Check the author's note.
The first embers of the morning sun were shining upon the stunning view.
Even the journalists who were broadcasting the fight and commenting had their mouths wide-open.
The dust resulting from the short but impactful clash was slowly settling down, letting all clearly see the defeated figure in the house-sized crater.
Kotei, or more known as Nova, was hovering just above the scene.
His eyes seem to shine a purple hue, the cape fluttering behind him was expanding his glorious appearance. In the eyes of many, he was like an impassive judge who just condemned the apex of all evil.
Some even began to pray to him, as if he was some divinity.
Behind the screens, citizens were praising and celebrating his more than evident victory.
Kotei, oblivious to all the praise and cheer directed to him still had his gaze directed to his opponent.
He lacked experience, but he was far from being naive and over-confident.
His victory seems flawless.
Too flawless even.
A frown came to our main character's face as he observed his opponent suddenly moving at high speed, betraying the previous conclusion when seeing his broken body.
Leaping from the hole to more flat ground, All For One had his high-regeneration quirk heal and mend his wounds.
All Might, in his weakened form, came nearer to his student as he observed the scene too.
He just sent all citizens in the perimeter to a safe location with the help of Gran Torino.
Kotei's eyes glanced at the teacher near him.
'Considering his injuries and his current state, I doubt that he would be able to follow in our full-power clashes.'
As if reading his thoughts, the symbol of Peace weakly raised his thumb at the student who surpassed his expectations way more than what he could have hoped.
"I can still fight Juryoku-shonen! Don't worry about me."
The smile on his fight convinced Kotei to not try to put him aside.
'It seems quite personal.'
"Then, I will occupy him while you try to find a chance to strike." Kotei said, focusing once again on the opponent who made Japan tremble.
AFO was clearly enraged to have been put into such a state by a mere student.
His scarred face was twisted into a seemingly bottomless rage as some people watching this pissed themselves in fear, be it kids or adults.
"I made an error... I should have killed you the moment I knew about your existence!" He shouted, releasing a stream of hot vapor toward his two arch-nemesis.
Not only would it serve as a distraction for him to prepare for his next move, but it would also restrict their vision and give him another advantage.
Kotei lifted All Might and floated above the rushing vapor.
It would not do anything to him, however, All Might was too weak to take this type of attack even though he would not die, it would take him out of commission.
Our purple-haired character was floated in the air, looking for any sign of movement when he quickly made a gravity barrier around them.
At this moment, very thin string surrounded the shield, failing to pierce it.
'It's quite hard. a normal human would have been turned into nothing but a shredded piece of meat.' Kotei observed more and more layers of string surrounding the shield.
On the ground, AFO was standing up, his two hands turned toward the ball of string.
Kotei and All Might were not visible anymore from the outside.
He closed his hands, using one of the few quirks he did not use until now.
A second after, all strings glowed a red light as if it was hot iron.
The explosion was heard by everyone in the city. The wind became erratic and the helicopters were forced to back away once more as the strength of the explosion was sending them flying away.
The cloud of smoke was quickly cleared when Kotei emerged from it, his fist in front of him.
AFO hurriedly created a gross mass of quirk on his right arm as he swung it at Kotei.
The two fists met and once again, a powerful shockwave traveled through the ground, while the wind sent the stones flying away, some reduced to powder and dust.
The two were locked into a stalemate, but the scene was quite short as Kotei used his superior combat abilities to strike a blow.
Stopping to push AFO's fist with his right fist, he used the momentum to spin and deliver a powerful kick to the villain's face, successfully knocking him away.
AFO groaned before stopping his speed with the quirk "Air Steps".
However, he did not have any time to understand what was happening as Kotei rushed toward him, breaking the ground on his path.
He was forced to block another kick reinforced with gravity and was sent flying once again.
Each hit was breaking his bones and tearing his flesh apart.
While the regeneration quirk he stole was quite useful, it was bound to find its limits with how much it was working.
'I can't keep it going!' AFO thought, slight panic in his mind.
He noticed how the wounds were healing way slower than before while Kotei's hits kept the same intensity.
He released another wave of vapor toward Kotei, hoping to slow him down.
Which did absolutely did not work as his opponent still rushed toward him like a freaking homing missile.
AFO then tried to push him using a powerful air gust but once again, Kotei ignored it.
The scarred man ran out of ideas the moment Kotei reached him.
Another kick almost met his head, but thankfully for him, he raised his arms quick enough to protect himself.
This time, however, it seems as the strike went through every defense he had, almost tearing his arms off.
With a sonic explosion, he was sent down not dissimilar to a meteor.
Once again in a crater, he rose on his feet.
This time, however, it was obvious that he was nearing his end.
His arms were healing very slowly compared to the beginning of the fight where he was ready to fight the next second.
The broken bones of his legs were standing out while blood was slowly making a puddle under him.
AFO lifted his head toward the flying figure above him, ignoring the iron scent permeating the air around him.
Kotei was simply observing from above what he wanted to do next.
The moment his arms healed, AFO raised them in the air, trying to continue the fight.
"Really? I can do this all day." Kotei declared, his face still impassive.
"It can't be! I cannot lose again!" AFO shouted, trying to hit Kotei who simply evaded the attack by flying around the projectiles.
At this exact moment, another voice interrupted the scene.
"All States Smash!"
"All... Mig-!" AFO did not have the time to say anything else as All Might's fist connected with his head, burying the man in the ground which broke under the strength it underwent.
This time for sure, AFO was done.
I did not post for a while since I stopped watching and reading animes.
I just don't like it anymore.
I will continue the books to the best of my abilities but with my law studies, it certainly won't be my priority.
Or maybe I will just drop it one day. I will warn you either way, but I plan to end this fanfic at the very least.
Have a good day.
1200 words.
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