had been under the impression that he was the only human who could podrace and he smiled back, his fighting spirit ignited.

Harry nodded back as the flag bearers crossed the starting line, with Jean being his and C3PO being Anakin's.

Harry watched Sebulba sabotage Anakin's pod and insult him, but Harry waved his hand and fixed the damage. He wanted to see if the 'chosen one' could still win without a lagging start. It wasn't hard since Harry could still use his psionics without connecting to the Force.

Qui-Gon Jinn approached as Sebulba left and placed Anakin in his pod's cockpit with some Jedi words of wisdom. He glanced at Harry but the Force told him nothing of the young man so he didn't think anything of it.

The great slug announced the start of the race and the various drivers turned their engines on. Harry's twin engines were similar to bladeless fans. However instead of pulling air through the front and ejecting it out the back, it moved space through the ring. This design could even work in the vacuum of space and fly in the air, but certain limiters were enabled to keep it on the ground. The inspectors didn't think it looked impressive enough to warrant a closer look, so the fact that it used physics unknown to the galaxy as a whole was left undiscovered.

The roar of the various engines echoed through the stadium as they waited for the green light. Once it appeared, the racers shot off and the race had begun.

The first segment of the race was over the dust flats the racers could use to get some distance from each other. A good podracer could achieve speeds over 700 kilometers an hour on a straight, level run, over half the speed of sound. Harry's racer could shatter the speed of light without even entering hyperspace, but ending the race in a fraction of a second while destroying the planet from the shockwaves was not as fun as enjoying the acceleration while playing with the other racers.

The Dust Flats were just to allow the racers to speed up. Once they reached the rocky outcropping, the real race began. Racers kept to an average speed of 500~600 kilometers per hour for most of the race simply because their reflexes were not fast enough to handle the max speed of their racers while flying through the obstacles. This was one of the reasons engines weren't regulated. it didn't matter how fast you could go if you couldn't react in time. A racer's max average speed had more to do with their skill than their racer's engine. This was also the reason Anakin could catch up in the movie. From the back he went the max speed of 700 while everyone else was cruising through the obstacles at about 500~600 kilometers per hour. His ability to drive at his pod's max speed when he knew for a fact others could not do so was the source of his confidence when it came to winning the race.

Harry stayed in the middle of the pack while Anakin and Sebulba went for first place. Sebulba drifted to the side to give Anakin a chance to slip by him. This was a trick of course as once Anakin took that side, they were passing a cliff Sebulba tried ramming Anakin into. Anakin's pod took a bit of damage causing him to slow down and take to the back of the race, making Harry wonder if he had no way to win if he stayed up front.

Two racers tried to ram Harry, but his ring-like engines took the hits without suffering in the slightest. Similar to how Anakin's engine survived Sebulba a moment earlier, lighter engines took less damage when rammed due to less carried momentum and greater flexibility. It also made them easier to nudge to the side, but that didn't apply to Harry's design.

After the rocky outcropping was the canyon. The racers had to line up and passing those in front became harder than ever.

The canyon led into a dark, twisting cave filled with various stalactite that the racers had to be on the constant watch out for. An explosion from the back echoed through the cave and everyone who heard it guessed one of the racers would not be seeing the light of day again.

Upon exiting the cave on the second section of canyon, the racers were met by snipers, tusken raider snipers to be exact.

One of them shot Harry's ring engine but other than sparks, nothing happened. Harry pulled out a pistol and shot, killing the Raider on the hill and causing him to fall dead down to the base of the racetrack. The other raiders scattered.

After the canyon was another plane of rocks, but this one looked more like a maze. It was impossible to see further than a few hundred yards due to all the rocks in the way forcing the drivers to constantly swerve and turn to prevent themselves from ramming themselves into meat paste.

And finally came the stadium where the lap ended. At a normal speed A lap took between five and six minutes, though if you went all out you could do a lap in a little under five minutes.

Sebulba was in front at the end of the first lap and Harry decided the warm up was over.

Harry accelerated through the dusty flats and overtook Sebulba. The ugly Dug enabled a completely illegal flamethrower and tried to line up his engine port with Harry's seat to burn him alive, but Harry just got out his gun, and without turning around pointed it it at Sebulba's head. The dug seemed to decide at that moment that perhaps he should not use illegal weapons and just race fairly.

Sebulba disabled his flamethrower and Harry put away his pistol.

However there were still fair ways to kill people. Since Harry's seat didn't have any protections, Sebulba could just line him up between the energy binders between his own engines and electrocute him to death.

Harry accelerated forward but Sebulba matched his pace. In an effort to get Sebulba to back off or die, Harry performed a Wronski Feint. He accelerated towards the center of a rock too wide to turn away from. If Sebulba accelerated after him, he'd had to exceed Harry's speed which would make it impossible to turn away from the rock at the last moment like Harry planned to do.

Sebulba immediately turned away from the crazy human and Harry kept at the dug's side.

As they approached the canyon, Sebulba lined up with the center to let Harry know he would not let Harry stay at his side through the Canyon Entrance. It was only big enough for one of them.

Since only one could pass through first and the other must pass second, Harry made his intention know by accelerating. Sebulba maxed out his acceleration not believing Harry's fragile looking craft could match it. His larger engines would bump Harry's into the face of the canyon cliff turning him into a pancake.

Harry betrayed his expectations of course by accelerating further and entered the canyon ahead of Sebulba.

The acceleration only continued until Harry was far enough in front to keep things interesting.

Before Sebulba could think of any countermeasures, he was taken off guard by another podracer. Anakin was back.

Though slowed at the start, the nine year old native fixed whatever damage he received earlier and had once again overtaken the other racers making it to third place and was now threatening to take out Sebulba.

Sebulba seemed to overclock his engine to speed up and took the canyon turns tight enough to scrap the side of his pod against the canyon walls in an attempt to break past Harry's lead.

Harry made it into the cave at the end of the canyon first and turned to a more dangerous route that he'd noticed through his first lap. Sebulba's engines were too large to slip through that route forcing him to take another path but Anakin followed closely behind Harry, turning and shifting and even at times sliding with the tiniest of margins to navigate through the treacherous terrain of tunnels and weirdly winding ways.

Though Harry was going much faster than any pod ever should at this segment of the race, Anakin kept close enough to practically draft off Harry, following his every move.

When they exited the cave system, Anakin was still right behind Harry and Sebulba had come out a moment later, now in third place.

Harry laughed. He could feel the Force helping Anakin Skywalker. Of course if it were Jean in this Racer, it wouldn't help him at all since the Force wanted Jean's help. Against Harry however, the child of the Force was helped as much as he could be to the point of violating the laws of physics if need be.

The pace was set and Anakin stayed on Harry's tail all the way through the rocks and back to the stadium for the start of the third and final lap. It was then that he moved to take the lead. Harry could keep accelerating, but that was a boring way to end it. Anakin's pod was overheating and was barely being kept from exploding by the Force. Sebulba's racer was one of the best and could keep up at this speed if needed, though his reflexes would be strained to react fast enough to not die.

They were through the flats and back into the canyon in no time. Sebulba used what appeared to be a single use booster to plow through at the last moment and entered the cave at the end of the canyon first. He kept to the side, blocking the passage Harry and Anakin took before, preventing them from exiting ahead of him once again. He then tried to ram into Harry and Anakin, but Harry turned off to another passageway and Anakin accelerated at a curved wall, flying up the wall and turning upside down in a flip, landing on the opposite side of Sebulba. This was something only someone with a compact engine could do.

Anakin and Sebulba exited the cave first, followed by Harry. Sebulba knew the track better than anyone and stayed along the straightest path with Anakin keeping along the same trail, but Harry caught up moments later. Sebulba bumped Anakin onto the service ramp and then stayed ahead of Harry to prevent him from passing and thinking the race was won. He certainly didn't expect Anakin to drop from the sky ahead of them both, now having taken first place.

Harry was done with Sebulba so he accelerated past him to Anakin's side. Sebulba wasn't going to have that since he couldn't go any faster and turned on his flame thrower. Unfortunately, the flame bent back into the engine causing it to catch on fire. It exploded a moment later and though pieces of the wreckage passed through the ring engine of Harry's pod, it wasn't affected allowing Harry to take Anakin's side. The two racers were neck and neck but Harry felt Anakin's pod was about to explode if he pushed any harder.

Harry decided to end it and accelerated massively. His speed reached 800, 900, and a thousand kilometers per hour and still accelerated faster and faster. His pod set the sand aflame and his passing was a streak of blinding fire. However before reaching the finish line, Harry's pod vanished. The trail of fire leading to the finish line ended only a few meters from the end and the sensors showing the passage of a pod did not react. Seconds later Anakin's pod passed through the finish line signaling the end of the race and his winning of the prize. No one had any idea what the hell had just happened.

Harry of course didn't vaporize or anything. He just teleported himself and his pod elsewhere on the planet before hitting the finish line. His plans for the galaxy wouldn't go very well if Anakin didn't win the podrace afterall.

About a week later, Anakin was once again in a cockpit flying a Naboo starfighter. The Force was working overtime to prevent him from getting shot down as other actual pilots were getting blown up left and right, dying horribly in the vacuum of space if they weren't lucky enough to pass instantly when their ships exploded.

Anakin on the other hand was flying directly at dozens of Vulture droid ships which swerved to avoid him rather than the other way around.

Even when he disabled auto-pilot and took control over the ship, he still had half a dozen vulture droid ships on his tail forcing him to fly within a hair's breadth of the Trade Federation Control ship to dodge and swerve around the various obstacles, hoping the ships on his tail would either lose distance avoiding them or directly crash into them.

Pilots weren't trained to fly like podracers which, ironically, acted in Anakin's favor since the Droid AIs tailing him were very confused about his flying style which made tracking and shooting him difficult, even without the aid of the Force.

When Anakin did eventually get hit, rather than explode, he just started spinning and flew directly into the opening of the landing bay of the Federation ship. As he swerved and ducked under the various ships in the hangar, he was passed but another craft. It was a podracer with metal ring engines.

Harry appeared next to Anakin and accelerated ahead of him into the hangar. While Anakin's ship fell and skidded to a halt, the Podracer and the human inside had already parked at the end of the hangar and the human had gotten out and started shooting at the various droids approaching him.

As Anakin tried to get the overheated systems to re-engage, he could only watch with astonishment as the guy he last saw on Tatooine easily took out every droid in the area before any of them had time to fire, even if they were on the other side of the massive hangar. Any droid that pointed a weapon at the podracer's pilot was instantly shot.

Harry felt Qui-Gon return to the Force. If it was anyone else, Harry would have saved him, but Qui-Gon was mostly capable of turning into a Force Ghost and Jean would help him finish the process later making saving him unnecessary for their grand plans.

Harry leisurely shot droid after droid until Anakin was able to get the power back up. Harry then got back in his racer as Anakin enabled his shields and coincidentally fired a proton torpedo down a long hall directly at the ship's main reactor.

Anakin started flying out and was followed by Harry's Pod.

Harry smiled at the young boy in the cockpit who turned to him incredulously and mouthed, "This is not Podracing!"

The pair raced out the length of the hangar but Harry's podracer was faster than the Naboo starfighter and shot out first into the vacuum of space, followed by Anakin and the fireball that was the exploding command ship.

The moment he was back in the blackness of space, Anakin looked around for the distinct Podracer but didn't see it. He later found out from the other Naboo Pilots that no one else saw it either. This was something he decided not to tell others since no one would ever believe him.

Ten years later, Anakin Skywalker found himself racing once more on the dusty plains of Tatooine. He'd just found out his mother had been taken by sand people and was on a speeder bike wishing more than anything it could go faster. The sun was setting and his haunting dreams had promised a welcomed outcome to their next meeting but he still intended to do everything in his power to prevent those dreams from coming to pass.

And then he was passed by a Podracer with metal rings for engines being piloted by a very distinct human. Harry Potter waved at Anakin as he passed by and accelerated off into the horizon.

Hours later, Anakin found the Tusken Raider camp that held his mother. What he did not expect to find was that all of the Tuskens were unconscious. Outside the camp was a familiar looking podracer, neatly parked and within the camp was a human sitting by the bonfire and a woman lying on the sand next to him.

Anakin ran over to the woman and confirmed it was his mother. She looked exhausted and was asleep, but alive.

The man sitting next to her was the man Anakin had seen on the Podracer time and time again. It was Harry Potter.

Harry didn't look over to Anakin, he simply said, "I was right on time to save her and I'm quite good at healing. She'll be alright now."

Anakin took a step back. This man made absolutely no sense. He practically demanded, "Who are you?!"

He'd usually be nicer to someone who had just rescued his mother, but the mystery of this man had been with him for ten years now and Anakin felt something was extremely strange about him. The Force had taught him many things, but it had never given him any insight as to the identity of this man.

Harry smiled and snapped. His podracer dissolved into light as the Asgardian matter transporter teleported it away. He then summoned Anakin's speeder bike over and threw a silver portal to the side. Through it was clearly Cliegg Lars' home. Harry said, "Follow me and I'll tell you everything."

Harry pulled the speeder through and Anakin lifted his mother and followed him through the portal back to his mother's home where Padmé was waiting for him. He had a feeling that after this, nothing would be the same.

*Author's Note*

Now you shall have to wait Two More Weeks Until the Next Chapter! Hahahaha!

Oh, and I have finally finished a extremely rough summary of my next fanfic. It will have about ten arcs, though I don't know if it will be longer or shorter than this story. But at least it will be fun to write and hopefully to read.


Now for the rest of the Chapter. FOOLED YOU!

Even I'm not evil enough to stop right there.

*End of Author's Note*

Anakin brought his mother inside under the concerned eyes of Padmé, Cliegg and his son Owen. Harry said from the side, "Besides healing her to perfect health, I removed her memories of the last month which is probably for the best since the Sand People tortured her during that time."

Anakin's fist tightened in cold fury but Cliegg asked the intelligent question, "Tortured? Why would they torture her?" Cliegg knew that this wasn't what Sand People did. Sand People hated others, but that didn't mean that they tortured them. Killed them, sure. Imprisoned them for ransom, of course. But tortured? That wasn't normal.

Harry answered, "They were paid and threatened to take her and torture her until Anakin showed up."

Anakin's fist lost its strength after that. He was the reason? Someone did this because of him?

Harry continued, "It might be best to pretend this never happened. Shimi won't even remember being taken and if you never bring it up, she'll be a lot happier than remembering everything."

Cliegg nodded, "If she doesn't remember it, I won't bring it up. Will they come for her again?"

Harry shook his head, "Not anymore. I'll be taking a few measures to prevent the ones who contacted the Sand People from doing so again."

Harry then turned to Anakin and Padmé and said, "She'll be asleep until morning. You have questions and if you take me to your ship, I'll answer them in the most concise way I can."

Anakin, certainly wanting said answers sooner rather than later, motioned for him to leave first and Padmé walked over to the ship.

Once aboard, Harry took out a projector and a screen and set it up. "Alright. Marathon time."

The projector started playing music and projected, "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...



Anakin incredulously asked, "Is this a TV show? How will this-"

Padmé interrupted him, "Anakin, look." She was reading the scrolling text after the title and it seemed very familiar.

Anakin still had his doubts but kept reading until the text was done and the screen moved to a ship approaching the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. Once the Jedi on board spoke up, Anakin almost shouted, "Qui-Gon!" He then turned to Harry and asked, "Where did this come from?"

Harry answered, "There are beings who record all the best stories of the galaxy. This is a record of the story of the Skywalkers."

The trio and even R2D2 watched the movie as the Jedi made small talk and the scene moved to the Viceroy.

At the point where the Viceroy said, "I will contact Lord Sidious," Anakin and Padmé leaned in. Both somewhat knew of the existence of the man behind the Federation's blockade, but neither had any great details about him.

When the hologram appeared of the hooded figure commanding the Viceroy, Anakin and Padmé were disappointed that his face was too blurry beneath the hood to make out. After he ordered the landing of troops and the death of the Jedi, Anakin turned to Harry and asked, "Who is he? You said you'd tell me everything."

Harry nodded, "It will show later, but I will tell you he is the one who got the Sand People to take and torture your mother. He knew it would affect you and that you'd come here to save her."

Padmé asked, "Why would he do that?"

"He wants Anakin as his apprentice. If Anakin becomes Sidious's apprentice, it is the same as making Anakin's power Sidious's power."

The movie continued with the Jedi escaping and once Jar Jar showed up, both Anakin and Padmé sighed.

Through luck and skill, they made it off the planet with the queen but due to the damaged hyperdrive they could only make it to Tatooine.

When the little Anakin on screen asked the on screen Padmé if she was an angel, the observing Padmé quickly turned to see Anakin trying to hide an adorable blush which made her giggle.

Once the Podrace started, Anakin asked, "Where are you?" He noticed that Harry was not one of the racers.

Harry replied, "This copy of the Skywalker Story was obtained before I came along. I actually watched the whole thing already and decided to change a few things."

When Anakin saw Sebulba sabotage his pod, he asked, "Did that happen this time?"

"Yeah, but I fixed it."

The race started but Anakin's disabled pod didn't move. He got it eventually and though the process was pretty different, Anakin still won the race.

Everything went as he remembered with the exception of Harry not showing up and messing around in the Trade Federation ship.

Padmé asked, "If you watched all of this before the podrace, doesn't that mean you knew all of this would happen? Could you have saved Master Qui-Gon?"

Harry answered, "Yes, but there's a reason I didn't. It will come up later." Once the first movie ended, Harry started the second movie. The more recent scenes were all familiar until it reached the point where Anakin reached the Sand People camp. Shimi Skywalker died in his arms and in his rage, he killed the Sand People. The fact that even Yoda felt Anakin's pain showed how great the impact was on him.

Harry added in commentary, "That was the seed Sidious needed planted for Anakin to become his apprentice. His plans for Anakin would never have succeeded without that seed."

Padmé and Anakin became a lot more interested in the movie at this point as it was their future. It showed Obi-Wan's transmission and the meeting of the Separatists.

When the Padmé on screen said she was going to rescue Obi-Wan and if Anakin wanted to protect her like he was ordered to he had to come along, the Anakin watching the movie said, "You said that Sidious wanted me to come here. I was only able to do so because Padmé let me. It was Yoda who assigned me to guard Padmé. How is Sidious involved?"

Harry answered, "Sorry, the details for how it all happened are in the third movie, you'll have to wait." Padmé only left Coruscant because Palpatine practically ordered her to go and he arranged matters to make sure Anakin was the only one who could be sent to escort Padmé back to Naboo.

Padmé said, "But if this is the present, isn't Obi-Wan in trouble right now?"

Harry scoffed and said, "I can make portals from anywhere in the Galaxy to anywhere else. I could make a Portal to Obi-Wan, call him through, then make a portal to Coruscant and shove him in at any time. Indulge me by finishing this marathon, get all your answers, and I'll help you save Obi-Wan and we can discuss the future of the Galaxy after that."

When it got to the point where Count Dooku was trying to convince Obi-Wan to join him against the Republic by telling him that the Republic was under the control of the Dark Lord of the Sith, neither Padmé nor Anakin dismissed the possibility as quickly as Obi-Wan had. This movie seemed to only contain true things and the hints Harry had already dropped showed that this theory was not as far-fetched as Obi-Wan initially believed. Especially when Dooku personally named the Sith Lord as Darth Sidious, the man Harry already told them was responsible for the torture of Anakin's mother.

The next scene of Jar Jar proposing to the Senate to give Supreme Powers to the Chancellor had Padmé nearly ripping out her hair in frustration. She didn't curse him out since she had seen the scene of him hearing Palpatine's "Suggestion" and it seemed like the right thing to do, but she had been working for the last ten years to stop a war, and now her replacement was starting one. Even if Jar Jar had not suggested it, someone else would have. Padmé was just annoyed it was her seat doing it.

After the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic was the scene of the pair trying to infiltrate Geonosis. Padmé was put into danger several times, one of which she only survived thanks to R2. The observing Padmé turned around and said, "Thanks R2," to which the droid responded with some whirs and beeps.

When both were captured, Harry turned to the pair and asked, "So how's that rescue going along?"

Anakin immediately answered, "Don't look at me, it was her idea." To which Padmé smacked him. They were both aware that of the two, Anakin had the bigger connection to Obi-Wan and Padmé did this as much for Anakin as she did for Obi-Wan.

When the pair were about to be executed and Padmé told Anakin she loved him, the observing Anakin unconsciously took the observing Padmé's hand and squeezed it gently.

The pair watched as their on screen selves survived their execution right up until the jedi came to rescue them.

When Mace Windu, the man who looked remarkably like Nick Fury, killed Jango Fett and the scene shifted to Boba Fett looking on in horror, Anakin asked, "I'm guessing he comes back later?"

"Yeah, but that's like the fifth movie."

Padmé asked, "How many Movies are there?"

"Phantom Menace, Clone Wars, Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi." There were only six movies. Just six. Not seven, and certainly not nine. Six.

The Jedi were beaten down and surrounded but the arrival of the clones and Yoda saved their asses and got them out of there.

The battle continued on with the clones forcing back the droids and it eventually reached the point where Anakin and Obi-Wan went against Dooku. Of course since Anakin was blinded by his emotions he got one-shotted by Sith Lightning like a little bitch.

When Dooku started taunting Obi-Wan, Harry gave some commentary for Padmé, "Dooku is lacing his voice with the Force to affect Obi-Wan's emotions. However it would be hard for Obi-Wan to win regardless. Obi-Wan's lightsaber form is best for defense and doesn't have any good attacking moves while Dooku's lightsaber form is best for one on one duels. That's specifically why Obi-Wan asked for Anakin to fight with him against Dooku."

Obi-Wan was eventually defeated by the seasoned Master but Anakin saved him before the killing blow. He fought against Dooku on even ground for some time until Dooku grasped Anakin's patterns and moved within his guard to lop his arm off.

Padmé gasped on screen and Anakin sighed. The padawan could clearly see what his problems were through the fight and hoped Harry would not show this to Obi-Wan. His Master's lecture would last years and he'd stay a padawan forever.

Yoda showed up and demonstrated the might of the one who held the title of Jedi Grandmaster, but due to Dooku threatening Obi-Wan and Anakin, Dooku was still able to get away.

Padmé and Anakin watched on the screen as Dooku flew to Coruscant and arrived in a building where the robed Sidious came in to meet him.

Anakin asked, "Wait, didn't Dooku say he joined the Separatists because of Sidious? Sidious is his master?"

Padmé frowned, "That man said everything went as planned. Dooku told the Geonosians that he didn't know about the army, but that was a lie. He told Obi-Wan he wanted to separate from the Republic because Sidious controlled it, but he works for Sidious too."

Anakin looked at Harry and said, "You said he wanted me as his apprentice. Why is Dooku there?"

Harry answered, "For you to kill of course. You kill his apprentice and take his place. That's the next movie."

The scene was followed by Obi-Wan, Windu, and Yoda discussing the existence of a Sith in the Senate and Yoda's claim that this was not a victory.

Padmé watched with trepidation as the army marched on screen and visibly shrank. She asked in almost a whisper. "It really happens doesn't it? Does Anakin really become his apprentice?"

Harry slowly nodded.

Padmé asked, "Why, why would he do that?"

Harry pointed back at the screen and Padmé gasped. The next scene was on Naboo and was clearly a wedding between Padmé and Anakin. The implication was easily understood. Why could Anakin do something like that? The death of his mother had planted the seed of the Dark Side inside him. What if something happened to her?

As the movie ended, Harry noticed her dread and said, "Don't worry. Due to me being here. This isn't your story anymore. Your story has yet to be written."

*Author's Note*

"It has yet to be written." Literally. lol.

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