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60% An Archangel in the Multiverse / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Bab 3: Chapter 3

"Please stop following me, child."

"I will not stop until you teach me, Senior!"

Now I'm certain who this annoying child is. The child following me and my wife is called Chen Beixuan or commonly known as Chen Fan. I don't care how strong you are in the future kid but please stop following me!

Haaaa, this charade has to stop! He has been following us for the past 5 minutes and he couldn't stop chattering! If I didn't have the patience and kindness of my past life, then I would have already snapped at him.

Before we could even separate ways, another group of trio suddenly appeared in our line of sight and started walking towards us. Isn't that the old man who is very influential in his city? Please help me!

My hopes and dreams started crashing down when the old man, young lady, and the bodyguard walked past us. Damn it!

Oi! Stop glaring at me bodyguard-kun or I will let you taste your own medicine. Hoh? You're still glaring at me ay? Let me see if you can bear the might of my intimidating death glare! /Cough/ I think I was kind of cringey there.

I ignored my internal battle and glared back at bodyguard-kun and felt satisfied when he flinched. He then started to talk to the old man about something and I knew that it was something relevant to us if the widening of his eyes was an indication. But before the old man could even speak to us, we were already 'out of earshot' and continued walking on from there.

Emma, please wake up! I don't want to endure this Xianxia or Wuxia bullshit that's going around me alone!

I then started to walk towards one of the many densely populated places in the city. But before I could even walk any further, the little kid Chen Fan started to drag me with him! I know that I couldn't be dragged by him if I wanted to but I don't exactly know the area.

After a few minutes of Chen Fan "dragging me around", Emma finally started to stir. When she finally woke up, she then looked at my face with a warm smile and said, "Hello honey."

I smiled back at her and said, "Welcome back to the living world, Emma."

I then looked at Chen Fan with a curious gaze as to why he suddenly stopped pulling me and saw his shocked face. Whilst I was inspecting Chen Fan, I could see Emma start to look around us and noticed that we were already in a supermarket of sorts.

I then started to open my mouth to say something but Chen Fan beat me to it, "S-senior! You two are lovers!? Isn't senior a little too old for the young miss?"

I quickly turned my gaze back at him and slapped him on the backside of his head, "What the hell do you mean by that you-!"

I stopped what I was going to say as I could clearly see all the people around us looking at me and continued in a much softer tone, "What do you mean by that little Fan?"

Chen Fan grabbed the back of his head while back from showing in signs of pain. He then gave me a really fake smile and said, "I didn't know that senior was a lolicon so please excuse my sudden shock."

Emma quickly turned towards the little troll and quickly kicked him on the shin, "Who are you calling a loli!? I'll have you know that I am already 95-years-old!"

Chen Fan's eyes widened to unbelievable proportions and looked at me with a shocked gaze, "Senior, if the mistress is already 93, doesn't that mean that she is a paedophile!?"

I coughed a little at that and tried very, very hard not to let out a laugh. I smiled a little at that and said, "The truth is; I am actually much older than the both of you."

I could see the panic in Chen Fan's eyes a little and waited for his answer, "What are you talking about senior? Of course, you are already than me, I am just an ordinary 18-year-old student."

My smile widened as I said the following words, "I would have believed that if it weren't for your soul being such an old one. I estimate that it is around 500 to 600-years-old already."

Now I could see the panic appear in his eyes! Hahahaha, it's been so long since I've fought words with someone that is an intellectual!

Chen Fan then gave me a very nervous smile while Emma was just on the sideline looking at us curiously, "Senior, how do you know of that? How could you sense my soul like that?"

I then walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't worry little Fan, I won't do anything to. But if you ever try to do something to my wife then I'll leave you no mercy," while lacing the last sentence with a little bit of my killing intent.

He then quickly nodded his head and waited for me to do something. I gave him a warm smile to dissuade the situation and said, "Why don't you continue taking us to where we were supposed to be going? And don't worry about the bystanders, I already erected a silencing barrier around us after my earlier outburst."

I could clearly hear the sigh of relief escape from him but ignored it as I continued to follow him through the market. I then felt my little wife snuggle up closer to me and looked at her curiously, "So what did you receive from little Gabby?"

Emma hummed a little and said, "I'll tell you when we're alone. Where is the child taking us?"

I raised a brow at her and said, "Didn't you hear our conversation? He is clearly much, much older than you."

Emma scowled a little and said, "I don't care if his mind is much older than myself. If he spent all his time in his previous life cultivating like the ones in your light novels, then he doesn't have much experience in life. So he is still a child in my eyes."

I could see Chen Fan trip a little at her words and started to get depressed. What the heck kid? You really spent your whole life cultivating?! Didn't you at least have a vacation for a couple of years or even months?

Chen Fan then recovered a little and then continued to guide us through the supermarket and started to buy a lot of herbs with his little amount of money. Wait…. Money! We don't have any money on us! Oh, gods, we're broke. I can't believe that Emma and I are penniless!

I looked around us and saw a bench a few meters away from us and started to walk towards it. I sat her down beside me and proceeded to do a depressed outlook on myself and went inside my library.

I quickly walked towards the medicinal section and started to read all the books I could find. After a few hours of reading through all the books, I decided that it was enough for myself to be in the know of being a Chinese Doctor.

There was a clear difference in how Western Doctors and Eastern Doctors who are Chinese Medicine Practitioners and he was more inclined to use the second option in this world. After having "sufficient" knowledge (Means the whole section of the medicinal part of the Library), I left and was now beside my beloved wife.

I could see the angry pout on her cute and beautiful face and be left dazed. How was I so lucky to be with such a woman? Before I could admire her even more, she suddenly said in an angry voice, "What happened to you, Honey? You suddenly went into a fetal position and started brooding, what's wrong?"

I smiled at her a little and said, "We're broke."

Now it was her turn to be depressed. She immediately curled into a ball after I said those words and started muttering, "I don't want to live in the streets again. It's cold. I don't want to."

I could only remember the time before we were married and Grandma was suddenly out of commission and we were left to our own devices.

Unfortunately for us, the three of us were living in an apartment at that time and when Grandma was admitted to the hospital, no one was left to pay for the bills and we were unfortunately thrown out by the landlady when she noticed that we weren't paying the bills after 4 months.

The good thing was, she didn't throw out grandma's things with us because she was quite close to grandma and she felt kind of sorry. The old hag couldn't even let us stay for a little longer!

After living in the streets for almost a week, we were fortunate enough to get back on our feet and get enough money to go back and pay for the previous bills and the following ones. The old hag was 'kind' enough to welcome us back but still gave us a stern warning to not do it again or there will be no next time.

She kept saying that it was fortunate that we were under the care of her good friend Josephine or else she wouldn't have thought twice on not accepting us again. Haaaa, most of the times I'm glad that I'm grandma Josephine's grandson.

I then looked towards Chen Fan who was walking towards us and heard him say, "Senior, what is happening to your wife? Why is there a clear aura of depression surrounding her?"

I scratched the back of my head a little and said, "Well, we kind of forgot that we're broke right now and we have nowhere to go."

He looked quite shocked at that piece of information and started to think of something. After a few seconds of him standing there like an idiot who was constipated, he finally said something, "Senior, you could live in my apartment for a while."

I shook my head in amusement and said, "Don't worry, I'll definitely protect you if you have any stronger enemies than you. And if you do want to be taught by me then I'll gladly teach you a few things."

It was all right for me to be taken in by him but I don't want to be in debt to this kid so I might as well teach him a few things. The only thing that doesn't make me refuse this offer was due to the fact that he is quite loyal to those he trusts.

After a few minutes of following the child, we finally arrived into a nice looking apartment and went inside. Wow, where the heck did this kid get all this furniture from? And how could he afford all this?

Wait, I forgot that his mother has a pretty big company. So that's where he gets all this from while being broke! I think I want a benefactor too right now. 'Sigh', how can I get money easily?

I then turned towards the direction of my wife and noticed her beelining towards the bedroom. Eh? Honey! This is not our home! I quickly followed after her and entered the bedroom. Wait, why the heck does this look like our old apartment?

I looked at Emma's smug face as she looked at me while lying on the bed and said, "Honey, please get off the bed. You know that this isn't our apartment and we can't have the kid sleep on the couch as this is his home."

Emma then ignored me and started to lift the blanket and put it over her. Why doesn't she listen to me with these things?! I just sighed and went out of the room. What in the world is that kid doing? Is that an Array? Why does it have so many flaws? Isn't he a 500-year-old expert?

I slowly and quietly walked towards him and watched him continue to draw the circle. What in the world? Why does it have such a flaw?

[Flaw 1: This array is one-time use only and cannot be used after it is exhausted.]

I rolled my eyes a little and walked towards his direction. He then looked at me with questioning eyes but let me do whatever I wanted. I then crouched down and started to tamper with the array a little and saw that many of its flaws disappear.

I gave Chen Fan a little smile and motioned for him to use the array already and am quite satisfied with his shocked look. He then stepped inside the circle and initiated the art that was used to harness Qi from the herbs.

I smiled a little as I could see the herbs dance around the ground until it latched itself onto Chen Fan. Ha! I made that little array absorb Qi from the environment and accumulate itself inside the herbs and let Chen Fan absorb all it.

The herbs acted like a transmitter from the Qi in the air to Chen Fan and let itself absorb all of it until the air is dried up from all of its Qi. As the time passes by, the herbs will start to turn to dust due to the weak constitution it has but it will still be more efficient than the one Chen Fan drew.

I gave the kid a warm smile and started to walk towards the bedroom again. When I opened the door, I could see Emma already waiting for me and quickly pounced on her. I then started to snuggle up to her and whispered to her ear, "So, will you tell me what you got from my little sister now? I've already made Chen Fan preoccupied with his cultivation outside. So no one can disturb or eavesdrop on us right now."

She then looked at me with an angry pout and said, "Humph! After 30 years of being apart, the first thing you want to know is what I got from your energetic little sister."

I rolled my eyes at her and said, "You know that this is important Honey."

She then wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest and said, "That doesn't mean that I like it though."

I chuckled at her reaction and said, "I really wanna know Honey. You weren't this short when you were this age. So what happened? You were around 5'4 when you were 25 but now you're around 4'11."

She angrily looked at me and started to beat my chest with her little hands and said, "Don't make fun of my height!"

I let out a loud snort as I said, "I'm not. I'm just curious."

She pouted at me and said, "Firstly, I got Lucy's powers, skills, and experience. Second, I got Saber's powers, skills, experience, and equipment that I could summon. Third, was Lisa Lisa's experience and skill with the Ripple. That's all."

What the heck!?! HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW ALL THOSE GIRLS!?!?!! You don't even like Anime!!

Seeing my frustrated look, she quickly patted my cheeks and said, "I got them through a list of names Gabriel gave me. I picked those three because it looked like these girls were the weakest of the bunch and I don't want to be too Overpowered."

What? Okay, what? If they were the weakest, then who the hell was the strongest in the least?! 'Sigh', I don't wanna think about it. It makes my head hurt too much.

Before I could even do anything, Emma quickly pulled my face close to hers and said in a very creepy voice, "Know that I can still help you in fights, okay Michael? And don't you dare think about getting a harem or I'll kill them off one by one."

I scratched the back of my head and said, "Hahahaha, don't worry about it Em. And when did you start calling me Michael?"

Emma then started pondering on my words and quickly said, "OH!! It was when Gabriel kept drilling it to my head that your name is Michael and not Christopher. And if you're wondering why I don't like harems anymore then you can blame Gabriel. She's very scary about the 'not letting you have your own harem'. She actually acted like a yandere if I do say so myself."

Okay, what the hell? My little sister Gabby, a yandere? Huh? When did that happen? And why would she be a yandere towards me? I'm her older brother for Yahweh's sake!

I just shook my thoughts away and cuddle closer to Emma, "Don't worry too much about her, Em. And just so you know, I don't actually WANT a harem but if I am ever going to have one then I won't reject the idea."

She quickly slapped me on the head and muttered, "Perverted angel."

I smiled at her and whispered in her ear, "But I'm YOUR perverted angel."

She giggled at my words and said, "Stop being so cheesy!"

I ignored her words with a contented smile on my face and just laid there on the bed with my beautiful wife. After a couple of minutes of silence, I said to her with a very curious gaze, "Hey Em."

She turned towards me and gave me an equally curious look and hummed. I beamed at her cute face and said, "What do you think about our adventure? You do know that we're travelling to a bunch of fictional worlds and most of them are from Anime, right?"

Emma slowly nodded at my words and made a, 'go on' motion with her right hand. I hugged her tighter to me and said, "Well, do you like the idea of going to the various Anime worlds that you said that you didn't like? Like the High school DxD world. We could arrive there in the next world with how random our world-hopping is going to be."

She then started tapping her pointer finger on her chin while adopting a thoughtful expression and said, "Well, I don't really mind that much. We could always avoid the plot and stay away from the main cast," she then shivered a little and continued, "Now that I think about it, I really do mind. I don't want to be in the same world as that Oppai Dragon."

I smirked a little at her words and suggested, "Well, we could always stick with your idea if that ever does happen."

She looked at me questioningly and asked, "What idea?"

I looked confused at her words and answered, "You know, the avoid the main cast idea?"

Emma then looked at me like she had an epiphany and said, "Oh! That idea. Yeah, that sounds about right! We'll go with that plan if we don't like the world."

After a few more minutes of talking, I finally saw Emma feeling a little tired and let her sleep. I don't know about her powers but I think that she is mentally tired right now. With all the sudden information being stuck in their head, who wouldn't?

I then looked at the window and saw the beautiful night sky and couldn't help but admire it. I then slowly started to walk towards the window and open it. I silently gazed on the city and admired it for a little bit and sat on the windowsill.

After a few minutes of just looking at the city, I then jumped out of the window and spread my wings. I then started to flap them and hover above the ground. Heh, I missed this golden wings of mine. Having them back just feels right.

I then started to fly around the city and sightsee while most of the people are still asleep so that they won't be so amazed at how an angel is here.

'System, open the shop please.'

[Skills {Enter}

Items {Enter}

Powers {Enter}

Miscellaneous {Enter}

Store Points: 0]

'Sigh', even in my System I'm still broke. Let's see with the skills then.

[Evolve: 10,000,000 SP

Erase: 7,000,000 SP

Power Sharing: 2,000,000 SP





Singing: 100 SP

Piano: 100 SP]

Huh, why is the Power Sharing so expensive?

[Only beings of high power can use this technique and not be left drained. If mortals such as Chen Fan try to use this, there will be consequences. Things like; not getting your power back or the power that you will try sharing will be forever lost to you.]

Huh, so that's why. Meh, I don't really need that as much as the Evolve skill. I always wanted to know what the next evolution of my skill or technique is. Maybe I can use that on my 'Immortal Cultivator's Divine Arts'? How OP could that be?

'Hmmmm, hey system! How can I get Store Points?'

[Through the use of the Quest Function.]

'Then how do I use or activate the Quest Function?'

[The host is already in a quest.]

'Huh? Wait, wahh? What do you mean by that?'

[The host is already in a quest due to the System automatically accepting it due to Archangel Raphael's orders. And the host was only notified by this was due to the host asking the system about the Quest Function.]

'That annoying little brother of mine! Haaaaa, so what's the quest System?'

[Main Quest:

Description: The MC of the world that you are in is much stupider and less knowledgeable than the Original. The MC, Chen Fan, needs your help.

Task 1: Help Chen Fan reach Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment-Intermediate Stage in 1 year.

Task 2: Be his Master for 2 years.

Rewards: 100,000 SP, A Flying Sword, and the chance to choose your next world.]

Okay, those tasks are borderline babysitting. Did Raphael do something to this version of Chen Fan and wanted to repay him? And why do I even need a Flying Sword? I already have my beautiful wings!

Haaa, I think I'll just give that to Emma after I teach her how to use it. Huh, speaking of Emma, does she even know how to use Qi? Oh God, I have another student!

Heh, good thing for me I have the Library of the Heaven's Path and the System. Wait, Qi? Do I even have Qi?

I immediately went down to the top of one of the buildings and squatted on the floor. I then started to look at the energies inside my body and what I saw shocked me. I know I had Magic Reserves and Ki Reserves but I never knew that I had Holy Energy and Qi already inside of me!

Okay, so the Holy Energy must have come from the angel physiology but the Qi, where did it come from? It was even larger than my Holy Energy! Wait, was this the Magic power that I was cultivating earlier!? I thought that I just refined the energy from Sunshine! I didn't know that I turned it into this dense and large Qi Reserves!

Haaaa, this is so stressful. Ehhh? Is that the sun? Was I flying around for a couple of hours already? Shoot! The people could have seen me flying around! Oh God, Emma's going to be on my case if she sees an article about me!

Time to see if this 'Immortal Cultivator's Movement Arts' is really up there. Let's see if you're good enough to be used by me or I'll just compile another book. After reading through the book for a couple of seconds, I quickly used the technique and was left exhilarated.

Wow! This technique lets me travel 300 meters in just a single step! Damn is this good. After a couple of seconds, I was already in front of the apartment of Chen Fan. I immediately knocked on the door and patiently waited for the kid to open it.

After a minute or so, the door finally opened and out came Chen Fan. Huh? Why is the kid so haggard looking? And why is he so excited?

"Senior! I have reached the Peak of the Foundation Establishment-Initial Stage! Only a little more and I will break through to the Intermediate Stage!"

Wait, what? Okay, that was fast. I smiled at him and patted him on the back and said, "Good for you kid! We'll just go to the Yanhui Lake later to let you have your breakthrough."

I then walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. I then started to look around for anything to cook and was fascinated that the kid behind me had such a variety of food here but he never ate any.

I shook my head in amusement and started to prepare the ingredients for some Dim Sums, Spring roll, and Shitake Fried Rice with Water Chestnuts. The mother of Chen Fan must have really gone all out in the food area. How could I even cook those three dishes if she didn't?

After almost an hour of cooking, I finally saw Emma out of the bedroom and was amazed that she was still wearing her white sundress and dove slippers. Heh, she looks pretty cute in that outfit.

I then started serving the dishes to both of them and watched them closely for their reactions. As I watched Emma and Chen Fan eat their first spoonful of my Shitake Fried Rice with Water Chestnuts style, I was amazed that their reactions were the same as that of people in the Anime 'Food Wars!'.

Well, Emma only moaned a little and then started scarfing down the food in front of her, while Chen Fan, on the other hand, had a Foodgasm.

Is this the result of not eating anything good for a couple hundred years? Did that make his taste buds more sensitive than normal? Is this the curse of all the cultivators out there?

I quickly snatched some Dim Sums and Spring Roll as I could see both Emma and Chen Fan eating almost everything! Emma even tried to eat my Fried Rice!

After swallowing the last bite of my food, I quickly turned to Chen Fan and said, "Clean the dishes or I won't let you eat. I know Cultivators don't need to eat much so I know I won't starve you."

Chen Fan had a horrified look on his face as he quickly started washing the bowls and plates that were on the table. Emma giggled a little at how fast Chen Fan was going and turned towards me and said, "Where did you learn how to cook like that? If I had known that you could cook, then I would have let you feed me whilst I was alive in our previous world."

Good thing that I covered Chen Fan's hearing with my Magical Power so that he couldn't dismiss it as he could with Qi. I smiled a little at Emma and said, "Well, I kind of wasted one of my boons with all the knowledge about Cooking."

Emma gave me a beautiful smile and said, "Then you'll have to cook for me from now on because I think that all the other food in the world will taste bland now."

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her words and said, "Hehehe, if that's how you feel right now then I don't know what Chen Fan's going to feel when we leave this world."

Emma's eyes widened a little and said, "Poor little Chen Fan."

I shook my head in amusement and turned to say something to Chen Fan but was beaten to it by him, "Senior! I thought that we were going to the Yanhui Lake today?"

I smiled teasingly at him and said, "We are. After you finish washing the dishes that is."

Chen Fan gave me a confused look and said, "I can't hear you, Senior. I think that you forgot that you disabled my hearing ability."

Oh. Right. I quickly absorbed all the Magical Energy surrounding into my body and said, "Well then, let's go?"

Chen Fan gave me an enthusiastic nod and said, "Yes!" While quickly rushing towards the door. I silently followed the overly excited child but stopped when I heard a fake cough.

I then turned towards my wife and gave her a dissuading smile and said, "What are you coughing there for Em? Aren't you coming?"

Emma then crossed her arms below her D-Cup bust and said, "And why wasn't I informed of this little plan?" whilst pouting.

I laughed a little at her cuteness and grabbed her by the waist and put her on my shoulder. The surprised squeal that she let out was just so adorable! I could just see the cute pout on her face and said, "Don't worry too much about that Em. You were still asleep when Chen Fan and I decided that. And we couldn't even talk properly in the table with how both of you were scarfing down the food!"

I ignored the slap on my head and walked towards the patiently waiting Chen Fan at the door and grabbed his shoulder after saying, "Try not to get nauseated."

I then used my Movement Technique and had us arrive at the Yanhui Lake after a couple of steps. This Technique is really overpowered! Imagine crossing a couple of kilometres with just a dozen steps.

When we finally appeared, I noticed that the Old Man, Young Lady, and Bodyguard-kun there already. They then looked at us with shocked expressions on their faces and rushed towards us. I knew that the three of them didn't mean any harm but my two companions didn't.

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