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93.33% Chronicles of High School Dirty Little Secrets - The Library Card / Chapter 14: Track 12 - The First Time by Kelsea Ballerini

Bab 14: Track 12 - The First Time by Kelsea Ballerini

Why is it that, when we find and finally have the guy that we want, another guy comes along to excites and confuses us?

Then we are compelled to the thrill and danger they bring, most especially if they come up to your balcony. Is this a test? Am I a cheat? Do politicians' wives cheat?

"Just get down, Albert! Or I'm gonna push you out to die," I hissed.

I don't mean a word I say. There is an exciting danger in Albert's expression and I am bewitched. Young Albert isn't just an honest country guy after all, he's seductively dangerous too.

Oh, Romeo, oh Romeo.

Again, he grins sardonically. "Like I said, not until you kiss me. Again. You did it twice last night, third time's a charm."

"I think you have to earn the third one, Albert. Free stuff doesn't come in three. Buy one take one only."

He smirks wide, thrilled I guess. "Climbing up a balcony, despite the danger, just to get a kiss from you, I think I'm in for a massive purchase. Buy one take one, right? I'll buy 10."

My indigestion turns into a volcanic eruption, I think butterflies will spill out of my mouth anytime moment now.

I can't respond back, no, I don't think I can. I'm leaving him; I take one step out, then on my second step, I think not, I'm not walking out. So I turn back to him, pointing my finger up, I want to say something domineering so I press my finger onto his chest and - Jesus Mary Magdaline! - he almost loses his balance again.

I hastily grab his shirt and pull him up hard, and then, it happens. We kiss. A surge of electric energy flows all over my central nervous system. It's a deep longing kiss, not fluid, we're not moving, just our lips pressing against each other.

At the perfect point of satisfaction, we slowly part ways, then we gaze into each other's eyes. I let out the most peaceful exhale I ever had. Then I release my hold of his shirt, and I don't know how, but his hold of the railing loosens, he almost falls out of balance again, so I quickly grab his shirt, then our foreheads lightly bump against each other. Now, our faces are only a centimeter away, I smell alcohol in his breath and I'm intoxicatedly aroused.

"Was that a buy one take one?" he asks under his breath.

With the danger's adrenaline still flowing through me, I kiss him again without so much thought, but fluid this time. I'm thinking about how risky this is, especially that we are out in the open, and my mom and little brother are sleeping few steps from me. But I want it so badly, I want to bite his lips.

This is not such an unfamiliar feeling. I was once compelled by a dangerous guy before. I think you've not completely experienced the best of your teenage years if you haven't been attracted to the types of dangerous and mysterious. Bench Panelo is both.

The snob with a messy black hair, wearing a black leather jacket in a motorcycle is perhaps, one of the most common badboy type. But Bench isn't common at all.

The first time he had my heart racing in arousing thrill was when he rescued a woman being physically abused by her boyfriend outside our pub one night. Everyone saw it, and the ridiculous thing was that no one tried to intervene that the guy was slapping the girl hard, pulling her hair and dragging her out of one of the bars into the street, not even the security guards tried to stop it, but Bench. He was in his station that time, I was outside busting-out tables. When Bench heard of the commotion, he stormed outside but calmly intervened. The guy was drunk, the girl was crying her lungs out, calm didn't work so a storm of punches rained from both of the male species. Bench won of course, hardly a punch reached him and the drunk guy had his nose broken, then the security guards finally showed their useless asses.

I thought Bench was a hero that night. But he was even more the next time he took off his human alter-ego. Same scenario, but it was a kid being punched, slapped and dragged by an adult man, initially assuming that was the father. We were stopped on traffic, I was on back-ride with Bench in his 1996 Harley-Davidson FXSTSB Bad Boy, we came from our Branch #2 and on our way back to our main branch in Uptown Place. We saw the boy running and crying outside of a computer shop, then the man catched him. In a swift move, Bench stormed and intervened again. The abusive man wasn't alone, so Bench was against three goon-looking men. Maybe the abusive man wasn't the father at all, but Bench won again. Police came, but the kid was nowhere.

What I saw in Bench's face wasn't just an act of saving, he felt for the kid, like he cared about him, and he was mad, really mad at the guy who abused the little kid. When I'm with Bench, despite the danger he exudes or carry, I feel safe. He's not a war freak, he just have a badboy hero syndrome.

Those weren't the only times that Bench prevented or stopped a bad thing happening. And despite that hardshell of danger and mystery he wears, there is a soft man inside it, and he's unbelievably hopeless romantic, in a way that it doesn't match his physical appearance, which makes him even more captivating.

He rarely gave me flowers, he gave me pepper sprays, a taser, and a whistle, and he put his number on my phone's speed dial. But he also bought me candle-light dinners, set up picnic dates, let me eat his desserts even I already had two, and he's completely unbothered when he buys me sanitary napkins. He still do some of his romantics even to these days, despite we call ourselves just friends.

But who doesn't fall in love with a guy like that? Or it could be just me, I'm innately attracted to men with danger on their sleeves, that's how I fell in love for the first time. However, Bench's mystery is another story, the very reason why he is my TOTGA - the one that got away.

"Let's go on a walk," Albert says.


"Yes. Why, would you rather go to sleep now?" he dares.

I don't think so. No, I don't want to go to sleep yet, I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all. But I'm not saying that, I keep mum.

"You still owe me a tour of the place. You showed me the perfect view of the beautiful blue sky. Where can we see the stars?" he asks.

Dangerous men and their hopeless romantic side, I smile. "I know the perfect spot. But could you please, get down safely!"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

He bit his lower lip and scrunches up his face silly. "I don't know how," he mutters.

Romeo does have his flaws, I shake my head and laugh. "Ok. Get in here," I snap under my breath, "and be quiet!"

We walk silently and very carefully out of the room. I've taken off my accessories and hat earlier but I'm still in my dress and boots and my hardset sticky hair. So is Albert, except that his shirt is untucked now, some buttons are down like he did have a lot of fun tonight. He's tipsy too, I smell beer and whiskey in him, but in an arousing and intoxicating kind of way.

We step out of the back porch. "Wait!" Albert calls. Then he sits on the steps of the porch.

"My legs are a bit tired. I just need a short rest," he complains.

I step closer to him. "When you're a hundred and one years old, climbing up a balcony is not very ideal. I recommend you stay in your rocking chair," I tease.

He lift his brows, defensive. "I can climb up the roof if I wanted to."

I roll my eyes. "Yea, sure. You just can't get yourself down."

He rolls his eyes too. "I said I can climb up." We both smile and laugh under our noses.

"Sit with me," he commands. Like I have no mind of my own, I comply. I sit two steps up his level so I don't feel such a complete feeble.

He gapes at me for several seconds then he looks up the sky. "This is a perfect spot for stars."

I look up too, and he is right. This is not what I had in mind, but it comes close.

He gape at me again, this time his face is romantic, peaceful, and again, familiar. Like I've seen this scene before. "Ok. Pick one of the stars. I'll give it you," he says.

That was over-the-top-lame-cheesy-hopelessness, I laugh sardonically. "Right! Like you can do that."

He smiles handsome, my heart flutters. "Why not, I'm a genius, right? I can do those sort of things," he defends, adorably.

I decide to go along with him, and besides, the butterflies strongly demands me to. "Ok. That one." I pick a blue or green sparkling star beside the Orion's belt.

"Excellent choice. Now close your eyes."

I smile wide. He is being too adorable for my existence. But this is getting silly. "Why?" I reject.

"Just -- close your eyes. Come on! Do you want me to climb a balcony again?"

I laugh silly, my heart is pulsing hot. "Ok. Fine." I close my eyes. But before I do, he pretends like he is rolling up his already rolled-up sleeves.

One, two, three, four, five - that's it, five seconds is all I'm going to give him.

"Ok. Done. Open your eyes now."

I open my eyes. Nothing. Just his face, grinning. I knit my brows. "Where's my star?"

He smirks. "For international delivery, your star will arrive within 10 to 15 days. You will be notified once it passed through customs and the local carrier will advise you of the the exact date and time of delivery."


I laugh soundless under my belly. He is so freaking adorable. And even more when he kisses my skirt-covered knees. That's why it's familiar, I'm not wounded like mom, but Albert has that same face as dad when he gazed at mom in one of the videos. Albert also has the dreamy, madly-in-love look in his face. It's impossible.

With few more of Albert's humorous remarks, he becomes touchy. Sex is radiating in his physical energy. I can feel him. Only the gas lanterns light up the area around us, the house is dark and I see no one anywhere.

But we can't do this here, he can't just lay his arms on my legs and keep on kissing my hands, like a dog with his bone. Someone might see us, and this is not something I'm willing to share with anyone.

"I think we better go now," I insist. But I'm not fully sure about it anymore, if we should go there at all.

Albert purses his lips adorably. "One more minute with you here, please?"

My heart flutters but I'm keeping a poker face. "You want to see the stars, so we'll see the stars."

"I think I'm looking at very hot star right now. Beautiful, to be this close," he says suggestively, his mouth partly opens with his tongue tracing the inner part of his lower lips, he's obviously being forthright with his intention. I'm not sure what's happening to me, but I feel something tightens between my legs.

I will always remember the first time I had sex - No - the first time I made love with Bench Panelo. It happened on a secluded spot on top of Antipolo city, the cheap version of Hollywood Hills in the metro. Don't get me wrong, Antipolo is a beautiful high-land city, the evening view from there to the metro below has it's romantic and awe-striking appeal; but during the day, all you see are roofs of houses with trashed truck's rubber tires on top and the thick cloud of air pollution floating over the city.

But our night was special and romantic. It was that time that I pointed a knife on a lewd drunk at the pub. Bench, for the first time, admitted that he was inlove with me. I wasn't really sure if I was already inlove too, but I was feeling something I've never felt before and I told him anyway that I've fallen in love with him too.

So Bench, the hopeless romantic that he is brought me on a secluded grassy cliffside in Antipolo to look at the sparkling evening lights of houses and buildings from the metro down below. There was a wide surface bamboo bench under a tree in the cliff. It was too ironic for a romantic moment, like there was camera on our back zooming out leaving us in the shadow of romance. I had no idea that night, that I will lose something I will never get back, ever again.

I remember it clearly, that night I was also wearing a different cowgirl one-piece dress and brown boots. Bench was being very intimate, we were cuddling and making out passionately under the tree. Then he told me he wants me, all of me, which I replied with the same words too.

His next move, however, made me realised that we meant different things in what we said. I wasn't thinking about sex, but then shortly, it dawned on me that he wanted to divirginised me. Or maybe not the exact reason of divirginising me, but he wanted to make love with me. In which, I did not deny him.

That was the strong feeling I was having, call it horny, or the teenage urge, but I was totally willing to give myself to him, because I knew, he will never hurt me.

I still don't believe that Bench was made by his parents on a bench seat, hence his name. I thought that must be very uncomfortable, but then, there I was, went completely naked on top of the naked and fully erected Bench Panelo. It wasn't a scary First, I felt how much Bench loved me. It was painful tho because Bench owned a monstrous dragon, but I was destroyed with great pleasure.

We didn't have any condoms that night, which was very irresponsible, but I was sixteen-year-old-inlove; at that point in time, I was dumb enough to be willing to carry Bench Jr. in me if it happens.

We had several rounds that first night, Bench was limitlessly juiced up. But thankfully, it wasn't time for me to get pregnant; the Immaculate Mother Mercy would have killed me, or the two Ricardo Juanchos, dead and alive, would have killed Bench by stoning, or burning in the plaza, or gallotine for both his heads, the big one and the bigger one. But, well, it was Romeo who died in the arms of Juliet, not Bench Panelo. Fate has a funny way of controlling our lives.

I hope this Romeo in suspenders has a condom, in case his dragon comes out too. And if it ever does, I know at this point I won't have the strength to fight it; Dragon Mecky is more of a Disney dragon than a Game of Thrones dragon.

Albert and I walk into the far side of the backyard; behind the trees, there is a stable that was used when the ranch was still breeding horses. Now it's abandoned, it's fairly neat, it's mostly used as a storage facility now.

The stable has a second floor, there is a roof window there that opens to the best view of the night sky and the evening silhouette of the pasture and the mountains. That is where I plan to bring Albert, but it reminds me of a possible same scenario from the cliffside hill of Antipolo. Am I willing to do this with Albert, my teacher?

"Can I ask a question? A very personal one?" I find the courage to ask Albert.

"Shoot! Anything."

I laugh. I wonder who is the teenager teaching him these uncharacteristic vocabularies. We are still walking under the backyard trees but I see the stable now. "You and your wife, what happened?" I ask, careful.

He acts as if he expected the question, he lowers his head and walks slower. He looks at me, he smiles relaxed. "To confirm the rumor, yes, we're separated for years now -- three, three years. I wasn't a good husband."

I'm intrigued. "I doubt that. You were very sweet, attentive and caring whenever your wife visits the school."

He smiles, glad. "I guess I was. Then I wasn't anymore," he starts slow, my attention is piqued. "The death of my father transformed me. I thought, finally I can live. That was a very terrible thought, right? My siblings blamed me for our father's death. We had a fight, dad and I, that caused his heart attack. Although, it wasn't really my fault, we learned later that his heart was failing and he already had a limited time, according to his doctors. He knew, mom knew, the rest of us didn't. Still, I blamed myself too. And doing that, I neglected my role as a husband. Truthfully, I'm not a genius, I've done enough number of stupid mistakes to disqualify me as one."

I'm confused and surprised how comfortable he seems in sharing this with me. I feel this is very private, but I'm intrigued to know more. "When it comes to the realities of life, geniuses are the dumbest. Picasso, Einstein, err, John Lennon, they weren't the best men for their women."

He smiles, impressed and humored, I return with a smile too. "My children were very dissapointed in me too. I just.. I stopped coming home. I don't know how, I lost my way, I know where is home, but I can't find the way. And Dianne.." he pauses, he looks afar, then he lowers his head, shy. "She was the first woman I ever loved. Dianne was my first girlfriend, my first at everything and I married her. There was a phase where I would go home, but I stay in my car and I see Dianne waiting on our front porch. She usually wears her red-orange night gown when she's sad. But I would freeze. I don't know what to tell her, how to tell her what's wrong. I just watched her, waiting."

He looks at me, I stop walking. "Does she know now? Did you tell her what's wrong? Has she stopped waiting at the front porch?" I ask firmly.

Albert's brows lifts, surprised at the seriousness of my tone. "Yes," he answers short, but his eyes twitches curious about my curiousity.

I lower my head. "I just.. it's not good to keep your girl waiting or wondering what's wrong."

He smirks and sneers. "Isn't it always the girls who do that. You keep us wondering all the time, not to mention waiting for hours."

"That's not -- I mean, that wasn't --"

"I know," he interjects. "I know what you mean. I saw it in Dianne's eyes, how much she was hurting," he breathes heavy. "So I told her. I told her that I lost the version of myself that was good for her. I lost the man she loves. And I don't want to keep hurting her."

Wow, that's deep.

He chuckles, reminiscent. "Dianne has a fierce streak in her, but she's mostly reserved, kind, and very understanding. We never fought during our separation," he pauses. "And she let me go."

I feel the pain in his last words. "You're still married to her," I say matter-of-factly.

He turns his head at me, he expression dawns a realisation. "You're right. I still am. For some reason, we couldn't get ourselves file an annulment. I don't think I can do that to her. And I'm thinking, maybe she will, when the right man comes along for her. When she finally wants her freedom."

"I think she still loves you."

He smiles in agreement. "I think she will always do. And I, her. When you marry for love, you've decided that it's a lifetime thing. You set your heart for it. If it doesn't work, if you get hurt, if it ends, love will not. It was already set for a lifetime in the first place. You just deal with it differently, especially when everything else is gone or broken."

I suddenly think about mom. She never dated again, maybe that's why the sadness in her eyes sometimes, she was set for a lifetime with a man who's been long gone.

Albert and I continue our walk to the stable. I keep wondering about the relaxed sense coming out of him.

"How about you, Mecky, have you ever been inlove?"

I'm taken aback. The personal question is thrown at me now, and I'm not comfortable sharing about my love story with Bench. If it gets to the sad part, I might breakdown. Ok. That's an exaggeration. But who wants to recall or remember your broken-hearted self?

"Kind of," I say.

"What kind?"

Now, we are at the stable, but we stop and stay behind the wooden fence outside. "A kid's love," I answer.

"Young love. Huh. But I think those are the purest kind of love. Tell me about it."

I press a smile. "There was a boy named George. He was very handsome, and blonde. I told him I was going to marry him. I was six."

Albert laughs, those distinct handsome notes makes my heart flutters. I continue, "I met George when dad brought me to the far end of the ranch for the first time. George was on another land, he was saddled on his horse like a handsome stallion. He was with his dad, that surprisingly, my dad knew. They were ranch buddies, our ranches are divided by a narrow stream. I was instantly mesmerised with George, and I told him that he is going to be my husband. George was seven, and he was mad at me for saying that. But when I start my first year in grade school, I met George again. He was one year senior than me, and he acts like it. I would follow him around during breaks and he would snap at me like I'm a pesky little girl. Then one time, a big bully tried to take my lunch. George came to the rescue but the big bully pushed him down. George didn't need to rescue me, but since he was pushed down, I got really mad, so I hit the bully with my lunch box onto his face and I stepped hard on his foot. He cried and ran. George, I think, was impressed, because we became friends that day. Then his father started visiting us in our house and George would come. Mr. Bigfoot, that's what I called George's father because his feet were scary big. And for awhile George and I secretly planned our wedding. He was my first kiss, he was very bold to do that first move, considering I have strong arms and hands. But I guess, I liked the kiss too. When my dad died, George would visit everyday. Until that day that the three of us, broken Herhers, left to the airport without letting anyone know."

"Interesting. You're quite interesting. Maybe, you'll end up with George. That's the beauty of History, you think about the past and you'll end up in the future," Albert comments.

I smile. Then I realise something - that's it! - the answer to the riddle, Albert answered it. The numbers I solved last time are page numbers from the book - Page 7, 4, 6, 5 and 8. In each page there are encircled letters, and since the morse code, I figured the encircled letters are coded ciphers.

Because Cece loves mysteries, we both studied how to decode ciphers and encryptions. On this particular one, it was easy, I identified it at first try. It's a Caesar cipher, one of the most simple and easily cracked encryption methods. With an educated guess, I figured out one encryption number, then I figured out all, they all have different encryption numbers.


Page 7 - P jhu ulcly il zavslu myvt fvb. P ht vdulk if lclyfvul. Zvtl ohcl tvyl, zvtl ohcl slzz. Doha ht P? - Knowledge

Page 4 - M ampp hmwettiev izivc xmqi csy wec qc reqi. Alex eq M? - Silence

Page 6 - Gjuxkj he lkc, Lkgxkj gtj ngzkj he sgte. Soyzxkyy ul znk ktzoxk atobkxygr xkgyut, Sgyzkx ot znk gxz ul tashkxy. Yusk sge ngbk yurbkj sgte ul euax seyzkxoky, Haz znkxk yzorr sain ul znks zu lotj. Cngz gxk znke? - Mathematics

Page 5 - Dtz ymnsp fgtzy ymj ufxy, gzy jsix zu ns ymj kzyzwj. Bmfy fr N? - History

Page 8 - Q kiv jm bpm jwws wvm kiv vmdmz nqvqap zmilqvo. Epib iu Q? - Autobiography


I solved Page 7, 4, 6, and now 5. So there's only one riddle left. Come on, Albert, give me some more.

"So, is this it? This is a tourist spot, a grungy abandoned stable?" he asks.

"It's not grungy! It actually looks pretty neat and decent during the day. But you said, you want to see the stars."

He looks at me humored. "So the stars look better inside it than here outside?" he looks up. I look up too.

"Wait 'til you see it. You might just launch a new business -- star picking and delivery is it?" I jest. He laughs.

"Hey -- see? Your star is no longer there. It's in transit, being delivered."

I shake my head with humor. I can't help but melt by the way his whole face smiles. Why? Why do I feel I want him so badly?

"Let's get in. And you'll be in for a surprise," I say and I start walking.

"You're not gonna molest me are you? It's dark in there," he says dark and dry.

I'm appalled. I turn to him. "Excuse me?! Ha-how dare --"

"How dare you! -- you're the one who kissed me last night without my permission."

I laugh sarcastically. "You liked it!" Then I turn my back, shake my head and walk towards the stable again.

"But, well, I'm not complaining -- about the kiss or if I'll be.. violated," he teases behind me.

I'm not looking back. But I can't help but smile wider than the pasture on my left side. I open the door of the stable. The moon is the only light that shines on us but it isn't so dark around, everything are visible enough.

This stable has a two-way opening, one is the door that I just opened and entered, then another one on the opposite end. On my left and right are the former horses' quarters. It's empty now and has been for awhile so it doesn't really smell horse in here, more like old wood and dirt, and the musk of being abandoned.

Beside the opposite door is the stairs to the second floor, upstairs was where they previously store bales of hay. Now it must be empty, and I hope the roof window isn't locked. I walk towards the other door, it's opened which doesn't surprise me, half of the door is broken.

I can feel Albert quietly following me, the sexual energy he's emmiting is stronger now, I feel nervous. As I reach the broken door, I notice something outside, something that thrills me to the bone.

"It's the car! They parked it here!" I exclaim. I see the groom's groom car they used earlier in the wedding. It's a super vintage Rolls Royce, so of course, I'm possessed now.

I walk towards it, I take a quick glance behind me and I know Albert is still following me. I circle around the car, and I'm inlove. There is something romantic about vintage cars, like it was made with so much love and passion, and to a certain extent, it's seductive and erotic too. Like whoever designed these cars was having sex or making love at the same time that they were on the drawing board.

I sit in the open driver compartment, Albert follows and sits beside me. "You and your cars. I won't be surprised if you play with toy cars when you were a kid and not Barbie dolls," he comments.

I snicker. "Neither. I had toy cars and Barbie dolls, I had all kinds of toys. When my dad see something the he likes, he'd buy it for me. And it was like, he invites the entire city on my birthdays. I have an extra room just for toys and the gifts. I never played any of those. I maybe touched some, but not really played. I preferred the real thing, at dad's auto shop, the ranch with real animals and real tractors. But I saw dad couple of times, in my toy room, playing with the toy cars. That kid of a man, you should have seen some of his videos with the toy cars, you'd think he's mental, a brawny grown-up man sitting cross-legged on the floor lining up toy cars. Sometimes, mom would sit with him and play too, because I never play, so they did it to convince me that it's fun too. Those were their silly little moments. My love for cars was because of dad. His face lights up when cool cars enters his shop's garage. And despite the business growing big, he still likes to tinker and get greased up."

He turn his head at me. "You love everything your dad loves."

I smile. "Everything! I don't know why either. I just do. I guess, that's what love is, right? You can't really explain it, you can't reason."

He smiles and turns his attention back somewhere else. "You're lucky, you learned so much from your dad, most especially, how to love," he says.

I feel the depth of what he said. But I think we should lighten up. "That's true. He also told me that Santa Clause isn't real, and Disney princesses are dumb and stupid; that Barbie is a very old woman obssessed with plastic surgery, that is why she's made of plastic."

Albert is stupefied. I laugh. He laughs too. "I thought, from the videos, he is insufferably romantic. Your mother was lucky. But then you're not so much. My eldest daughter, Vanie, she's 13, even tho she likes metal songs now and wears black colored nails, she still watches Disney movies, and loves the princesses and she still dreams of her own prince charming. You never had that girl in you?"

I smile and laugh under my nose, I shake my head. "No. Early on, I realised, I agree with dad. I mean who falls in love on a first date and propose to marry? Disney princesse are stupid. But, true, dad is a hopeless romantic. He was obsessed with mom, he would always sniff her and kiss her, especially stolen ones. They would go on dates and I will be left with my uncle Forth, dad's eldest brother; he wasn't here today. And I've never complained, that they leave me alone, that I don't go with them, because dad tells me the truth, that he will take mom on a date and they will make love for three days. Because that's what a good husband do with their wives, he said. Dad always told me the truth," I say non-chalant. I turn to Albert and I laugh at his scandalised face.

"Your dad is really something."

"He's a lot of things."

"I wish I had a dad too."

Swiftly, I turn my head towards him. He's looking afar, peaceful, but I feel sad; I feel sad for him. I want to kiss him. But I want more, and this incessant 'want' is starting to gain control of me.

Without thought, I grab his hand, I see him turns his head at me, surprised, but I promptly step out of the driver's seat, still holding his hand. He follows. I lead him inside the car, it's very spacious inside, and we sit too close together.

We are a breathing low and heavy air. I stare at him and he stares back. Our eyes know, they understand what is going to happen but we don't know who will do the first move.

Maybe it was the Titanic movie feel of the car, or the Rose Dewitt-Bukater in me, or because I've seen the movie a hundred times - yes, I don't watch Disney, I watch Titanic. So, I decide I'll do the first move, as Rose did.

I push Albert lightly to the backrest of the backseat, then I leap on top of him. His mouth is already opened, either shocked or aroused. I unbutton the first half of his shirt with haste, then I unbuckle his belt and I carelessly inserted my hand inside his boxers before I dive and kiss him with hurried eagerness and passion. He responds with the same intensity and desire.

"I want you Albert, all of you."

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