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50% Just A Kryptonian In Marvel / Chapter 2: -~<|¦1.A Normal Life¦|>~

Bab 2: -~<|¦1.A Normal Life¦|>~

-~<|¦A Normal Life¦|>~-











^~Ear rape

"*Smiles* This!"

^~Action while talking



|Kara's POV|

For as long as I lived, I didn't have a normal life. As a child on Krypton, it was as "normal" as it could get, but the planet blew up due to the pressure caused by its inhabitants on its uranium core. Then, I got stuck in the phantom zone for 24 years, where I didn't age and stayed 13,before arriving pn Earth.

I got adopted, had a great adoptive mother, and a even better adoptive big sister that always helped me. As a Kryptonian on Earth, I obviously had a hard time adapting.

I learned me powers, and I've learned how to hide them after being labeled as a freak for showing them off. I didn't know why I was called that way, when it was evident that my powers makes me special and lets me help others in a better way than normal people do.

But, it was just human nature to fear the unknown. Anf I was an unknown "creature" to them. Oh how they loved Superman, yet I was out casted when I had similar powers to him.

Humans are weird and dangerous. You don't know how much their emotions can turn them into such monsters. And they are easily manipulated too. Just a few bad sentences about others then they are labeled as bad. Yet there I was, protecting them.

I didn't know why, but it maybe just because it runs in my blood. The blood of El. I just enjoyed saving others, even when they deemed me as their enemy.

As Supergirl, I faced many challenges, some where I prevailed, some where I failed, and some where I just gave up on. It was something that broke your body and mind, and yet, I kept on going, pushing through the pain, the insults, and the challenges, because I innately knew, that it would be worth it.

And it did, the smiles on the people's faces when I've helped them, the tears of joy when I saved them, was all I needed to know to be happy. It's a weird way of being happy, but it's my way. Even in my darkest times, a smile helped me find my way.

Still, it just proves that I didn't have a normal life. Not normal in human standards and kryptonian standards. I've spent my time saving people at the cost of my own time and life, which is normal for policemen, firemen, etc. But, I fight against beings that are far more powerful than natural phenomenons, and I do it nearly on a day-to-day basis.

And now, I'm here, back in what I think is to be the past, with a man named Howard Stark who owns Stark Industries, which is quite known, and since I can't remember such a thing, I know speculate that I'm in the past of a different dimension or even the present of a different dimension. I've got to admit though, it's not the craziest thing that happened in my whole 50 years of living away from earth, sans my 24 in the phantom void. [A/N: Will be explained.]

Also, I really have to praise myself for trusting my gut, as it turns out, Howard seems to be a really chill dude, arrogant, but chill, has a lot of power and tons of mullah, and these fries are just the best!

Howard: "So, Miss Danvers, let's stop with the chit-chat and get into business. You have been a assistant before, right?" he asks as he puts his cup of juice on the coaster before putting his elbows on the table and resting his head on his hands.

"Yes sir. My boss was a tough woman, but she was still nice." I tell him with minimal information.

Howard: "Then, how would you rate yourself in your job, Miss Danvers?" with a smile, he asks and toys woth his spoon.

"12 out of 10, sir. Because I'm sure no one would have put up with her as long as did, and am sure that any body else would've punched her for being who she is." I tell with a bit of nostalgia. Cat may have been hard on her employees, but she's still nice...ish.

And, to my answer, Howard just smirked before it went back into a smile.

Howard: "Hmm...will you make me coffee every morning?" he continued with a light chuckle, to which I just raise an eye brow to.

"I can do that." I looked at him straight in the eye as I said that.

Howard: "How about speaking to pricks for me? I really don't want people like them to destroy any of my brain cells. I have to remain a genius to manage the company, right?"

With a straight face, I replied, "Can I punch them?"

Not expecting my answer, Howard looked surprised, with his eyes wide and mouth agape, he was blankly staring at me. However, it didn't take long for him to start chuckling.

Howard: "Hahaha! Sure you can. As long he's not a president of something. I did it once and it didn't end well...for him." he nodded °sagely°

Howard: "Well, last question. It's the most important question and will be your main task when you work for me. Sadly, my last assistant wasn't up for that task. So.....






.will you be my wingwoman?"

To be honest, I imagined the task to be challenging, yet I nearly wanted to just fall over from how dumb this was, but keeping my professional look, I just gave a slight smile.

"As long as you leave some girls to me and we have a deal." I tell him while keeping a straight face, which gained a dumbfounded look in return.

Howard: "Umm....ah... S-sure- wait! *In a quiter tone* Are you serious? You're not serious, right?" he asks, quite not believing what he just heard, which I didn't quite get why he'd be like this. And seeing my mildly confused expression, his eye brows furrowed.

Howard: "You do realize you could get sent to prison for that, right?" he explained, and I was sure I paled at that. I'm not afraid of getting sent to prison, I could easily escape, but the thought of lesbians getting sent to prison is just scary.

Howard: "You seriously don't know? If you did commit lesbian acts and can say something like this so openly, without knowing the consequences, then I'm not sure if you're just damned lucky, or everyone you met are okay with lesbians. Be careful next time, okay." he told me, and I remembered how gay people weren't really that accepted into society yet in my own time, so how could it be okay in the 1

20th century where they'd probable think lesbians are witches.

Nodding my head, Howard let out a sigh and looked around for a bit.

Howard: "If it were anyone from here, I'm sure they'd be dragging you to prison by now. This place isn't really accepting of gays and lesbians. A stuck up bunch they are. Can't believe they'd do that to innocent women. People just can't understand the beauty of women kissing other women. But, going back to our deal, you can have the red heads. Deal?" seeing as to how okay he was with me being lesbian just made him a really good guy in my book. You don't know the amount of people who degraded my sister and her fiancé just because they fell in love with each other back then.

"Deal." as I replied to him, we both stood up and shook hands, and I swear I heard someone shouting, "Boss! Where are you! Hey you! Have you seen Howard Stark?", but I just brushed it off as my imagination, because even though I had super-hearing, why would I focus on something like that?

¦Timeskip: 2 days¦

|Kara's POV|

A day after I agreed with being Howard's assistant, the man kept on insisting me to call him by his name, we got on a plane after Howard gave me a room in the hotel he was staying at because, I made a sob story about why I was looking for a job. Bad parents, loan sharks, the war, and a bit of burglary here and there and I was now a woman who grew up with a depressing background with women being my saviors, including Cat who gave me the job as an assistant, buy sadly disappeared and I went back to being a poor woman.

I didn't want to lie, but I needed a background. The war was a good addition to my story, as many files about people would sure have been lost there.

Then, having had a good sleep, Howard, being the "generous" man, as he put it, gave me more than enough money to purchase clothes, underwear, and othet necessities before we had to ride a plane to Los Angeles. It took around 5 hours, and I was luckily sitting beside Howard in the 1st class seats, so I was able to milk out some information from him.

Turns out, Stark Industries was mainly a defense company manufacturing advanced weaponry and military technologies. Now I've got to thank my eidetic memory and Alex for giving me a history book on weapons, so I could help Howard with creating his weapons, but, of course, I'd jist give a little boost in their creation. I don't really want to mess my, or this dimension's, timeline.

Then, arriving on an airport in LA, we were greeted by Howard's bodyguards and other company executives. Howard introduced me as his new assistant, which got some looks, as, from what I could easily tell, my boss is quite the playboy. And, since I didn't like how they labeled me as one of his women, not caring about him being my boss, I nagged him to explain that our relationship was purely a boss and his employee.

If it was back then, then I'd definitely not be this bold, but after the end of my earth, I just...changed. I'm still the Kara Danvers that everyone knew, but with some maturities in some places. And, currently, after a half hour drive, we finally reached Stark Industries and I have to admit, it's a huge place.

Howard told me that his company was enormous, but I just shrugged it off as him bragging 'cause, he's jist the type of man to do so. But, looking at it now, I really have to re-think about judging the book by its cover. And, since I'm new, I had to be given a tour of the place, so that the chances of me getting lost would get lower, as Howard explained, but with my memory, I highly doubt that. But, I was interested in the place, so I happily accepted his offer.

Howard had his female secretary, which, I have to be honest, was a total cutie. You know, when I think of a female secretary, I'd usually think that they'd be calm, collected, stern, and elegant, but this is just so gosh darn cute!

With shoulder-length brown hair, blue, doe shaped eyes, a small nose, cute, yet plump lips and a petite build, only one word can describe her. Adorable. She's absolutely, adorable, and she just gives off the aura that she must be protected.

???: "Um... Hello. I'm Maria Bell, Mr. Stark's secretary.... It's nice to meet you." The woman, Maria, stated in a shy voice. From her pauses, it seems that she stopped herself from stuttering. If she's like this, then Howard either just took her as his secretary because she was cute, or this woman has something else.

I told myself not to judge a book by its cover, so maybe, she's one of those people who has this kind of personality, and then a different one in a specific situation.

Then, with a smile, I raised my hand towards Maria. "I'm Kara Danvers. Howard's new assistant. It's a...pleasure~, to meet you."

Maria, for a moment, looked confused, before a tinge of red dusted her cheeks. Shyly grabbing my hand in a handshake, she shook it, but it took a bit longer than a normal handshake for her to stop.

Maria: "It's p-pleasure to meet you too." she said in a quite tone than the one she used earlier, making me smile wider. But, I didn't want to jump into conclusions, because, just maybe, the woman's just naturally shy.

Well, let's see how my life here would go.

¦Timeskip: 1 month¦

|Kara's POV|

When I asked for a normal life, I got what an assistant of the founder of an world renowned company. Money, protection, women, you name it.

At first, I was rather overwhelmed, but I wasn't Supergirl for no reason. The mountains of paperwork were easily sorted out with the help of my eidetic memory, businessmen's evil plots were easily busted with my enhanced senses amd X-ray vision, overtimes were solved by my stamina, and Howard's stupid decisions would immediately be fixed by me.

I have to say, it was a rather hectic month, but it was a great one. Howard's a great boss, an arrogant douchebag, but the mustachioed casanova was still someone I could put up with. Maria, too, was a great person, and she practically has two personalities, which I dubbed as "Normal mode" and "Work mode". The names aren't the best, but hey, names aren't my thing.

Basically, Maria's all timid and cute in normal mode, but in work mode, she's cold and calculating. Even I want to pray for the poor souls who'd meet Maria in her work mode.

But, other than that, the media are the same back in my timeline, only, less advanced and more ruthless. As long as they get a scoop, even if it was a rumor, they'd take it, and I hate it. Especially when they speculated that I was one of Howard's women. Nasty little buggers. However, give them something better, then they'll leave you alone.

Then, the most bothersome part of being Howard's assistant is that I have to keep him in check every. time. The man is really hard to control. Even flirting with one of the reporters who were trying to degrade Stark Industries through the boss himself. Howard's just lucky I have my powers, if not, he'd be wasting millions of dollars, like how he used to do, to get himself out of jail and be looked favorably by the public.

However, all-in-all, it is more normal-ish than my previous job as Supergirl, and I enjoy this kind of life. Still, it didn't mean I do not miss crime fighting.

Beating up criminals is a way of stress relief for me, you know. And speaking of criminals,

Mercenary1: "Stark! We won't say it for the second time! Give us access to wherever the hell you keep your prototype weaponry!"

In the middle of a meeting of Howard with a different company to supply resources for his new project, a group of mercenaries went through the meeting room's glass walls and had their guns aimed at everybody. I obviously saw this through my X-ray vision, but decided to not act to still seem like a normal human. Luckily for the mercenaries, they only incapacitated the guards and other employees of the company.

If push comes to shove, I'll just use my enhanced strength and nothing else. Still, as Howard Stark's assistant, I have a duty to complete.

'It's hero time, I guess' I whispered while I remained hidden under the table.

¦Word count: 2,632+4¦

[A/N: I was thinking, should I add Kara in the adventures of the Avengers? Or go to space with Captain Marvel? Personally, I think the latter is better.]

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