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15.38% Twilight: Inhuman Human / Chapter 2: First Day At A New School

Bab 2: First Day At A New School

Turning the keys to my new bike, the engine cut off and I swung my leg round the back and got off of it. Pulling the helmet off of my head, I put my foot on the side of my bike before pressing down and putting it's stand out and onto the floor before I put my helmet on the seat, balancing it there.

I didn't really want to have to lug it around school and I knew that there was very little chance of someone just randomly stealing a helmet, so I didn't mind leaving it out here.

Hey, even if someone did steal it, I'd most likely find them using or selling it after a bit of searching. Forks is a small town, after all.

Taking the keys from the bike, I put them into my pocket just as I saw Bella roll into the car park with her orange truck. Smiling, I waited for her to park, her car backfiring and making nearly everyone in the surrounding 50 meters look toward her. I just rolled my eyes - it wasn't the truck's fault, Bella was just bad at driving. Took her like 6 tries to pass her test, and that was with a normal car. Let alone one as old as the truck she was driving.

Ignoring those thoughts, I looked to the quietly laughing kids around her truck and I smirked, "What? Never heard a truck backfire before?" I asked them a rhetorical question as Bella got out of the truck and looked to me with pleading eyes, not wanting me to make a scene. I wasn't planning on making a scene but whatever.

As she got out of the truck, I closed the door behind her and we got on our way. I felt the looks of barely concealed lust from some of the people in the car park - the con of being tall, extremely well-built and handsome, I guess. I'm a magnet for horny stares.

Mentally shrugging, I came back to reality just as Bella spoke up to me, "Uh, Jace?" she asked and I turned to look at her, gesturing for her to continue, "Are you, uh, nervous or anything? We don't, like, know anyone here...and it's the middle of the semester," she got out nervously, looking uncomfortable in her own skin as she stuttered and winced at some of the things she said. Must suck ass being so socially anxious. Jokes aside and all.

"Nah, not really," I looked back in front of us and nonchalantly said, "Not like we're going to war or anything, Bells. Just to school--or is that suddenly worse than a war zone?" I chuckled, looking to Bella with a look of mock fear, "Oh no, what if the students are really really mean to us?" I asked in a over the top tone, like I was terrified of it happening.

Bella just looked at me for a second before looking away and giving a fed-up sigh, "I know I shouldn't have asked you...you've never had trouble with people," she gave a somewhat envious take on me before picking up her pace, trying to leave me behind. She was in a worse mood than I thought.

Easily keeping pace with her, I brought her into a side hug despite her moody face and gloomy aura, "Sorry, Bells. But you know me - I like to keep things light with humor and the like," I apologized for my insensitivity when she was really being serious about her nervousness, "But if you're that nervous about this whole 'new kid' shtick, then don't worry about it. I'm sure you're gonna have a real knock-out of a year at school," I smiled at her, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before letting her go.

She pulled away with a flustered look, never having been a person who dealt with intimacy well, "Y-yeah, thanks, Jason," she got out with a somewhat squeaky voice and I just smiled as we walked through the entrance of the school and into the halls.

Bella was just looking through her timetable, trying to figure out where she had to go, when a guy came up to us.

He was a short-ish Asian guy with long black hair, swiped and styled to the left. He didn't look particularly athletic and what I mean by that is that he looks like a bit of a geek. Especially how he's gawking at Bella like some sort of virgin who's never seen a girl before.

"Y-you two are the Swan siblings, right? The transfer students?" he asked, speaking to the two of us but really only looking at Bella. For a second, I also took a double take at Bella - she was a good-looking person, I guess, but enough to send a guy into an infatuated mess? I...I don't really think so but whatever.

Putting out a hand, I introduced myself with a slightly awkward smile, "Yeah, that's us. Jason Swan. Nice to meet you," I said, bringing lover boy out of his staring at my sister who was beginning to look uncomfortable with his gawking.

"Huh?" he snapped out of it, looking to me before realizing I was greeting him. He fumbled the paper out of his right hand before taking my hand in a handshake, "It's, uh, nice to meet you, Jason. The name's Eric. Eyes and ears of this place - also the writer for the school newspaper," he cracked a mediocre joke and I did him the courtesy of chuckling a little before giving him a firm handshake, "O-ow, strong grip you've got there. Seriously. What are you, a Terminator?" he asked with a wince and a laugh as I let go of his hand and he shook it a little.

...What? Just doing what any good brother should do - intimidate anyone with ideas on my sister. Only the strong ones can get through and shoot their shot.

Despite the question he posed to me, Erik soon moved his sight back to Bella and began his spiel, "Uh, anything either of you need...you know, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on," he let out another chuckle as Bella awkwardly tried to deflect the last part.

"I'm more of the, uh, 'suffer-in-silence' type, honestly," she let out an equally awkward chuckle and I struggled not to cringe at the awkwardness between these two. Wasn't even Eric or Bella's fault. Just a mismatch of two people who really don't mesh well together.

Just like in the movie, Eric went on to speak about the paper and how we were gonna be the front headline for it. Bella began to panic, saying she really wanted nothing to do with it.

Eric, surprisingly, understood how uncomfortable Bella was, and quickly said there wouldn't be a feature of anything of the like. It was almost like someone had been pointing a gun at Bella and just stopped because as soon as Eric said that she let out a breath of relief and some color had returned to her pale face.

Knowing I'd seen enough, I pulled out my timetable before smiling to the two of them.

"While I'd like to stick around and watch you two have this painfully awkward chat all day, I have Gym class, so I want to get there on time to change and use the showers before class starts," I smirked at both of them becoming flustered before I turned and walked off in the direction the map told me to go. Useful thing to give new students. Maps of the school, that is.

Walking off, I noticed more and more people looking at me. Guess my sister wasn't the only Swan getting attention, huh~?

Well, just like with Bella and the guys at this school, I doubt any of the girls here could get my attention. Well, unless they were of the supernatural variant, of course.

. . .

Sitting at the cafeteria table with Bella, I picked at the salad I'd decided to go with. Most of the other food looked...unhealthy and of low-quality, so I thought it best to go with a salad.

How was it? It was at least edible, I guess.

I sat at a table on my own, leaving Bella to her new friends. I would've sat next to her but I really couldn't be bothered to hang out with the two-faced Jessica or the horn-dog Mike. I felt bad to leave Bella all alone but she survived in the original, so she'll survive now. I really just can't be bothered with them. I'd end up snapping at them if they got too annoying - especially Jessica. She was already throwing glances at me and asking Bella what type of girl I liked.

Thank god Bella just deflected those types of questions. Truly a loyal sibling.

I mean, I'm not on the same level as a Vampire in terms of attractiveness but outside of the male Cullens, I'm easily the most attractive guy in the school. So, now that the Cullens are known to be off-limits because of their 'holier than thou' attitude (from the perspective of everyone else), I'm the next best thing. Would explain the stares I've been getting all day. Who knew being attractive is actually sometimes a disadvantage, huh?

My ears picked up Bella asking about who 'they' were and I instantly picked up a scent that smelt...extraordinarily good. Like all my favorite scents mixed together. It wasn't overpowering and neither was it subtle - it was just there.

I turned my head to the outside entrance to the canteen and I listened as Jessica and Bella's other new friend, Angela, answered her question.

"They're the Cullens," Angela replied with a somewhat giddy voice and Jessica followed up just as quickly with a hushed voice.

"They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids," she started, her nasally voice hitching as she gossiped, "They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago. They kind of keep to themselves...because they're all together. Like together, together. Couples," she said the scandalous fact and I could hear Bella let out a somewhat shocked 'huh'.

At that point, however, I stopped listening in and just focused on the group entering. They were...different.

The first people to enter was a small bronze-haired girl and a tall dark-haired guy, the latter of which I guessed was Emmett. My hearing picked up that I was right when Jessica introduced the two of them. But surprisingly, the small bronze-haired girl was called Edythe and was Edward's twin.

Edythe...that's Edward's counterpart in a genderbent series, isn't it? But in this world...she's Edward's twin and also Emmett's mate? But...what?

Somewhat stunned by this change, I just watched as who I presumed was Alice and Jasper walked into the canteen shortly after Edythe and Emmett. The first thing I really began to notice about these four was that...they looked completely different from their movie actors and actresses. Well, other than Edythe - she wasn't in any of the movies and therefore didn't have an actress - but still...they were all way too good-looking. Inhumanly so.

Alice looked cute beyond belief while still having a doll-like beauty to her features and Jasper, despite looking somewhat wooden in expression, was incredibly handsome. Well beyond what I considered possible for anyone to look like. They truly were supernatural in every way.

...So, first things first. Changes to the plot/story/world. Vampires are way better looking than I originally though. Emmett is with a different woman and instead of being with Rosalie he's with a girl called Edythe who's also Edward's twin.

My second thoughts were that Bella's romance was in shambles and that Edward had actually gotten with Rosalie when she was turned. That was part of the reason why Carlisle turned her in the original - he hoped she could become Edward's mate. Though it obviously didn't work in the original, maybe it worked in this world? Though as I continued watching, I saw Edward walk through the cafeteria doors, alone.

Vampires and their mates are usually joined at the hip. Especially so with the Cullen Vampires. Rosalie was also quite a clingy and hands-on Vampire with her mate, so if she wasn't right next to Edward...the chances of them being together were quite low.

I heard Bella's breath hitch in her mouth as Edward entered and I just rolled my eyes.

Sure, he was good-looking - supernaturally so - but hadn't she just seen two other guys who were equal in looks?

Whatever, I had something to test anyway.

I stood up, bringing my salad with me and while Edward was busy eavesdropping on Jessica's comments about him thinking nobody at school was good enough for him, I bumped into him. His reflexes were quick enough and allowed him to fall back like a normal person but even then, I felt how cold he was and how rock hard his skin was. Still, it gave way when I impacted it somewhat which was good to know - if I actually went all out and attacked him, I should be able to damage him or any Vampire for that matter.

"Ah, sorry, man," I acted like I was rebuffed before quickly apologizing and seeing that some of my salad got on him, "Didn't see you there," I laughed as I brushed off some of the lettuce now on his clothes.

While I was doing this, I kept an eye on his face in my peripheral vision. He looked..confused. Surprised even.

Inside my head, I was practically screaming complex physics equations and speaking backwards in Spanish...but there was no reaction from Edward. He looked even more perturbed when I gave him a slap on the shoulder with a curious face, "You okay, man?"

I'd already found out what I needed to find out from his surprised and confused face, and he was pushing down his confusion as he answered me with a somewhat awkward smile, "Y-yeah...I'm good, thanks," he said and I gave way for him, moving to the side and he gave a thankful nod as he walked passed me.

...He couldn't read my mind. Sure, you could say he was confused by the physics equations and the backwards Spanish but by now he'd have to be pretty good at hiding his emotions and thoughts on people's personal thoughts. If he reacted to every thought he 'read' with his Telepathy, he'd have a constantly changing expression. Whether it be disgust, interest or a laughing expression. If he didn't have good control, he'd look weird and draw unnecessary attention to himself and his family. So, over the years he's probably gotten used to seeing weird thoughts. But do you know what he probably isn't used to?

Not being able to read people's thoughts.

...Now, did I have a mental shield ability like Bella or did his telepathy not work on me because of my unique physiology? Questions, questions~

I turned away from where I was looking and threw what was left of my salad in the bin before walking out of the cafeteria but then I saw her and I had somewhat of an understanding of why Bella felt her breath hitch when she saw Edward despite having seen Jasper and Emmett before hand.

Blonde hair, like a waterfall of gold that went down to her mid-back. Her figure was easily what I could call perfection. Like the type of figure you'd see on Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Her face easily put Edythe and Alice - two incredibly beautiful women - to utter shame. It was like the face of an pure angel's but with a hint of a demon's sinful side. It evoked a desire in me that I didn't even know I had.

She was elegance and beauty mixed with sexy and seductive, all in one humanoid and brilliant package. I genuinely struggled for any other word than perfect when I thought of this woman in front of me. Even her onyx black eyes looked like the most perfect shade of black despite me knowing that her eyes being that color meant she was incredibly thirsty and could try and rip my throat out for the blood coursing through my veins at any minute.

...But I just couldn't find the energy to care. I'd fight this chick all day long and find absolutely no boredom in her attempts to do just that. She was just that goddamn perfect. Yet it was more than her appearance. I felt something just click inside of me and I knew:

This was my mate.

I'd been dealing with having an unknown physiology for all this time. A desire to fight that made me think I was a Saiyan for a few years. Only having to sleep an hour every night. Having an unreal sex drive that frankly got in the way of life sometimes. All of these new things because I was a new sub-species of Homo Sapien that evolved to fight and kill instead of just using their brain to make technology. I was even sure I had a few back-up organs in my body.

But this was different. It was like a part of me was just reunited with the rest of me. I could feel a drawing sensation from the woman in front of me and I just wanted to hug her. The thought that she'd reject me or get aggressive in response didn't even cross my mind. Why?

Because I knew she was feeling this as well.

She'd stopped a few meters from me, her black eyes looking over me with confusion and shock as she didn't know what was happening to her.

Whatever was happening to me, was happening to her, so this wasn't even the cause of my physiology. This was just what happened when two soulmates met each other in this world. How interesting. But I threw such a thought aside as I stepped forth with a smile on my face. I couldn't find it in myself to be embarrassed to approach this woman - I didn't care for that type of thing. The only thing on my mind was legitimately learning her name. Of course I knew who she was but just calling her name out without her telling me would be suspicious and stalker-ish, so I'd like to avoid that.

But yeah, this was Rosalie Hale/Cullen. Seems like the God that sent me here did a bit more than what I wished for, huh?

The_Strongest The_Strongest

So, none of the people look like their movie counter-parts. What should you imagine then? Whoever you want, I don't mind. Just no actress or actor could live up to what the books described the Vampires like. They were usually nigh-perfect with Rosalie apparently being the most beautiful person in the world - so there was always a high bar to meet.

Not saying the actress who played Rosalie was ugly or anything. In fact she's an incredibly beautiful woman. But playing a character who was named the 'most beautiful person in the world' in the books...well, the shoes she had to fill were always going to be a bit too big to fill. So, think of whoever you want to think when you imagine Rosalie - perfection is subjective, so do as you will. Just know she's like 11/10 in terms of looks.

Next up we have a POV chapter from Rosalie. Though, heads up, she's gonna be different to how she was in the books/movies. Life without Emmett, or more specifically, a mate, effected her badly. Having someone to love and to be loved by was what helped her deal with her depression at being a Vampire and her trauma from before she was turned. Without having had a mate to help her deal with it and heal...she's gonna be 'bit' colder than the original. A bit more bitter as well. But it'll change soon enough~~

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