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100% Chronicles of High School Dirty Little Secrets - The Library Card / Chapter 15: Track 13 - Losing Sleep by Chris Young

Bab 15: Track 13 - Losing Sleep by Chris Young

Lose control. That's it, tonight I'm losing control.

I don't know what's happening to me, this is exactly what I try to avoid all my teenage life - lose control.

My mind isn't ready for this, him. But for some reason, I'm allowing to lose myself to him, to the narcotic power of his breathing, his eyes, his touch, and the gentle persuasion of his kisses. It's the moon, there is something about the moon that woke my controlled dragon to completely take over someone else's dragon.

I feel sore now, but I also feel my body wanting for more. Something is addictive about him, and I just had a taste of it.

I press myself even deeper to him. He is resting now, I am tightly cuddled in his front, both our body sweating and naked. I use his shirt as a cover, the wind coming in is quite chilly. I see the moon from the fogged window of the car - yes, it's definitely the moon's fault.

"This is better than Titanic," I say without thought.

Albert tightens his arms wrapped around me. Then he kisses me deep on the side of my cheek, he likes to kiss, a lot. "Hmm? Titanic?" he asks.

"Yes, RMS Titanic, the unsinkable king of the sea, supposedly. This car is quite similar to the 1912 Renault CB Coupe de Ville they used in the movie, this is just bigger. And they were in the cargo hold, we are here under stars. So this is better than Titanic."

I think I'm losing control of my inner voice as well. Why am I talking about Titanic?

"Can't agree more. I'm pretty sure we're not going to sink here." We both laugh under our nose.

I press my palm on the moisty back window and I leave a mark, like Rose did in that iconic scene. "I should have done this earlier. That'll be iconic."

He chuckles. Then he kisses me again on my cheek, then my ear, then my neck. Then he grabs my hand and he kisses it as well, with tingling little pecks of kisses. "You can do it again. Just, give me few more minutes."

I chuckle. "Cashing in your buy one take one?"

Yes, please. I want more.

He pulls my jaw lightly to face him, he gapes at my lips then he kisses me with greedy passion.

"I was hoping, this is more of -- the extra freebies. For being a potential loyal customer," he quips after biting my lip.

We both laugh. "Freebies, huh? What am I? A department store, open for all sizes and ages? I think, I am more of the exclusive section in a luxury jewelry store, no matter how wealthy you look, you can only get in by special invitation."

"Thank you for the invitation," he responds, then he bites his lip. I press a cheesy smile.

I rest my head on the side of his jaw and push myself even tighter to him. I can feel him behind me, I mean the big headed dragon between his legs. It's sleeping now, or just taking a few more minutes of rest, didn't he say?

I shake my head, what am I thinking? For some reason, I can't include Albert amongst the 1000 length and sizes in my collection. I can't even fathom if he is comparable to Bench, or Blue, or kuya Roger. I can't see Albert that way, he's special. I can only feel him, I want to feel him, and I'm getting addicted to it.

What would Blue think? I'm officially the homewrecking politician's wife. This would look good on his campaign image - poor and innocent politician cheated on by his wife and he forgives her. Will Blue forgive me? I mean in the future when we talk about our past.

Will Bench forgive me? I didn't accept his marriage proposal, and yet here I am, lying naked with a married man. I was 16 then, why would I say yes? Bench was twisted.

Will I forgive me? When all of this is over, when the moon can't control me anymore, will I be able to tell Albert - that was one time! It was a mistake! It's never gonna happen again! - I don't think I can.

I think, it's not just the dragon in me, or the moon energy, it's Mecky, just Mecky, lost in the warmth and comfort of peaceful Albert Henyo. My heart is not confused, it's free. I feel free.

With few more rounds of Albert later, then a comfortable sleep for, probably, just an hour or two, I now hear the rooster's wake up call. But I feel so comfortable, I don't want to open my eyes yet. But this damn rooster, I want to roast it in an instant.

He moves - yes, I am still very much aware that I am lying naked on top of naked Albert. Last night, I was thinking, I am going to wake up shocked, horrified, drop dead outraged and scandalised. But no, for the first time, I am comfortable waking up with another man.

I never did with Bench before, I always felt like I want to hide in some turtle's shell, most of the time I went home and did not stay at Bench's place. But right now, I feel like waking up in a comfortable italian cushion covered by an exotic egyptian cashmere duvet.

I feel at ease at the contacts of my skin with Albert's. And there is a stimulating effect in this man's natural musk, it's not his perfume scent or anything, it's the smell of his skin, it's raw and hypnotising.

I'm never really horny, but I used to have a crush on adult men because of that manly musk; I had a crazy crush on uncle Juando before since I'm not really blood-related to him, but then I found out, he likes the manly musk too; then Mang Kanor, his name may sound old but he isn't, he is one that would certainly qualify as DILF; then at one point, one that I've completely forgotten and forever erased in my conscious memory, was with Mr. Severus, he's a DILF too, a military DILF, I took a whiff of his sweaty shirt once when he was taking a shower at school.

But Albert, he's not just a DILF, he's a MILKS, a Man I Love to Kiss and Smell. I look up at him but I cover my mouth with his shirt that I used as my blanket. I never trust those romantic movies with morning sex scenes.

Seriously? Bad breath, hello?

Albert's eyes are still closed, I think. But then he moves, he pulls the sleeve of his shirt that is covering me, and funnily enough, he covers his mouth as well. I laugh giggly. Then he opens his eyes, peaceful and, I would assume, inlove.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers.

He kisses me on my forehead and covers his mouth again. I had a hint of his breath and it isn't bad at all, considering he had alcohol last night.

"I want to kill the rooster," I say, my inner voice has completely taken control. He laughs.

"Let's do it. Before this damn rooster wakes up everybody," he jest. We both laugh.

He adjusts himself up as do I. I accidently touch his still-sleeping dragon, but the master is oblivious, he has no reaction. I already know it is beefy-chunky, I felt it torturously opened me for four rounds last night. But I also know for a fact that love hurts, or more like making love, hurts. He was gentle tho, passionately gentle in fact. It wasn't sex, we made love.

"I want to kiss you," he whispers.

We are now sitting side by side, him completely naked, and I'm trying to keep myself covered with his shirt. The rest of our clothes are laying on the floor.

I'm keeping my eyes at a decent level. I've seen too many naked male bodies, but I can't look at him that way, I feel shy. "It's morning. I haven't brushed yet," I reject him shyly.

"I don't mind. Do you?"

I honestly don't, I love to smell him. I'm addicted. "No," I mumble.

He leans in. With his fingers, he lifts the side of my jaw and kisses me. It's a deep, longing, passionate kiss, tongueless, just that greediness or hunger for our lips. I close my eyes and I feel the sunrise, the serenity of the river stream, the splash of the ocean in the idyllic cliffsides of northern Ireland, I smell american coffee and freshly baked french breads - what is this? What kind of romantic potion Albert is?

We made love one more time, our bodies couldn't help, and he instantly has a morning hood. Then, we return to the house.

It's still in a five o'clock morning darkness, no one is around. Most of the guests, at least those who are not local Masbateños, are staying in hotels in the capital city. Only us, the half-blood Herhers are staying here in the ranch house, and the newlyweds as well, also some of our relatives who've been taking care of the ranch live here.

I don't know how Albert will explain why he is here, still in his yesterday's clothes; certainly no one is gonna drive him to his hotel this early. But I have to rush back to my room, which is connecting to mom's and RJ's. I have this after-sex-look-of-shame in me, my yesterday's hairspray-set hair is everywhere. No one should see me like this.

I sit in my bed, then I breathe, long and deep. "Oh - my - god. What happened?" I whisper.

When my vision realises that I'm in front of a large quaint mirror, I look at myself. I'm a woman, a radiant, blossoming woman. I've never felt like this with Bench before, with him, I'm just a girl inlove. Now I don't know what I am - no - I know what I am, I'm a woman.

It's breakfast time. After I took a shower earlier, I wasn't able to go to sleep anymore. Last night is very clear in my memory - every touch, every stroke, every kiss, it's like it's still happening, I can still feel him, inside me, deep and wanting for more.

On the other side of the house, there is another backyard - or a sideyard? - but there is a long open dining table in a spacious open-walled room. This house also serves as a semi-inn for ranch guests who wants to stay longer, this dining area is where the guests usually eat. It has a relaxing view of the pasture that I showed Albert yesterday afternoon.

Since this isn't our typical breakfast hour, we're a city family who wakes up early, this calm province wakes up a bit late, when it's the perfect warmth coming from the sun's rays. Usually, it's the opposite, city people wakes up late unless working.

While waiting for the breakfast call, the three of us Herhers decide to cuddle-up in bed and watch dad. We're watching a never before seen footage of this legendary man. These are clips of when I was still a toddler; in one clip dad was playing pick-a-boo with me, then there's also in which he throws me in the air and we would both laugh, mom reacting behind the camera was obviously overly anxious about her daredevil of a husband.

Then there's a funny clip of dad laughing his belly as he clothed me in a pig overalls outfit, which suited me well because I had sausage arms and thanksgiving fat turkey legs.

There's also a very cute and also funny clip where dad put me in a flower basket as he walked towards mom who found him amusing so she turned-on the camera and videoed dad walking; dad was holding a bouquet of garden-picked flowers that would have been more appropriate to be put in the basket instead of me, good thing the basket didn't break with my weight.

There are several clips of me and dad playing in my playroom, I didn't know what I was doing of course or propably what was happening for that matter. There is also a clip where dad was playfully bathing me in the tub, I humorly cover RJ's eyes because I was naked.

Then there are these heart-pinching clips of dad trying to teach me to walk, and in the last clip, I finally learned to walk towards dad, just about three or four steps, and dad teared up happily. The joyful sound of him and mom behind the camera gives me that minty feeling behind my eyes. I don't want to tear up when RJ is right beside me, he would cry.

But one, that almost takes my breath away was a clip of mom sitting on dad's lap and she was holding me in her arms, they were on the side porch of the house; the camera wasn't turned-off and was left on a table beside them and it recorded dad's peaceful face and his crazy-in-love eyes looking between me and mom.

I don't know how mom is able handle it, watching her late husband without breaking down. RJ is usually the cryer, but not today. I wish I can read his mind, so that I'll know if he's hurting and hiding it. But I hug him instead, tight with kisses.

Half an hour later, we are now at the dining area. The newlyweds are being lovey-dovey now. RJ is sitting on uncle Juando's lap with his husband sitting closely beside him, they both funnily answer RJ's gay questions, with some preposterous ones. But they're both used to RJ's un-filtered inquisitiveness.

Our relatives are around too. It does quite bother me sometimes when provincial people treats city people like we are some gods or kings, their hospitality is beyond normal. Mom, of course, doesn't take it for granted, so she helps in preparing the breakfast table and all.

Then Albert comes in to the dining area, he's wearing a green flannel shirt with rolled up sleeves and a classic-cut pair of khaki bermuda shorts. I wonder how he changed and why is he still here?

"Albert. Good morning, good sleep?" Uncle Juando asks.

Albert walks towards the table and sits beside me. I squirm, this is crazy awkward.

"Yes, thanks. And thanks for this clothes," he responds as he pours coffee in his cup.

"Albert, here.." Uncle Juando directs his attention at me, "fell asleep at the stable last night. Don't tell anyone, that your highly respected teacher here got dead drunk last night and lost his way to bed, ok, Mecky?" he humors.

My breathing went into a halt when he mentioned the stable. I ride in with the humor and I force a smile.

I sense Albert is looking at me but I can't move freely, I'm so awkward. I shouldn't be. But my mom is here, RJ is here, everyone's here, then this fresh-looking man with tousled hair, I still feel him inside me and I can't move for the life of me.

"I think you should stay here instead, Albert. Experience the ranch. I already asked Manang Fely to prepare the other room at the guests' quarter. The room I gave you earlier, that hasn't been used for sometime, it must be dusty," Uncle Juando says while he put fried rice on uncle Brian's plate. RJ is now sitting beside him, also filling up his plate.

"The room is fine, Juando," Albert replies.

"Is it? The guest room would be better. It's also a connecting room to Mecky's room now. But anyway, the lock is in Mecky's side. And you have your own bathroom. The room I gave you now doesn't have one. I can arrange for your check-out at the hotel."

I better keep that door locked then.

"Alright, that sounds great, thanks!" Albert sounds a little enthusiastic in my ear, but nobody else notices it.

Connecting room, huh.

I sense Albert is looking at me again, this time, very obvious. "Hungry?" he asks jestingly.

Rj interjects. "Ate eats like a monster. She eats all kinds of animals!" he says matter-of-factly, everybody laughs. I didn't realise I've been filling up my plate a little too much for a first round.

"Look who's talking!" I sneer at RJ. I threw a piece of fried garlic from the fried rice on my plate, which RJ threw me one as well. RJ has a mountain of garlic fried rice in his plate.

"Hey! -- don't play with the food," Saint Mercy snaps at us, RJ and I sardonically smile at each other.

Suddenly I realise, I'm being a kid of front of the man who transformed me into a woman last night. I shy down.

After over an hour of chats at the dining table about the series of events yesterday, I decide to cuddle up in the hammock in the sideyard outside the dining area. RJ is playing with the ranch dogs, being his active morning self. The newlyweds went back into their room, likely honey-mooning themselves.

Now, I see Albert and my mom chatting, smiling and laughing at the dining area. For brief seconds, I thought I saw dad making my mom laugh - but then no, that's a scary disgusting thought. Albert is not dad. But I leave them be, and I return my attention to this very intriguing Theology book. I haven't read it at all, instead, I'm playing a treasure hunt.

I got all the answers to the ciphered riddles - Knowledge, Silence, Mathematics, History and Autobiography. I don't understand this at all, what is the meaning of this, how is it related to the page numbers, or how is it related to each other?

I try to search deeper into the book, check the table of contents, I skim read some of the pages, but nothing. All words however are found in the book - the knowledge of life, the silence of the soul, the mathematics of our world, the history of religions and faith and anecdotes from autobiographies of famous spiritual people.

After racking my brains out, I decide to use Cece's brain. I texted her the clues, and now I wait until she cracks it, it usually takes Cece only a short period of time to solve a problem. I tend to over analyse, but Cece finds the quickest and simplest form of solutions.

After dinner, RJ and I go back to his and mom's room. Mom stays with the other adults in the dining area, they decided to have a couple of beers. I can't imagine mom drinking beer with men downstairs. But, sure, she isn't all that saintly and immaculate anyway, and there is only one straight man in that group after all.

It's been a pretty active day for all of us, RJ is obviously tired now. Earlier, we went horseback riding, and RJ for the first time, was able to get his running horse jump over the fences. He was ecstatic and so proud of himself, I am too, I thought him to be fearless after all.

Mom however, despite being a ranch wife, she never found the cowgirl spirit in her. She can ride well, but nothing crazy.

The newlyweds shared one horse, apparently, horses are not big in the dutch country, they had windmills, tulips and cow milks, so uncle Brian was tightly holding onto uncle Juando as he showed off his equestrian skills. It was funny and they were very romantic, despite already being together for seven years, they still excites each other as newlyweds.

Albert and I, again, were in a dance of stares, smiles, stealing few touches and we continued releasing more of the sexual energies from last night. My lower abdomen and groin area were cramping badly all-day long, it's either I'm too sore, or he left something inside me last night.

He was rather charming today too, he made everyone laugh, including RJ who usually questions every joke. Albert made RJ laugh today simply for the sake of laughing, so he gets freebies for that from me, maybe. Maybe.

I now chill in the balcony, looking at the stars. RJ is in bed, getting himself sleepy with the television on, playing the evening filipino tv dramas; weirdly enough, the screaming, slapping, hair pulling, and warehouses exploding from tv dramas make him sleep. I shake my head in humor watching him forcing his sleepy eyes to open.

I look up the night sky and I see my star, it's still up there. I shake my head - was it returned to sender? Or Albert put the wrong address? - I laugh at the thought.


I look down below and I see Albert. I can't help but smile too wide for my own sake, I have no control of it, I try to control it, but my facial muscles are moving involuntarily, I don't know, I might be having a stroke. Ok, that's not a good thought.

"Rapunzel, rapunzel, bring down your hair," Albert comically acts theatrical.

I laugh soundless under my belly. He's handsomely silly, my heart flutters. "Sorry prince charming, wrong address. This is Juliet Capulet's balcony."

"Oh. Right! I was Romeo. But I can't come up anymore. Two bottles of beer doesn't transform me into a Romeo."

I chuckle, I have a side smirk that I can't control down. "Oh, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, but be sworn my love, and I'll no longer be Capulet," I play coy, my voice low but theatrical. I briefly look at RJ, and I think he's asleep. Mom is still nowhere.

I know what I said means, maybe I mean it too. Damn Shakespeare!

"Juliet. Call me but love, and I'll be new baptised; henceforth I never will be Romeo," Albert answers.

I'm surprised, amazed. I've memorised the Act 2 Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet years back, I think Albert did too. I just stare at him, enthused, biting the corner of my lip.

"O, speak again, bright angel for thou art; As glorious to this night, being o'er my head; As is a winged messenger of heaven," he continues.

I smirk cheesy. "If they do see thee, they will murder thee," I answer.

He chuckles and smiles wide. "Alack! There lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet, and I am proof against their enmity."

I shake my head as I bite my lower lip, grinning. We're not following the order of the script, but I think were going for the meaning. Juliet was asking why does it have to be Romeo she likes, she asks Romeo to drop his name or else she will on hers. Then she was worried that someone might discover their forbidden love but Romeo was ready to fight with his sword for Juliet.

"In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond. And therefore thou mayst think my 'havior light: But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true; than those that have more cunning to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, but that thou overheard'st, ere I was ware, my true love's passion: therefore pardon me, and not impute this yielding to light love, which the dark night hath so discovered," I answer.

In this one, Juliet completely admits that she loves Romeo. She is worried that her behavior is not ladylike, and knows that she should be more reticent. But, she says, her love is true and strong.

Albert places his hand by his chest. "Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear, that tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops --"

"O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable," I follow the script.

For this, Romeo responds by swearing on the moon, but Juliet stops him. Juliet says that the moon is not reliable. She does not want Romeo's love to be inconsistent. She does not want his love to be like the moon.

Now, what does it mean for both me and Albert? Oh, Shakespeare, am I inlove?

We are both grinning stupidly. Then fake Romeo jerks his head as a signal for me to come down. I pause, should I be impossible again like last night, or I go with him instantly? I stare in his eyes, the moon's reflection glints under his lashes, I'm losing control again. I smile and nod, I'm going with him.

I pull the comforter up to keep RJ warm, I turn off the tv, take one last glance at RJ, then I enter my room through the connecting door.

I look at myself at the quaint mirror that rests slanting on the floor and against the wall. For a moment, I think a ghost might appear in this mirror, but then I'm more horrified at my outfit right now. I can't believe I wore this at dinner earlier, I look like a hooker, so very not Juliet.

I decide to change, I open my luggage and I choose an interesting pair - an airy and soft yellow-bohemian-printed little skater skirt that is too short for the life of me; then a mint green, spaghetti-strapped mauve satin crop top that I will match with a long sage green sheer lace kimono to give me some cover.

I look at myself in the mirror again, I look like I'm ready to have sex. I'm not wearing a bra, and if the wind blows up my skirt, I'd look 99% naked with my nude charmeuse laced g-string. This isn't how I planned to match up these clothes, but for Albert, I want to make it easy for him.

What am I thinking?!

I put lip gloss on, and I walk out of the room, carefully closing the door. Most of the lights around are turned off by now. There is a quiet, undisturbed tranquility in this house at night that I've always like, it feels like I am the only person in the world.

I step out of the porch, and I see the lights in mom's and RJ's room turned-on. In a glance, I don't see Albert around the porch or the backyard. It might have taken me too long to choose what to wear.

I carefully walk further to the yard, constantly checking the balcony in case mom comes out, then I'm here in the grassy part where the wedding was set-up yesterday.

"Wow, Juliet. You're a goddess," I hear a low voice behind a tree.

I'm startled but I see him immediately. Albert is in the shadows, under a tree, but the moon lights up his face. He looks at me probably the same way I look at him, I can't breathe.

I can feel the cool wind blowing on my naked legs, up my thighs and the naked cheeks of my buttocks, I start to regret what I'm wearing.

"Where are we going? What do you want?" I ask non-chalant. I'm trying to to be in control of myself and failing. The two us in the shadows of the night is quite erotic in my imagination.

He smirks suggestively. "I prepared something," he answers. Then he offers his hand, and sadly, with no control, I walk towards him and I accept his big, wide hand.

He gapes at me as we walk about the same direction as last night. "You didn't need to change," he says.

I snicker and I grimace. "I regret what I was wearing earlier. With a red lipstick and a chewing gum, I'd start working on the streets, under the corner street lamp. I looked like a whore, wrong match of outfit."

He cackles with those handsome notes again. "You have quite an interesting imagination, Mecky. But I think you were hot, just as much now, hot."

What? Shit! Putangina!

I don't curse, but you don't say hot sir Albert, no, you don't. Now, it's causing chaos between my nervous system and my reproductive system. I think, if I'm not mistaken, this is the first time someone told me I'm hot. I think Bench thought so too, but he never said in it words, he's somehow old-school-gentleman that way.

"I didn't realise you're into hookers," I say, dragon Mecky is out. My inner voice is in control now. Shit!

He cackles again. "You didn't look like a hooker. You were fine -- well, I said hot."

Ok, I'm not responding further, but I grin. Shut up inner voice!

We reach the stable. I notice some kind of yellow brightness coming from inside it, I'm intrigued.

A gust of cool wind blew from my side, it ruffles my hair and much of my kimono, thankfully my skirt didn't blew up. And it's more chilly now compared to last night.

After fixing my wind blown hair, I look up at the tall, unshaven, and dimpled man beside me. He's smiling, or more like awed, his eyes are twinkling.

"What?" I asks, weirded out by his smile. We stop by the fence outside the stable.

"Ah? -- nothing, nothing. I think you're right, the stars look better from inside this.. sad ricketiness."

I laugh wryly. "Wow. Vocabulary genius. But it's not rickety. Donald Pricks' house is rickety, this stable -- is very stable."

"Who's Donald Pricks?"

I look at his wondering face, then I chuckle. "No one. I mean, he was one of my dad's mechanics. But never mind. What's inside? What did you do?"

I start to walk towards the entrance, Albert quietly follows. I'm surprised to see that it's bright inside, yellowish bright, like it's lighted by candles. I turn my head to face Albert behind me. "What? What is this?"

He presses an uncertain smile. "We're uh, we'll star gaze. I brought my Sky-watcher Dobsonian. Juando told me that your ranch is a good spot for star gazing," he pauses, uncertain even more, "Is that fun?" he asks.

"Yea. Ok. I think, yes --- wait, you brought a telescope?! I didn't see you carrying one at the airport."

"I checked-in late right? It was in my car."

We continue our walk towards the stairs, I start to smell strawberry and tangerine. We walk up to the second floor and I see candles everywhere. I think this is a fire hazard, but it's pretty clean up here, obviously recently swept and dusted, and the candles are placed safely and strategically romantic.

I see the the roof window open and there is the telescope set up below it. And what an interesting surprise, there is a makeshift bed overlooking the window as well; there are three velvety pillows, a thick and puffy comforter as the makeshift bed, and an ash grey cashmere duvet neatly folded on one side. How in a world was he able to set this up?

I turn my head towards Albert, I'm quizzical.

Of course, he's a genius, he ca ---.

"Well, I'm genius, I can do this sort of things," he acts a little defensive, his face is endearingly uncertain.

"Now, we complete each other's sandwiches?" I ask. Inner voice alert.

"Huh? Sandwiches?"

I snap at myself. "Never mind. It's.. never mind," I shrug off.

I'm surprised, confused, and excited. I think this is very romantic. And the candles - the coolness of the wind fights against the warmth of the fire, this is very erotic too.

What has gotten into this man's head? Is this getting serious? Ok, last night wasn't just some tutu & booboo play, we passionately made love. But this is confusing, where are we heading from last night?

"I've set-up the telescope to the Virgo Constellation. We are in an excellent view from here, it's not easy to locate you know," he says as he scurries towards the telescope.

I'm gaping at the makeshift bed, I'm thrilled and nervous at the same time. But why am I nervous? I made the first move last night.

I take off my kimono, it drops on the bed, then I turn to look at Albert. And there is his look again, he had it at the gasoline station, several times yesterday, and just awhile ago when the gust of wind blew on me. I think I should watch myself walk in the mirror, maybe I'm a potential model or a runway girl or something.

"Yea, I know, Virgo. She's the greek goddess who can make all things grow. We do have a good spot here, also for meteor showers on some months. It's quite an event," I respond blankly, then I walk towards him.

I notice him gaping at my bra-less breast. I smirk, then I raise one brow. "I know that too. Somehow, I can't find my bra," I say, sardonic.

He turns his head away adoringly embarrased but humored.

"You want some beer? or wine?" he mumbles. I didn't hear him clearly, "Hmm?" I ask.

He jerks his head to a nearby corner and I see a bottle of wine with two empty glasses on the side, and a small cooler with the logo word 'Beer' on its cover.

I'm inclined to say beer, but it's too unrefined for tonight's romantic feel. "Wine should be good," I answer. I think wine suits my bra-less top and g-string for tonight.

I look into the telescope while Albert picks up the wine and the glasses. I think looking at all these Virginis stars is cool and exciting, but I can't concentrate on my nerdy Mecky self because the sexual energy behind me is as strong as Sagitarius A*, the supermassive blackhole at the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy.

I startle at the accidental contact of the wine bottle on my thigh.

"Ooops. Sorry. The bottle almost slipped," Albert says. The sardonic smirk on his face confirms that it wasn't accidental.

I raise my brow and dulls my face. His sardonic smirk grew wider as he pours me a glass of wine. "I hope, only your bra went missing tonight," he jests.

I want to say something else, but I'm losing control now, with intent. "I hope so too," I suggestively tease, but with a non-chalant face as I accept the glass of wine. He looks at me, thrilled.

We cheer with our glasses and then we gaze into each other's eyes as we drink our wine. I feel an instant heat in my body from the wine. Then our gazes turn into something more sexual, and something starts to cramp below my abdomen, or maybe between my legs. And I'm still sore.

"Can you handle.. more of it?" he says low and provocative. He was signaling about the wine he is holding but it's leveled onto his crotch. I can finish the wine by myself, but I know what he truly means.

I turn my gaze away and I smile suggestively. "I can handle. Can you?" I respond, then I walk away towards the makeshift bed. Maybe it's the dragon in me, but this girl is on fire.

"Every curves," I hear he whispers from behind me. Then an internal explosion of desire and lust spread all over me. I want him. More of him. Even more of him. All of him. All night.

BDGPotter BDGPotter

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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