In Rean's eyes, the distribution of the girl's meridians was a complete mess. 'If I'll be honest, she better stops cultivating. Otherwise, she'll definitely explode at some point.'
Hearing that, Roan shared the cultivation technique she was using so far, telling him, 'That would be the case if she was using a normal cultivation technique. However, take a look at this one.'
Rean then stopped what he was doing for a bit to pay attention to the memories Roan sent his way. 'That's... quite impressive. Whoever came up with this thing knew very well what he was doing. Then again, if I can tell this much, there's no way you missed that, right?'
Roan nodded, replying, 'Correct. In any case, my job is to improve it and eliminate the flaws so that Magali can cultivate further. However, due to how her meridians are messed up, I'll need your help in that regard. You have a better idea of how the changes I have in mind would affect her.'
And as always, any Golden Tickets and Stones are welcome. ;)