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18.69% Playboy is my Date / Chapter 20: chapter 20

Bab 20: chapter 20

Vukan sighed in relief and with a sting of disappointment as he watched the two ladies battling it out on the karaoke floor. In difference to what he had thought, they were actually hitting it off and Sofia nudged him slightly on the side before shaking her head and walking away.

"So, what do you think?" Jae walked over with a bottle of beer in his hand.

"What I think is that you need to start working on your English", Vukan replied. "I almost had a heart attack because of you".

The duo tussled briefly, before paying more attention to the two girls singing. In difference to the vibe Tanya had given earlier, she had the voice of an angel, while Alicia was doing just about enough to remain in the competition.

"Damn, those girls can sing", Jae whispered before downing his beer until the bottle was empty. "I don't mind hitting one or even the both of them".

Vukan scoffed, knowing that was a dream that couldn't or wouldn't come true. For one, his record with Alicia did well to suggest he should never make a play towards her ever again. Secondly, Tanya played for a different team to his.

"You know Tanya has a boyfriend, right?" he asked Jae whose jaw dropped as if a bomb had been dropped on him.

He could not believe his ears and continued to look from Tanya to Vukan and then back to the gorgeous looking lad.

"Doesn't mean she cannot swing my way", Jae remained reluctant. "Why didn't you say anything about Alicia? Do you think she's too good for me or something?"

Vukan felt displeased that he had to remind his friend of the last episode they had together.

"Remember what happened when she caught you on the Trick or Treat?" he asked.

"Nothing much happened", Jae tried to deflect the magnitude of the occurrence.

Vukan burst out laughing, prompting an embarrassed expression from Jae who knew too well he was lying.

"Dude, she chased your ass out with a freaking pistol and would have whooped you too, had you not run off like a freak in a superman costume!" Vukan stated the occurrence out as vividly as possible.

Oliver walked over to meet them. "What are you fellas going on about?"

Jae made hand signals to Vukan, begging him not to speak.

"Just some incident where Jae had his ass whooped by a girl", Vukan explained. "You should have seen my buddy running for his damn life".

Oliver shared in the tease as they laughed hard and well at Jae.

"There are loads of can worms to open buddy… enjoy yours while it lasts", he noted before turning his back on the two.

They laughed on for the next minute before Oliver cleared his throat, snuck his arm underneath Vukan's and said, "Let's dance".

Jae turned around and snickered, "You got the wrong guy, buddy. He has two left legs".

Vukan wore a harmless frown, turned to look at Oliver and protested against being dragged to the dance floor. He wasn't the dancing type and would rather do anything else than disgrace himself on the dance floor.

"You can follow my lead", Oliver did his best to encourage Vukan.

"Follow his lead, Vukan", Jae teased. "Follow his lead with your freaking two left legs".

Vukan finally managed to break free from Oliver. "Please, don't make me dance. I don't even think I'm wearing the right shoes".

He gave as many excuses as he could until Oliver finally decided against taking him to the dance flor.

"I will dance with you", Sofia offered as she headed off with her brother.

Jae drew close with a snicker escaping his lips, "Pussy".

Vukan nudged him slightly in the ribs. "Screw you".

The two turned away and walked to get some more drinks at the bar. It was quite nice to see everyone getting along and things had taken a better turn than he had first anticipated.

"I honestly thought tonight was a bad idea", Vukan confessed to his friend.

Jae looked to the dance floor, where Oliver and his sister were having a nice time, while Tanya and Alicia seemed to be hitting things off perfectly too.

"Well, we all had to save your sorry ass", Jae teased his friend.

Vukan raised a glass and made a toast with his friend, "To a wonderful night with new friends and many more nights like this".

"Jae replied, "To a wonderful night".

They decided to spend their time watching others have fun while they entertained themselves with all the alcohol they could have. Oliver raced over to take sips from Vukan's drink intermittently, but it was nice seeing him loosen up on the dance floor. Sofia took some time off dancing to sing as well, prompting everyone to applaud her singing prowess.

Vukan smiled at the thought of their parents seeing just how well everyone was getting along. It felt as though the incident at the bridge had been scripted to happen for things to take a positive tone between them. He thanked his stars for being there and couldn't even begin to think about what could have happened had he not seen Oliver fall into the river.

"Can Oliver handle his liquor?" Jae asked out of the blue.

"I don't know, why?" Vukan asked.

Jae pointed to the dance floor where Oliver seemed to be really letting it loose.

"Damn, that dude can dance", Jae confessed. "Surely better than your stiff ass".

Vukan felt proud and smiled as he watched Oliver outperform everyone on the dance floor. The night had stretched on with fun and happiness, so much so that nobody cared to look at the time.

Vukan wished every day would be like the night was for Oliver. He wished Oliver wouldn't have to think about his pains or even relive them anymore. If only wishes came in such manner.

"This cannot be good", Jae said out of the blue.

"What?" Vukan asked, without turning around.

Jae fell silent but continued to peer his gaze over Vukan's shoulder as he pretended to be taking a sip from his drink.

"What is going on? Why do you have that bizarre look on your face?" an embattled Vukan asked before finally turning around.

His jaw dropped, his eyes widened and he could literally feel his tongue roll towards the back of his mouth. He badly wanted his vision to be false or for what was occurring before him to be some kind of joke.

Jae tapped his arm and said, "Don't get overboard or even do anything silly. That's harmless, but I only spoke because I know how you are with… ".

Vukan didn't wait to listen to the entirety of the lecture as he shot up from his seat and marched towards the dancing ground where Oliver seemed to be having too much of a nice time. He took a spot behind Oliver, watching the young man dance wildly with whoever was before him and then finally stepped in between the both of them.

"This is the best time for you to beat it", he said, turning to the stranger he had seen dancing with Oliver.

The green painted skinned fellow snorted derisively, shot Vukan a rather unpleasant look and shoved him hard in the chest. "What's your problem? Get the fuck off my face!"

Vukan snickered, sniffed and wiped some imaginary sweat from his forehead, before returning the gesture with a folded fist which managed to connect with his target's jaw.

"Fuck off!" Vukan yelled, before pouncing on the boy on the floor and kicking him hard in the gut.

Oliver looked dumbfounded and equally befuddled. He tugged at Vukan's shirt but the latter didn't seem to care as he got himself embroiled in dishing out some serious pain to the boy he had caught dancing with Oliver.

"You don't fucking mess with me!" he yelled, before finally catching sight of Oliver who rushed to place his body between Vukan and the poor boy.

The entire floor suddenly fell silent, with those who were at the karaoke spot, halting their music to witness the episode unfold.

"That was cruel… that was uncalled for", some began to say as they passed their remarks against Vukan.

Vukan didn't seem to care and barely even acknowledged them either.

"What got into you?" Oliver asked.

Vukan wished he could answer the question but he just couldn't. He had been provoked but not to the point of beating the boy into a pulp. It was safe to say his blood boiled from the moment he saw the boy and Oliver dancing together.

"Hey, you!" someone called out from Vukan's right hand side.

Vukan managed to turn and see the incoming knife just in time to duck and prevent himself from getting stabbed. He duly knew how to hold his own when need be and he wasn't about to allow anyone hurt either Oliver or anyone he had come with.

"You are going to pay for fucking up my brother", the tall looking fella with rather intimidating biceps threatened.

Oliver tugged at Vukan, hoping they would leave the environment without having to cause any issues, but Vukan wasn't about to become a coward.

The fight ensued and within minutes, Vukan had his shirt torn, an injury across his chest from a rather nasty gash, while his opponent lost some teeth and managed to leave with a broken jaw.

"Get the girls home!' Vukan ordered Jae who had rushed in to assist with the fight and to ensure things didn't escalate past how they already did.

Nobody could believe something as small as Vukan becoming protective of Oliver could turn into such a mess. Oliver stormed out of the room and Vukan did his best to follow. Partly bloodied but doing fine to carry himself, he managed to rip off his shirt to reveal some of the flame tattoo peering down the left hand side of his chest, towards his abdomen.

"What the hell got into you in there!?" Oliver let out in anger the moment he spotted Vukan.

Short on words and understanding he had messed up yet again, Vukan paced around in a confused manner, trying hard and doing his best to actually explain why he had gotten so aggressive in the first place. The only problem was getting the needed words out.

"I don't know", he muttered.

Oliver wasn't willing to take such feeble explanation and he came closer. "What happened there? Why did you go off all of a sudden?"

Vukan shook his head, while he could tell Oliver was peering his gaze on his flame tattoo through the dimly lit bulb in the parking lot. He yanked the remaining of his shirt into place and managed to stop the bleeding he had sustained from the fight.

"I lost it… I lost it when I saw him dancing with you and felt he was going to abuse the moment', Vukan finally confessed. "I was just being protective of you and then things got worse".

Oliver planted his fingers into his hair and brushed them backwards as he paced to and from until he was standing before Vukan once again.

"When I go to parties, I let loose and I try to enjoy the moment by dancing with people", he explained. "Becoming protective of me is fine but I don't necessarily think I need it".

Vukan motioned to respond, but Oliver halted him by placing a finger to his own lips.

"I don't want to hear anything from you other than assuring words that you will not pull up that kind of stunt again!" he spoke atop his voice.

Vukan wished he could make the promise, but he knew too well it wouldn't last. He was built that way; territorial, willing to defend and never taking nonsense with those he claimed to be his.

"I am sorry", he apologized. "We were having a really good time and I fucked shit up and I am sorry".

Vukan looked around but couldn't find Jae or the girls. They had left as he had instructed them to and it brought him some sigh of relief. He wondered what Sofia must have thought about him after seeing him show another crazy side to his personality.

"Is Sofia going to be cool with me after this?" he inquired. "She is your sister and you know her better than anyone, so… ".

Oliver interjected. "Sadly, Sofia seemed to find you fighting like a maniac, hot".

He was quite thrown aback and would never had guessed it even if he was given a million dollars.

"She has a thing for rough guys and I am seriously beginning to question her choices", Oliver said as he stomped his foot into the ground before paying attention to Vukan again. "How is the wound?"

Vukan sniffed, tried to play it off and replied "it isn't as bad as it looks. It is just a flesh wound and I should be…. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh!"

Oliver had intentionally pinned his thumb into the wounded area to get a reaction. Vukan nudged his hand off and walked some distance away to tend to the bleeding cut. It wasn't entirely bad, but it needed to be looked into so it wouldn't get infected. He had simply thought of playing it cool and putting on a brave face to impress Oliver.

His squeals like a child definitely didn't do the bravery tag any good.

"Get that wound checked out, else we are going to have a big problem", Oliver warned.

Vukan promised he was going to sort it as soon as possible.

"Do we go home now, or would you like to watch the stars with me?" Oliver asked.

Vukan definitely wasn't in the mood to go home yet. He would rather be by Oliver's side. He drew closer, trying his best not to let off any groan or indicator of his hurt.

"This is actually one of my hobbies", Oliver said. "I do it with my Dad".

'Cool", Vukan replied even while he wasn't quite sure on what he was staring at.

Oliver snuck his hand towards Vukan's and they locked their fingers together with thin smiles greeting their faces in unison even though they didn't look at each other.

"I don't know much about looking at the stars other than trying to make animals out of them", Vukan jokes.

Oliver laughed. "Then that is what we are going to do for tonight".

Vukan was quite surprised that she would accept.

"I found a rabbit!" Oliver pointed out, tracing his hand through the sky while Vukan attempted to make sense of it.

They would spend the next few hours together, spotting odd shapes and trying to name stars they really weren't sure even existed. For Vukan, it was the perfect way to spend his night and the overprotective act from earlier before, seemed to be paying up.

"Do you have any plans for graduation?' Vukan asked. "It is coming at us so fast I had not even gotten the time to think about it".

Graduation had been slated for the third week in September and it was a really big deal as expected.

"Me too", Oliver replied. "I was hoping to take a few pictures with my parents and family as a whole, and maybe spending time out. I don't know where, but it has to be memorable".

While Oliver had been with Ryan Smith, his biological father, he never assumed he would live long enough to attend school, talk less of graduation.

"Do you ever miss him or think about him?" Vukan asked.

Oliver turned his head to the side where they lay on the grass and asked, 'Who?"

"Ryan… your biological father who maltreated you", he replied.

Oliver wondered if he read minds because he was just thinking about the man.

"I think about it at times, but never because I miss him", Oliver answered. "I think more about how he tried to make my life a living hell and if not for Peter and Gemma, I will not be here today".

His voice seemed strained as he spoke about Ryan, prompting Vukan to decide not to indulge Oliver on such a sensitive subject again; or at least, not in the nearest future. Oliver reached over to hold unto Vukan's hand like a scared child would the adult or protector around them.

"I am serious about getting that wound checked out tomorrow", Oliver warned.

"Yes Sir", Vukan teased. "Anything your lordship desires of me, Sir".

They laughed hard and fell silent for what felt like eternity. The silence seemed to embody their thoughts to one another, without needing to taint it with words. Vukan felt happy, while Oliver felt good about their relationship thus far. Things had definitely been running smoothly between them and Vukan wanted it to remain that way.

"I know tonight came off as scary and rather crazy for you", Vukan whispered. "So, no more crazy stuff".

"Do I have your word on it?' Oliver asked to be sure he wasn't just being played.

Even while he was beginning to trust Vukan, he couldn't quite tell what the boy could do in entirety. The fight from earlier was a shock to his system and he braced himself for more in the future.

"You have my words", Vukan reiterated his assurance.

He closed his eyes and pondered on what he could do to really make things perfect between them. He needed something special and not just the cliché which Oliver might be expectant of or which he might see coming before it even happens.

"It was nice having someone fight over me though", Oliver whispered. "I just cannot see it becoming a habit. I wouldn't want that for you or from anyone".

The words left some pride on Vukan's tongue. He smiled to himself and promised to do something Oliver would never forget in a hurry. He needed something perfect, and the perfect idea crossed his mind.

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