Zuhra turned her focus to Lily, staring. Lily frowned at the attention but Zuhra didn't let up, "What?" asked Lily, "Kat said it all. We've taken accidental steps to avoid something like that ever happening, what else do you want me to say?"
Zuhra narrowed her eyes, "Kat specified that SHE was asexual, implying pretty strongly that you aren't. I want to know what you would do? In the even something happened to Kat before you got to this point,"
Lily sighed, "It's hard to say Zuhra… I don't really like to think about it. Either I'd move on, meaning that Kat wasn't the only person for me, or I wouldn't and I'd be miserable for the rest of my existence. It's not exactly pleasant to contemplate Zuhra."
"Well how do you think I feel?" asked Zuhra a little hotly, "I LIVE that situation. My old fiancé is dead and my… friend, my friend is trying to force me together with her other friend. I don't exactly find any of this to be pleasant you know?"
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