Unduh Aplikasi
66.66% My Brother's Keeper / Chapter 12: 12

Bab 12: 12

When Katsuki left for the first time, the extras really threw him a parade.

As much of a parade that his home town can throw, anyway. There was a piñata and everything. Katsuki doesn't know what kind of perverted little fuck designed the thing, but he just about fucking lost it when he saw the giant baseball bat with two gigantic baseballs hanging nice and erect from the tree in front of his house. But, to be honest, there was something cathartic about a closeted gay kid bashing the shit out of a giant hanging cock-and-balls, the very symbols of his social rejection, in front of hundreds of people.

People seriously piled up along his street, waving and cheering and crying like he was getting on the goddamn Titanic or some shit as him and Masaru climbed into moving truck and started their drive cross-country. Katsuki can remember meeting eyes with Deku as they pulled away. Deku, who wordlessly watched him the entire duration of the party, making Katsuki's skin crawl and heart ache. That little shit has the most expressive fucking sunshine eyes. Goddamn. Just that glance threw Katsuki's world off kilter, plunged summertime straight into winter. Three years of nothing but perpetual blizzards and snow and ice. If he's being honest, his body hadn't gotten rid of the chill since. That is, until now.

Katsuki fucking hates it. Hates that his goddamn frozen heart is melting into a suspiciously Deku-shaped puddle. Urgh.

You see, for Katsuki, it's always been about control.

Every aspect of Katsuki's life has been carefully planned out. Nothing in the world was about to trip him up. Not his parent's divorce. Not the fact that no one from their shitty school ever got into an Ivy League before. Not the fact that at the age of twelve he found his eyes wandering to Deku's skinny pale body in the locker room, eyes lingering on his freckles, and discovering that yeah, he likes what he sees. Likes in a way that a boy shouldn't like another boy. Now, that? That made Katsuki real fucking angry. That was just fucking life spitting in his face. He was an amalgamation of hormones and rage, and little Deku just had to get in the fucking center of it. Katsuki wasn't sure what feeling it was that overcame him when he pushed the other boy down, when he watched those verdant green eyes fill with tears, when the broccoli-headed bitch would start stuttering when he was in the vicinity. He didn't dare face the truth. The truth that, if he was to strain the tangled mess that are his emotions, he'd be left with a simple, beautiful, innocent little feeling. A crush.

Katsuki's brain and body couldn't have chosen a worse person to react to. Fucking figures. Deku, of all fucking people in this world, would make Katsuki feel so out of control. And maybe he gave into it, a little bit. Indulged it. Maybe even threw some kindle on that bad-boy. Which, obviously, was a mistake. That hopeless little crush developed into something all-encompassing, overwhelming, all-consuming for Katsuki. But he's Katsuki fucking Bakugou, and he sure as fuck wasn't about to let something as dumb and insignificant as his feelings keep him from accomplishing his goals.

It was a clean break. In his head, it made a lot of sense.

No awkward exchange of numbers. No conversation about 'what they are.' No expectation to see each other ever again. He didn't want to know how Deku felt. Didn't know how he'd handle it, one way or another. So he did what he did best. He left.

He can't leave now. He has nowhere to go. He's here in his bedroom, with the very object of his insanely complicated feelings a few feet away, face in some video game, not paying him any attention. Katsuki glances back over his test-prep materials, hitting his pencil against the book like he's exasperated with the material.

Fucking Deku. He drives Katsuki insane. The fact that Deku isn't looking at him right now is a goddamn crime. The little fuck hasn't so much as laid a hand on him since they got back home from vacation. Not that Katsuki would have fucking let him, but still. What the fuck even happened between them? Shit was some of the best sex (… fine, the best sex) that Katsuki's ever had, and now, what? They're gonna go back to being bros? Katsuki's head is going to implode.

Pretending like he's not, Katsuki focuses his eyes on Izuku. God, he's so… gorgeous. That cascading forest of curls, the distracting field of freckles dotting his face like goddamn chocolate chips on the world's cutest cone of mint ice cream, his plush bottom lip that lives more between the other boy's teeth than anywhere else. His angled jaw and playful smile. The way that tanned neck dives into a toned chest, broad shoulders, strong arms. Katsuki trails along the other man's body, feeling his breaths become more shallow.

They'd look so good together. Katsuki hasn't ever wanted to walk down the street holding someone's hand or kiss someone in public. He's never even introduced any of his fuck-buddies to his friends. Instead, Katsuki kept whatever affection he had in his body channeled through his dick like the world's most repressed and horny light-saber. Sure, there were little sparks of possessiveness and affection for Deku when they were in high school. There was definitely a part of him that fucking craved that cheesy high school experience – walking each other to class, kissing by the lockers, eating lunch together. But that wasn't a fucking option. Katsuki wasn't going to come out in high school, period, so Deku remained his dirty little secret. Oh, to have the simplicity of just a little bit of internalized homophobia keeping him from what he wanted. Now Deku's his fucking step-brother. Now there's some Alabama-ass shit. God-fucking-damn-it.


Katsuki stiffens, unintentionally clenching his jaw as his mind returns to the present. Deku has set down his video game and is propped up on his elbows, giving him such a concerned look that Katsuki sincerely wants to punch it off his face. Feeling caught, Katsuki stares down at his books, but the words blur in front of him.

He almost jumps when he feels a tentative hand on his shoulder. Instinctually, he smacks Deku's hand away, punctuating the motion with a low growl.

"… Is something wrong?" Deku asks, like a fucking idiot. Katsuki scoffs. Is something wrong. What isn't wrong?!

"Why are you always here, you fucking leech? I'm trying to study and you're – " Katsuki bites his tongue before saying distracting me. God forbid he actually tell Deku that his nerd body and cute face are actually tantalizing enough to make him lose focus. Fuck. Dammnit.

It takes an astounding amount of Katsuki's mental fortitude to stop himself from reaching out when that cute dejected look clouds Izuku's face. Deku gives him a tight smile, nods shortly and walks back towards his bed. He grabs his Switch and, without giving Katsuki a second look, heads towards the door.

Well, shit. That's not what Katsuki wanted at all. Fuck, why is he so bad at this?!

"Shit, stop!" Katsuki blurts out, immediately accosting himself. Deku glances back at him, shoulders hunched, wordless.

"Sorry. I almost forgot you didn't want me around unless it was to have sex." Deku spits out, staring at the ground like it was about to open up and swallow him whole. Was hoping for it. The pang in Katsuki's chest tells him that what he just heard hurts, but he's not entirely sure why. That's always been their agreement, right?

Katsuki isn't sure how to save face, or to keep the upper hand. He's sure as fuck not going to say 'actually, I like just being in the same room with you, I want this, I want you, stay with me,' so he spins around in his chair, spreads his legs and smirks.

Not that any of this was his initial intention, but, fuck. Deku hasn't touched him for almost a week, and now that he thinks about it, he's fucking dying for him.

Deku actually fucking sighs, like its such a fucking chore to be blessed with the dick-buffet that Katsuki is offering. "You suck." He states, but throws his gaming console onto his bed and approaches Katsuki. In one swift motion, the shorter man is straddling his thighs, pressed snuggly against him. Despite Deku's resigned tone, his eyes give the little fuck away – they're glimmering, fierce and rebellious. That look fucking stokes a fire in Katsuki's belly that he has no intention of ever putting out.

"I can if you want me to," Katsuki purrs, putting his hands on Deku's narrow waist. He squeezes lightly, the boy on top of him breathing out in turn.

Deku seems to think about it briefly, before his face brightens. The smile on those puffy lips sends electricity though Katsuki's spine, and he feels himself sitting up straighter.

"You said it was my turn last time," Deku starts, his teeth and lip meeting again like long-lost lovers. Katsuki keeps his eyes trained on the nervous habit, his stomach flipping.

"Whatever you want, Deku," Katsuki whispers, breathier and more desperate than he fully intends. He pins Izuku down to his lap with his hands, mouth meeting the sensitive skin on the green-haired boy's neck. Now, this is what Katsuki is talking about.

Katsuki can feel the vibration in his mouth as he peppers hungry kisses against the other boy's tanned neck. "Anything I want, huh?"

"I'm all yours." Katsuki breathes against Izuku's ear, feeling the other man shudder against his hands. Ah. This is it. The feeling of absolute control. Its fucking ecstasy.

"Then let me fuck you."

A record-scratch noise plays inside Katsuki's head. He leans back, meeting eyes with Deku, trying to find a inkling of humor in that freckled face. There is none. The thick-thighed monster is staring down at him, completely serious, almost predatory.

See, Deku's never actually asked to top. Not that Katsuki would have ever refused him in the first place, but… but still. Katsuki always offered before, and Deku always fucking acted like it was goddamn Christmas morning. This is… interesting. Fuck, Katsuki's curiosity is certainly… peaked. As are, interestingly, other things.

After a beat, Izuku arches his eyebrows, playful.

"You scared?"

Katsuki feels himself flush. Is he? Maybe a little. He hasn't bottomed for anyone since Deku, which makes it three years. And every time his horny brain decided that its 'play with your own ass while thinking about Deku hours' while he's been in college, he tried to sate that with a casual hookup. So, yeah. Its been a while.

"You think I'm scared of that tiny thing? What, you miss your little girlfriends so you wanna penetrate something? Hate to break it to you, but I'm not a fucking girl."

"… So you keep saying. Well?"

"Well fucking what? Bring it, bitch." Katsuki curls his lip with the last word, and practically watches as the pliable, soft, innocent Deku on top of him turns into a beast. His hands grab into his hair and pull him back, arching his neck, and in spite of himself, Katsuki lets out an anticipatory gasp.

Fuck Deku and his strong-ass hands, his pretty face, his dumb-ass smile. He's never wanted to be man-handled by anybody else.

To Katsuki's endless surprise, the little fuck stands up and actually fucking lifts all six-foot-three of him off the chair, those goddamn goliath legs flexing under him like some adorable-freckled-Hercules. Katsuki can do nothing but wrap his legs around the shorter man as he walks the two of them to his bed, throwing Katsuki on it like he weights nothing. That has no business being so goddamn sexy. But, well, fuck. It is.

"Wow, don't tell me I get to be fucked on your All Might sheets, Deku. You sure know how to make a girl feel special," Katsuki bites, goading Deku on. There's something ecstatic running through his body as he sees the other man's arms flex, jaw working hard not to sneer down on him, eyes becoming dark. Deku doesn't respond, just does digging under his bed for something. When Deku pulls out a box, obnoxious smirk on his face, Katsuki realizes for the first time that he might be in trouble.

"You're horrible, you know that? How is it that every time you open your mouth, you make me feel like shit? You always gotta get the last word in, huh?" Deku looks unacceptably emotional, and Katsuki balks at it.

Katsuki balks a little more as Deku holds up a black satiny-looking object to his face.

"If you're scared, all you have to do is tell me to stop." Deku looks so serious that Katsuki can barely stomach it. Like the little fuck is afraid of hurting him. As if he ever could. Katsuki's the one that does the hurting.

"No. I'm not scared of you." Katsuki shrugs, crossing his arms in front of his chest, doing his best to look as non-chalant as possible.

"Maybe you should be."

Ooh, what the fuck was that? Another shiver goes up Katsuki's spine. He's rock hard already and fucking hates himself for it. Before Katsuki has a chance to protest, Deku has soft rope wrapped around his wrists, trapping Katsuki to his metallic bedframe. Katsuki knows that he can easily break that piece of shit bed if he wanted to get away, but he's simply too stunned and, if he's being honest, aroused, by this turn of events.

"I'm going to touch you." Deku states, and Katsuki feels his shoulders twitch. He wants to be the one to touch, to control, to break, but with his arms tied back like this, all he can do is watch. His lips quiver as he observes Deku devour his body with his eyes, large hands rubbing along his thighs before finding the elastic of his sweats and pulling them right on down, releasing his erection and watching it wave eagerly before hitting his own stomach.

Now there's a compromising position. Damn, Katsuki's not the type to be bashful, but he's so… exposed right now. Urgh. If Deku doesn't fucking touch him, he's going to murder him. Scratch that. He's going to murder Deku either way.

"Fucking get on with it already," Katsuki growls, rolling his hips on the bed, the motion making his cock bounce against his abdomen.

"You talk so much but never say what I want you to say. Shut up."

Katsuki's eyes open widen. The insane thought that Deku might very well leave him there, tied up and half-naked on his superhero bedsheets as some sort of revenge, jumps into his brain. Seems a little elaborate to get back at your middle school bully by fucking him for years, but…

That train of thought ends immediately as Deku, eyes never leaving his, pulls out a roll of black, tape-like material and makes a show of pulling it apart, ripping off a good chunk.

Katsuki realizes what it is right away, and for some reason his dumb-ass dick decides to twitch. So, Deku really is going to shut him up. Literally. Damn. Kinky little shit. Except, Deku is fiddling with the tape, averting his eyes briefly. He actually looks nervous. Its too fucking cute. Eh, might as well throw the dork a bone.

"Thought you were gonna shut me up?" Katsuki teases, hoping that his tone doesn't give away his anticipation.

For Katsuki, its always been about control. And now, the prospect of letting go of it, giving his control, his body, his heart to Deku is making his head swim. Damn. He doesn't know what's gotten into his shy little nerd, but he really, realllllyy fucking likes it.

"You're the worst." Deku concludes, and, with a quick reassuring nod from Katsuki, gently applies the foamy tape over Katsuki's mouth.

This close, Katsuki can see the transformation. From his dorky, sweet little step-brother to the man that can tear him apart. Katsuki's eyes follow Deku's tongue as it glides along his lips. The little shit looks like he's gonna eat him alive.

"… Hm. You always looked so good with your mouth full, Kacchan." Deku says in a deep, dark, sultry voice, and Katsuki feels his hips jerk. What the fuck was that? He grumbles through the tape, unable to take his eyes off the little green nerd as he smirks down at him, before leaning in a leaving a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"Not fair how pretty you are, Kacchan. Not fair how smart, and sexy, and perfect you are. Bet everyone hates you when they meet you," Izuku whispers, his lips brushing against Katsuki's jaw. Slow enough to drive Katsuki crazy, his mouth works along his jaw, up to his ear, sucking lightly on the lobe, before trailing wetly along his neck. The shorter man is almost leisurely with it, knowing tongue lapping against the sensitive spot right under his ear before continuing his way down. Katsuki's hips arch up, begging for contact, a guttural groan coming from his throat, rewarded only with a hearty chuckle against his neck.

Making good use of his oversized, devilish hands, Deku pulls Katsuki's shirt up to his neck. Katsuki, on his pillow, watches the nest of green hair make its way lower and lower, fingertips trailing gently along his sides as his step-brother's mouth maps out the topography of his chest. Katsuki feels his whole body heat up as he feels gentle lips, then over-eager tongue start to caress his nipples, rapidly bringing them to attention. He grunts in protest, bucking against the restraints on his wrists. This action seems to do nothing but encourage Deku, who sinks his teeth in to the bud, one hand finding the other nipple and squeezing not-so-gently.

Deku continues his abuse, one hand squeezing too tightly against Katsuki's waist while the other alternates with the other man's mouth. Katsuki's mind goes from annoyed, to curious, to angry, to completely blank, as warmth makes a home inside his chest and his brain. The buzzing in his head feels so much like a high, and he's so hard he can barely stand it. Its too much stimulation, and its not enough, and that pool of warmth that he's ever so familiar with starts to collect in his abdomen, almost like its unsure as to why. Katsuki is not the kind of guy that likes his nipples played with. Sure, he hasn't really had the opportunity to explore that, but… Uh… He definitely doesn't get off with the way Deku fucking worships the tender buds with his mouth, kneads against his chest, presses his shuddering body into his own with each whimper. Katsuki doesn't know when he started shaking, when his breathing became so shallow. Goddamn it. He tries to move his wrists again. He could fucking throttle the nerd. What the fuck is he doing? Katsuki's not a fucking -

"You're probably thinking that I'm doing this cause I want you to be a girl. But I don't. You know that, right? I want you. All of you…" Izuku whispers, trailing his fingers down to his cock, his balls, his taint, making its way to press against his tight hole.

"You keep talking about these things you can't offer me, and when I tell you otherwise, you don't believe me. Why? You think I get to choose who I l - - like?" Katsuki stiffens as Deku laughs against his chest, his lips brushing gently against his sensitive skin with each word.

"You think I'd choose this? You think it was fun not being able to move on from someone who never even… You were horrible to me, Kacchan. You broke my stupid heart." Acting like he didn't just drop a bomb on Katsuki, Izuku goes back to working on Katsuki's nipples, making the man whine and shudder under him. Goddamn it. Katsuki needs to respond, to think, to stop this, to do something. But damn, Deku's lips are making every nerve ending in his skin buzz. It feels so fucking good.

Even worse, Deku's dry-ass finger is rubbing against his hole in such an alluring manner, eliciting an embarrassing, high pitched groan from Katsuki. The green fuck makes a show of bringing the same finger to his mouth, making sure Katsuki watches as he licks it up and down, sucking it into his mouth before plopping it out, all wet and spit slicked. Katsuki doesn't have time to react before the man's mouth is back on his nipple, nibbling as a wet finger starts to pass his rim. He tightens right away, the unfamiliar sensation overwhelming and embarrassing. Deku's other hand just pets against his ribs as his mouth keeps licking, wet and repetitive and calming, the sensation on his chest distracting him just enough to allow Deku to wiggle his finger all the way in.

Katsuki's lost in it, moving his own ass down to meet the friction of the finger, his leaking cock brushing against Deku's arm, every sensation too much to his frazzled senses. He's too focused on fucking himself on Deku's knobby finger to notice that Izuku's got a bottle of lube in his second hand now, fished from god-knows-where, he assumes Deku's magic-bag of kinky shit. Izuku makes quick work of lathering up his hand with the lube before plunging two fingers into Katsuki's ass, making him just about jump off the bed.

"I never know what you're thinking… I want you so bad, have always wanted you, and you give me absolutely nothing. I told you how I felt back in Hawaii. I told you that you mattered to me. I've always worn my heart on my sleeve but I have no idea… I have no idea how you feel! Do you even like me, Kacchan? Besides being a hole to fuck, do you… do you even like being around me?"

Deku doesn't mince words, just roughly fucks into Katsuki, fingers arching then pushing out then arching back in. Deku's like a goddamn expert, scissoring his fingers, opening Katsuki so sweetly. Katsuki's back arches off the bed as Deku's fingers probe against his prostate. Its so fucking intoxicating, and he has a hard time keeping the tears out of his eyes with this degree of overstimulation. His dick and his brain are having a battle – as usual, Deku is talking too goddamn much, and he can't even shut him the fuck up. This was his plan all along. Goddamn it. Cheeky little shit. He knows Katsuki way too well.

"What does it say about me that the guy I like has to literally be tied up and fucked for me to have a conversation with him? Though, gotta admit, Kacchan… you're a very good listener."

He startles as that same mouth starts to suck against his hip bones. Deku looks so goddamn good. He's so good like this, all dominant and cheeky and sarcastic. Katsuki's so lost in admiration, he almost doesn't notice the third finger slip in, wet and squelchy as his step-brother's mouth engulfs his dick. For a boy that's been banging girls, man, is Deku ever the amazing little cockslut. The feel of his tongue pressing hard against his base, lapping against his slit, taking all his cock into his throat like a goddamn champ… Its kind of funny that this particular motion makes Katsuki flood with affection, but it does.

Katsuki rewards Deku with a show of his own, writhing and moaning against the tape, each vocalization from the back of his throat seeming make Izuku's throat and mouth more eager, his thick fingers stuttering then pressing even harder in his ass.

He's too wound up to feel relief when Deku finally fucking fishes a condom from god-knows-where, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it on in one smooth motion. He tosses the wrapper on the floor, and, one hand pumping his own cock, the other fucking into Katsuki, face flushed and sweaty and so beautiful, raises his eyebrows at Katsuki.

"Is this okay…?" Deku says in a tiny voice, and Katsuki has to physically restrain himself from rolling his eyes. Instead, he nods his head and vocalized a 'mm-hmmm' so there's no confusion. Deku actually grins, and to Katsuki's disappointment, takes his fingers out of his ass. The feeling of emptiness and cold is overwhelming. He needs them to be replaced. Ideally with a throbbing cock. Like, right the fuck now.

What he doesn't expect is for both hands to meet Katsuki's waist, and, with the ropes crossing in front of him, Katsuki finds himself flipped over, ass in the air. Oh, fuck. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Saliva floods Katsuki's mouth, and he swallows it down, nearly shaking. This is going to be so fucking good.

"Is this okay, Kacchan?" Deku asks again, his hands now kneading into the meat of his ass. He sounds wistful, distracted, and Katsuki grunts another 'mm-hmm,' shaking his ass from side to side for good measure. His heart races as he hears that low chuckle, even more so when he feels the other man's lips kiss against his cheek. Katsuki nearly jumps as he feels something sharp – teeth- bite gently into his ass, before the bite is covered with slow, insistent kisses.

"So good, Kacchan. God, you look so good like this." Katsuki's thighs start to tremble and he feels the bed shift, and then the feel of something cold and hard rub against the cleft of his ass, tentatively pushing against his hole before continuing on its dick odyssey.

"So sexy, Kacchan… I'm gonna make this good for you. Promise." Katsuki feels the heavy body lean over him, pressing the two of them together. Fingers skirt to Katsuki's front and jerk his aching cock for a few strokes, making Katsuki arch his back and moan.

With a wet kiss against Katsuki shoulder, Deku repositions himself and Katsuki breathes evenly, slowly through his nose as he feels the little green nerd's girthy cock slowly make it's way past the muscular rim and, gently, slowly, fucking teasingly start to fill him. Fuck, it burns and it hurts and Katsuki wants the dork to slam in to him. Break him in half. He focuses on the hands on his hips, on the sensation of dock inside him filling him up so good, on the sound of Deku breathing raggedly.

"I'm gonna fuck you now, Kacchan." Deku reports, making Katsuki scoff. He rests his cheek against the All Might pillowcase. This is all so ridiculous. He's really getting fucked in the ass by his step-brother, huh? Now that's something you don't read about in fairytales.

But he sure fucking feels like a princess now, wrists burning and ass stuffed full. Katsuki just about cries as Deku slides out and then rocks, effortlessly, back in. Guess there are some good things about Deku fucking girls – the rhythm, the angle, the intensity… Jesus goddamn Christ. The little shit could give him pointers. Katsuki finds himself clenching his teeth hard, hiding the guttural groan that wants to make its way out of his throat. He sure as fuck isn't going to give Deku the goddamn pleasure of knowing how fucking good this feels, how full and whole and fucking alive he feels stretched around Deku's thick cock. The wet sound of skin against skin fills the room and Katsuki's brain goes completely blank as his step-brother hits just the right spot, sending lightning and warmth shooting into his belly, making his cock painful and aching, desperate for release.

All that, plus Deku's breathy 'Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchan, so good for me, so good at taking my cock,' well, Katsuki's pretty sure he's having a religious experience. If he gets out of this alive, he's gonna fucking propose to Deku on the spot. He's got no fucking idea how much time has passed, but every movement, each thrust, each groan, each drop of sweat against Katsuki's back is bringing him close and closer to enlightenment. He's pretty sure a light breeze would be enough to make him explode all over his step brother's All Might themed blankets.

Katsuki, completely forgetting about staying quiet, moans as loud as he fucking can with tape on his mouth, the metallic frame of the bed rattling with each thrust. Katsuki finds that he doesn't even want to move his wrists. Giving control over to Deku was the best fucking decision he's ever made.

He feels the other man's hands grip hard against his hips again, and the movements become more shallow, startling.

Katsuki doesn't even have a moment to wipe the tears in his eyes as Deku roughly flips him right back around. He looks stunned, face red and mouth open in an 'O' as his eyes search Katsuki's face. Katsuki doesn't even have it in him to be ashamed in the moment. He just needs to cum. He needs Deku to fucking rail him into next week. He needs, and makes it known as he shoves his ass down, sliding on Deku's engorged cock, eliciting a moan and an arch of the neck from his counterpart.

"You're beautiful, Kacchan…" Deku rasps out, before seeming to remember what he was doing, and, with one hand on Katsuki's cock, rams into Katsuki a few more times, jerking his hand in tandem. Katsuki can't take his eyes off Deku's face, lost in ecstasy.

The buzzing builds to a bundle of nerves to electricity. It feels like a cup that's overflowing, and then - If he didn't have tape over his mouth, he's pretty sure he would have screamed. His orgasm rips through him like in those Alien movies, Deku's cock pumping into him, making the aftershocks last longer, driving him to a frenzy. He's absolutely brainless, chest heaving, aware that he's coated his own chest in astounding amount of jizz, and yet he still can't take his eyes off Deku's face, panting, eyes dark, beautiful beads of sweat running down his clavicles. Fuck. Fuck.

It doesn't take long, and Deku seems to be following his own release, with two more jerky thrusts and a moan so beautiful it belongs in an artsy porno. His perfect Deku loosens his hard grip from Katsuki's hips. With a pang of satisfaction, Katsuki realizes that yes, he'll probably bruise. He'll bruise from getting fucked by his step brother. Deku's a god.

Their shallow breaths mix, and Katsuki feels the sweaty body of his partner lean into him. Even before Deku pulls out, his hands go towards the tape over Katsuki's mouth. He gently peals it off, and Katsuki takes a deep breath, the air feeling unexpectedly cool against his lips. The pressure of the tape no longer on his mouth feels weird. He almost misses it.

Now, with the ability to talk, he has no fucking idea what to say.

Good game, champ?

Nice load, bro?

That cock is immaculate, king?

Goddamn it. Katsuki really is spending too much time with Kaminari. Re-set. Regroup. Restart. The Windows startup noise plays in Katsuki's head.

He refocuses to see those stunning green eyes inches away from him, staring at him, looking straight through him like they tend to. That look makes Katsuki feel so small and insecure. He doesn't know what to do with it.

"Kacchan. I want to be together."

Katsuki can't even blush.

"We are together. Your dick's still inside me, princess."

Deku's eyebrows arch and he gives the man an apologetic grin, pulling out, making sure the condom is in place. He quickly pulls it off, ties it, and leans back into Katsuki.

"You know what I mean," Deku insists, voice breaking. Katsuki almost laughs. Of course the little shit's throat is sore. He didn't stop talking the entire goddamn time.

"Fuck off," Katsuki accentuates.

Deku doesn't seem to get the message. Instead, he leans in and runs his fingers up and down Katsuki's arms, trailing to where his wrists are still tied to the bed. Deku's expression is unreadable, and Katsuki desperately wants to see that satisfied smile again.

"Kacchan… please. Just talk to me. I'm right here." Deku practically begs, and Katsuki scoffs, turning his chin up.

"I don't want to."

"You're acting like a baby."

"YOU are."

Katsuki swallows hard, tears collecting in the corners of his eyes, threatening to tell Deku how he really feels. Urgh, Katsuki feels so soft and vulnerable after getting fucked. This is why he doesn't do this. He's such a goddamn girl. No wonder all his bottoms won't stop blowing up his phone. If he wasn't tied up to his bed he's sure he would be embracing Deku and rubbing his back and bringing him a robe and slippers and some kind of fucking martini like a 1950's housewife. He wants to blow his goddamn brains out.

"… Kacchan… did you ever even think about me? After you left?"

Katsuki bursts out laughing, not even remotely deterred by Deku's surprised face.

"Did I even think about you. Fuck, Deku. Really? 'Course I thought about you. I never stopped thinking about you."

An insecure, charming little smile forms on the broccoli's lips. Katsuki's too exhausted to be embarrassed by the fact that to him, its really, really fucking cute.

"Then… then be with me. I like you so much, Kacchan. I want us to be together."

When Katsuki doesn't respond, Deku fidgets. Finally, he leans forward and starts to untie the satin ropes still keeping his wrists anchored to the bed.

"If you don't, that's okay… just tell me. Please, Kacchan. Just be honest with me, I'm – "

"Deku, shut the fuck up. Look. I. We. Fuck, just… this," Katsuki points between himself and Izuku, more aggressive than necessary, shaking his sore wrist out in the process, "Is never going to be fucking normal. Our parents are married. To each other. We're step brothers. What, you want to be brother-boyfriends? Like we're on a shitty reality series?"

Deku doesn't respond. Instead, he fishes out some Kleenex and starts to wipe up the mess Katsuki made on his own stomach. Katsuki watches him, heart in his throat. If they ever had a chance in the first place, its gone. Deku has to realize that too.

And yet, he wants Deku to say something so badly. To argue with him. To insist.

"I… I know that. But… so, you just want to… keep sleeping together? Kacchan, we're clearly not normal brothers. Just… "

"I didn't say that, Deku. I just mean… you could have something normal."

"So could you, Kacchan!" Deku shakes his curly head, acting like what Katsuki said was the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"…Nah. I don't think I could. I don't think there's a normal for me anymore." Katsuki bites at his lip and watches his hand as it intertwines with Deku's. This. This is the person he wants to be with. This is where he belongs. Of course there isn't a normal for him anymore. He's in love. And Deku is going to be a part of his life for the rest of his life. He can't run away from him anymore. But Deku still has a chance. A choice. One of them should get that.

"Hey, since when are you, of all people, constrained by what people think is normal?

Deku squeezes Katsuki's hand. It almost sounds like a challenge.

"…I don't want to send my dad to an early grave."

"Then we don't tell them. We don't tell anybody. As far as anyone knows, we're just a normal couple. It will be our secret."

Ah, yes. Katsuki eyes his cell phone, sitting on the other end of the room. Even from there, he can see the rapidly accumulating notifications from his group chat. Whoopsie. Right.

A secret. Well, what Deku doesn't know can't hurt him.

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