The very flames of Hell melted the permafrost of the mountaintop. The monster, or demon, that stood before us was releasing copious amounts of purple flames from its own body. Both the right and left side of the grotesque were acting in unison as I motioned for my party to get back.
"WELL DUH WE GOTTA CUT IT IN HALF, ONII-SAN! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!" Kany screamed to me as she emerged from a nearby shadow.
"I didn't mean it literally." I muttered as I kept my distance. Everyone's faces contorted to confusion at my statement, but they quickly returned to their normal status as they watched the grotesque once more.
I sheathed my katana once more as I slowly walked to my right.
"The key to this thing is its connection to its other half. If we can make them work against each other in some capacity then it won't be able to maintain its style."
"Kenji-san, how can you be sure?" Erana asked.
I shrugged and smiled. "I'm not. It's just a hunch."
The grotesque. It's a rather odd monster that I thought up a while ago. I hope you all enjoyed it.
Catch you on the flip side!
P.S. I went to an arcade and won a stuffed bear. I feel pretty cool. Come join the discord if you want to see it.