Unduh Aplikasi
24.24% and the Mirror Of Paradox by Yih / Chapter 8: 8

Bab 8: 8

8: The Order of the Phoenix (June 12, 2003 to June 19, 2003)

During the usual mail delivery time, Harry was delivered a surprise when a tawny brown owl dropped a rolled up parchment in front of him and quickly flew away. Draco and a few other housemates gave him curious glances since this was the first time he'd ever received mail. Before Draco could make a grab for the scroll, Harry grabbed it and dashed out of the Great Hall. Harry knew he was making a scene and he didn't particularly care. There was only one person that would send him owl mail and that was Dumbledore. The two of them had made an agreement at the start of the school year that they would limit contact to a minimal, as any student that Dumbledore was seen favoring would be brought under the suspicion of Voldemort. That was why Harry quickly left the prying eyes of his housemates. He knew that making his escape wouldn't be enough to get Draco off his back so he stealthily slipped into a secret corridor that he knew of courtesy of the Marauder's Map. When he was certain he was alone, he called, "Lumos!" Eerie light flickered on around him as he unrolled the parchment. As he was unrolling it, he noticed the parchment was wiggling as if it were trying to figure out who he was. When it was satisfied of Harry's identity, it stopped struggling and settled down.



Professor Snape has brought it to my attention that you are a prodigious potions student, high praise indeed from him. There are certain things that must be discussed and prepared for. Please meet me in my office after your classes. The password is sour patch kids.

- A.D.


Harry sighed. He was sure that Dumbledore was going to want to discuss with him going back to his world. He didn't really miss it all that much. Despite Voldemort reigning supreme, this world was likable. But if there was one person he missed more than anything was his godfather, Sirirus. And with Sirius there was always Remus, the mutt's best mate. It went without saying that he missed Ron's friendship as well. He was, though, anxious to get back to relieve their worrying over them. He wanted to tell them that he was okay.

It was going to be a long day, Harry thought. His predictions proved only too true as the day progressed. First came Ancient Runes, where Draco constantly pestered trying to find out what the parchment said. Then there was Transfiguration. Thankfully McGonagall didn't allow anyone much of a chance to chatter. At lunch, however, he escaped neither Draco nor Hermione's questions. What brief answers he gave them didn't seem to satisfy their rampant curiosity.

When those two worked together, they became a rampaging menace. Harry was only too glad when lunch came to a screeching halt. He shot Cho a grateful look when she dragged Hermione with her to their dorms with the excuse that she had to talk to her about something. And luck was indeed on his side when Draco forgot his potions homework on his desk and had to go back to fetch it. It was with intense relief that he ran to Potions. There at least he knew Draco and Hermione wouldn't be able to question and pester him any further.

Severus- Snape- Severus gave him some much needed aid when he detained him after class. Throughout Severus's lecture, Harry had been distracted with wondering how he was going to avoid Draco and Hermione to be able to sneak off to Dumbledore's undetected. "I can see, Sebastian," Severus remarked with dry amusement after the rest of the class had left, "that you didn't pay attention in class today. You are very lucky that I didn't have a pop quiz prepared for today's lecture. Though I understand what's on your mind."

Blinking back surprise, all Harry could do was stare at Severus with a blank expression. How did he know? The next thing he heard was Severus giving him an exasperated sigh and explaining to him, "Your meeting with Dumbledore after class, didn't you know that I orchestrated it for you?"

"You did?" Whatever could this be for if not what he thought it was about?

Severus nodded impatiently and gestured for Harry to follow him into his office. "we will floo to Dumbledore's office directly from my office unless you want your friends to follow that is?!" Harry shook his head swiftly; he definitely didn't want that to happen. "Good," Severus muttered, "follow after me then."

Harry groaned once Severus had flooed to Dumbledore's office, he really didn't enjoy flooing much since his first unfortunate experience. At least the distance was short, he mused. But after he stumbled down to his knees after the quick transport, he didn't think the shorter distance did anything to make this method more pleasant. In fact, it seemed only to make it worse.

"Awww," Dumbledore greeted them with smiling good cheer, "you have arrived. Good afternoon Severus and Mr. Biggerstaff. So this is the student that you have taken as your assistant, the exchange student from the Americas." Severus nodded and the Headmaster continued, "Would you two like something to drink?" Both of them shook their heads, no. "Lemon drops?" Again, same reaction from both. "I have heard about your exception skill with potions," Dumbledore declared, shifting his focus to Harry, "especially with healing potions. Severus thinks that you'd benefit from learning Advance Meds if you want the opportunity."

Harry was dumbstruck with this bit of information. He'd never thought he was much good at anything. Well, he was good at Quidditch and he had to be good at Defense Against the Dark Arts to survive against Lord Voldemort's relentless attempts at ending his life. But here he'd discover that he was quite decent at potion making and that Severus thought he had potential to be a mediwizard. Quite a few things about himself were becoming a revelation here.

"I'd really like that," Harry responded with a brilliant smile. "I'd like that a lot."

"Good, good," Dumbledore remarked, his eyes twinkling with delight. "I have also heard from our resident Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor that you are quite gifted and capable of doing spells beyond even advance students. Since you are already assisting Severus with his potion projects, I thought he wouldn't mind assisting you with learning more advance spells for defense. Perhaps, even delving into the Dark Arts if he feels that you are capable of handling them.

"Understand that I don't normally allow this, but many of said that you are talented and gifted." Dumbledore's eyes bore down on him with steady seriousness. "Besides, this is a great opportunity for you to advance yourself in subjects that you are good at so that you don't become bored with what you are currently learning. I realize that this is more work for you, which is why I will allow you to drop your elective classes after Christmas if you so choose."

Harry was stunned for a moment before breaking out into another huge smile. "Sev... Professor Snape doesn't mind?"

Dumbledore smiled at Harry's close slip up. "No, why should he? From all accounts that I've heard, he immensely enjoys teaching you. Isn't that right, Severus?"

Severus grunted and glared at the Headmaster, which didn't provoke the response he'd like. "Well," he grumbled, "I will be going now that everything has been settled to grade the shoddy first year essays if you don't mind." He didn't even wait for Dumbledore's reply, strolling briskly to the fireplace. "Are you coming, Sebastian?"

"I need to speak to him privately, Severus to arrange the details around his schedule. You can go ahead and return to grading the excellent papers that you've received. I'll send him on his way after I'm through, then I'll close the floo connection," Dumbledore replied. He waited until Severus had departed then began to explain his intentions for the meeting that Severus's suggested tutorials provided an excellent cover for. "During the Christmas Break, we will have ample time to try to send you back home, Harry. Hopefully, we've given them enough time. If not, at least if you get injured like last time you have plenty of time to recover. You certainly have many opportunities here for you until you succeed in getting back home."

Harry nodded with understanding. "Christmas and Summer Break are probably the best times to attempt," he stated with agreement. "Do you really think it'll work this time?" It wasn't like he didn't want to go back, it was just that he didn't want to leave right away. There were opportunities here that he wouldn't receive over there like working on projects with Severus or being best friends with Draco.

"I also wanted to talk to you about the Order of the Phoenix, since you already referenced it," Dumbledore declared. "But first I must ask you if you were initiated into the Order in your universe?"

"Yes, I was," Harry answered, "at the end of my 5th year."

"What do you swear on?"

"I swear on my mother's sacrifice."

Dumbledore smiled warmly at him. "I swear on the rising phoenix. I'd be honored if you'd join the Order here as well, Harry. I must warn you that there are only five members in the Order in Britain at this time. Most are residing in the Americas and that you will be outnumbered by Voldemort followers. The reason I'm asking you to join us is I need a student to gather more loyal additions to the Order. If your attempt to return fails, I hope this will make you feel needed in the fight here as you are there. Unless you mind..."

It definitely would help. He hated feeling useless. If he couldn't help in his world, he could help here. It was better than doing nothing. "No, I don't mind," Harry responded immediately. "It's better that I do something than nothing. Something is always better than nothing. When you think you can't do anything and do nothing, that makes it that much worse."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with his approval. "I can see why my other self trusted and placed the hopes of his world on your shoulders. You are wise beyond your years and have an understanding most adults lack."

Harry returned his smile and asked hesitantly the question that was plaguing his mind. "Who are the others in the Order, Professor Dumbledore?"

"Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall within the school. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin outside of the school," answered Dumbledore. "There are many others though that are part of the Order in the Americas."

"What do they swear on?" Harry had always wondered on this, but Dumbledore had never divulged it to him and he'd never gotten the opportunity to ask them before he'd jumped dimensions.

"You know I cannot tell you that," Dumbledore responded gravely. "you must ask them yourselves when you are ready to reveal yourselves to them."

There was one more thing that Harry had to ask, knowing that in his world what Severus was, a spy for the side of light. But here it seemed unthinkable when Voldemort was so ver much in control and command. Yet Severus was part of the Order here. What dangerous game was Severus playing at? "Professor Snape is a Death Eater," Harry stated calmly. "He is a spy in my world, is he one here?"

"He is part of the Order, that is all that I can reveal," the Headmaster responded finally. "I think that Severus will be wondering where you are. All your scheduling for your new courses will be conveyed to you by Severus. Good day and good luck, Harry."

Shaking his head with frustration, Harry had no choice but to floo to Severus's office. He'd gotten use to Dumbledore giving him a straight answer that he'd been caught off guard when Dumbledore had reverted back to his usual vagueness. It was only a split second when he found himself going down on his knees in front of Severus after getting spit out of the fireplace. IT was quite a nuisance how clumsy his floo landings were. It seemed his awkward arrival was providing much amusement for Severus though. He could tell that Severus's lips weren't pressed into a thin line from scorn but from heavily suppressed laughter.

"Why don't you just laugh?" Harry snapped with irritation, not realizing until the entire retort had been uttered how much he sounded like his mentor. Oh fabulous, he thought, if he ever got back to his world he was going to have a lot of explaining to do on why he sounded like certain Potions Master. "Since it's such a strenuous effort to hold it back."

To Harry's complete amazement, Severus did precisely what he suggested. Severus laughed, laughed at his expense but still laughed. He didn't really have a clue what he expected Severus's laughter to sound like, but definitely not like this. It was musical and rich despite the obvious disuse. For some reason, Harry felt compelled to comment on it, "You have a good laugh. You should laugh more."

It was Sebastian's voice that brought Severus crashing back down to reality. Severus really didn't know why he found Sebastian's clumsiness humorous. Maybe it was because he saw Sebastian as being graceful and beautiful, not quite seeing the awkward quality it'd take to land as he'd landed. That train of thought nearly stopped hi slaughter, but it was what Sebastian said that truly put a stopper to it. "You have such great landings. You should land more."

Harry knew that Severus said that to dismiss his comment, and he wasn't sure why. He could certainly make a guess. It was probably since Severus didn't think his laugh was good because he didn't think there was anything good about him. But that'd be something unSlytherin of him to think. Slytherins in general were an arrogant and prideful lot that knew exactly what they wanted and would do anything to get it. Thinking about bad qualities of themselves was not on their list of things to do. Then again, when had Severus ever been typical?

"I really appreciate the chance you've given me," Harry murmured, breaking the silence that had ensued. "It's nice to be good at something."

"What do you mean by that?" Severus interrupted sharply, his curiosity piqued.

Harry bent his head down and knew he had to explain himself. "My former Potions Professor taught me well enough despite terrorizing me into thinking that I had no ability. I've never really known I was decent at potion brewing until now. The only class I really excelled in was Defense Against the Dark Arts." Not because of the teachers, well except for Lupin, but because of his experiences battling Voldemort.

"Your other Professor must have been blind not to see your talent," Severus remarked dryly. "But do not," he warned severely, "let Dumbledore's meeting go to your head either. You've got a long way to go before you can even think of being in my position or Madam Pomfrey's."

"Of course," Harry replied good naturedly. "You are the best Potion Master alive."

Severus scowled at the compliment, but Harry saw a small curve of a genuinely pleased smile being forced away. "Do you have any experience with the Dark Arts?"

Harry nodded and noticed Severus lift his eyebrows mildly with surprise. "I have experienced the Cruciatus and Imperius Curse." He knew it wouldn't be wise to mention he'd survived the Killing Curse to anyone but Dumbledore. "But I've never performed any dark curses."

Who had performed the curses on this beautiful boy, Severus wondered with outrage. He'd been wary to go along with teaching the boy Dark Arts since one had to be mature enough to really be able to understand it. No wonder Dumbledore wanted Sebastian to learn the dark curses. If Sebastian had experienced the Unforgivables, he had the right to be taught Dark Magic to retaliate.

"The evenings that you aren't coming to help me with Potions, you will be tutored in the Dark Arts," Severus said with a note of finality. "I will speak to Poppy for you in regards to your Advance Meds class. I'm sure that we can arrange to have it inserted to replace a few of the classes you're going to be dropping. Have you given any thoughts of which classes you want to drop?"

Harry had had the good luck to know what a useless class Divinations was, so he'd decided not to take that as an elective. Instead, he'd taken Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Runes. Of all the classes he really wanted to drop, his History class with Professor Binns was at the top of his mind. But he knew he couldn't drop a required course, so with much reluctance he decided that he'd have to stop Muggle Studies. Ancient Runes was far too useful and Care of Magical Creatures was too much fun. Besides, he'd grown up in the muggle world and knew all about it. "Muggle studies."

"Good choice," Severus commented. "Will you be dropping any of your other electives?"

"Ancient runes is too useful." Severus nodded with agreement, it really was if Sebastian was serious about becoming a Potions Master. Most of the more useful, older Potion books were written in runes. "And Care of Magical Creatures is a good class to take." Severus shrugged, he didn't see the charm in the class, but from what Sebastian had told him about the class it seemed he enjoyed it. "So muggle studies will have to go. If the extra classes become too much, I'll reconsider dropping Professor Hagrid's class."

"I don't want you to overwork yourself and be too tired to help me with my projects," Severus replied with a touch of concern beneath his snide tone that said 'what other class can be as important as the wonderfully imperative class of potions?' "I don't want you to limit yourself," giving the usual speech of a teacher that encouraged being diversified, "but," that sounded more like Severus, "exploring your talents will only cause them to increase." Yes, that was Severus all right.

Harry grinned and nodded. "Potions, more potions, and much more potions, eh?"

Severus grunted a grunt that said: 'You may think you can read me, but you can't even if you're more than partially right.' When all it did was make Harry's smile increase, causing Severus to make mad gestures for him to get the hell out of his office because he had a lot to do. Harry only laughed and waved his goodbyes. He had to catch Draco and Hermione at the library if it wasn't too late, if it was then he'd have to take a quick shower and head off to the Great Hall for dinner. This life was sweet.

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