Unduh Aplikasi
44.44% The First Supernatural (Twilight Fanfiction) / Chapter 4: 3. Grok, And The Newcomer.

Bab 4: 3. Grok, And The Newcomer.

-Grok POV-

"Grok... Grok... Wake up, we've arrived..." Aru suddenly said, shaking me awake from my sleep.

"Hmm..." I groaned, slightly opening my eyes. What greeted me was Aru's annoyed face, but I ignored it because behind him was a familiar scene that I won't ever get tired of seeing.

"Home..." I whispered unconsciously while releasing a breath of relief.

A couple of hundred meters away next to a large river was our Tribe, T'chulu. Hundreds of huts made out of animal hide, fur, wood, and bones were set up within the open field. Roaming around these huts were our tribesmen, doing their daily routine. Women preparing the meals and gathering herbs, men going out to hunt either in the forest or river nearby, elders either relaxing or sharing their knowledge to the younger generation, and the children can be seen playing with their handmade wooden dolls while some helped their mothers. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal morning as usual.

Additionally, a proud fact of this tribe is that it has the highest number of tribesmen within this whole region. We have a total of 300+ tribesmen including women, children, etc. Although it was quite large, we would've grown larger if it weren't for the daily raids that the surrounding tribes always do.

For the location, the tribe is set inside a massive open field while being surrounded by a dense forest with a massive river next to it. The ground is nice and flat, its soil is also good for farming, and the river is right nearby. It's an ideal spot for any Chief to station their tribe.

I couldn't help but feel grateful to have such a blessed location. Compared to other tribes within this region, my tribe rarely ran out of food. This is also the reason why the surrounding tribe attacks us in the first place. I mean, there are many more reasons for that but that's the main one.

The battles were always bloody and brutal that would cause both sides to lose massively, however, due to the fact that many tribes band together to raid us, we always have the most casualties. And the fact that some of our experienced warriors have died before is even more worrying. It's only a matter of time when we will need to move from here before the other tribes raid us once more.

"Sigh... I've really let my people down..." I deeply sighed in guilt and regret. Just how foolish I was bringing downfall to my tribe. Aru noticing my depressed mood just shook his head and helped me up roughly.

"Hey! That hurts..." I complained but still accepting his help. "Just shut up, nothing will change the past," Aru said with annoyance while heaving my arm around his shoulder. "Right now we need to go find the shaman, he'll heal your wounds and everyone else. You're too weak right now including us. The sooner we get healed, the better our chances are in surviving."

I wasn't even surprised that he knew what I was thinking about, yet I couldn't mutter any words and just followed his lead. He was right though, nothing will change the past. I can only hope to make sure my tribe survives from this.

"Come on guys, let's go," Aru commanded as he took the lead towards our tribe, the remaining injured men following behind with the loot.

After a few heavy and labored steps we finally made it to the outskirts of our tribe. And what met us was a pair of younger men armed with stone spears while dressed in our typical clothes of a leather top and pants. Compared to our fur robes, the leather clothes these two have on were worn by everyone else. We only wore these fur robes because it was our tradition whenever we sought vengeance.

The two men in front of us are part of the group that was coming of age. Once they pass their coming of age ceremonies, they will officially become adults and warriors of our tribe. But due to this problem when some of the experienced warriors had to leave the tribe, this group was then given the important task of protecting our tribe and people. Of course, for good measures, there were other experienced warriors left behind as well, but they're probably out hunting since they have more experience.

Upon noticing us the pair were startled, clumsily going into a fighting stance. But they stopped immediately when they saw it was us.

"Chief!?" One of the guards shouted in surprise and alarm. "Wh-what happened?!" Immediately he ran towards me and Aru in worry, checking on my wounds. The other guard following behind.

"Just bad luck..." Aru replied in a tired voice, stubbornly making his way past the guards. "But don't worry about us, just go inform the Shaman we've returned and we need his healing now!"

"O-Oh okay! We'll go get him now!" The guards were shocked by him shouting but nonetheless followed his orders, immediately running to the other side of the river where the shaman lived to fetch him. We finally stopped on the spot to catch our breath besides some huts.

Aru gently laid me on the ground, while laying next to me as well, steadily catching his breath. He and the men were undoubtedly tired of having to drag not only me but the loot as well.

"Thanks... Aru, and you guys as well. You've worked hard." I said towards them with gratitude. The men all sat down and finally relaxed whilst telling me not to worry about it.

Soon because of the noise from before, news about our arrival has spread throughout the tribe. Immediately numerous of our tribesmen came rushing back from their daily activities to welcome us back. However, their expressions soon changed once they saw the few survivors compared to before we left. Obviously, they weren't idiots. They knew what it meant. No words were needed, just a heavy and silent atmosphere consumed the tribe.

I hung my head low to hide from their disappointed and pained expressions, especially the wives and children of the warriors who were slain.

I was about to say my apology to my tribe until I was interrupted. "What... happened...?" A woman asked while sobbing, walking towards us with two little children held with her embrace. "Where is my husband...?" She asked in between sobs.

Damn it. I hated this moment the most. The disappointment and sorrow she would be feeling right now are only causing my guilt and regret to intensify. However, I am their leader and Chieftain. I have the responsibility to lead my people whether I fail or succeed, which also means I have the responsibility to own up for my mistakes.

With a deep sigh, I slowly got up, the pain on my shoulders burning once again but I ignored it. Aru tried to stop me but I slapped his hand away.

"I'm very sorry, I have failed you and everyone else." I sincerely said, conveying my sincerity in my soul through my eyes. Hoping that she at least knew that I truly was. The woman just stared into my eyes for a while until she understood my feelings. "I understand..." She struggled to say, before leaving. Her children following behind. I sighed again watching her leave. I knew that she didn't mean those words, but I can only pray that she stays strong and recovers.

Looking around again I saw the crowds gaze upon me and the men. Although we failed together, I don't want everyone to misunderstand and think that it was the fault of the men. I need to clear things right away.

"Once again, I am very sorry for the mistake that I have committed," I shouted towards them sincerely. "But just know that I will make sure that the sacrifice of your loved ones is not in vain. And I will take responsibility for this mistake, and I also will take care of all of you in their place. I swear this to you." I ended with my hand on my chest. Indicating that I vowed to make it happen.

I knew that this wouldn't help to suppress the grief and pain of their current feelings right now, but it's the least I could do. Especially when I noticed some of the women had eyes filled with panic and despair.

The families hearing this had some life restored inside their eyes. Knowing that there was hope for their family's survival since I gave my word to protect them. But unknown to me, Aru just shook his head silently.

Having understood what I just said, they all slowly nodded their heads in agreement. Whether they liked it or not, this was the norm. Every single day a lot of things could happen that would either kill or injure someone, and once you're injured, you might as well be labeled as dead, because in this world, everything is about the survival of the fittest.

Furthermore, even though everyone has been through hardships like these before in the past, it still wasn't a happy or pleasant time. No one liked it when their loved one was killed no matter how many times you've seen bloodshed. This world is a harsh place where a single parent who has to look after many of her/his children would undoubtedly have a hard time. Even in most tribes, everyone looks out for themselves.

However, fortunately, in my tribe it's different. I made sure that this tribe acted and treated each other as one big family. In that way, surviving would be so much easier when everyone looked out for each other. Of course, some tribes would disagree with me, thinking that this would just make it harder to survive. But to us, we've been striving well so far due to our strong bond, so to break it now would be devastating.

After reassuring them, the families affected by this slowly left to mourn the death of their loved ones while the rest left to continue their daily activities with a dampened mood.

"Sigh..." I released a deep sigh while dropping onto the ground. Although it hurt, it was nothing compared to when I had to face my tribesmen before. The shame and guilt burning my face were giving me a massive headache. "What the hell do I do now..." Even with my promise to protect them, I had absolutely no clue on how to help them. I mean I could do the hunting for their families until they could do it themselves and more but I'm not sure.

Aru who was silently watching my distressed expression finally had enough, "You're an idiot, you know that right?" He scolded me out of nowhere, catching me off guard. But then continued, "You think this is the first time we've lost lives from a hunt? We've lost a lot more from battles against the other tribes, but suddenly you wanna make a promise that will only cause trouble to your family!?"

I just sat there in a daze, wondering what I did to make him so angry. "It was the only way-" I tried to respond but he interrupted, "No, it wasn't the only way. I'm sure the people would've understood if you just told them what happened. But that's too late now since you already made the promise. Seriously how are you gonna keep the promise when you're so badly injured yourself. Just a single deer alone can finish you off." Aru explained whilst pointing towards my wounds. I looked at it and frowned. I knew he was right but I still believe it's the only way.

"There you go again, thinking it's the only way. You have a serious problem of blaming yourself even when it wasn't your fault." Aru said noticing my expression. I had to be honest, he's very good at reading my mind. "Whatever... Just know that you're lucky that I'm here." I looked at him blankly, confused as to what he meant.

Him noticing my blank expression he seemed offended. "What? You think I can't do it? With my minimal injuries, I can easily catch deer and smaller prey. And if I really try I can easily catch a mammoth!" Aru said while showing off that he was basically not injured. "Plus, when you're down and injured now, I'm the best hunter around," Aru said with a smug expression.

The men sitting around saw Aru's cool display and couldn't help but cheer, admiring his manliness. I looked at him for a few seconds then nodded my head in agreement. Sometimes all one needs is a shoulder to lean on. Even though I was foolish to have made a promise out nowhere like before, I'm glad that I have Aru by my side. He truly is a great friend.

"Thank you, Aru... You truly are the greatest friend..." I thanked Aru with my deepest gratitude and appreciation, with every word I meant. I held out my hand for him to shake, he smiled at me first before shaking while saying, "You don't have to say that, we're pretty much family."

Looking into his brown eyes, while he looked into mine, we both conveyed our love for our friendship and the experiences we've had together. This was a great moment for both of us because it confirmed that we both will keep helping each other whenever either one is in trouble or in need. The men in the back also couldn't help and smile at such a warm moment.

"ARU?! GROK!? YOU'RE BOTH DEAD!" Out of nowhere, a fearsome yet sweet voice sounded throughout the tribe. Aru, I, and the men greatly shook in surprise while shivers were running down our spines. Then sounds of footsteps were fast approaching that only caused our heartbeats to follow in rhythm.

In all my life, that voice was something I was all too familiar with. From the angle and density of the tone of the voice and judging how the wind carried the height and weight, I instantly knew who the owner of the voice was. I looked to Aru to confirm my claim, and his expression says it all. Complete and utter fear was plastered on his face while sweat was rolling down on his face.

For all the years I've known Aru, even when in the battle against the other tribes or facing dangerous beasts, he has never shown fear. Of course, he would show caution and be alert whenever in danger but he's always had a calm and collected expression. However, there was only one person that was only able to cause terror to Aru, my wife, and his twin sister Allu.

He looked at me right away and gave a wry smile void of any life, and said, "I-It seems that I-I need to start hunting right away... Can't have those poor families dying from starvation now, can we... Haha..." Aru stuttered saying with deep fear while clumsily getting up, instantly I threw my body at him and grabbed his arm with all my strength, ignoring the pain. "Where the hell do you think you're going?! What happened to the bond we had just before?!" I pleaded to him desperately. I knew he just wanted to run away from his sister because he knew he'll be killed. However, I knew I'll also be killed!

Aru violently shook me off, not even caring about my wounds anymore, and said, "Those times are over, you're already injured and you'll only slow me down. I'm sorry, you must be the sacrifice..." after saying that he instantly ran away, not even looking back. He doesn't even look injured anymore if he's running off that vigorously.

"You coward! How could you leave me to die!" I shouted, but to no avail, he really did leave. "Fine, leave me then. I've got these guys anyway-" I tried to calm myself by saying that but noticed that the remaining men behind me were sneakily trying to run away as well until I caught them. "What are you guys doing?" I asked them, they shook in surprise and pretended to play it cool before one of them answered me. "Ahem... since we've fully recovered, I think it's time we go and see our families, I think they'll be happy to see us... Haha... May U'lar Katou be with you Cheif!" And then they instantly left as well. Looking at them running away almost made me believe that they weren't injured as well.

"You're all cowards! How could you leave me while I'm injured, I'll remember this!!" I shouted frantically. It really did tick me off as to how easily they could leave me like that. They're all fake, I'll make sure to punish them after I survive this. However, deep down I couldn't blame them because my wife was as dangerous as she sounded. She used to be the most feared huntress and warrior that could hold her own against me and Aru. Against other men, they would instantly fall.

She was that scary. Until she changed when I and her became a couple, and she stopped any form of combat once she gave birth to our first child. And only cemented that thought once she gave birth to our second and third. Now she's just my lovely wife, who will help me in looking after our children and people, but I still wouldn't underestimate her. Although she stopped any combat, she still regularly trains and spars with me from time to time.

"I knew this would happen... I knew you wouldn't listen to me..." That was what I heard behind me. My only guess is that Allu has finally made it to me after running here. Slowly I turned around and finally got to see my beautiful wife, and like always she took my breath away.

Allu is a tall and curvaceous woman who has long brown hair, brown skin and has a rare beauty that is rarely seen in this era. She wore the same leather top and pants as everyone else. However, on top of her outfit, she has a big fur coat around her shoulders to signify her status, a sabertooth tiger necklace made from their teeth, and a bracelet made out of mammoth bones. The necklace and bracelet were both items that I made for her. Additionally, what would catch anyone's attention was that her outfit had some beautiful white cotton made into her outfit to create a unique design on her outfit. Which not only enchanted her beauty but also cemented her status as the wife of the chieftain. My wife.

"So beautiful..." I couldn't help but say that, which was completely unintentional. She was just so beautiful that it slipped through my mouth. The angered Allu was flustered for a second before she remembered she was mad at me. "Don't try to get out of this with sweet words, I've already warned you both about what happens if you don't listen." She threateningly said while making her way towards me slowly.

"Allu... Hold on now, I'm seriously injured right now" I warned my wife as I could see her anger was about to explode. However, she ignored me. "What, this?!" She angrily said before slapping my shoulders. "Argh! My shoulders! I'm gonna die if you slap me so hard..." I screamed in exaggeration, although they did hurt, it wasn't as bad as before. I just need to sell that I'm really in pain just so I don't die.

"Don't lie to me, I've known you for many years. Do you know how many times I've seen you come back injured while I could do nothing but worry?!" Allu said with frustration while tears swelled in her eyes. I knew that she's really mad right now so I quietly shut my mouth. "I told you and that stupid brother of mine not to seek revenge... and what did you fools do? You went and did it with a small number of warriors. Now look, not only did you lose some men but your all seriously injured..." She continued, tears flooding down her beautiful face.

"I'm sorry Allu... I really should've listened to you." I said whilst standing up. Although she was quite tall for a woman, I was taller making me look down at her. I held her delicate face and softly wiped her tears away, she tried to resist but ultimately allowed it. Her crying really stung my heart painfully. When you meet the love of your life and settle down you begin to realize that life is much more meaningful and beautiful when it's the two of you. So to see that I've caused her pain really hurt me.

"I'm really sorry for making you worry and cry. For the time since my return, I've caused nothing but pain to my tribe, and now you as well." I said which caused Allu to worry, she tried to refute my words but I continued, "I also know that because of my mistakes I'm a foolish man and an incompetent leader. But, I promise with all my heart and soul that this mistake, I will make sure that it never happens again. So, please... forgive me..." I softly said to her with a gentle smile.

Allu looked at me for few seconds with tears flooding down on her face before nodding in agreement and then hugged me tightly, and said, "...I forgive you Grok... Just don't do that again..." Instantly I returned the warm hug as I also really missed my beautiful wife. For a long time, we just embraced each other while our tribesmen just ignored us as they went on by.

During that time I was having a good time smelling her alluring scent again, which may have awoken my mischievous hands. Sneakily I tried to shift my hands downwards to cop a feel. It wasn't my fault, my hands really had a mind of their own. However, my precious plan was ruined once she slapped the back of my shoulders, causing me to grunt in pain. "Arrggh! Sorry..." I apologized with embarrassment.

After another few seconds, we finally broke off. And looking around I couldn't help but notice something was missing. "Where are the children?" I asked Allu while she heaved my arm around her shoulders, helping me stable my standing.

"The children? Oh, the boys are down by the riverside with some of the other children. I don't think they heard the news of your arrival yet. Which wouldn't be good because we can't have them see you in such a state." Allu replied, guiding me through the tribe towards somewhere. Although I really wanted to see my children, I completely agreed with what my wife just said. However, now that I confirmed the safety of my two boys, Irra and A'tab. I'm now worried about my daughter and first child, Ninki.

"How about Ninki...?" I asked with worry. Allu stopped momentarily before continuing. "She's fine, just still refusing to leave the hut. But don't worry, I made sure people stand outside the hut and guard her." Allu said, reassuring my worried and doting heart. I nodded my head in agreement and decided that I would see them after I get healed up.

While walking I could feel the pain on my shoulders increasing which made me very uncomfortable. The effects of the herbs and maggots from before had faded and now I was exposed to extreme pain. "Arhmm..." I groaned in pain. Looking around while walking, I had a rough idea as to where we're going but asked just in case I was wrong. "Where are you taking me?" I only realized now that the boys sent to fetch the shaman earlier haven't returned at all.

Allu hearing my complaint couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "I'm taking you to the Shaman. The reason how I found out about your return was due to the boys you sent earlier. I was on my way out of the Shaman's hut after leaving my prayer for your safe return when I met them. But sadly that prayer didn't help at all." Allu explains in dissatisfaction. She thought her prayers didn't help but I believe they did.

"No, I have no doubts that your prayer was answered. Without your prayer, I think all of us would've died." I said with confidence, then I looked at her and said, "Thank you for saving me." Allu stared at me for a few seconds before slightly blushing. "Tch... you and your mouth..." She said in embarrassment, then carried on as if she wasn't affected by it. Seeing her like this made me smile but nonetheless continued the long walk.

"Seriously... that old man telling me to walk there myself, I should have his head," I mumbled in dissatisfaction. "Come on, less talking more walking," Allu said while shaking her head.

Soon after going past numerous huts and people who welcomed me back while wishing for my wellbeing, we finally crossed the river and made it to the Shaman's hut. Compared to the regular huts and ours, the Shaman's hut was definitely unique. Mammoth tusks and animal bones were crafted into various things, which I couldn't understand what they were. Some sort of guardians or something according to the Shaman. And all around the hut was painted in praises of U'lar Katou with depictions of his Godly appearance.

"Finally..." I said in short breaths, really tired from the long walk. "Yeah, we finally made it..." Allu replied, also not in the best state. Having to basically carry someone as heavy as me, she really is an incredible woman. Looking at her tired state, I kept a mental note to myself that I would also punish this troublesome Shaman along with those traitors.

Just because he's the Tribes Shaman, he thinks he's on top of the world. This wasn't the first time he's gone against my orders. Every time I try to order him, he would respond, "You can't order me around. Only the great U'lar Katou can." Just those words alone can help me slaughter a whole tribe, but due to his superior healing abilities, and his special connection to our God, I couldn't do anything. If he didn't have any of those skills and still acted the way he was, I definitely would've beaten him up silly, regardless if he was a skinny elderly man.

However, if I did end up killing him, his daughter would probably end up hating me which would also end badly for Aru since he's related to me in a way. His chances with her would fly through the wind. Just thinking about this frustrates me so much.

"Stop badmouthing Ibi in your mind." Allu suddenly said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Who said I was doing that...?" I replied innocently. Allu just shook her head and carried me inside.

Once we entered if it was your first coming in here, you would definitely be shocked. Animal intestines below the feet of the big wooden statue of U'lar Katou, decapitated head of various animals hanging on the side of each wall, while blood and bloodied manmade stone-like knives used for sacrificial ceremonies littered everything. It was quite a mess. Fortunately, we're used to it. The more people coming to pray, the bloodier this place gets, so looking at the mess here now, it's easy to tell that quite a few people have come to pray. Most likely the worried family members, Allu included.

However, the person I've been looking for that has caused my frustration to rise recently has finally appeared. There bowing on the ground in front of the U'lar Katou statue, with his back behind me, was Ibi the bloody Shaman. Unlike everyone else, his attire was completely different.

His upper body was completely exposed showcasing his painted body from animal blood and paint, while only wearing a skirt made out of various animal fur. Hung around his waist were animal finger bones and their claws, as to why he had them placed there, only he knew. And lastly, what stood him out from the rest was the head of a grey Dire Wolf tightly gripped around his head as if it was his own head. From a far distance away, if you didn't know any better, you would mistake him for some kind of wolfman.

"You've finally arrived. Took your time I see," Ibi said nonchalantly, not bothering to face his visitors while bowing towards the statue. "What did you say-" I was about to lash out but Allu held me back, telling me to calm down. Fortunately, I managed to do so because my wounds started to bleed again due to my impulsive movement. Just looking at it again made me cringe.

"Ibi, Grok is mortally wounded, he needs healing right now." Allu urged, getting annoyed at the Shaman for not noticing her husband's injuries. Ibi on the other hand just ignored the both of us and continued bowing towards the statue while mumbling words they couldn't understand.

Noticing the disrespectful attitude he was displaying I was beginning to wonder if I should take him out here and now. Allu thinking similarly. However, fortunately, Ibi soon answered us before we caused a mistake. "I have finally finished my preparations," Ibi announced, turning around and walking towards me. He came close enough for me to see his stern and elderly face, but he was also quite short, only reaching the bottom of my chest.

"I recommend you lie down first, I need to check the wounds," Ibi suggested while turning around, getting his tools and some herbs ready. I nodded my head and had Allu help me down, once I laid on my back Allu held onto my hands, telling me she'll stand by my side until it's done, which I gladly welcomed. Then I took off my fur robes and exposed my naked body, which I didn't mind. But I'm not sure about Allu, her eyes kept darting here and there.

A few seconds later Ibi returned with his stuff and handed me a thick stick so I can bite down on it if the pain becomes unbearable. Then he began inspecting my body, "Hmm... The beast surely dug deeply indeed..." Ibi said whilst checking my wounds, poking and slapping every now and then. Whenever he did so, I would just bite down onto the stick hard while holding Allu's hand tightly. But due to the pain, sweat starting accumulating gradually falling down my whole body. I felt like my body was on fire.

Allu took off her fur coat and used it to wipe away my sweat, although I tried to protest because it was a really precious fur coat, she firmly confirmed that it was alright. I stared at her while she was diligently wiping every sweat on my body with affection. I must reward her later on.

Ibi just ignored our little moment and grabbed a bowl that was filled with some unknown liquid. And without warning, he poured the liquid into my wounds. "ARRRHH!!" I screamed out in agony, biting the living shit out of the stick in my mouth. The fire within my shoulders only intensified after that, which truly was tortuous for me.

"What was that, that you just poured on his wounds?!" Allu asked with worry within her voice, seeing that it only caused pain to her husband made her worry and panic. "It's alright, it'll only be painful for a while. I only poured something that would help disinfect the wounds properly." Ibi calmly explained while continuing his work. His hands moving quickly to fill the wounds with crushed herbs while saying prayers to U'lar Katou.

"ARRRHHHH!" I screamed in agony once again. Just a slight touch to my wounds would cause massive damage and pain to me, so having a huge load of crushed herbs filling up my wounds, constantly touching the walls of my flesh almost made me faint in shock. However, I quickly shut my eyes and started to focus on something else, my beautiful family. It definitely helped a lot as I was beginning to ease down. Allu, on the other hand, was also a mess, she had no clue what to do so she began a barrage of kisses on my forehead. I mean, it really did help me calm down.

But just when I thought things were becoming easier, Ibi grabbed his bone needles and a thin and tiny thread and began to stitch my wounds. My eyes instantly shot open, the pleasing thoughts within my mind were immediately blown away as the pain came crashing. "AAARRRGGGH!!" I screamed louder and louder whenever he touched my skin with that cursed bone needle. But it was weird though, in the past, I've been stitched before and it wasn't this painful so my only guess is that weird liquid that this damned shaman gave me.

Allu didn't cease her hard work either, only working harder as she saw my pained expression. She wiped and kissed, wiped and kissed, she truly was a hard worker. Ibi on the other hand was very relaxed and worked efficiently without stopping until it was done.

Ibi finally finished then stopped, placing the bone needle down while inspecting his finished project. With a satisfied nod, he got up and said, "It's all done. But on your way back, tell the other injured to come." Then he carried his equipment and went to store them away.

I on the other hand just laid there covered with sweat, while panting heavily as if I just came out of a battle. "Grok, you hear that, it's finally done. You're finally healed!" Allu said with excitement, wiping away the last remaining sweat on my body. "Healed?! You call that healed?! I feel like I'm already dead!" I exploded with dissatisfaction. Allu just shook her head with a chuckle and then helped me up, and get dressed. Then we left the cursed hut, never wanting to be back soon.

But before I left, I also promised myself that I will remember this day. I'm sure of it.


Outside Ibi's hut was his daughter Tykka, who was working diligently to crush some herbs down. Then she saw her father's arrival. "Father!" She excitedly said, making her way towards him. "It was the Chief that you healed wasn't it?" She asked while grabbing the equipment off him. Ibi gladly gave her the stuff with a smile and replied, "Yeah, he's seriously outdone himself. Those wounds were quite deadly, it's a blessing that he survived. It goes to show how resilient and tough the Chief truly is. I couldn't help but admire him for that."

Tykka also agreed with her father's statement, the Chief was really strong and tough. But she also knew another man who was similarly amazing, according to her. However, once she thought of him, her heart wondered with unease. "F-father... Um... was A-Aru also there...? He wasn't hurt as well right...?" Tykka bashfully asked fidgeting with the equipment, pretending to act as if it's nothing. Ibi just looked at his daughter with a deadpan expression, "So you're not amazed that your father saved another life, but you're only worried about a mere boy?" Ibi said with disdain.

Tykka panicked for a second before correcting her father, "N-no, I was just making sure. I-I don't care about Aru..." She quickly responded with a flustered face. Ibi just ignored his daughter and went by her to wash his hands, "Whatever it is I won't allow you to meet that man. He's not the right man for you. You need a man who has strong beliefs in U'lar Katou, only then will you have a blessed life. Father knows best." Ibi explained confidently, however, Tykka had a downcast mood but still nodding her head nonetheless as she would never go against her father.

"I understand father..." She replied, masking her disappointment. "Good girl, now can you please put that equipment down here," Ibi replied whilst vigorously washing his hands. "Okay- Oh? Why do you have this here?" Tykka asked confused while holding up the bowl of the unknown liquid. "We only use this on ceremonies so the animals could feel the fire of U'lar Katou's spear... What's this doing here...?" Tykka muttered utterly confused. Ibi on the other hand just had a smug expression and happily hummed away, pretending not to notice. He had more people to save with pleasure.


"I need to have a tribal meeting with everyone," I said whilst slowly making our way towards our hut. The pain was still present because of the new stitches on my shoulders. They were really stitched tightly so I had to move slowly just to make sure I don't reopen my wounds.

"A tribal meeting? What for? We only have those meetings whenever it's something important like the tribal raids. Is it that important?" Allu asked while helping me walk. I looked at her and said, "Yeah, it's that important." She checked my expression and knew that I was being serious, so she nodded.

"So what is it that you want to tell everyone?" She asked, curious as to what could so important for a tribal meeting. I wondered if I should tell her now or later with everyone else, then I decided I'll tell her now. Since she's always been my mental and physical support in my life, it would be wrong not to tell her. "It's about a 'newcomer' that will come and visit our tribe." I finally revealed. Allu was surprised that the important meeting would be about someone. Immediately her interest increased.

"What about this guest? What's wrong, is he a friend or a foe?" Allu asked concerned. And to that question, I wasn't sure. U'lar Katou told me that this 'newcomer' wasn't hostile towards me but what did that mean? Would that mean that the 'newcomer' would leave me alone while it goes and attacks my tribesmen? I just didn't know. However, I have faith in the words of my great god.

"I'm not too sure, but I believe that the 'newcomer' will pose no threat." Allu hearing me say that wasn't truly convinced but she still nodded her head. However, she wondered about something, "How do you know about this 'newcomer'? Did someone tell you? Or did you happen to meet him somewhere?" Allu asked her curiosity burning intensely.

"This might sound crazy but our great God U'lar Katou told me," I said, looking for her response. And just like I predicted she just laughed. "Haha... So you're saying you have the same talent as the Shaman Ibi?" Allu said with belly laughter. I knew she would think so because Ibi, although made me bitter to say, is very talented in communicating with our great God. He was the main reason why we could farm herbs so efficiently, and among other accomplishments, he's completed.

"Sigh... Whatever just know that what I just said is the truth." I said with a sigh, it's up to her if she wanted to believe me or not. Allu having finished laughing looked at my face and noticed that I was being serious. She was surprised and confused at the same time. She knows that I wouldn't lie to her but also had a hard time believing that the person next to her who she's known for a long time, randomly gained the ability to communicate with U'lar Katou. It was really confusing Allu.

After a long and silent walk, we finally made it back to our massive hut. Although not as decorated as Ibi's hut, our hut is renowned for being the biggest, and safest hut in the whole tribe. It was safe due to the tough hide and fur of the animals used for the hut, and it was big because the hut was really big.

However outside our hut was a group of warriors patrolling around the hut, armed with stone spears and stone knives hanging on their waist. These were some of the experienced warriors who stayed behind. To have them guard this area, it was guaranteed to be safe.

"Chief and chieftainess. You've arrived." One of the warriors said once he noticed us, the rest also paying their respects. I and Allu just thanked them for their hard work and told them that they could return. Immediately they followed the orders. Then once they left we entered the hut.

"Ninki... Appa is home..." I announced as I lifted the cloth acting as our door, Allu following suit. Once I entered I saw my little beautiful daughter sitting on the manmade bed made out of animal fur that had grass underneath it. I also noticed in her hands was her precious doll that our best craftsman made from cotton and other materials. She called it "Friend" due to the unfortunate reason that she had none.

Whenever I see my daughter I always see her mother's beauty, I'm so glad she didn't get my appearance. But that's what I, Aru, a selected few, and my family see. The rest see a cursed child instead. Instead of brown or black hair like her parents, she has pure white hair. And other than brown or black eyes, she has purplish eyes, which although looks interesting, she's completely blind. And to add with her gorgeous brown skin, I knew she'll grow into a rare beauty just like her mother in the future. Unfortunately, people still labeled her as the cursed child, even with my best ability to get rid of that ridiculous name, it proved meaningless.

Throughout her life, she's always been an outcast to many people's eyes. Regardless of my title as Chieftain, no one dared to come near my daughter. Children never wanted to play with her, parents always made sure to keep their children away from her, elders always told tales claiming her to legends of the downfall of men, and etc. It's this horrible. Just my words alone wouldn't describe the feelings she's had to deal with as a small and innocent child.

"Appa..." My sweet child said softly almost like a whisper, while her purple eyes doting everywhere. Just looking at her my heart clenched, telling me to protect and hug my daughter. As so I did, I let go of Allu and slowly made my way towards my precious daughter, bringing her into a soft and warm hug.

"Appa, are you going to play with me? I can lend you, Friend, if you play with me." My precious daughter asked me with uncontained excitement, almost desperate to have someone to play with her. Having been alone all day every day really does a lot of damage to people, especially if it's a child. "Of course I am Ninkin... When have I never played with you." I said with a wide grin on my face, tears swelling in my eyes. Ninkin hearing my answer instantly showed the brightest smile that could light any lonely night, and said, "Yay~! That's why you're the best in the whole world, Appa~"

Hearing her say that I couldn't help but straighten my posture and cough a few times, "Ahem, I guess when we really think about it, I really am the best aren't I. Ahem..." I shamefully said while trying to keep a straight face. Allu in the back just laughed then approached me whispering, "I'll go get the boys while you two play... and you are the best." Then she gave me a peck on the cheek. I was surprised momentarily then I smiled happily. I nodded in agreement, and before she left she gave both me and Ninkin kisses on our foreheads.

When she left, I and my precious daughter began playing various games, role-playing games. One where I was a monster and she had to hide and if I found her she would be tickled to death, and other games as well. Throughout the few hours of playing laughter and giggles could be heard. We could play outside but she doesn't really like going outside whenever there's a lot of people.

However, when I was about to find my daughter in another round of a game, a warrior suddenly barged in interrupting us. "Chief! I'm sorry to interrupt but our boys have noticed someone or something far approaching from the far distance in the north!" The warrior said in a panic, wondering what my orders were. However, I was also utterly surprised but soon calmed down once I realized that this could be the mysterious 'newcomer' U'lar Katou mentioned.

"Don't engage, and tell the boys and other warriors not to get close. Also, tell every warrior available to gather at the northern entrance fully armed. Regardless of whatever they might be doing, tell them they must gather at once! Go! I'll meet you guys there." I quickly ordered. The warrior nodded and then hastily ran out to complete his task.

"Appa... are you going? Is it the raiding tribes again?" Ninkin said in confusion and worry. I only approached her, kissed her forehead, and said, "It's alright, it's not them. We just have a guest that's all. You stay here and I promise you, Appa will be back as soon as possible, Okay?" I could see Ninkin pondering for a few seconds before nodding in agreement. "Okay, I will stay here. But Appa promised to be back so you have to, okay?"

I chuckled a bit before also agreeing. "You've got a deal. See you soon." I said and then left, not before grabbing a finely made stone spear leaning on the wall of my hut. Regardless of my injury, this moment was very important. Although I didn't get to inform everyone of the guest's arrival, fortunately, the warriors came to ask me for orders. If they had attacked first, I don't know what could've happened, I could only thank the great God for that.

Having made my way at the Northern entrance of our tribe, I could see a lot of our warriors gathered here, fully armed, ready to battle if needed. I greeted each warrior while making my way to the front. And there I finally met the most experienced warriors of the tribe. Of course, Aru and the rest of the traitors were there. Greeting me as if nothing ever happened before.

I could do something about their traitorous behavior later on because right now we have a guest to greet. I looked towards Aru and noticed that his wounds were also healed, the same as the other men. "Grok, what are we facing. Is it a threat? Or is it the raiding tribe?" Aru asked concerned. "None of those. It's just a guest, don't be too tensed or alarmed. Do try to relax a bit."




Aru was about to reply until the sounds of falling trees from within the forest caught everyone's attention. The atmosphere now was engulfed in extreme tension and nervousness. No matter how one thought about it, either one had to be unbelievably huge or have amazing strength to break down countless trees the size of 5 grown men. Whatever it was, it was gonna be a sight to behold.

Soon our anxious and nervous questions in our mind were answered, a weird giant suddenly appeared out of the forest, pulling out the biggest carcass we've ever seen in our entire lives. Instantly our hearts and jaws dropped in fear and amazement, just how strong was this being to lift something like that while forcing it through the forest. And how do we fight something like that, just its size alone would easily destroy us.

However, while others were in their thoughts utterly terrified, I on the other hand was completely the opposite. Looking at the being that came out of the forest my heart was pounding like crazy. The being from before who saved us is the 'newcomer' that will visit my tribe. Although this being was undoubtedly the most dangerous ever to walk this land, I was nonetheless excited.

"Our savior..." I unconsciously muttered in a daze.


<Gi'kali POV>

After running like a blur for a long time with the humungous mammoth getting dragged behind me, I couldn't help but hum a tune due to my boredom. It's finally the morning and I've already gone past the place where those idiotic cavemen almost got slaughtered by the two sabertooth tigers. Although I'm supernaturally fast, I still couldn't help but be dissatisfied at my pace. I made a personal note to upgrade my speed later on if I had the chance.

But whatever because after a few more miles of running the scent became stronger. It seems that I've finally arrived. From here on out I started to walk at a normal pace, just so I don't scare the natives around here. However, I highly doubt I'll succeed since the carcass of the gigantic mammoth that I was dragging behind me proved otherwise.

Whilst slowly walking, in the corner of my eyes, I caught the sight of two young bearded men hiding behind a boulder inside a dense forest. They seemed to have noticed me but didn't know that I've also found them out. Yet, I'll keep walking as if I didn't see anything. My prediction is that their village or whatever is nearby since they seem to be some form of scouts. I was also confident of this prediction due to my smell confirming it for me.

"Let's go and see if they will have a warm welcome prepared for me," I whispered unknowingly as I made my way towards their village. I could see the two scouts panicking as I made my way towards their home, instantly they ran away. Most likely to inform their superior or something. Even though I came here to seek assistance for my hunger if they suddenly attack me without warning or try to do some funny business. I definitely wouldn't mind retaliating. So I can only pray that they play their cards right because communication was not an option due to both sides not having a clue as to what the fuck the other side speaks.

Going through the dense forest I realized that the damn carcass wouldn't fit and would be a problem because of the trees, however, I didn't care and continued going through the massive trees, breaking them down on my way. Even though the carcass would be damaged quite a bit, I couldn't care less when my salvation was right before my eyes. My stomach till now still hasn't stopped grumbling.

"Food... I'm starving... I must feast..." I muttered as if I was possessed by a demon, which I thought wasn't that far from the truth because I really did feel like I would turn into one very soon if I don't get to eat.




With a final and big step, I finally made it out of the forest. However, I noticed a large number of bearded men wearing leather clothing were before me, armed with stone spears. And in the forefront, I could see the survivors from the previous sabertooth incident. Oh, not to forget their leader, who I think seemed to be in a daze.

Regardless, whether I knew them from before or not, right now they need to calm down. I can see their every movement, just one action that would confirm that they're hostile, and I will retaliate.

"Enemies I see," I said with an excited grin, even though they weren't animals but normal humans. I couldn't wait to see what I would earn.

However, my empowering and predatory spirit was instantly shattered by the smell of roasted meat. Instantly I closed my eyes and took a big whiff of the delicious roasted meat. Although they look like they're ready to fight me, I will be the bigger man and take the loss and surrender just so I can eat. It's definitely worth it.

"My saviors..." I said opening my eyes, showing the golden predatory look in my gaze. Just thinking about the roasted meat caused me to show a toothy grin on my face while slightly drooling.

Mike_Cockaka Mike_Cockaka

Damn it feels good to be back.

For this chapter, I wanted to dive into Grok's world a bit more and share a few things with you all. Let me know if you enjoyed it or if you want more details and stuff, or if it was okay. Whatever.

Also, please don't forget to let me know if this chapter had any mistakes you've noticed. And any constructive criticism is greatly welcomed here as well!

If y'all wondering when I will upload chapters, it will, unfortunately, be only on Saturdays or Sundays. Today is just an exception because I feel bad for being away.

Although I fixed my problems irl, I still need to worry about my jobs. Gotta make money to survive in this world. Any hopefully you've all enjoyed it, peace!

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