Lily sucked in a deep breath and steadied herself to continue the tale. "That was really the core of our relationship when we were young. Stella would be with me every step of the way. Now some things I'd pull her into. The big one was reading. I started trying that out before we got to school and I tried reading to her. She'd even sit and listen to me thought truthfully I doubt it made much sense to either of us just yet.
"We did play with other kids at that age, but I don't remember them and none of them are that important you know? She was my best friend and I was hers. Even as babies we knew that if we had each other, we could do anything. We slept together a fair bit you know? One set of parents would take both kids for the night so the other set could get away. It happened so often that we probably spent more time in bed together then apart." Lily let out a forced giggle that didn't sound anything other than pained.
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