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73.01% Shot ~ Sexual Fantasies / Chapter 138: Getting What I Want

Bab 138: Getting What I Want

"You want to please me, don't you Laura?" I say as I stroke her hair, my eyes devouring every curve and crevice of this perfect, naked Slavic blonde.

"What do you want me to do, sir? And what if my boyfriend finds me here?" She whimpers.

"He won't and I think you know what I want, my darling," I say smiling at her.

She shudders, nervous. "Yes sir. Thank you for this opportunity, sir," She says as she lowers herself to her knees and unzips the front of my trousers...

3 hours earlier...

One of the best decisions I made in life was to learn hypnosis but at the age of 24 I didn't know it yet. I'd already practised small feats of mind control on friends and colleagues and not all of it for my own gain. My co-worker Nancy had been struggling to sleep because of stress, so I hypnotised a command word that would help her sleep deeply and relax, my friend Megan struggles with self-confidence and I hypnotised her into being more confident in applying for a new job, for a joke I hypnotised my friend Pete into singing "Single Ladies" at a karaoke night and I got myself off a parking ticket by hypnotising the bastard attendant! However this night was the first night that I would unlock the true potential of my skill... I'd read on the internet about guys (and girls!) using hypnosis for sexual ends but never really believed it. However with my hypnotic powers developing and strengthening, I decided that if anyone could make it work for real, I could.

I was a medical intern at St Bart's in London but tutored a few students and could use that connection get invites to some local uni parties. Students are stressed, tired, insecure and often drunk and this makes them perfect candidates for hypnosis. So I managed to get an invite to a party on the UCL campus.

The party started at 7 so naturally I turned up at 8 in a simple black shirt and jeans. I'm a nice enough looking guy, I've never found it that difficult to get dates, if I really want them, but I'm certainly no model! Most girls would probably rate me a solid 7 but there I was rarely the most attractive guy in the room. I'm 5'11" with dark hair and a short well trimmed beard.

The party was just getting busy and I joined a few people I know for shots and drinks but really my mingling was just to identify possible girls that I think would be susceptible to hypnosis. I met a couple of girls that could work: a nice brunette, a cute Scottish girl but my mind was made up when I saw Laura.

She was stunning. 5'7" blonde size 6 with the most perfect 32C breasts you can imagine. Her hair was long and loose over her tight black dress. The dress was in some ways very conservative- it had a polo neck and showed no cleavage and covered her body totally until her mid thigh. Her legs were bare down to her black high heels that she walked elegantly on. At 19 this girl was just coming into her prime and was a sight to behold. I resolved to myself that whatever it took, this girl would be moaning underneath me before the end of the night.

The only slight hitch so far was that she did not enter alone... To make it worse I knew the guy who's arm she walked in on. I knew Dave at undergrad. He was economics and now worked as some 'big shot' banker in the city. The asshole earned 80k for screwing people over for a living. Now that I think about it, I kind of think it's justice from all the hardworking people he's shafted that his girlfriend will cumming on my cock, soon enough.

"Jon," Dave said as he saw me and walked up. He was the kind of guy that would be superficially nice but really just wanted to rub his money and girl in your face.

"Dave," I reply "I didn't expect to see you here. And this is?" I say looking at his companion.

"Laura. I'm Dave's girlfriend, we met now that his bank is looking after my account. I'm studying for a degree in French Literature."

I'm not fantastic at accents but she could be Russian, Czech or anywhere from the former USSR but a trust fund to boot!? This girl was really something.

"Lovely to meet you Laura, I'm Jon."

We exchanged some more pleasantries but I needed to start getting to work. Hypnosis was hard enough but getting her so far under that she'd do whatever I want with no resistance and under her boyfriend's nose? Now that was a ch-

*hick* Laura hiccupped breaking my chain of thought.

"oh shit," she said. "This happens some times, I've got a problem with my diaphragm, I'll be like this for- *hick*- half an hour or so," she says.

I smile. My opportunity. "Maybe I can help? I know a little hypnosis and might be able to trick your body into stopping?"

Dave looked uncertain but Laura had already jumped up to respond "Wow you think!? that's certainly worth a try!"

"We'll need somewhere quiet with no one around, shall we go upstairs? Dave you're fine with that? You want Laura to be able to enjoy the night without hiccupping all the time?"

He paused... I think he knew something was up but I'd backed him into a corner "Sure. But I'll stay in the room to make sure she's ok."

I could work with this. I lead Laura upstairs to a quiet room, sat her on the bed and Dave sat in the corner.

"Laura close your eyes and listen to my voice."

I spoke in a slow and steady rhythm. It was less the words and more how you say them that mattered, this was like playing a symphony, I could not put a single word at the wrong pitch or the wrong time.

"Feel calm sweeping over your body. Feel it sweeping... slowly," I say, gradually slowing my words and dropping the pitch.

"Give me your hand," I say and she hands it do me. I place my finger on her palm and make slow circles.

"Let the circle on your hand make you calm."

"You feel calm almost like you're falling asleep... I'm going to count down from 10 and at 1 you will be asleep..." I pause for a moment.

"10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1...sleep." Her head nodded in front of her, her blonde hair falling down infront of her face. I keep circling my finger on her palm.

What Dave didn't realise is that only sounds heard whilst I circle on her hand will register in her subconscious, this would be my trick.

"You feel your diaphragm relaxing. You feel it coming loose and giving you release from your hiccups. If you hear me say 'hiccup' then this will happen again and you will stop having hiccups." All this was for Dave's benefit, to convince him but it would also cure her problem. Now something for me.

I stop circling with my finger "when you feel hiccups starting again," I start circling "you will come and find me privately as soon as is convenient and you can do so discretely. You won't tell anyone that's where you've gone. When you find me, if I click my fingers you will fall back into the trance state."

What Dave thinks that Laura will be coming to find me to get her hiccups fixed if they start again but in reality she'll come and find me for a little... extra... hypnosis as soon as possible.

"And now you wake up when I reach 10. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10."

Laura opened her eyes "Oh my God it's gone!" she hugged me.

"I'm going to go upstairs for a bit. You guys enjoy the party." I said.

Dave led Laura back downstairs.

I went up and found a large but quiet bedroom away from the party. It wasn't five minutes before Laura came up and found me, she walks in.

"I uh... don't know why I came to find you. I just felt I had to... I didn't tell anyone where I went."

I click and her head drops forwards into the trance

"Listen to me Laura. You will now call me sir. I am your master. You will be filled with a desire to please your master as much as you can and in any way you can. You will feel a strong sexual attraction towards me, the strongest you've ever felt towards anyone. You will never lie to me and if I give you a direct command you will obey. If I click my fingers you will come out of the trance and if I click them again you will go back in. Do you understand?"

This was bold. It was risky to put this much into hypnosis at once but I'll confess I was a little eager.

She was silent- the longest moment of my life.

"Yes sir," she whispered. I clicked my fingers and she opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Hello Laura," I say smiling.

"Umm hello J-sir. Wait why did I call you that?" She looked confused.

"Because you wanted to, Laura," I say.

"I... uh.. suppose I did sir," she said blushing and tucking her hair behind her ear.

"That dress looks uncomfortable Laura. Why don't you take it off? Slowly now," I say taking a seat on the bed. She looks confused and pauses for a moment but then asks "will you unzip me sir? I can't take the dress off easily by myself."

She turns around. I run my hands over the small of her back and over her ass then up to her dress dip. The touch causes her to let out a little moan. I return to my chair, she turns around and lets the dress fall to the floor. She's wearing no bra but red lace panties.

"Do you enjoy showing me your body Laura?"

"I enjoy pleasing you sir and... I do like men watching me sir, always have."

"How about you show me more? I'd like to see your pussy my darling."

"Yes sir," she said and pulled her panties down to her ankles, stepping out of them. Her pussy had no hair and not even the slightest hint of stubble. I stand up and walk over to her.

"You want to please me, don't you Laura?" I say as I stroke her hair, my eyes devouring every curve and crevice of this perfect, naked Slavic blonde.

"What do you want me to do, sir? And what if my boyfriend finds me here?" She whimpers.

"He won't and I think you know what I want, my darling," I say smiling at her.

She shudders, nervous, "yes sir. Thank you for this opportunity, sir," she says as she lowers herself to her knees and unzips the front of my trousers...

As soon as my cock is released she sucks eagerly on it, i've never had so enthusiastic a blowjob as she took me all the way down to the bottom and sucked like a pro. She looks up to me, her blue eyes begging for approval.

"You're doing ok but I think you're not trying hard enough," I say and with a dejected look starts sucking harder and faster. The girl's practically chocking on my cock as she looks up begging me to say that she's done well. I'm right on the edge as I nearly growl, "Swallow it all my little slut and maybe I'll be pleased with you" she looks worried and sucks one final time on my cock as I cum hard into her mouth.

My climax is long and intense, certainly the best blowjob of my life to date and would probably be up there with one of my best climaxes of my life. Though not as good as the climax that I'd soon have in her pussy... The best bit was that through all my ecstasy the lovely little Laura just kept sucking and swallowing as best she could, doing anything to make her master happy.

When I'm done I look down on her and put on a stern voice saying, "show me the inside of your mouth." She opens it revealing no cum left. She looks worried. "Stand up." she does so but looking down with her hands clasped in front of her.

"Laura," I say.

"Y..yes master," she whimpers in reply.

"You did very well my darling."

As soon as I say this she looks up at me beaming and jumps at me, wrapping her arms around me kissing me passionately.

"Thank you so much sir! I really tried I really did and I was worried that you didn't like it."

"Would you like a reward Laura?" I ask.

"Only if you want to give it to me sir," She replies still grinning.

"Lay back on the bed. I'm going to eat your lovely little pussy."

She jumps back on the bed and opens her legs as wide as she can. Her pussy is probably the most tidy pussy I've ever seen with tight outer folds and small subtle inner lips that are only just visible through her tight snatch. The signs of her current arousal are obvious both in the smell in the air and the wetness running down her thigh and onto the bed.

I waste no time and dive between her legs, sucking on her clit and licking round her pussy. She gives out a little squeal as I slide my fingers insider her and rhythmically flick her G-spot. She tastes amazing as I alternate between licking, fingering and sucking and her squeals turn to lower pitch moans as she calls out for her master. Soon I hear the most beautiful words of my life: "Please may I cum, sir," she whimpers.

I pause for a moment then pull my fingers out and step away. "No," I say stroking my cock making it fully hard again, "You don't cum until I cum again."

She nods. "Of course sir. I'm sorry sir. How can I make you cum sir?"

"Spread your legs again, I'm going to fuck your little pussy."

She bites her lip barely able to contain her excitement.

"But don't you dare cum until I cum," I say sternly.

"What if I can't help it, sir?" she asks.

"Then I will be very disappointed in you."

I rub her slit three times, up and down, with my cock before allowing the head to slide in. She moans and her eyes begin to roll into the back of her head; but then she remembers her orders and bites her lip, holding back the pleasure. As I slide each millimetre into her warm, inviting body her eyes widen and I fill her up. One hand goes to her breast and the other clings to my back, my pace increasing.

"Sir... master... sir..." I hear her whimper and moan, her sweet tones and smells filling the air as I savour the soft clutch of her tight vagina.

A few small tears roll down her face. "I can't hold on, sir. I need to cum," she begs looking up at me with those big eyes.

Now I admit, I could have finished far sooner, but that would take away half the fun! However, as the sound of her wet pussy hungrily slurping my cock mixed with her feminine moans and my rough growls to create a carnal symphony of the flesh, I knew the most perfect fuck of my life would soon come to an end, but I still had enough stamina left for a final movement before the crescendo of our joint climax.

I take her soft, pink nipple into my mouth and suck tenderly but firmly. I pump hard and deep, using every muscle in my toned body.

She's grabbing the sheets with both hands, her knuckles turning white. She's biting her lips so hard that she cuts her self, ever so slightly; her eyes screwed tight, as she holds back the building climax. Her body bucks and writhes under me.

I kiss her on the lips, to which she eagerly responds, before leaning in to her ear.

"My darling, cum for me."

She lets out a perfect, low vibrato moan. Her sound is long and loud and clings to the room as she shakes under me, her vaginal contractions drawing me over the edge and pulling my cum into her prefect, tight body.

I kiss her as she cums down. We're silent for a moment, just breathing and catching our breath back, before she breaks the silence.

"Thank you sir..." she whispers.

We stay in bed for a while longer. She sucks my cock twice more and I make her cum four more times. This takes around 40 minutes and I decide I've had my fun... well not all of it.

I take her phone number then click my fingers and put her back under.

"When you open your eyes you will have a strong desire to go downstairs and suck the dicks of every guy and eat the pussies of every girl in the room who will let you, with the exception of your boyfriend. If they wish to play with your body, you will let them but you will not allow them to fuck you. When you have done all of this or by the end of the party you will no longer be under my control. You will remember tonight as a series of your own choices, made without duress." I click my fingers again and she opens her eyes.

She smiles, as if she's had a wicked idea. "Sir? May I go, I have something to do!" She says, hoping a little bit.

I kiss her one more time. "Yes you may".

She whoops and runs out the door, not putting her clothing back on, I guess I forgot that part of her instructions. I wait ten minutes, bathing in the afterglow, before dressing and walking down the stairs. Dave had already left but I could hear the sounds of Laura's new party game from the main room. I glance in as I walk past and see my beautiful princess 'entertaining' four men and two women, always the centre of attention.

I smirk as I walk out the door... My work here is done.

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