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16.26% Reincarnated as both God and The Devil / Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Hm...

Bab 40: Chapter 40: Hm...

"I am afraid Elder Khan still does not want to go out of the room, Elder Augustus. The view inside is… mortifying"

The festivities were done and Viel and his group were currently resting and on a tour around the palace. Elder Augustus excused himself to check up on the eerie situation that Elder Khan was found.

"I see, you and your group may rest now, 4th Elder. Let me handle it from here", Elder Augustus placed his hand on the 4th Elder's shoulder.


"And make sure that none of Elder Khan's followers know of this. For they may incur that wrath of our young Lord God, we do not want any more blood on the Lord God's beautiful hands. We will deal with them ourselves if we must. Their silly games must stop, now that the Lord God is here."

"Hm… as you wish", the 4th Elder has already suspected it. This really was the Lord God's doing. Who else can treat them, the upper echelons of the Order, like nothing but children?

But the Lord God was and is, in nature, merciful.

If death must be given, then it will be given swiftly. The 4th Elder once again looked at the river of blood that covered the whole floor. There were also marks on the wall suggesting that there was a… clash. No, these were definitely the signs of a struggle.

Could it be that the Lord God was still weak because of its young vessel? No, impossible. Elder Khan's current disheveled condition suggests anything but.

This was a chase. Like a predator toying with its prey. The Lord God took his time… and enjoyed every single moment of the hunt.

The 4th Elder inhaled deeply as she collected her thoughts and herself.

"Then I leave it to you, Grand Elder", whatever the case was, she was relieved to get this incident out of her hands. The less she knows, the better.

The 4th Elder bowed respectfully towards Augustus before ordering her people to move out.

Now, it was only Elder Augustus and the bedraggled Elder Khan left in the room.

"Elder Khan, what happened here?"

Elder Khan continued to murmur random words, totally ignoring Elder Augustus. Not getting any answers, Elder Augustus clicked his tongue in frustration.

It seems that Elder Khan was already a lost cause. Offending the Lord God can only lead to one's downfall. And this was a grim reminder of that. Elder Augustus only hoped that their young Lord God stops here.

"Get the Sealing Rope. We shall seal this room forever", Elder Augustus called for the winged people that were still outside, guarding the room.

"B-but Grand Elder, the 2nd Elder is still inside"

"In what manner of form is this shriveling child an Elder?", Elder Augustus pointed at the cowering Khan, "That's nothing but a child that has lost its wings. Left to rot by offending our Lord God"

Although the guard was hesitant, he still followed the order to fetch the Sealing Rope. Elder Augustus then approached Elder Khan and whispered in his ear.

"You and this room will forever serve as a reminder to our people, frozen in time."

Elder Augustus glanced at Elder Khan one last time as he exited the room. "Farewell, old friend. We will probably never see each other again"

Whatever happened here, no one will ever know.


"Psst. So, this is how it goes… once mister Augustus brings us down to the city tomorrow. You will ride as fast as you can away from them."

"W-what? Why!?"

In some secluded part of the palace, Viel was whispering something on Xianying's ear.

"What do you mean why? We've been eating all of their food because they think I am this Lord God or something. If they knew that I was not, I am sure they will make all of us pay for the food"

"What!? But I thought you were-"

"SSSHH!", Viel covered the crouching Xianying's mouth with his finger. "I and Sister Xing Cai are not even from around here."

"T-then, what about Master Xing Cai? Should we tell her about our plan?"

Although Xing Cai was also with them earlier in the tour, she opted to rest. The toll on her mind still lingered due to the injuries she has been inflicted to.

As soon as she left, Viel dragged Xianying to a dark corner. Xianying initially thought that Viel was going to do something weird. But it turns out that he was just going to tell her about his plans.

"No, definitely not. Sister Xing Cai does not need to know", knowing Xing Cai, she will most likely make him apologize to the winged-people for deceiving them. Xing Cai might have the money to pay for everything, but he definitely does not. Xing Cai will most likely make him her servant after paying for everything, or so Viel thought.

But of course, Viel will not say that, "She already has a lot on her mind. I am sure she agrees with us. Let her rest"

Xianying nodded. Although she was still not convinced about the plan, it is better to be sure than sorry, for she does not have any money as well. And she was the one who probably ate the most during the feast.

"Ah, Lord God. I see Lord God and his friend are still not resting ye-"

"I see, forgive me for intruding the Lord God's time with her woman"

Elder Augustus, who suddenly came from nowhere, was already leaving as soon as he came.

"W-wait, no. I am not his wom-"

"It is no trouble, Mister Augustus. I and Miss Xianying were just making love", said Viel.

Xianying could not help but cough. Even Elder Augustus, who was about to leave was stopped in his tracks, almost tripping down.

"I… I see, Lord God. Then I really apologize for intruding", Elder Augustus cleared his throat as he bowed respectfully towards Viel and Xianying.

"W-what!? N-"

"Ssshh", before Xianying can state her case, VIel covered her mouth, "Just play along. We don't want the mister to get hold of our plans"

"B-but Lord Viel, do you even know what making love means?"

"What? Of course I do", no doesn't. "I hear it from Grandpa Ling all the time"

Once again, seeing the two seemingly intimate people, Elder Augustus cleared his throat. "Then, I shall take my leave. The Lord God may continue with his activities. I will make sure no one goes this way"

"Wait, mister Augustus. We will leave as soon as Sister Xing Cai gets enough rest. Please prepare for our departure", Viel approached Elder Augustus while slowly reaching out his hand.

Viel was giving the shiny gem he got from Elder Khan's room. As if giving him a token for his troubles, and perhaps to also keep him quiet.

"N-no need for that, Lord God. I will take my leave to prepare for Lord God's departure", Elder Augustus once again bowed before hurriedly leaving, not taking the gem with him.

Confirming that Elder Augustus has really left, Viel released a sigh of relief. "Thanks to my quick thinking, we weren't caught. Let's go back to the room"

"Eh!? T-to the..the room!? To do what!?", Xianying stuttered.

"Hm? To check up on sister Xing Cai and rest?"

"Y-yes! Of course! You go ahead, Lord Viel. I-I will still roam around"

Viel nodded as he walked away. Xianying was left alone in the corner, stomping her foot and slapping herself.

"What are you thinking!? You will go to jail! Jail! No! No!", Xianying was left alone, slowly descending to madness.


The next day, Viel and his group were ready to leave. But Elder Augustus seemed to have prepared a ton of gifts for Viel to bring below.

"Eh? N-no need. We will return here soon anyway", Viel stuttered as he looked to the side, clearly avoiding Elder Augustus' gaze.

"Very well, whatever the Lord God commands", Elder Augustus smiled and nodded. Telling the other people to take the gifts away and keep it in the throne room for now.

"B-but, we probably won't be able to return for a while. He..he.. so don't search for us", Viel gulped as he tried to lie once again to the smiling Elder.

"I know, Lord God"

"H-how!? W-what do you know!?", Viel backed away as he lightly elbowed Xianying a couple of times, signaling her to start the car. Xianying, however, did not know what to do. Her car does not really have the durability or technology to traverse through space, not to mention surviving the entry to their planet.

"The Lord God and his sister does not smell like the rest of the humans below. Lord God Lu Yi once told me that there were other worlds just like ours and that there was a chance for her to reincarnate to one of those worlds. I have already anticipated this, Lord God"

"Is…is that so?", Viel started to calm down a little bit.

"Yes, Lord God. For you to arrive here in just a few years is a miracle, and can only be associated with the Lord God's strength"

"Ah yes, I-I knew that", Viel cleared his throat as he stood firm. "Very well, thank you for all the food and sweets. They were awesome!", Viel raised his thumbs up before getting in the car with Xianying and Xing Cai.

Elder Augustus nodded as he signaled his people to encase the car, completely covering it once again in a bubble of light.

"Phew, that was close. They almost caught us", Viel released a sigh of relief as he wore the car's seat belt. "Now, back to miss Xianying's city. Onwards!", shouted Viel as he pointed forward. According to Mr. Voice, they only have 2 days before the portal closes. Before that, Viel hoped to explore Xianying's city, as it contained many mysterious things.

"Y-yes! Onwaaaaaa!", Xianying was about to play along with Viel, but then the sudden force of their car being transported by the bubble interrupted her.

It only took a few minutes before they landed back to their planet and on to the ground.

"Ugh, did you have to shout all the way, Lieutenant?", Xing Cai was the first one to get off the car as soon as it landed. Xianying's loud screams rattled her stressed brain.

"I-I apologize, Master Xing Cai! I was just surprised by the sudde-", Xianying immediately got out to assist Xing Cai and see if she was alright. However, she paused as she saw the scenery around her, "L-lord Viel, please get out right now!"

Viel immediately got out of the car when he heard Xianying's screams.

"Why!? What happened to sister Xing Cai!?"

"No, nothing happened to me, brat. Look", Xing Cai pointed behind Viel.

Viel slowly looked behind him, and what he saw there almost made him gulp as he slightly backed away.

"W-what do you guys want!?"

There, hundred of winged people were floating, some were kneeling on the ground. Then, a loud booming noise resounded in the air with Elder Augustus landing directly in front of Viel.

"W-what is it!? You're not asking us to pay for the food, are you!?", Viel put up his stance.

Slowly, one by one. All the winged people kneeled and bowed down towards Viel. All of them shouting the same thing.

"Lord God, we shall await for your return, for eternity and even in the life after! Safe travels until then!", each and every one of the winged people offered their respect towards the little golden haired child.

Xing Cai, who already had his guard up, sighed in relief. She thought she was going to die here and now. She calmed herself down and looked at Viel, what was he going to do now?

"L-lord Viel, what do we do?", Xianying tapped Viel on the shoulders. "L-Lord Viel?", Viel, however, was not responding. Instead, tears were falling from his face.

"Lord God!? Did we upset you!?", Elder Augustus immediately got up and apologized to Viel.

Noticing that Elder Augustus was looking at him, Viel closed his eyes. A minute passed by like this, in silence.

And then suddenly, as Elder Augustus and the rest of the winged people were about to leave with their shoulders dropped down, a bright light emitted from Viel's direction.

"W-what's happening!?", Xianying, who was beside Viel, could not help but step away due to the bright light.

Viel slowly floated in the air, a huge halo suddenly appearing on top of his head. His golden hair growing longer as it flowed with the wind.

"L-Lord God…", Elder Augustus could not help but kneel again due to the sensational scene that was in front of them.

And then, Viel opened his eyes. His pitched black eyes were elevated even further, it was as if you can almost see the stars that littered the night sky in them. And maybe perhaps, that was really the case. He released an aura that makes one want to kneel before him, and everyone did, even Xianying. The only exemption to this was Xing Cai, who was watching the whole scene unfold before her with her mouth agape.

He looked at the hundreds of winged people looking at him as they awaited for the words of their Lord God. And finally, after a few seconds, he spoke.

"Hm…", said Viel as he nodded. The winged people waited for more, but that was it. The halo on Viel's head disappeared as he seemed to have fainted.

Xing Cai, who seemed to be the only one not in stupor at the moment, caught the falling Viel. She was still confused as to what exactly happened. It was an amazing scene, however.

And then, the winged people started to murmur and repeat what Viel said.



"Ohhh, hm!"

"W-what's happening!? Why are they… moaning!?", Xianying, who recovered from her stupor, was surprised to hear the winged people making whimpering noises.

"Hm… Hmmm! The Lord God has acknowledged us and our hard work!", Elder Augustus raised his hand towards the winged-people. The winged people cheered and hollered in response.

"W…what exactly is going on here!?", Xianying was still lost in thought.


A few moments ago, in a vast and empty darkness. Lord God Lu Yi had her arms stretched towards the screen.

"Hear me, my servants. The boy you see before you is a part of me, and I am a part of him. I am afraid that I may never return to who and what I once was. But do know that I will forever hold each and every moment I have spent with all of you. I thank you for taking care of this Earth in my absence, please continue doing so. And when you once again see this boy, treat him as to how you will treat me. And may we meet in eternity, and even in the life after….

Hm.. what else…"


"Wait, what!? No!", Lu Yi touched the screen again, however, it has already turned black. Xanthus, who was watching the whole scene from behind, placed his hand on Lu Yi's shoulders, comforting her.

"It's alright, they know"


Romeru Romeru


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