I walk into the building and hug Cara. Her belly and mine bump and we chuckle but we manage to hold each other briefly. “How are they? How is she?”
“She is not talking, not even a word. She is driving Gideon crazy by not even talking to him. I actually feel sorry for them.” Cara says with a sigh. “But honestly, I know Alex would have done the same thing if that was me. And I know it would have been very difficult to calm him down…”
“I know… show me where they are, please.” I ask her and she leads me to the area where once, Agape was held prisoner. I remember those days when she was someone else, a hurt and angry soul searching for a way to end her existence.
Caleb walks in a bit upset that I didn’t wait for him, but the urgency for me was Agape and Gideon. He rolled his eyes and I almost laughed at his gesture, then he took my hand and we walk into the room.