I couldn't even react to the blow that was delivered to my face. My body was launched into the nearby wall as everything turned hazy. I don't know how I wasn't knocked unconscious by that attack, but Erana's healing magic managed to restore me once more.
As I began to rise to my feet, Goto kicked me upwards into the ceiling.
"It's really unfortunate. I honestly wish that someone from Japan could have worked with me. I guess that's just another way life kicked me while I was…" I landed on the ground as Goto pulled his leg back. "Down!" He shouted as he kicked me in the side.
"Entangle!" Erana cast as vines and roots erupted from the ground, grabbing Goto from every angle.
"Oh! This spell! I remember seeing it a long time ago!" He flexed his muscles as he ripped the bindings off of himself. "Too bad I'm too strong for you. Level up a bit more and I would have struggled to get out!"
I rose to my feet and pointed my hand towards Goto.
Dagger gonna change! Yeah! Goto can shoot lasers from his fingers and hands so that's neat. I hope all of you are enjoying so far.
Catch you on the flip side!