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2.5% The God’s & Devil’s War / Chapter 1: The God’s & Devil’s War
The God’s & Devil’s War The God’s & Devil’s War original

The God’s & Devil’s War

Penulis: Fran_8197

© WebNovel

Bab 1: The God’s & Devil’s War

???: "Welcome new warrior in your chance to get one of your wishes granted."

Fran: "Who are you and where am I?"

???: "My apologies how rude of me to not say who I am. I am a magician who summoned you here to another world."

Fran: ". . ."

Magician: "I have summoned you here because there is war going on between the God & Devil. They have been trying to kill each other for centuries. Unable to kill each other, they decided to summon people from another world to kill the other one. Every year we summon 8 random people, so they can fight and try to kill the God or Devil. In return if you manage to kill God you will get one of your wishes granted by the Devil but if you kill the Devil you will get your wish granted by God. Of course, you have a choice if you don't want to do it. If you decide you don't want to be part of this I can send you back, but you won't remember this ever happening and you won't get a chance like this ever again to get your wish granted. So, what will it be, will you participate or not."

Fran: "I see, but before I answer if I'll participate or not, which side am I on the God's side or the Devil's? Also, why am I supposed to kill either of them if they can't kill each other? I'm not particularly strong, I'm only above average in strength. You also mentioned 8 people are summoned each year where are the other 7."

Magician: "My apologies I forgot to mention you get 2 elements of magic when summoned here the magic you got are fire and ice. The side you will be on is all up to you if you believe to be a good person with a sense of justice then join the god's side if you believe yourself to be an evil person with evil intentions then join the Devil's side. The other 7 people are both in the same situation as you. You will meet the others that choose the same side as you soon enough.

Fran: So, I got fire and ice magic to work with. That seems like a good mix and I guess I'll learn how to use magic later. The others that choose the same side as me I'll have to check them out before making any decisions hastily.

Fran: "I accept your offer and as for the side I will choose it will be the God's side."

Magician: "As you wish then just go through that door over there and you will meet the others that chose the God's side. You will also get a guide that will lead you outside and if you have any more questions feel free to ask them."

Fran: "Farewell magician."

Magician: "Until we meet again I wish you the best of luck."

Fran: I started walking towards the door and when I opened the door it appeared that I was on the top of a mountain, I started looking around trying to spot the guide. It appears to be midday from how the sun appeared to be. It seems like the magician lives up here as well since I see a few huts and crops here.

Girl: "Hey you over there come over here!"

Fran: Looks like I was spotted by the others that chose God's side; it was 5 people, 2 guys and 3 women. They were sitting on a picnic table in the middle of the garden. I guess I should go towards them.

Fran: "You guys must be the other ones that chose the God's side and which one of you would be the guide."

Girl: "You sure like to get to the point don't you are you not even going to introduce yourself first how rude."

Fran: "I don't like to waste time you see I'm someone who values time and hates to waste it. My name is Fran Aikawa, my bad for the late introduction."

Girl 2: "Hmmm interesting name you got. My name is Stella and I am the guide that will lead you outside but before we go it's best we all introduce ourselves and if you have any questions I will answer them to the best of my abilities."

Girl 1: "My name is Shiro, be grateful that you were able to get to know my name."

Fran: As she introduced herself she flicked her twin tails with her arm with an attitude at me. As if she was superior or better than me ah is this what they call a tsundere I had read a book with a character with a similar personality before. I disliked her type well actually I wouldn't say dislike they just seem harder to work with.

Girl 3: "Be nice to him Shiro it's not good to be mean to people you just met you know. My name is Reona Rio. It's a pleasure to meet you and glad to have you on our side."

Boy 1: "Nice to meet you man. My name is Alex Garcia. I hope you are someone strong, so we can fight each other. It's always fun to have someone strong to spar with and get stronger."

Boy 2: "My name is Zero Hiro. My apologies in advance. I have no confidence that I will be useful in fighting in the future."

Alex: "Liven up zero we just started in our quest no use in getting down the first day who knows you might be crazy powerful."

Zero: "It's hard to be as optimistic as you but I'll try my best to be as helpful as I can."

Fran: These other four people seem to have a good compatibility with their personalities. I wonder why it turned out like that.

Stella: "Now that we all are here do any of you have any more questions before we go."

Reona: "I have a question since we got transported here we aren't in our world anymore so what happened to us over there are we missing, dead, or is that time stopped. I don't want to worry my parents to death, so I would like to know how that is sorted."

Stella: "You are treated as dead, we all gave you some certain death so that you aren't treated as missing. It's not the nicest option but that's the best we can do for you."

Fran: "Well it's better than being missing at least that won't worry our parents."

Reona: ". . . I guess."

Zero: "I don't have a question for you, it's for the rest of us. I would like to know what your wishes are. Of course, I will tell you mine first. I would like to cure my mom's cancer since it seems it's not curable."

Reona: "Mine is money because my family is in a lot of debt and I would like to get rid of it if possible."

Alex: "My wish is to bring back my mom to life since she died when I was little before I got to know her, so I would like to meet her."

Shiro: "You won't get an answer from me. I would like to keep that private."

Fran: "I don't really have a wish. I just accepted it since this world seemed to be more interesting than our old one and maybe somewhere down the road I will have a wish I want to be granted."

Stella: "Hmmm not many accept the offer of staying here without having a wish in mind. Anyways, does anyone else have any other questions."

Alex: "Yes, I would like to know what type of magic everyone else got."

Fran: "I think it's best we save that for later when we get out. Since we don't even know how to use it yet there's really no point in knowing."

Alex: "Fair enough, no real point knowing now since we can't even use it."

Stella: "If nobody else has any more questions let me fill you in with some information that's best you know about. First is how to form a clan, guild, or team whatever you prefer to call it. If you say the word settings out loud you will get some options that show up in front of you like in a game. You will see a button that says contract click on that and you will get an option to create a contract. The leader of a clan will make a contract with whoever wishes to join. The point of a contract is so that wishes don't overlap with each other and so that the one that joins the clan doesn't hurt or betray another member or leader. There's a restriction by default when making a contract that you are not able to hurt anyone in your clan. For destroying the contract, you need to get the leader's permission to leave so it's best that you choose who you join wisely, or you might regret it. As for contracts and clans, that's the basics that you need to know. You might have noticed that you have other options as well. The other one is the bank where you are able to store your money so you don't need to carry it around all the time and you also get starter money so you aren't broke. For when you fight someone from the Devil's side you have 3 options: kill, surrender, and switch. The killing one is self-explanatory but for surrender you probably saw an option in the settings that says surrender that lets you quit from the war and you lose your powers this will mean that you will become an ordinary citizen of the world. For switch you can switch sides so if you want to go to the Devils side you can switch whenever you want but you won't be able to return to the God's so be careful with that decision. That's the basics that you should know you will figure out more in the future. So, no more questions before we go?"

Alex: "I have one last question before we leave and that is if you know where the Devil is, or do we have to find out."

Stella: "I don't know where the Devil is, so you will have to find out for yourself. The only thing I know that can help you is that the Devil has a group of strong people that protect him that you have to defeat before you meet him. That seems like all your questions so let's get moving."

Shiro: "Alright let's get goi----"

As we begin to stand up ready to go Shiro's head gets cut off from the base of her neck and gets sent flying. Her blood starts spraying everywhere.

Stella: "You aren't going anywhere."

Everyone: ". . ."

Everyone in shock does nothing. They couldn't believe what we just saw. Stella cut Shiro's head with wind magic.


Stella shoots fire magic at both of them and I see them get set on fire. I could smell their burning flesh as they scream on the top of their lungs, unable to do anything to stop it. They rolled on the floor to reduce it, but it was all in vain; they couldn't stop the fire.


Stella: "Killing you guys of course."

Stella looked amused as she killed them all in front of us.

Alex: "DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Alex charges towards Stella as he dodges her magic. When he gets close enough to hit her he swings his right arm but misses because Stella used her wind magic to go in the sky. Alex, unable to reach her screams at the top of his lungs and somehow by instinct or by mere chance he releases some ice magic towards her creating a spear but it gets melted by her fire magic. Stella shoots wind magic right after melting the ice straight at him and kills Alex by splitting him in half. The beautiful garden that was once green and filled with beautiful colors of the flowers and plants was no more. It now contained dead human bodies cut into pieces and burnt bodies as well. The color had changed and was now covered with the color of red with the blood of the ones that were just chatting a few seconds ago which no longer live as their dead bodies lay there instead with only Fran and Stella remaining in the garden. After killing the others Stella only has one more person left than Fran which she saved for last so she turns towards his direction and faces him with a delighted smile as she just killed the others while enjoying what she did.

Fran: ". . ."

Stella: "You're so cold you didn't even bat an eye as I killed them in front of you. Do you feel nothing for them."

Fran: "That's too bad isn't it."

Fran: Stella grins at my comment. Why? Was it my response that delighted her or maybe it was me saying it with a straight face perhaps it was for both.

Stella: "You don't feel angry at all or want to get revenge for them do you. At the very least you should be showing some fear."

Fran looks back at the mess Stella made with the others as he looked at all their dead bodies as the guts spilled out from Alex he then looks at Zero and Reona burnt bodies lying on the ground soulless without life that just a minute ago were filled with life as they got a chance to get a wish granted to them. Then he turns to Shiro, the one he had a negative thought of from the start. He just looks at her body without a head then looks at the missing head with its eyes wide open staring at him but this doesn't make Fran change his expression it's as if there was nothing there. He turns back to face Stella once again as if he just saw nothing.

Fran: "Why would I do that? I just met them a couple minutes ago. I'm not attached to them or anything so why should I care if they die. Even if I wanted to do that I would just die wouldn't I. It's not like I know how to use my magic yet anyways I'm not dumb like Alex to charge towards you on a suicide mission. Honestly it was a disgraceful sight. They made their decision to join this war so this outcome is something they should have expected, don't you think? It's quite arrogant of them if they didn't because this is war it's natural for people to die in one so if they weren't prepared for that outcome to happen to them then why even accept to join. But I guess maybe they were blinded by the chance of getting a wish granted to them that they overlooked that simple fact quite foolishly if you ask me. I saw them as horrible people anyways. I mean what they did was beyond selfish in my eyes.

Stella: "What do you mean I don't get what you're trying to say."

She looked at me with that evil smile of hers as she awaited my response to her question.

Fran: "Just think about how they left behind their old world just so they could have a chance of getting a wish granted for them. Meaning they left all their loved ones behind just like that l think that's far to cruel too them."

Stella: "But it's not like they knew they were going to be treated as dead, maybe they thought it would be like the time was frozen so they wouldn't notice."

Fran: "Even if that's true it doesn't change the fact that the decision they made was selfish because they could have easily just asked the magician if they were really worried about it. If they made the decision knowing that still then at least they are aware of what they are doing but it doesn't change the harm they caused on their family and friends. I wouldn't take personal connections so lightly because even if it wasn't that important to you that connection could have meant the world to the other. Once they find out they are dead the damage they did to them could break a person beyond repair. That is what I find extremely selfish to anyone that decided to join this war. Every single person that joined I view as the worst type of person imaginable including you."

Stella: "My my my I didn't think you would feel that strongly about something as small as that. Are you trying to say we shouldn't have accepted the offer then."

She looked amused as I talked so she played along to get me to speak more most likely.

Fran: "Is that how you interpreted it? If so that's fine you're free to think what you want. But if you're asking me what my intentions were it was me simply stating my views and nothing more. You are free to interpret it how you want. I simply view the act they did to be the worst thing possible but if you don't think the same it's fine as long as it's your own belief.

Stella: "Is that so you're a weird one but I like that about you."

Fran: "Well anyways let's get back to the main topic."

Stella: "And that would be."

Fran: "Why did you kill them but I think I got a general idea on how and why."

Stella: "Do you now, what do you think then?"

Fran: "You killed the real guide and took her place to kill the new people that chose God's side since you're on the devil's side or am I wrong."

Stella: "You're partially correct. The one misunderstanding is that I didn't kill them because I'm part of the Devil's side but because they didn't interest me. But still I'm surprised you got the part of me killing the guide part.

Fran: "It isn't that hard If you think about it."

Stella: "Well a normal person wouldn't think so calmly after what you just saw."

Fran: "I suppose. Anyways it seems I can't take everything you said and explained with full certainty anymore. Why did you even bother doing all that anyways if you were going to kill them anyways might as well have killed them from the start." While my words sounded like I was mad or irritated, I didn't really care. I was just curious about her reasoning behind her decision of doing something so meaningless from my perspective.

Stella: "That's simple, it was to test you. I wanted to see how you would react when I killed them after you got to somewhat know them. I also wanted to annoy you since you said you hated wasting time."

Fran: "Why did you even want to test me then it's not like I showed I was cold hearted."

Stella: "That's simple, I can notice my own kind, so I was testing if I was correct. You must have noticed I was the same as you when you met me, and you still stayed quiet and didn't warn them how heartless."

Fran: "It's not like I was one hundred percent sure either and it's not like I needed to tell them like I said I just met them so it's not a problem if they die."

Stella: "You're better than I imagined, say why don't you switch sides and sign a contract with my master. You're more fit for the Devils side anyways."

Fran: "No."

Stella: "Why not?"

Fran: "I know I'm more fitted for the Devil's side, but my own kind are more difficult to work with and I'm sure I would meet more of them like you on the devil's side, so I refuse."

Stella: "That's a shame you would have been a great new addition. I guess I should kill you but—"

Fran: "But what."

Stella: "You're interesting so I'll let you live for now and it would be a waste to kill you so soon.

Fran: "Is that so why thank you."

Stella: "But don't die until I kill you myself and if you ever change your mind come find me to make a contract with my master I'm sure you'll find her interesting. After all, it's the person I chose to work for. But for now this is farewell. Let us meet again soon."

She turns around and begins to fly away towards the mountains but I had a question I wanted to ask before she left so I called out to her.

Fran: "One question before you go. Why did you join the war."

She gave me that wicked smile of hers as she stopped and turned around to face me.

Stella: "Same as you, I thought this world has less restraints than our old one. Here I'm more free than I ever was before now I can do stuff I wasn't able to do back there. Like killing other people for my enjoyment.

Fran: ". . ."

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