After Harold left the room, there was silence. The three remaining were willing to let it sit, and have it assisted with Kat calming everyone's emotions. Kat realised that she'd really been caught up in Vivian's flow, and was glad that she hadn't started to leak fire or set her eyes alight during the conversation.
It was like this, that Sylvie found them when she poked her head into the room. "Sylvie?" said Kat with confusion in her voice.
"I think it's time we left for a bit. I could cut the tension in this house with a knife" said Sylvie.
Vivian frowned "There will be no tension cutting on my watch Sylvie" despite her frown, Vivian continued, her eyes sparkling. "It's dangerous to let someone as sweet and innocent as yourself play with knives"
Interesting extra detail. Callisto is wrong about Harold. Not completely of course, but she makes some assumptions based on her own attitudes and life that lead her to those conclusions.