Dom and Sophia set up on the course that the clones ran and waited for the timer to begin. Once the singal flared, both Spartans sprinted down the course completely shattered the practice droids.
"Dom! The turret!"
"I'm on it!" He crashes into a small wall covering breaking off a large chuck of the wall. He spins grabbing onto the broken chuck and flinging it towards the turret. Knocking it completely off the stand. Without the turret in the way, Dom rushed to the bottom of one of the towers with his back up on the wall. "Sophia go!"
She took off towards Dom, jumping towards him with her feet down, he grabs the bottom of her foot flinging her into the air. She grabs the side of the tower and swings herself up and tears the head of a droid in the tower, before knocking the rest out of the tower. Meanwhile, Dom takes off dodging the fire from the side wall mounted turret. She runs to the side and kicks off the wall leaving behind a deep footprint. He reaches grabbing the turret and the barrels yanking it clear off the wall. Not even twenty seconds later both Spartan finishing the course. The timer displaying a time of 1:33.
--Clones on the side--
"What the hell was that CT-7567." (At this point they didn't have names)
"I'm not sure. But if they are clones we are way behind."
"Dom what was earlier your slip of the tongue could of costed Diesel!"
"It's fine Sophia, we need to have them lower their guards, as we currently know Diesel is completely fine and we have no means of finding him. As for everything else before I went into cryo I removed most of the data from the ships system and placed it on this chip." He pulls out a chip from behind his helmet revealing it to Sophia. 95% of the data that was given to us, is safe on this chip. so I already knew what they had access to. As for the rest, what the hell are they gonna do? We're so far from home and they never heard of anything about our universe. A slip of the tongue is nothing if it lowers there guards."
"Okay, so what's the plan then?"
"Information gathering, we can't search without knowing nothing. Besides this place interests me, and could be vital in the future. Think about it. Alright, just follow my lead." Both Spartans return to the viewing platform. "Lama Su, the course is too easy. I suggest increasing the difficulty if you want the clones to evolve a better understanding of learning. They need to be challenged and forced to think of other options."
"Thank you Dom. We shall take it into consideration. So what do you think of the facility overall?"
"I think it's well done and the cloning look's good. The combat training needs to be redone. It's weak and doesn't force them to think individually. The course shouldn't be the same every time. It needs to evolve as the clones evolve further improving their capability. Otherwise, most of the clone's abilities will become stagnant. Now can I ask a question? We arrived here looking for a friend named Diesel where can we find him."
"I don't know anything about someone named Diesel, but Jango would. Most of the time we Kaminoans stay to ourselves and don't venture out in the universe. I would seek Jango for your answers."
"Very well, may we meet him again. We can talk about the clones again another time." Lama Su leds the Spartans back to Jango's quarters. He opens and lets both inside as Lama Su walks away returning to his work.
"I've been expecting you two here, I'm assuming your after this then." He opens up a recorder revealing the scene of Diesel fighting off the Trade Federation droids and later an image of the Mandalorian speech. "Your man has been busy. He is currently leading both Naboo and the Mandalorian people as Mandalor. He has been doing a lot of good for them." After a short discussion about Diesel and the things he has been up to Dom decided to test the waters a little more.
"I see, are you able to put in contact with Diesel?"
"Not right now, but I'll see what I can do for you."
"Thanks Jango, Lets go Sophia." Both Spartans leave the quarters of Jango and walk down the hall meeting up with an escort droid who brings them to their quarters. Both Spartan look around the room looking for any sort of devices that could be used for recording or listening. Not finding anything.
"Sophia before we went into cryo did you make sure you set the remote linking for your suit and the ship?"
"Of course, I did it immediately after we left." Sophia takes a few minutes scanning the data from the ship.
"Did you find anything out of the ordinary. Not really, doesn't seem like they cracked much, they got into the files you've mentioned. It looks like they removed the Cryo pods roughly two-three years ago. It also seems like they corrupted some of the data. Will you be able to fix it?"
"Of course, anyways be careful of that Jango guy, he's hiding something and trying to keep us here for something. The Kaminoans on the other hand, I'm having a hard time reading them. They seemed very proud of their work and wanted to express that to us. Kinda like they were advertising. Like hey! Were cloners! Buy our work!"
"When do we go get Diesel?"
"Once we figure out where he's at."
Negative or Postive i do like reading the comments/reviews/concerns. Positive or negative, however, please keep them novel related or I'll delete them. There is no need for things to become openly attacking. I'm a amauter writer, and by no means perfect. but thank you everyone who has been postive or even express the negative aspect. I would love to talk about them in discord (aux chapters)