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80.66% Different Sex Story / Chapter 559: A Cousin's Reunion Pt.6

Bab 559: A Cousin's Reunion Pt.6


I was young and innocent then. Sometimes I wished I could go back to those days and start over. I'm not sure what I would have done different, but I like to think that maybe I could have changed something and ended up with Julie. We both wanted that back then, but we ran from it. Later it wasn't an option, no matter how badly we wanted it to be. Now...well, I don't know. She'd stopped taking my calls and texts long ago. I'd not even had a chance to thank her for being at the hospital.

I was so lost in thought as I floated in the shallow water, letting the waves slowly push me back toward my dock, that I never even heard Lily wading out to where I was. "Hey stranger," she called, drawing my attention.

"Lily!" I said startled, looking up at her. Unlike the previous day and the conservative one piece suit she had on then, she now wore a brightly colored two piece, the top a halter type design and the bottom low rise boy shorts.

"I saw you down here swimming and thought I'd come join you. Looks like I'm over dressed though," she said with a giggle.

"Uh, yeah. I guess I didn't feel like bothering getting my suit, given how quiet the lake was."

"That's okay. I most definitely don't mind!" she said, hooking her thumbs in her boyshorts and pushing them off. She stepped out of them and held them in one hand while she reached behind her back and neck, letting the halter top slip off her body, leaving her as naked as I was. She waded to shore, set her suit on the rocks and then waded back, her infectious smile never leaving her lips. She waded out to where I was and lowered herself down into the water, floating easily next to me. "So how you doing?" She asked quietly. "Better?"

"Yeah, better." I answered.

"Sorry about that. I didn't know," she whispered.

"It's okay." I answered.

"Talk about it?"

"I don't know."

"Michael. When we've been together I've felt you almost forcing things. The sex is great, but there's something inside you holding your emotions in. Almost like you're trying to wall it off. Last night, when you came over, I felt you let go. I felt your heart open and let me in. It was incredible. I wanted to just melt into you and become one with you. But today. Today you're back there again building that wall. What do I have to do to get you to let me in again?"

"I let someone in before. It didn't work out so well." I answered her quietly.

"What was her name?"

"Amanda. She was my live in nurse after the accident. Somehow I fell in love with her, and I thought her with me."

"And after she was done, she pulled away?"

"Something like that."

"Honey, she knew you were on the rebound from the loss of your wife. She had to know that."

"Yeah, probably." I answered quietly.

She rolled on her side to look at me. "I know it's only been a few days. I was more than content to enjoy that incredible sex you were showering me with. I loved it. I still do. But last night... Last night I saw a different side of you. I saw a gentle, caring, intensely loving man. I saw what I've only dreamt a man could be. I want to find out how to unlock that again. I want to share that and embrace that and I want to feel that man inside me again."

"I'm not sure how to be that man any more. I've had my heart broken too many times. I don't want to feel that kind of hurt again."

"Sweetie. If you don't risk being hurt you can't feel the love either," she said, standing up in the thigh deep water. She held her hand out to me and when I took it, pulled me up with her. She led me to the shore and we waded to the boat landing and walked up to where it flattened out and turned to grass. She turned to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled her body to mine, her lips softly pressing against mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her as she seductively kissed me, her lips teasing mine, licking and pulling away, sucking and pulling away, teasing and pulling away. We stood there, naked, our bodies pressed together, her lips teasing mine.

I kissed back. Returning her affections. I could feel the emotion in her touch, in her breath. I could see the emotion in her eyes and in the way she moved. I pulled her tighter to me, kissing back, teasing her lips as much as she teased mine, my hands moving from holding her, to slide up and down her back, my fingers only pressing hard enough to make dimples as I stroked from her shoulder blades down to her full round ass, and even lower.

We stood, without words, knowing what each other wanted, our hands moving to tease and touch each other. We stood there for what seemed like hours and seconds at the same time, touching and kissing and stroking. My cock was rock hard, pressing up against her pussy as it stuck between her legs where it hardened, but she avoided touching it, allowing only the hotness and growing wetness of her pussy lips to tease it. She stroked her hands up to my shoulders and then traced her fingers down my arms, coaxing my hands to slide down where she could grasp them, her fingers intertwined with mine.

She lifted one of my hands to her lips and gently kissed it, her fingers interlaced with mine.

I pulled away slightly, lowering myself to the ground, our interlaced fingers drawing her down with me. I lay back on the soft grass, allowing her to swing herself across me, straddling me with her legs. She drew my hands up to her chest as she had done last night, pressing my hands to her big tits before taking her hands away. She slid one of her hands down to my cock and grasped it very gently, her fingers teasing my engorged head as she lifted it toward her wet lips. She looked down at me, her green eyes staring at me full of emotion as she pressed me up between her lips. I felt my head push into the wet confines of her full round lips and into the entrance to her tunnel.

"Make love with me," she whispered as she let her weight down on me, her body expanding to accept me. I felt her slide down my shaft about half way before she lifted up, pulling almost all the way off, only my mushroom head still within her before sliding down again, pushing more of me into her. Each stroke drove me deeper, her chest starting to heave as the sensations of my cock sliding in and out of her sent waves of warmth and pleasure through her body. She moaned softly, clearly enjoying how my rigid head teased her soft walls.

I teased and played with her nipples, running my fingers around the hard protrusions, occasionally squeezing and pulling them, to add to her sensations. She lifted and dropped herself on and off of me, her hips rolling with each stroke to drag her clit along my rock hard shaft.

"Oh god yesssss," she moaned softly above me. "So good!"

I moved my hands from her breasts, sliding them down her arms to her hands, taking them and lifting them from my chest and spreading them apart so she had to lay down on top of me. I gently pulled her down until her chest was against mine, her hips still trying to ride me as I lifted my head and gently kissed her. It only took me a moment to roll her. I let go of her hands and pushed us all the way over, putting her back to the soft green grass, pushing my cock back fully into her as I lay on top of her. I kissed her neck, softly. A small gentle kiss on the base of her neck. I kissed again, a little lower, and again, and again, working farther down her creamy soft body. I kissed across the tops of both breasts, my cock still buried inside her, her hips rocking gently as she moaned loudly.

I let my kisses slowly circle her left nipple, teasing the very edges of her areola before drawing around her nipple with my tongue. I closed my lips around her nipple and much of her areola and drew it into my mouth, flicking my tongue back and forth across it.

"Oh god yesssss," she moaned as I started to pull my cock out and then slide it back into her. Softly, rhythmically I worked myself in and out of her, sending those waves of pleasure I could almost see running up and down her body. She planted her feet on the ground with her legs spread wide and rocked her hips in time with my strokes, forcing her clit against my cock with each stroke into her.

"Yes. Take me all the way. Fill me with your love," she moaned softly to the trees as I pulled my mouth from her left breast and kissed across to her right, never stopping my rhythmic strokes. "Oh god. I'm going to come!" She cried loudly as her legs started shaking, her body on fire inside from the sensations of my engorged cock and head against her sensitive walls.

I could feel my own climax inching forward, barely held in check by my desire to make her come first. I knew that I could hold back only so much before the incredible sensations of her pussy around me sent me over the top. I pushed in and out, stroking deep into her, pushing my head against her cervix and her clit against the base of my cock at the end of each stroke, out bodies coupled as closely together as they could ever be.

"I'm coooooommmmmmmmmmminnnnnnng!" She cried loudly as her whole body started to shudder. I heard her cry and let myself go, my body jerking hard after only a few more powerful strokes, unloading a gush of cum into her. I released her tit and pushed myself straight on her, my chest heaving as I jerked over and over, my cum flowing into her as she gasped and shuddered below me. "OH fuck Michael. I love you," she moaned softly to me as she lay beneath me, looking up at me with those incredible green eyes. "Now I know you can love back too, if you want to."

"Oh my god." I heard another voice say from the trees lining the landing. My head jerked toward the all too familiar voice and saw what my heart suddenly knew it didn't want to see at that moment. Julie stood in the trees, staring at us, her hand over her mouth, her head moving slowly side to side before she turned and ran through the sparse trees toward her cabin.

I watched her until she disappeared into the cabin and then looked back down at Lily. Her eyes looked at me. I could see curiosity, concern and then, understanding settle across her features. "I think I understand now," she whispered. "You're in love already."

"Can't be. She hadn't talked to me in, well, since I got out of the hospital." I answered her. "There isn't anything there on her side. What we once had is gone."

"From the look on her face, I doubt that's true." Lily whispered, reaching up to my face and pulling me down to hers. She gently kissed my lips and then, holding my face so close I could almost feel her lips move. "Go to her. Tell her how you feel."

I shook my head. "She isn't interested." I answered quietly. "I have to accept that."

"No, you don't," she said, using her thumbs to wipe away tears I didn't even know I had on my cheeks. "But if you won't go, I can't force you."

I lay silently on her until my cock softened and slipped from her pussy, unleashing a gush of cum onto the grass. I stood and helped her up, taking her hand and gently pulling her along with me toward my house.

"I don't have anything to wear," she said as she followed willingly along behind me.

"I'm sure I can find something." I said with a smile. "If we're going to be lovers we have to stop having these short little interludes and get to know each other a lot better."

"Michael!" She said, stopping. I stopped and turned to look at her. "Not like this Michael," she said before turning and walking down the hill toward the lake. I watched her go, watching until her naked body bent to collect her swim suit and then disappeared along the shoreline toward her house.

I took a deep breath and let it out in frustration before turning and continuing to the house. "It clearly doesn't pay to love. You just get hurt." I mumbled to myself as I walked in and closed the door on the heat behind me.

It took me hours to get the nerve up to go over and see Julie. Her car was still there, so I knew she hadn't left, but I was still nervous. I dressed in clean cargo shorts and a t-shirt before walking out into the afternoon heat. Before I realized it I was standing on her porch, knocking on the door.

"Michael," she said when she opened the door and saw me standing there.

"Hi Jules." I said quietly. "Sorry you saw that."

"No. No, it's alright. I mean, Lily. She's really nice. It's good to see you trying to move on," she said quietly, standing in the door but not inviting me in. "Going to be hard when you go back home though."

"Um. This is home." I answered.

She looked surprised. Drawing her head back and shaking it a couple times. "I don't understand."

"I bought it from my mom. I live here now."

"Oh. Wow. I didn't know."

"I couldn't tell you. You stopped answering my calls and texts." I told her.

"I didn't. You never tried after I had to change my number."

"You changed your number?" I asked quizzically.

"I had to. I was having trouble with my ex stalking me. I sent you a letter with my new number."

"What letter? I never got a letter from you."

"I sent one. About two weeks after you went home."

"I never knew. You didn't say when you were at the hospital either. Why did you leave without saying something?"

"I waited until I knew you were going to be alright. I didn't want to make things more confusing for you. You needed to mourn your wife, not chase a love that we could never truly embrace."

"And now?"

"What's changed? We're still cousins. We're still not supposed to be together. We still have lives in two different places."

"It doesn't have to be that way." I answered her.

"Yes. It does. Please, leave it at that. We can be friends. We're going to be neighbors. Let's just try to keep it at that. Please," she pleaded, her eyes searching my face, looking for the answer she wanted.

"And our love? Tell me that you don't love me anymore. Tell me that I no longer hold that part of your heart."

"I don't. It's too hard to love you and then have to let you go. No. That part of our life is over."

"And that's how you want it?"

"Yes," she whispered, so quietly that I barely heard it.

"Alright." I answered, turning and starting down the stairs.

"Michael!" She called, stopping me half way down the stairs.


"Lily. She's a sweet girl. You two, over there. It looked like you really connected. Don't hurt her. Don't hurt yourself. If you love her, then love her. If you don't, don't lead either of you on. One way or the other, give all of yourself to her or don't give any. You owe it to yourself to do that," she said before setting her lips in a tight line and stepping back, closing the door between us.

I expected Lily to come over later in the evening, but she didn't. I suppose I could have gone over there, but I was still struggling with how I really felt. I suppose it was just as well. I went to bed early, hoping that sleep would help.

It was a nice dream. Lily gently sucking my cock, my hips rising to meet the strokes of her mouth as she slid her lips along the length of my shaft. I couldn't hold my hips still, pumping them gently in time with the soft hot mouth teasing my cock. She teased it gently, lovingly. Her tongue swirling around the head each time she pulled up and teasing the bottom of my shaft as she pushed down. It was a shame when she suddenly stopped.

I woke up to the bed moving and startled, trying to sit up as someone climbed onto the bed. I felt a hand push me back down, gently, pressing in the middle of my chest. It was dark, the clouds covering the moon. My night vision wasn't what it used to be, and at that moment I wished it was. I felt her second hand reach down and cradle my cock, pulling it up to her wet pussy as she straddled me. I groaned softly as she pushed my head up between her lips and then pushed herself down my shaft a couple inches. Up and down she started to slide, her hands finding mine in the dark and clasping them on the pillow on either side of my head. She slid up and down my shaft, her hips rolling as she leaned down, dragging her rock hard nipples along my chest with each stroke.

"Oh damn. I won't last long doing that." I groaned as she continued stroking wordlessly. I could hear her breathing grow more ragged and erratic as her pussy spasmed gently around me. Her sighs mirrored my own as she drove both of us surprisingly quickly toward climax. How long had she been sucking my cock, teasing me in my dreams to make me ready? Her strokes were strong and slow, pushing herself down fully onto me before stroking up the length of my shaft, her rock hard nipples dragging on my chest to add to the incredible sensations.

"Gonna come." I grunted when I could hold back no longer. My body jerked under her, pumping a gush of cum up into her. I wondered where it all came from as my cock jerked inside her more than half a dozen times, each one adding cum to what was already there.

I knew she was climaxing as well. Her moans deep and gravely as her pussy clenched around me, time after time. She gasped with my first shot of cum and then moaned softly as she held herself still, feeling my cock moving inside her of its own accord, twitching and jerking for long seconds.

"Oh damn. Thank you Lily." I whispered as my cock started to soften, her hands still holding mine so I couldn't touch her. She leaned down and kissed me, pressing her hot wet lips to mine in a long seductive kiss. She didn't release my hands until she had climbed from my body and was standing next to the bed. I could just see a slight shadow of her back dropped by the doorway as she let go. I reached for her and she was gone. By the time I climbed from the bed I heard the outside door closing. I walked to the door as quickly as I could in the dark and opened it, looking outside and finding her already long gone.

"Damn, what was that all about?" I muttered as I walked back to bed, wondering why the late night fuck and run?

Whatever the reason, her visit served to just reinforce the feelings I seemed to have for her. I could find room in my heart for her. I was pretty sure what I felt was a lot more than just lust, but only time would tell. I lay back down and drifted off to sleep, feeling more contented than I had for days.

I woke up and decided that I wasn't going to work on the roof today. It was, after all, the fourth of July! I dressed in a pair of cargo shorts, and JUST the cargo shorts, after showering and shaving. I pulled on a t-shirt, stepped into my water shoes and walked quickly up the drive, down the street two driveways and down the gravel driveway to the quaint little gray house. I knocked on the door and waited patiently.

Lily answered, standing in the same short and tank top pj's she'd had on the other night. She just started to open her mouth to speak as I stepped toward her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to me. She tilted her head up to match mine as I lowered mine, pressing my lips to hers in a soft loving kiss.

"Mmmmmmm now I can get used to getting up this way," she whispered as I broke the kiss, our hands around each other, gently stroking each other's backs. "But to what do I owe this very enjoyable wakeup call?"

"Last night." I whispered before lowering my mouth back down to hers. I broke the kiss and held her close, my lips almost but not quite touching hers. "I think I'm in love, and I'd really like the chance to find out."

"I don't know what I did last night to bring on this realization, but I'm all for it," she whispered back.

"Last night. In my bed?" I asked feeling a little confused.

"What about your bed? I was here. I didn't come over because I wanted to give you some space."

I eased my grip on her and looked down at her eyes to see if she were serious. "So you didn't sneak into my house last night and make love to me?"

"I wish I had. But no. I didn't," she said, her voice strange, almost scared sounding.

"Then it was..."

"Julie." She finished for me, releasing me. "Michael. Go to her. No matter what she says, she clearly isn't ready to let go, and neither are you." She gently pressed my chest with both her hands until I was outside the door. "You may love me. Thinking it was me last night you clearly decided you do love me. But before you can love me you have to deal with what you and Julie have. Either act on it or write it off forever. If you decide to do the latter...I'll still be here for you. Just don't take too long," she said before closing the door on me.

I stood there for a long time, grappling with the situation. Had Julie really come into my house and made love to me in the night, even after her little speech about letting it go? I walked slowly away from Lily's house. To the road and then down to my own driveway. I walked down and stood in the yard, looking at Julie's house. I made up my mind what I had to do.

I walked over to her house and stopped before climbing the stairs. They had always kept a spare key under the stone in the garden in case my mom had to get in if there was an emergency. I checked and found the key still there. I climbed the steps and stopped at the door, unlocked it and stepped inside. I walked as quietly as I could toward her bedroom, thinking maybe she was still asleep. Her bed was empty, but I could hear the shower running in the bathroom. I took a breath, determined to follow though. I walked to the door, opened it and stepped in, seeing her naked body in the shower. I didn't even take off my clothes. I walked to the shower and stepped in with her.

She spun around in surprise, her mouth opening to scream, stopping short as she recognized me. I stepped to her, wrapped my arms around her and lowered my face to hers, water pouring over the two of us and soaking my clothes as she kissed me back, her kisses erotic and almost urgent. I felt her hands move around my body, finding the front of my shorts and working them open, letting the wet material slide down my legs. Her hands closed around me, both hands stroking my already hard cock slowly as we stood and kissed.

I lowered my hands to her bare ass, lifting her, her hands moving to my neck and her legs wrapping around my waist. I stepped out of the shorts around my ankles and somewhat clumsily carried her out of the shower and all the way to her bed. I flopped us down on the bed, her on her back with me on top. She let go of my neck and started pulling my wet shirt up my body. I lifted myself enough to let her work it over my head and then lifted my arms one at a time. She tossed it aside and then hooked her feet on the foot board, pushing herself up farther on the bed, wordlessly using her hands to try and draw me up with her.

I didn't slide as far as she did, letting her slide herself up far enough for me to lower my face to her chest. I gently kissed each breast, working carefully around each round soft orb before closing in on her right nipple. I planted more kisses around her puckering areola before teasing it with my tongue, and then sucking her nipple into my mouth. She gasped softly, pulling my head to her chest with both hands as she planted her feet on the bed and humped her hips up against me, my cock head just barely teasing against her wet pussy lips. I dug my knees down and arched my back, pushing my mushroom head against her lips harder. She felt me and arched her back as well, tilting her pussy toward me and helping my cock slip between her lips and enter slightly into her tunnel.

"Oh god," she moaned, trying to push herself farther onto me. "Oh please fuck me," she moaned.

I pulled my face from her tit and slid farther up over her, driving my cock into her further. I started to stroke, slowly at first, her hips rocking in time with my motions, her arms wrapping around my body to pull me down against her chest.

"Oh god I love you so much. Take me. Make me come. Oh please make me come!" She moaned loudly as I stroked into her. Her words encouraged me to stroke harder, longer, more forcefully. I drove into her over and over, both of us feeling the urgency in our motions. "Oh god Michael!" She cried as her body started to shudder under me. I felt her arms around my back shake and her legs tremble against my thighs as her pussy spasmed around my shaft. "OH GOD YES! OH GOD MICHAEL!" She cried loudly as she came around me.

"Ohhhhhhh." I groaned as my body jerked, pushing my cock into her until my head hit her cervix. My cock jumped inside her and pumped a gush of cum into her as she moaned and panted under me. I lay on her, feeling her tunnel clench and spasm for long seconds, her arms holding me vice grip tight. I could feel her breathing change, though I couldn't see her face. Her gasps changed to sobs, tears flowing freely down her face as she held me, my cock softening inside her.

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't stay away," she finally managed to get out after several minutes of crying. "For you to be so close and not be with you. I just couldn't do it."

"I know." I whispered, holding her tightly.

We lay there for at least half an hour before we moved, ending up with me on my back and her next to me, her head on my chest. "When I heard about the accident all I could think about was getting there. You were unconscious so all I could do was sit and watch you. Your family I'm sure wondered, but I wasn't leaving until I knew you'd be alright."

"You left without even saying goodbye."

"I couldn't. It was all I could do while I was there to not make a fool of myself when I was sitting with you. I had to go or I'd break down again."

"So last night?"

"I couldn't stand it, knowing you were so close and alone. I used the key your mom used to keep under the flower pot in the patio and let myself in."

"So why not tell me it was you?"

"Because. After seeing you with Lily yesterday. I didn't want to mess things up with her for you. God you two looked so...in love!"

"So what are we?" I asked softly, gently teasing my fingers up and down her back.

"Forbidden love," she whispered.

"Does it have to be?"

"Yes." She answered.

"No." I said quietly. "I can't marry you, they still prevent that, but we could live together. I mean who would argue about us being roommates."

"Our families."

"So? I'm tired of having to duck this. To hide what we feel. Julie. Move in with me. I have plenty of room. This place isn't meant for year round use, so you can't live here. But you could move in with me."

"How? Everyone would know," she said.

"So, you move up here. In the winter months you can move into one of my extra bedrooms," I said.

"So how does that help? We'd still be so close and so far away."

"I don't think you get it yet. Just because you live here doesn't mean you have to actually live here. The only time we have to be apart is when family is up. The rest of the time we can be together. Live, eat, sleep and make love together."

"Can that work? You really think it would fool anyone?"

"Maybe not fool everyone. But I don't care if they guess." I said with a chuckle. "So what do you say? Will you live with me?"

She was silent a long time before answering. "On one condition."

"What's that?" I asked quietly.

She rolled over and climbed on top of me, her bare breasts pressed to my chest as her face hovered over mine. "Take me to the fireworks in the boat tonight. Make love to me under the fireworks. I don't care who sees. I want to feel you come with me with the fireworks exploding overhead as loudly as they explode inside me when you make me come."

"My love, nothing would please me more." I answered with a smile, finally content that I knew what I wanted and was going to be with the woman I loved my whole life. I wondered if my wife was looking down on me and if she approved or not. The thought only lasted a moment. I finally didn't care. I had what I needed in my arms at that moment.

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