Any and every thought that she was formulating in her mind washed away when Calhoun kissed her. It wasn't a peck as he pulled her by her waist, almost having her where he wanted by pulling her to his front and stepping forward. Both his hands moved to hold the sides of her face, kissing her as he pressed his lips on hers.
When Calhoun pulled away from kissing her, Madeline's clouded eyes came to meet his where he stared at her,
"You are mine, right?" it wasn't a question, but the words of confirmation and Madeline's lips moved to reply,
"I am my own person," the grip of his hands tightened on her face and Calhoun's eyes looked at her fiercely. He wanted to hear she was his and no one else', not even her own. His fingertips moved to the side of her face, feeling her skin heat up at his touch and the rate of her heart beat increased.
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