Like many other times, Madeline felt lost when it came to the words to reply to what Calhoun just said. What did he mean, he wanted to see her cry? Madeline didn't understand Calhoun. It wasn't that she hadn't tried, but she felt he was too complex to figure out.
She felt her heart and mind being twisted in the palms of Calhoun's hand which she had no control of. The man was twisted, more than words could describe. She had felt sorry for Calhoun, but his words sometimes frightened her. He was exactly what he had called himself—the big bad wolf who would eat up any and everything.
"Were you like this always?" asked Madeline to hear Calhoun chuckle.
He looked her in her eyes, "Did you figure it out?" Was that a yes? "Sit still, unless you want the whole glass piece stuck in your sole," he smiled, his eyes twinkling before looking back down to look at her feet.
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