We stepped forward towards the small building with a purple roof. The black numbers above the doorway that read four fifteen, while innocent, gave off an oddly foreboding aura.
As Kany stepped towards the front door, I pulled my sword and its scabbard off of my belt. While I don't intend to kill anyone, I may still need to beat people down.
Of course, my physical abilities should make this a simple job, but if a captain is truly in here then I won't have the ability to decide between lethal and non-lethal.
Erana and Tael stepped to my sides. I saw Tael's scowl as he stared directly at Kany while Erana glared at the building before us.
Without a need for words, we all approached the door in front of us as we got on either side of it. I held up three fingers as I began silently counting down.
I kicked in the front door as its wooden chips splintered out. The interior was revealed as we rushed inside.
Kenji and crew are getting into the thick of it now. This is really the decisive moment in their journey against this gang.
Catch you on the flip side!