Unduh Aplikasi
95% My Marvel Reincarnation. / Chapter 19: Avengers Pt-2

Bab 19: Avengers Pt-2

" - Talking

' - Thinking


[First Person POV]

Thor and I had deposited Phil in the med bay with an Asian-American woman who was about as warm as an ice cube.

I'll give it to Shield that they do hire the best specialists, but at the same time they're all either anti-social workaholics, socially awkward dorks or nut jobs one step away from the edge.

In any case I quickly scanned her mind and she was clean, I'd been marking Hydra agents since I got on-board just to double check the evidence we'd gathered on them and make sure they're not being set up.

With my suspicions confirmed I discreetly order Selene to confirm all Hydra agents' identities and prepare for Operation Purge which would commence with our future attack on Baron Strucker's base.

I come back to the present as Thor and I walk into the main deck to meet with the rest of our team, or most of it, Fury wasn't present yet and Widow was with Barton in a secured room trying to help her recently brainwashed friend.

Standing away from the conference table we'd been using was Bruce Banner, leaning against an observation window looking timid as usual.

No one was talking; everyone just seemed to be sitting quietly, contemplating what had just happened and the attack on the carrier.

On the other side of the room was a line of body bags, each one containing a fallen Shield agent.

The guilt trip Fury had obviously organised for us was working on the rest of the group as they kept looking at the body bags with guilt ridden faces.

It was as if they thought didn't do enough by saving the helicarrier in Tony and Steve's case and not destroying it in Bruce's case, who'd evidently woken up shortly after the attack finished.

Shortly after Thor and I had arrived Fury walked in and boy did he spin some great bullshit about the why they had tesseract powered weapons, what the Avengers Initiative was supposed to be and then linked the soldiers' deaths to a belief in us as a team.

It was masterful bullshit I'd give Fury that, but it seemed to light a fire under Tony and Steve's asses, they walked off to have their little heart to heart/ eureka, I know where Loki is moment.

While they were walking off Thor took a seat at the table and looked pensive, I walked over to Bruce and asked, "Can I talk to for a minute"?

Banner looked a little taken aback but he quickly agreed, "Sure and hey, thanks for stopping me before the other guy got loose", he thanked me.

"Don't thank me" I said as I took up a spot next to him and leaned back against the window.

Bruce looked shocked by what I just said but I pressed on.

"You need to sort this shit out Bruce", I said in a kind yet serious voice, "I'm telling you right now, the Hulk isn't a different person or being than you, it's just you losing control and disassociating from the experience".

"What so I'm so broken by what's happened that I just shut off when I Hulk ou-… When the other guy comes out", Bruce said sceptically and in a tone that practically screamed denial.

"I don't know about that Bruce but let me ask you this; you've tried everything to help you with the Hulk… But have you ever tried to make peace with him, with yourself"? I questioned the suppressed ball of emotions in human form.

"Make peace… With the Hulk… That's, that's interesting, let me ask you something; why would I even want to make peace with that monster"? Bruce asked in a sceptical voice that betrayed how adverse he was to the idea.

"As a certain bat vigilante once told me, grow up", I say to Bruce as I look down at him and stare straight into his eyes.

"You have great power within you Bruce, not just the Hulk but your mind as well. Now with how smart you are there must be a part of you that knows if you can reconcile what happened to you and what you now are, you could be one of the strongest forces for good in the universe", I tell him, laying it on thick.

Bruce looked a bit unconvinced so I continued, "Bruce, can you imagine what would happen if you just embraced the Hulk? All of his strength, all of his power, with your mind in control… The amount of people you could help, that you could save… Maybe it could help with all the guilt".

Bruce looked taken aback by what I'd said but he soon turned away and his face took on a contemplative look, evidently this conversation was finished for now.

Soon enough we all decided to go find Steve and Tony who comm'd us saying he had figured out Loki's location and told us to suit up and meet them in the hanger.

When we arrived along with Clint and Natasha Tony and Steve told us where they believed Loki to be and asked if we were coming to fight.

It was at this moment I decided to save us some time and ensure we got there quickly; I turned to the side and opened a sparking fire-orange portal that lead to the front of Stark Tower.

I turn and look at the group who were looking at me dumbstruck, "You guys coming"? I ask with an amused smile on my face.

"…Hey Gigantor, what kind of technology are you using to do that"? Tony asked me, being about as subtle as a slap to the face.

"Magic", I answered simply, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Riiight… Magic, because of course it's magic, because that exists", Tony said with so much sarcasm I was genuinely impressed.

"Tony, Thor the god of thunder, brother to Loki the god of Mischief and son of Odin the All Father is standing 4 feet away from you… How are you having a hard time grasping that magic exists"? I reply with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm still not convinced they're not just aliens using technology so advanced it appears to be magic, after all magic is just science we don't understand yet. Seriously tho how'd you do it"? Tony retorted.

"I channelled energy from the universe, through my body, to my hands with a specific intent that I guess could be considered somewhat similar to a computer program, that's how I enact spells", I inform Tony.

"Okay guys we know you're both smart and there are many subjects you could both talk about over a long candle light dinner, but we kind of have a world to save here", Natasha interrupts us with her sarcastic and admittedly funny sense of humour, there was also an undertone of urgency.

"Yeah guys not to be a downer or anything, but I'd kinda like to go put an arrow in the asshole who brainwashed me and made me kill for him", Clint said with a bit of a pissed look on his face.

Thor looked like he was about to say something but I put a hand on his shoulder, stopping his indignant reply before it began and could sow discord between us.

"We will stop Loki Clint, I promise, but remember this, when we go through this portal and step into the city to fight Loki, we are no longer individuals, we're a team, we're the Avengers.

We represent a force that will not only keep people safe but will inspire them to be more, be better and give them hope with the actions we take.

Unfortunately because we have all, in our own ways, decided to step into the light to protect the world we now have to set an example, our pasts, our past actions; they don't matter anymore, leave them in the past and focus on the future" I said trying to get us all on the same page.

"Well I'm equal parts pepped up and stressed out now; you ever think about become a motivational speaker"? Tony says with his usual devil may care attitude.

I crack a smile at that as does everyone else, "You know it never occurred to me, now let's go save the world", I say and indicate for everyone to walk through before me.

Natasha and Clint walk through first, no fear or even trepidation present on their faces, just a hard determination.

Steve went through next followed by Tony who shook his head and had his face shield slide back into place.

All that was left was Bruce and I, "So… You coming Bruce"? I ask as I stand next to my portal.

There's a moment of indecision on his face before it takes on a more determined look, he makes eye contact with me and says, "Yeah, I think I am".

He walks past me and through the portal. As I'm about to step through to follow him a dull rumble echoes through the walls of the helicarrier.

Bruce looks back and sees me with a pensive look on my face, "You coming"? He asked before he noticed my look.

"What's wrong"? He questioned, looking worried.

I feel the turbines keeping the helicarrier in the air come to a stop and look at Bruce in shock, "The carriers turbines stopped, I have to help, don't let Loki win I'll be there as soon as possible"! I shout as I feel the helicarrier start to plummet and close the portal.

I use the speedforce and make my way under the helicarrier and catch the entire thing and lift it back above the clouds.

A comm device forms from my suit into my right ear and I immediately contact Fury with it, "Nick what's going on? Why did the carrier lose power, what happened"? I ask hurriedly.

"Loki's what happened, when he had Barton hack into shield he also uploaded a virus as a failsafe" Fury answered.

'This was not supposed to happen; this was outside of my plans… Holy fuck what else is going to change? Was it something I did? THINK!

Okay I helped Thor, went to Asgard and… and that's it. Loki was watching me handle the Destroyer, he saw me help Thor defeat it and then we had a brief altercation on Asgard… Loki was more prepared because he knew someone as powerful as me was on Earth'.

"Fury can the carrier be restarted? I have to get to New York"! I tell him in a loudly.

"We're working on it", Fury replied dryly.

I mute my mic and say, "I swear to the One Above All if I miss the battle I'm going to flip my shit".

A few minutes later Fury contacts me again, "We got it, 2 minutes and you'll be good to go", he tells me.

"That's great" I reply feeling relieved, not that holding the carrier was taxing, it was easy, I was just relieved that I won't miss the battle.

"By the way, impressive feat of strength there Superman", Fury complimented me…And called me-.

"Did you just call me Superman"? I questioned Fury completely dumbfounded. There was no way he should know that name so why did he even say it?

My brain begins to melt as I try to comprehend how Fury had come up with that name.

"… Seems fitting", Nick answered easily.

"Oookaaayyy, but why? Why Superman"? I continue to question uneasily, this is the second time I got the name I originally wanted but had chosen not to take.

"Mostly I'm being facetious, you didn't wanna come up with a name so I had to get creative"… There was a noticeable pause after he said that before he spoke again.

"I've also been reminded that Agent Hill also had a hand in coming up with the name. In any case you didn't want to pick one so I did, rubber stamped and everything", he said with so much smugness I could practically feel it.

"I'm fine with the name but it's my team mates and the people who have to accept it", I say with finality.


[Third Person POV]

"Trust me, I don't think that's going to be a problem", Nick Fury replied as he watched the newly crowned Superman holding up the helicarrier via a monitor showing footage from a security drone circling said carrier.

A short time later the turbines had completed their restart procedures and it was flying under its own power again.

"Okay we're good to go here Superman, go kick Loki's ass", Fury said to the powerhouse of a man he was looking at on his monitors.

"With pleasure", Superman replied with a menacing smirk.

On the monitor Fury and Hill watched as Superman turned away from the carrier, in the direction of New York as golden electricity started to surround his body before he simply disappeared from view.

"Damn he's fast", Maria Hill said still looking at the monitor Superman used to be on.

"Careful Hill, you'll drool on the tech", Fury said, poking fun at his right hand agent.

"I was not drooling, simply admiring his abilities", she denied with a perfect poker face.

"Uh huh", Fury replied completely unconvinced. "Notify the Avengers, tell them their newly named friend is on the way", he ordered before he went about some other things that needed his attention.


[Third Person POV]

Smoke billowed through streets, burnt out and destroyed cars lay scattered all over. Buildings were damaged with scratch and burn marks, chunks being blown out of them and in some cases the entire store/building front had collapsed; luckily no entire building had gone down yet.

There were no people on the streets other than the dead, or the few still trying to run away, the sounds of an intense fight stopped as the last of a pack of Chitauri soldiers was killed by a red headed woman in a skin tight black combat suit.

Behind her was the rest of her team, the Avengers; Captain America, Hawkeye, The Hulk and Thor, all they were missing was Iron Man and their newest teammate.

They grouped up and as Cap was about to lay out a battle plan the comm device in his ear activated.

"Captain this is Agent Maria Hill, come in", the voice of Nick Furys 2nd in command came from Steve's ear piece.

"Rodger Hill, we're a little busy here mam", Steve replied, ever the gentleman.

"Just calling to let you know you're newest team mate codename: Superman is on his way, no Eta but it should be soon", Hill informed the Captain.

"Catchy name, thanks Hill, Rogers out", Steve replied before he contacted Iron Man, "Stark, our new team mate should be here soon, they're calling him Superman now".

"That's a little on the nose isn't it"? Tony replied sarcastically.

"Erskine once told me they were trying to create the Ubermensch, the Superman… I think that guy fits the bill pretty well", Steve replied in his usual honest manner.

"I dunno, I'm partial to Apex myself, either way we'll let the media sort it out. Now everyone get ready, I'm bringing the party to you", Tony said and a few moments later they could see him fly around the corner of a building in the distance with a Leviathan hot on his trail.

"…I don't see how that's a party", Natasha said looking confused.

Iron Man swooped down to street level; the Chitauri Leviathan following him swooped down as well and barrelled after him and towards the Avengers, like a freight train that kept building speed.

Hulk looked at Cap excitedly, and as he was about to turn to face the giant beast heading his way the group all heard their ear pieces go off and a powerful voice spoke.

"I got this, sorry for being late", the voice of Superman/Apex spoke as they heard the bang of a sonic boom in the sky and looked towards the direction it came from.

A figure heading their way in the distance dropped down to their level and flew straight at them, and also directly towards the Leviathan.

It was a black blur that seemed to be covered in golden electricity, and it was moving towards them with an inhuman level of speed, yet somehow the surroundings it passed so closely by weren't being destroyed with sonic waves.

Tony passed by the group and flew straight up and out of the way. Just as the Leviathan was about to ram into the overpass/bridge on the 4-way street the group was standing on, the blur slammed into the beast with untold force.


Everyone took some kind of cover except Thor and the Hulk, Cap grabbed Widow and brought his shield up to protect the both of them while Hawkeye hid behind a large pile of concrete and steel rubble.

When the moment had passed everyone looked up to where the impact took place.

Floating in mid-air with his right fist still extended was their team mate Superman, or Apex depending on which they preferred.

All that was left of the Leviathan were small chunks of the metal exoskeleton and a mist that settled on the ground into puddles of blue/purple liquid. The organic parts of the leviathan had been turned into a blood mist.

Everyone looked dumbfounded with the display of strength they just saw, all except Hulk who looked pissed that his new toy had been taken.

Iron Man landed next to Cap, raised his face shield and said, "I'm calling bullshit! There is no way that's physically possible, and I mean with physics"! Tony stated in disbelief.

"Believe it or not Tony, that just happened", Steve replied in awe as everyone watched Superman/Apex land next to them.

"Sorry again guys, had to catch the helicarrier before it dropped outta the sky like a 100 thousand ton rock", Superman/Apex said with a chagrined smile.

"That makes even less sense that what I just saw", Tony replied flippantly, unable to get around the physics of how someone his size could hold up the entire helicarrier without it breaking in half under its own weight.

"Physics isn't absolute in this universe Tony". The large, physics breaking man said in a friendly manner.

Tony squinted his eyes at him and said, "If we weren't in the middle of a battle for the fate of the world right now, I'd lecture you about science so hard".

"Sorry Tony, I'm not into kinky stuff", Superman/Apex replied with a straight face but was clearly making fun of Tony.

Before anyone else could talk Steve cut in, "Okay that's enough, we have a battle to fight, and this is no time for jokes".

"Sorry Cap, go ahead", Superman/Apex replied, Tony just nodded for him to go ahead.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment", Steve began laying out his engagement strategy.

"Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything, call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter, anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash", Steve ordered.

"No problem, Stark wanna give me a lift"? Hawkeye asked Tony.

"Right, better clench up, Legolas" Tony replied with his usual wit before going to take Hawkeye to the top of the indicated building.

"Wait" Superman/Apex said as he walked over to Hawkeye.

"What is it"? Hawkeye asked the giant man.

"Just giving you a leg up" Superman/Apex replied as he waved his hand and glowing runes appeared on Clints arrow quiver and outfit before fading away.

"What the hell was that"? Tony asked, "What'd you do"? Clint asked at the same time.

"A simple enchantment to ensure you don't run out of arrows for the next 24 hours and a personal protection enchantment on your clothes", their mysterious friend replied.

"Riiight, I forgot, magic… Tony take up to the building please, I just wanna fight some aliens", Hawkeye replied a little lost.

"With pleasure", Tony responded as he quickly picked the archer up and took him to his new perch before flying off to take care of his side of things.

While that was happening Steve was talking to the others.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow them down. You've got the lightning, light the bastards up", Cap relayed to Thor who nodded, spun his hammer and took off into the sky.

"Alright Natasha, you and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here", Steve said to the stunning redheaded assassin, receiving a nod in return.

Captain America then turned to the biggest member of the Avengers, the Hulk and said, "And Hulk… Smash".

The Hulk gave Steve a savage, yet purely joyous smile, turned, then leaped high up onto a nearby building and proceeded to run up/along the walls, smashing all Chitauri soldiers in his path.

Grabbing hold of one particularly unlucky soldier Hulk ripped it in half and jumped across the street to the building opposite, throwing the two halves of the dead Chitauri soldier at other Chitauri soldiers.

The carnage only escalated from there with Hulk smacking a Chitauri chariot out of the air like a volley ball and then running to crush more enemies.

The Hulk was in prime form for smashing all the "Puny bug men" as he leaped from target to target wrecking all that got in his way.

The last member of the Avengers walked over to Steve and Window and put some "protection enchantments" on their uniforms, at least that's what he called the glowing runes that appeared then faded away.

Lastly he gave each of them a weapon. He did this by seeming to reaching almost into his chest and pulling what looked like a katana out from his armor/uniform.

"Widow use this, it has a mono-molecular edge and won't break", he said to her as he handed it over hilt first.

"Thanks big guy", she replied looking at her new weapon happily.

Superman/Apex then reached to his chest again, this time brought out a roman-styled Gladius short sword.

"Steve use this, a shield isn't any good without a sword or spear backing it up", he told the Cap, "This one is also mono-molecular edged so be careful, that goes for both of you" Superman/Apex said before taking off into the air.

"I'll help where I'm needed"! He yelled out to Steve before flying off to fight the enemy.

"Ready Rogers"? Natasha asked Steve with the ghost of a smile on her face at the unintentional word-play, as more Chitauri soldiers headed in their direction.

"As I'll ever be Romanoff", Steve replied in his usual dry manner.

They took fighting stances and launched themselves into close quarters combat.

Laser blasts went off; bodies went flying, as did limbs and other body parts of the alien soldiers.

The swords cut through their enemies with little effort; even the metal on their bodies didn't slow down or even chip the blades.

Now knowing that the weapons were extremely effective and durable Steve and Natasha cut a swath through the alien ground forces currently trying to take over the city.


[First Person POV - Lex]

This battle is a lot more intense than what the movies depicted, there were a lot more enemies coming through and keeping it contained was difficult.

I was trying to hold back a bit so the other Avengers got some shine but in the end I was still saving far more people and killing more enemies than the others, although Thor and Hulk each had a steadily rising count.

It was around this time I flew around a corner after hearing a kid scream for help and quickly spotted a young girl being surrounded by Chitauri soldiers.

I flew down at a fast clip and before I could grab her a certain web-slinger swung down and nabbed her away from her would be captors.

Not giving it much thought as I knew Peter would be more concerned with getting the girl to safety I set about wrecking the group of 8 Chitauri.

For the first one I used the speed force to suddenly appear in front of it, it immediately tried to lift it's gun to attack so I Spartan kicked it in the chest with just enough force to cave it in, killing it swiftly and launching the body almost a football field down the long street.

I turned to my second target and backhand it with enough force that its head spun around in almost a 360, instantly killing it.

My 3rd and 4th targets had their heads smashed together with enough force to crack their skulls and cause major traumatic brain injuries, killing them instantly.

Number 5 got a Cyclops concussion blast straight to the chest with enough force to launch it into a nearby building, also killing it instantly.

By this time 6 , 7 and 8 had gotten their act together and started firing at me together.

I didn't move back once inch, instead I started to walk forward as my Uru-Pradium nanite suit absorbed the energy from the shots.

Once I'd made my way to the Chitauri soldier in the middle of the 3 I quickly picked it up by its left leg and swung it like a bat into the other 2.

The one to my right got its neck broken when I swung its friend into it with the force of a downtown bus doing 37mp/h (60km/h), this also killed my improvised bat.

The last one had its skull and brain mushed when I tossed my now dead bat into its face with just as much force as the previous target.

Looking down at the dead aliens I slowed my perception and calculated that only 15 seconds had passed from the start of the confrontation to its end.

"Uh, excuse me, sir"? An unsure and almost timid voice spoke from behind me.

It was Peter of course, probably wanting to know who I was or what was going on.

"You must be Spider-Man, Batman told me about you, you do good work" I complimented him.

His body language told me that took him by surprise but he quickly recovered and said, "Thanks, but what's going on"?

"Alien invasion lead by the exiled prince of Asgard, Loki", I reply.

I saw Peter's brain stop working for a moment but quickly decided now wasn't the time for this.

"Here, go to this location, tell the Captain I sent you and he'll tell you how best you can help", I inform him as I send a location to the hud in his lenses.

I start to take flight when he yells out to me, "Who do I say sent me"?!

"Superman or Apex or something, we can't decide"! I yell back before flying off to take down a leviathan getting too close to the boundary we'd set up.

This had gone on long enough; I was thinking it was time to end the fight.


[Third Person POV]

Loki had just had a rather violent encounter with the Shield agent known to him as Hawkeye; as he drove a chariot he had commandeered from one of his Chitauri soldiers Loki caught an arrow the archer had fired right at his head just before it impacted.

Just after he caught the arrow Loki looked to the man with a cocky smile on his face only to have the arrow explode in it, destroying the chariot he was on and causing him to fall onto Starks Penthouse balcony.

Just as he got to his feet and looked out over the battle still taking place he was surprised when the large muscular human that had helped ruin his plans once before was headed straight at him.

Although this man was only a "mere human" in Loki's eyes he was still gripped by a brief moment of fear when the man reached him and punched him square in the face so fast he couldn't react in time.

The punch launched Loki through one of Starks unbroken windows, into his penthouse and then finally into a short set of sunken stairs that lead out of or into the penthouse based on which direction one was headed in.

The man people were referring to as either Superman or Apex floated into the penthouse and gently landed in front of Loki.

The exiled prince was incensed at the man constantly interfering in his plans and finally exploded, screaming at his enemy.

"Enough! You are, All of you are beneath me! I am a god you dumb human! And I will not be bullied by the like of y-"

Loki's reply was cut off as the, unknown to him, reincarnated powerhouse quickly picked him up by his left leg and channelled his inner Hulk as he smashed Loki into the ground on either side of himself half a dozen times before leaving him on his back in 1 of the 2 small craters that had been made with his body.

"Puny god", the man people were currently calling either Apex or Superman said as he floated a foot above the floor and made his way to where the sceptre had fallen on the balcony of the penthouse.

Loki was left whimpering in the crater he was in, unable to move due to the vast amount of pain he was in.

Just as he got to the sceptre Natasha arrived as well and told him she knew how to turn off the portal.

He quickly handed her the staff and carried her to the machine on the rooftop to shut the thing down.

Just as she let everyone know that she could shut it down Tony came over the comms and told them about the nuke headed their way.

"Don't worry guys, I got this", Superman/Apex replied as he took off into the sky and headed right for the nuke coming their way.

"I can do this you don't have to", Tony tried to argue as he flew next to his OP team mate.

"Thanks Tony, but I have more chance of surviving, don't wait up for me", Superman/Apex said as he opened a portal in front of Tony that lead him back to the ground fight Steve, Hulk and Thor were taking part in.

Tony didn't have time to react and flew straight through the portal that rapidly closed behind him.

"You better make it through this Super Jock" Tony said into his comm device and received a short laugh as a reply before he looked up and spotted the man flying with a nuke under his arm like a football.

Everyone seeing this watched as the mysterious powerhouse that had helped many of them flew the nuke right through the portal and disappeared.

Moment passed that felt like hours, each second a gnawing eternity, but just as they were wondering if anything was actually going to happen all the Chitauri shut down at the same time.

It appeared like a major surge went through their bionic implants and burnt them out from the inside.

There was still no sign from the portal that their friend was coming back and just as Natasha reluctantly removed the cube from the portal machine, initiating the portal to close at a very fast pace the silhouette of a flying man could be seen exiting the portal.

"Son of a gun, he did it" Steve said out loud to himself, the young man his powerful teammate had sent his way, "Spider-Man", was off helping get people to safety and rescuing those that needed help when the battle stopped, so he figured he'd probably left the area or was still looking for people to help.

Thor looked up at his friend and shouted, "Haha! The might of my friend knows no bounds"!

After these words left Thors mouth he turned to Cap and said, "Friend Steve, we should call him "All Might", what do you think"?

Steve looked around at the civilians slowly starting to come out into the streets after realizing the battle was over.

"I think between Superman, Apex and All Might he has more than enough options… I also we think we just won", Steve replied with a small visible smile on his face.

"Aye, tonight we feast and drink to the victory we just achieved"! Thor stated excitedly before his face took on a serious overtone and he added stoically; "…And to those who cannot be here to join us in victory".

Everyone heard this over their comms and each of them had a similar stoic look on their face, it was good to win, but all victories had their price.

Tony landed with Steve, Thor and a surprisingly calm Hulk and lifted his face shield, "Hey good work everyone, let's not come in tomorrow, let's just take a day", the tired Iron Man said as he finally felt his adrenaline start to wear off.

"Have any of you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma place about 2 blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it", Tony continued.

Thor looked up at Stark Tower and said, "We're not finished yet", with an almost sad reticence.

"And then shawarma after", Tony said, not picking up on Thors inner turmoil at now having to arrest his little brother.


[First person POV – Lex]

The rest of the Avengers met up with me in Tony's penthouse after I'd opened portals for each of them.

"That really is convenient", Clint said as he walked from the second story of an office building into Tony's penthouse.

"You're not wrong Robin Hood", Tony replied easily as they made their way to Loki who was slowly starting to move again.

We all stood in front of him with me taking the centre, floating an inch off the ground with my arms crossed over my chest and my eyes glowing red with barely contained concussion blasts.

The rest of the group took their own stances and as Loki pulled himself up the steps slightly and turned around he was met by the intimidating sight of the Avengers standing ready to battle at a moment's notice.

"If it's all the same to you" Loki started, "I'll take that drink" he then said to Tony.

The Hulk let out a snort of what I could only assume was disgust at the fact the man was basically admitting defeat.

It was roughly an hour later and Loki was detained with a "lockdown" spell I had created. It was basically a fully body paralysis spell that also clouded the mind enough that working magic, much like Loki is capable of, would be 1000 times more difficult.

I went over to the Tesseract that Natasha had sat on Starks coffee table and picked it up.

"What're you doing with that big guy"? Natasha asked as she saw me examine the cube.

"There is something more to this cube than meets the eye", I stated before crushing the cube in my bare hand.

"What are you doing"?! She yelled at me.

"What'd muscle-brain do"? Tony asked casually.

By this stage everyone was looking at me as I stared at my closed right hand.

"What's going on here"? The voice of Nick Fury came from behind us.

"Sir I'm sorry but… Sir he broke the tesseract", Widow said flabbergasted as she pointed to me while I had my suite secretly absorb the infinity stone and hide its presence from anyone that was potentially looking for it.

"Superman-", Fury was quickly cut off when Tony said, "Apex"!

Before Fury could even begin talking again Thor joined in and said, "I think All Might is a better name and more fitting for his character".

By this stage Banner had gone back to "normal" and said, "Wait we're throwing potential names out there? I vote for Ultraman".

"Ultraman? Come on doc you can do better than that, I vote for Kratos, like the Greek god of strength and power", Hawkeye stated loudly.

The videogame series didn't exist here but that was something to keep in mind, could be a fun and easy cash grab.

Thor snickered loudly at that idea, "Kratos? Hah, god of strength my behind! All of those Greek gods were pathetic, petty children that sullied the name of the gods from all pantheons and got themselves exiled from our universe"! The thunderer stated with disdain.

"What about Power-Man"? Natasha offered.

I quickly shut that down, "Already taken", I answer quickly, then shake my head when she gives me a look that says, "You wanna elaborate on that?"

"Okay enough"! Fury states loudly, bringing the debate of what name I should go by to a temporary stop.

"Yes children, they're all very good names and we'll send them with our public statement to all the different news outlets, let the most popular one be what he's called", Fury stated like he was trying to reign in a bunch of unruly kids.

After that was settled he looked me in the eyes and asked, "Why did you destroy the tesseract after everything we went through to secure it"?

My answer was simple, "Because it was a power too great for humanity and it would only bring further trouble to the planet in the future. Better it be destroyed than stolen and used against us again".

"That wasn't your decision to make", Fury said after my explanation.

Instead of answering I waved my arm and Loki flew into my waiting left hand, I then turned and opened a portal to the Bifrost in Asgard directly in front of Heimdall and threw him through it before saying to Heimdall who looked on us with weary curiousness.

"The "lock-down" spell will end in 3 hours, you might want to get him to a cell before then, give Odin my regards", I tell him before closing the portal again.

I then turn back to Fury and look him square in the eyes, "It may not have been my decision to make, but I made it, like I just did with Loki... Don't like it? Do something about it", I state in a tone that dared him to push me.

Fury quickly glanced around the room and saw the Avengers were with me; surprisingly even the boy scouts Steve and Bruce looked like they were in agreement, although I don't think the former liked how I talked to the director of Shield.

There was a noticeable silence in the room as Fury decided what he was going to do next. He looked tense but soon enough his shoulders relaxed and he had his usual unflappable look back on his face.

"You know what; I'm just gonna say you sent it back to Asgard with Loki for safe keeping after a suggestion from Thor", Fury stated, "Any problems with that"? He asked.

Thor subtly looked to me; I knew he more than likely knew I'd done something as the tesseract was too powerful to just be destroyed like it was, he didn't know it housed the Space Stone yet, but I quickly contacted him telepathically.

'Thor just go with it, I promise I'm not up to anything bad but it's better if everyone thinks the cube destroyed, that way no one will be tempted to come after it again and I can hide it in a secure location that even Odin couldn't locate', I say directly to his mind.

'Very well my friend, you have earned my trust, I just hope you know what you're doing. Be sure to hide the power source well, while I don't know what it is we all know it has the power to change worlds', Thor thought back to me quickly before he turned to Fury.

"That is fine with me, it was what I was planning to do after this battle anyway, better the cube not be in anyone's grasp than in the hands of someone like Loki again", Thor stated.

"Very well then, it looks like I have a lot of fires to put out I-", Fury was cut off as his phone went off, "...I gotta take this, stay out of trouble", he said before he answered his phone and headed out of the penthouse.

"So, who's up for shawarma"? Tony asked.


Aaand there it is, it didn't go exactly like I wanted but it's been a busy week with more to come over the next month.

I'm gonna leave 3 chapter comments with Superman, Apex and All Might, most likes wins, unless someone has a better idea and it gets more likes, either way, Lex'll have a new superhero name next chapter.

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