We walked together for what felt like hours. I wanted to speak during this time, but something inside of me quelled this desire whenever it would rise within me. Fortunately, it appears as if father can read my mind in here, so he answered my question.
"Time does not pass while we are here, Tael. In the outside world, everything is still as it was at the moment when you and I made contact. Your friends are still clinging to me, I am still recovering, and you are still pinning me down."
I nodded along and looked around. We are not within an endless sea of darkness like we had been in the past, but instead we are now walking within a sea of white. Is this what is inside of that speck I touched earlier?
"That 'speck' you refer to is my core memory. Within that tiny bit of light lies those that I deem to be important memories. The things that I believe are the most important to me are within this light."
Derimus Imun, in my eyes, is an incredibly complex character.
He is a man that had everything, but at the same time he never realized what he really wanted until it was right in front of him. He always believed he could have more, but was never content with what he already had. Throughout this volume I have planted these seeds of information so that if you look at it from a different angle you can see why he feels this way and that it led up to this.
I don't want this to seem like some 180 of his character because that's not what it is. I promise I have been trying to build to this for a while. It's just hard to make everything always work since I write a new chapter every single day and all that so deadlines are tough to handle a cohesive story with.
Catch you on the flip side!
P.S. Shiver by Lucy Rose is the theme of this chapter.