Calhoun's hisses and groans mixed with the curses that came from his mouth was erotic enough for Madeline to continue what she was doing. Being bold, she licked his shaft from the base to the tip, and it was then did she notice him supporting his upper body with his hands while looking at her.
He looked desirous, tempting her with his eyes and aura around him as he licked his bottom lip. Even though Madeline was the one pleasuring him, she felt like Calhoun still had control over his body without needing to touch her.
With their gazes locked on each other, Madeline went back down on him. She saw how her touch affected Calhoun, and it wasn't just her dropping down her guard. When his manhood touched the back of her throat, he groaned in pure bliss. Wanting to hear it again, she continued to do it until she gagged to finally pulled back when it went too deep.
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