The door that was made of theoretical ore flung open from my push while I ran into the next room, weapon at the ready. Anything that may be lying in wait for my arrival will be surprised when I drive my katana straight through their abdomen, no matter what it is.
Unlike the previous room, this appears to simply be a hallway. Despite the fact that the exterior of the prison is shaped like a cube, this hallway forms a circle. I don't know how this place can physically exist, but considering that this prison is lined with theoretical ore, it's entirely possible that the laws of physics simply do not apply here the same as they do in the outside world.
I took a moment to look at my surroundings. Doors that led to unknown places lined the exterior walls while the door that led to the room I had previously occupied vanished, having been replaced by more stone that molded itself over the metal.
Everyone is back together yay! I considered having more chapters of them separated, but I'm going to be honest I want to just get this show on the road so to speak. I don't want to drag my feet.
Catch you on the flip side!