Our infiltration upon the enemy camp had succeeded. We now stood inside of the center tent of the camp and had come face to face with the boss monster that we had been assigned to take down. The creature towered before us. Its chilling gaze and presence was an affront to life itself. It stood over 4 meters in height and its armor was pristine yet weathered. Though I was disturbed from the very act of standing in the presence of such a creature, I was reassured by the words of the man that stood beside me.
"With all of us…" Jaq began, holding his blade at the ready for the monster to strike at any time. "We can take it down."
"Just how strong is this thing?" I began, clutching at my blade as I ensured that I was a comfortable distance from the death knight. I could feel its gaze loom over me and then pass to the next member of our group. "Does it have a weakness? Do we have a strategy?"
Yeah! Killing Monsters! Yeah! Gimme Power Stones! Yeah!