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18.51% The Wound In The Stars / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Bab 10: Chapter 10

(POV Ayala Secure)

This has been a crazy month for me. First, I get captured by slavers. Then I get rescued by unknown Mandalorians, who then proceed to ransom me back to the order. Even after all that something tells me that Nomad guy just asked for a ransom to prove a point. I have no evidence but it's a gut feeling. And now here I am waiting outside the Council meeting room, waiting for them to call on me. After stewing in my own thoughts, most of which are about the words Nomad had spoken to me, a few more minutes door opens revealing my master. "The council will see you now, just tell them what happened" said her master.

I was brought in to the center of the meeting room. It's quite unnerving standing in the middle being stared at by the masters.

"You have been through quite the ordeal. Please enlighten us about the events as they happened" said Windu.

"Yes master. As we were investigating pirate attack reports, me and my master were ambushed. During which we were separated. I eventually came upon a landed freighter out in the middle of nowhere. After sneaking in I found out it was a slave ship. I had no other means available to me, so I tried saving the slaves. But I was quickly surrounded and they used the slaves lives to threaten me. I tried to circumvent that, but was caught by a stun round. Later when I came to, they had put a force suppressing collar on me. All I could do is wait for an opportunity to take them down or wait for rescue. I think they were taking their time because I spent a week in that ship. One day suddenly everything went to hell. The lights started flickering on and off. The pirates started panicking. I thought it was the republic but what greeted us was the sight of heavily armed and armored Mandalorians and strange droids mowing down the pirates and taking over the ship. But from the way they acted they didn't expect to find slaves. Later I found out they thought it was just a pirate ship. After a few minutes he came in, Nomad. Nomad told the slaves that they are being liberated and they will be dropped off at Eriadu. But he knew who I was, he had his droids escort me to a holding cell on his ship. From there, the rest, you should know masters." I explain.

"Troubling your past month has been, yet great fortitude and will, shown have you. Soon be able to take the knights trial you will be." Commented Master Yoda.

"What do you think of these mysterious bounty hunters. Did you learn anything about them" asked Master Shaak Ti.

"Nothing you already don't know masters. Their group is named The Ghosts. But I was able to overhear some other names as well, Deadeye and Doc. I heard it when they would come to check up on me. Nomad seems to be the leader. It's apparent they are using code names as they don't want their identities revealed. For what reason I don't know" she filled them in on what little information she was able to hear.

"We have come to the same conclusion as well." stated Master Windu.

I was wondering whether or not I should tell them about the gut feeling.

"More you have to tell hmmmm" asks Master Yoda. I hate it when he does that.

"Well it's more of a gut feeling, than anything. It's about what Nomad said, when he talked to me. I feel that the ransom was more to make a statement than anything. He stated that the Jedi are weak and fallen, that we are only a shadow of our true selves. He also said that we have become detached from the people we are sworn to serve and instead serve the corrupt senate and the rich. He also said that it will be the main reason of our downfall. I also got the feeling that they don't like the Jedi too much or care for what we think of them. Most likely he has suffered personal loss because of the Jedi, but at the same time doesn't have a vendetta against us, just dislikes us to a very large margin, and thinks that we are too far gone to even take into consideration. His own words are 'The blind leading the blind'. He seems to think that we are stuck here in our ivory towers and don't know what the galaxy truly is like and what it has become." I said. then suddenly thought it was wise to say it. "And there is also the fact that I couldn't sense Nomad through the force"

"Hmmm… meditate on this we must. Done well you have. Now go you may" Said master Yoda.

I bowed and left the Council room. As I leave my master steps next to me and gives me a sinister smile. "Go rest apprentice. Tomorrow your training will be doubled. We can't have such things happening again can we." I felt a shiver down my spine. This is all Nomad's fault….

(POV Thrunn)

*SNEEZE*… Umm someone must be cursing me behind my back.

Oh well. It will take a few more days to reach Nar Sheda. Might as well get some training in. When I was initiated into CQC training long ago, I was also trained with melee weapons. I was good with a Beskad but my combat skills shined with the Bevii'ragir a.k.a the Mandalorean spear. I had allocated a medium sized room near the cargo bay area as a training room. It's mainly used to train CQC. I enter the room fully armored minus the jet pack and with the shield off. I need to be able to move around in my armor in a real-life battle scenario and fight with my Bevii'ragir when needed. Plus, the armor adds to the difficulty. The spears usually had a 20-centimeter-long single edged blade, but I made the blade of my spear double edged of 30 centimeters. The staff of the spear was made retractable, the joints where reinforced so that it could bare the strain of combat. When the staff wasn't fully extended it acted as a long handle Beskad. The blade was made of Beskar and staff of Cortosis. The counter weight at the end was also made smaller but denser. It also had an inbuilt electromagnetic pulse generator like the electro staff , this allows me to cut through even ray shielded targets. It was attached to my back with magnetic clamps in a way it didn't interfere with the jet pack. I named her Gra'tua or in galactic common vengeance.

What greets me are four modified training droids. I installed in them both Jedi saber techniques as well as Mandalorean CQC techniques. I also made it so that they use everything together instead of one method at a time. Again, to simulate real battle scenarios. I further divided the difficulties. Thy were split into Novice, Trainee, Expert, Master and grand master. I would say I am half way between Expert and Master, even with all these years of CQC training. It takes time, unlike facing off against one technique at a time, it's a whole another level to face them all together.

I spent the next few hours sparring with the four droids. The clanking of metal reverberated throughout the cargo area. Finally, when I came out, I was covered in sweat and bruises, even with my special jumpsuit the strikes sometimes leaves a mark. But they will heal up in a few minutes. Setting the difficulty to master will only let me hold my on for a little while, before I have to start all over again. One of the benefits of this sort of training is that my perception has increased, which when pushed to the limit gives me a sort of bullet time for a few seconds. It also increased my danger perception, my on Spidey sense if you will. It also helps me to practice and perfect my bullet time.

Now that the training was done it was time for a long warm bath.

(Time skip 3 days)

We landed our ship at space port near Grakkus's palace. For this little venture I was taking with me, Doth and Vanzii . While Subail along with ZEM and a few 19ST were on overwatch. That left Janak to restock our ship and the remaining droids to guard the ship. The moment droidekas rolled out and deployed along with a few skytroopers, the crowd gathering around our landing pad dispersed. In places like this it's often good to display a little show of force.

As we made our way to the palace slowly, Subail and the overwatch team stealthed up and moved into positions. We took our sweet time heading to the palace.

"This is Deadeye to Nomad; overwatch is in place. Over" came in the status report from Subail.

Now that everything was set, we made our way towards the palace at a quicker pace. The palace itself was quite the large structure. The outer regions consisted of all kinds of shops imaginable , and it was crowded.

As we made it to the inner gate, through all the crowded markets in the outer stretch. We were greeted by a green skinned twi'lek and two Gamorreans.

"I am Zulfanu one of the aids of the great Hutt Grakkus. Are you by chance Nomad, the one that wants to make a deal with the great Grakkus?" the twi'lek said.

"Yes." Was my reply.

"Please follow me and try not to touch anything the great Grakkus is very protective of his collection". He said leading us towards the throne room, but we took a scenic root, through the relic display.

"These are a part of the great Grakkus's collection" he says leading us through a sort of museum. There were old sabers and weapons of all sorts. Holocrons and many other such antiques. Including some old tattered Jedi armor and robes. As we make our way through the displays something catches my eyes. In one corner there was an old droid displayed. It didn't receive the love the other displays got. On taking a closer look, a sneer formed on my face.

"Why is that droid placed so far back, it looks like it was discarded" I ask Zulfanu.

"That is an old display, of some old republic battle droid. We were planning to take it down from display and storing it away." Replied Zulfanu.

"Will Grakkus be willing to trade for that droid?" I ask him.

"If you provide something of value that can satisfy the great Grakkus, then he might relinquish that droid to you" he replied.

We made it to the throne room. Calling it elaborate and extravagant would be and understatement. The room itself was large. We reach near the throne were Grakkus was waiting.

Zulfanu steps forward and introduces "Before you sits the great and powerful Grakkus". We give a small bow as a sign of respect. Didn't want to piss of a Hutt lord.

*You wish to sell old jedi relics to me? Know this if you try to cheat the great me, the consequences will be severe* said the giant greenish yellow Hutt.

Zulfanu started to translate "The great Grakkus says….", but I interrupted him by raising my hand.

*I can understand perfectly what lord Grakkus said* I replied in huttese.

Grakkus gives off a rumbling laugh and signal the twi'lek to step back. * It's rare nowadays for off-worlders to speak huttese. Speak, what is it that you wish to trade* he demands.

*I wish to make a small change to a part in our agreed transaction. Instead of trading these for just the 100,000 credits, I would like to exchange the artifacts for just twenty thousand credits and the old republic droid that is in display out front. As I myself find great interest all sorts of droids, I would like to exchange for that HK-55 droid * I reply.

Grakkus sits there in thought, releasing a low rumble now and then, finally he says * Very well I shall grant you this exchange. I will give you fifteen thousand credits and the droid. I had lost my interest in that droid some time ago anyways. And your trade for two ancient Jedi artifacts is acceptable. But first I must ascertain the authenticity of your relics*. He signals a Jablogian to come forward and check the goods.

I signal Vanzii to bring forward the briefcase with the holocron and lightsaber hilt (I already removed the crystal). The Jablogian picks up and checks each of the artifacts carefully, with a particular looking monocle. After sometime he turns to Grakkus and says "They are authentic my lord".

Grakkus rumbles * Very well. Bring them the droid and the credits. You may leave now*

We moved to the side where Zulfanu brought us the droid and the credits. As we were about to leave a human male comes running in, panicked and covered in wounds.

"My lord the relic you had us transport was stolen half way here, the entire escort has been butchered" the man says of haggard breaths.

As we were observing Grakkus bellows in rage, * Who dares steal from me*.

Zulfanu translates for the man, who stutters "A Jedi".

Now Grakkus is seething. He looks at us and says * I wish to hire your services. Kill that jedi and bring back my holocron. I will pay you 500,000 credits when the job is done*.

*Lord Grakkus make that 150,000 credits and ownership of the large landing pads with the nearby warehouse and buildings on far side of Hutt town, in the lower levels, and we got ourselves a deal* I counter offer.

* Very well, bring me the Jedi's head and my holocron and the property and credits will be yours. No one crosses me, not even Jedi* he says, and Zulfanu quickly types up a contract and sends it to us. He also sends us the location of the Jedi's ship.

I curtly nod and lead the team out, we had a jedi to hunt. "Doc, you and a couple of 19ST take our merchandise back to the ship and then circle back to us. Deadeye and Shredder, you are taking the rest of 19STs and hold back in overwatch positions. Step in if something unexpected happens and prevent anyone from interfering. I want full ECM package active when we get the show on the road. Wrench head back to the ship and keep the engine spooled and ready. If we need to intercept the Jedi's ship, I wan't you to be ready. ZEM you are with me" I barked out orders.

We hurried towards the Jedi's landing pad.

When we get there me and ZEM hold position till I get the coms that everyone is in position. Now let's see how I fair against a green Jedi.

We walk on to the landing pad. What greets us was the sight of an armed YV-929-armed freighter and the Jedi waiting for us bellow the ramp, in the trade mark green robes.

"Leave now while you still can." Says the Jedi.

"Can't do that, you see it's not good to steal something that belongs to others. Especially when the other person is a powerful Hutt. Tsk tsk ... and here I thought Jedi was above thievery, apparently I was wrong" I said.

"The holocron doesn't belong to the Hutt, leave now and you won't regret it" he says as if he is some sort off lord.

"Again, can't do that. Get off your high horse Jedi. The holocron doesn't belong to your order anymore. You lost it, Grakkus bought it, so it belongs to him. Plus, I am sure I could take down a mediocre waste of force like you" I said condescendingly and take out Gra'tua in all her glory.

"Remember you chose this" said the Jedi.

"Stay out of this ZEM, for now" I say as we circle each other.

We both suddenly move in and clash with our weapons in a show of strength. The Jedi goes in for a flurry of overhead strikes. "You are good for a mere bounty hunter" says the Jedi. I wanted to check my physical strength against a force imbued Jedi knight.

We exchange a few more blows. "Oh, is that all you got, and here I thought I will have a challenge." I mock him. He starts to attack me with increased fervor, but I was able to keep up.

"I didn't know Jedi were such mediocre fighters. Or is it just you who is a waste of space and force" I taunt him further.

He starts getting agitated. He must have only been knighted recently. He does a spinning strike, but at that moment I push my perception up to the max and everything slows down. Even the force imbued body of the Jedi slows down by a lot. I retract the staff turning the spear to a sword and move behind his strike. I bring down the electrical energy imbued blade down on his sword arm. The Jedi was a bit surprised. He tries to force push me away. But it washes over be like a breeze, not throwing me away like he imagined. This caused him to panic for a few seconds, this is all I need to move in for the kill. My blade cuts through his blade arm, dropping both lightsaber and his arm to the floor. Even before he could react, I twirl around his body with speed and cut his other arm off. Now he is on the floor bleeding out and screaming.

"Looks like I win Jedi" I say mockingly. I then proceed to pull out by plaster pistol and shoot multiple stun rounds into him. The whole duel only lasted mere few minutes.

At that moment Doth, Subail and Vanzii approach. "Well ya made easy work of him. Look at ya a Jedi killer. Any Mandalorean woman will be jumping all over you now" jests Doth.

I ignore him, and collect the lightsaber and attach it to my belt. It was going to be my trophy. Then I turn to the guys "Vanzii Make sure this guy doesn't die, yet." I point at two 19STs nearby "You two watch over him, the rest of us will search this ship for a holocron".

After a few minutes of searching we found the holocron in question. Then as we were leaving an idea pops up in my head. I turn to two 19STs and say. "Take the Jedi ship and park it near ours. This ship is now ours". I wasn't about to leave such a good ship for anyone else.

We drag the Jedi all the way to Grakkus's palace. As we make our way there, people move out of our way. Well seeing four fully armed Mandaloreans accompanied by a dozen or so battle droids, with an unconscious and critically wounded Jedi being dragged along has that effect.

We reach Grakkus's throne room. I had the two droids drag the unconscious jedi to the front.

Then I take out the holocron and hand it Zulfanu. As I was doing this the Jedi slowly gains consciousness. Both me and Grakkus look over.

* Why did you bring the Jedi alive? * asks Grakkus.

I slowly walk in front of the Jedi and pull out my blaster pistol and fire three bolts into the Jedi's head. He slumps over dead. * Since this is our first deal. I thought I would make it special. * I say holstering my gun.

Grakkus rumbles in laughter * You have more than held your end of the deal. I give you Four large landing pads and the attached warehouse and buildings. Consider it a bonus. If you find anymore relics you bring it to me. It's of no lose to me* he finally says.

I give a small bow and leave saying * A pleasure doing business with you Grakkus. *

This little venture has turned out more profitable than I thought. All in all, a profitable day.

I had our ships brought to our new landing pads and went to check our new Acquisitions.

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