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50% The Ultimate Transmigration {Completed} / Chapter 40: Tournament of Universe 6 & 7

Bab 40: Tournament of Universe 6 & 7

Just wanted to say, go check out the novel 'I will write the most trashy novel', and definitly don't listen to the author. Everyone should book mark his book. Also, I just wanted to say that I use Webnovel.com and not the app on Ipad, so to me, most paragraphs look small. This one is just 5 lines, so I'm sorry if there are paragraphs that are too big for Iphone users.

Anyways, on to the chap!!


*Yami Pov*

'Lets see.. questioned one, what is 392 x 29. Isn't this supposed to be martial arts? Why would they put in a question like this? Never mind, ill just do it. 392 x 29.. carry the 0.. 11368. Relatively easy.

Next.. If someone had 297,047 cookies and he shared half of them, how much would he have? This is literally division.. still, why the math? Shouldn't this be more of a fighting question? Ill just write 148523.5, and rounding it up, it will be 148524.

Now, if someone were to Jab you near the abdom, what do you do?

A.) dodge

B.) Block

C.) Parry

Parry is out of the question because if it was aimed at my abdom, it probably means I was leaving an opening in that area. I would have to dodge then parry, so C is a no go. If I were to block, it would be hard, but still not the best. It would potentially damage my hands if I were defending with them. So, if I dodge, I will avoid all damage and it will possible leave an opening, so the answer is A, although it should be dodge and counter.' I continued answering the questions, which were pretty easy but unique. Some were history like in what year did bla bla bla happen, or a math question mixed with fighting questions. Just a general mix of everything. We had 30 minutes to finish the test and only 5 minutes had passed when I finished. I put my hand up, like a school kid, making it seem like a question.

[Yes?] questioned Vados

[Where do we put this?] I questioned while waving the paper in the air.

'So he's given up. Well, just an opponent less for Lord Champa.' Thought Vados with slightly narrowed eyes

[Just put it on this desk.] said Vados as she touched a desk. I put the sheet on it as I walk out of the room. When I left, Vados starts to look over my answers, which she thought were not answered.

'So that's why he said that.. he already finished the test. He is already a Genius with control of energy from when we first met, and now this. If we didn't already have trouble, then this will be even worse. Well, not my problem!' Thought Vados with a small smile as she continued to wait the 25 remaining minutes. With Yami, he just arrived to where Beerus and Whis are with a fake sad expression.

[Whats with the face, Yami?] questioned Whis

[I failed the test..] I lied

[What?! Then we only have Goku and Vegeta?!] screamed Beerus in panic

[It's a joke. I passed with flying colours, maybe. I'm not sure, but everything should be right. I just finished early.] I said while walking away.

'Now, to make this tournament more fun, Ill place limiters on my body. The limit.. well, since I have been with Goku, he is already stronger than he is supposed to be. He can control SSJB kaioken x10 with slight damage and an unstable SSJB kaioken x20. So, my limit will be SSJB kaioken x10. Now, to get some paper and draw the seal.. I'll just make some.. Done. Now, left, down, up, spin around, write a few characters and done. Place it on the inside of my shirt and there. Mission accomplished. Now, either I use my base form that has the power of SSJB kaioken x10 or I just go into the form with my base being the same as Goku's. Now.. what to do.. guess ill just take a nap.' I processed through my brain as I shut it off and went to sleep, right after setting a mental alarm clock to wake me up in 20 minutes, the time when everyone leaves.


Some place far far away, outside of the DBS world, we see an old person who appears to be in his 80's. He is sitting in a lotus position, meditating until a zap wakes him up. The moment he stood up, lightning started clashing as wind blew endlessly. From the peaceful, green field to a war zone of natural disasters and abnormal weather.

[So, the pattern has finally changed.. after many many many times of repeat, it has finally changed.. 998 billion repeats has lead to this change. What took you so long, friend?] mumbled the old man slowly as his voice made cracks in both space and time around him. Space was warping itself, causing an endless loop of chaos. Everything in the vicinity was being teleported randomly while time moved faster, slower or didn't move at all. Blades of grass were flying everywhere, making various elements spread. Darkness cut, light healed, fire burned, earth rose as unnatural changes occurred.

[Stop.] said the man. Everything froze in place as time itself was reversed. Everything went back to its place as the wind became normal with the grass going back to the ground. The earth submerged back in as the old man sat back down in a meditative position on the huge stump of a cut down tree.


[*Gasp, cough cough*.. What's happening?] I questioned myself out loud as I woke up from a premonition.

'Alfred, how much time has passed?'

[19 minutes. Make that 20 now. Just in time.]

[Whats wrong Yami?] questioned Whis

[Nothing, I just had a dream.] I lied as I reviewed what I just saw.


'W-where am I?' I questioned myself as I see Hit and I on a stadium. The bell rung as I turned SSJB and started to fight him. The fight continued until a mysterious energy came out of his body. His power multiplied, above the G.O.D level with his time skip overpowering the angels and upgrading from a tenth of a second to a minute. I tried to remove the seal in my shirt, but before I could, some of the energy spread to me and made that piece of paper melt into my body, making a tattoo. Normally, this can easily be fixed and taken off, but I had sealed powers.

Only my Saiyan powers were available. Hit continued to fight everyone, bring me to a near death state, killing a SSJB kaioken x10 Gogeta, majorly injuring the G.O.D's and some how using the divine language to get immortality, but it wasn't some random one. He pulled out a paper with a few things on it. The only things I could see was 'true immortality', meaning body, soul and age.

The fighting continued for many years until other universes caught wind of what is happening. They spread allies to the universe as the possessive energy spread like a virus. Centuries passed as the energy took over everyone but me as I had found a way to escape the 12 universes. I made a deal with the system. I would use all of my 'unquantifiable' points to upgrade the 10 teleport to a gold 10 teleport, teleporting me to other realities. I had longed escaped. In the DBS world, Zeno finally stepped in as he erased everyone of the mortal realm, including the angels besides the grand priest.

Only Zeno and the grand priest lived in the white abyss as the super dragon balls stayed were they were, still not destroyed. They used the dragon balls to make a new life, ensuring that that energy would never come again. New angels were brought in from the angel realm as new mortals began living. Everything looped as eventually the Grand Priest and Zeno forgot everything about the incident. Goku and Vegeta were reborn, new angels replaced the old, namely Whis, Vados and all the other cannon one and the DB story went the same way it did.

After a few decades, the tournament between the 6th and 7th universe came as Goku fought Hit. The mysterious energy didn't come as the normal plot returned back to normal. In conclusion, everything was just pressed by a hard restart button.


'So, everything in my premonition was my fault. I made the seal for myself to get 'fun', meaning that all happened just for fun.. bullsh**, I wont go the same way that went!' I thought, determinded to myself as I broke the seal, changing the whole fate of the future timeline.

[So, did anyone fail?] questioned Whis

[No, not one person failed. Anyways, you get 5 minutes to organise the order of the participants, then they will fight.] replied Vados

[Then I'm going first!!] said Goku

[No I am!] screamed Vegeta

[Guys, be quiet for a second. Obviously, I am going first.] I said normally

[Then what about sizers-paper-rock?] Gohan suggested

(Just messing with you)

[Ok.. Sizers..] Goku said

[Paper...] continued Vegeta

[Rock!] I said.

The end result? Easy. We were doing 2 handed sizers-paper-rock, so we picked 2 things. Vegeta picked sizers and paper, while Goku picked rock and paper, so with my mind reading powers, I picked sizers and rock, leaving me a tie with Goku. We did sizers-paper-rock again with one hand, and I won. Easily. Rock beats sizers, after all.

[Piccolo, you can go 4th. Ill go last.] Said Gohan

[Sure, kid.] said Piccolo

[With that, the 7th universe has decided its order. Yami, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Gohan. With the 6th universe being Botamo, Frost, Magetta, Cabba and lastly Hit. Any questions?] Vados questioned

[Yeah, can we add a rule?] I added

[Depends. What rule will that be?] questioned Vados

[Can we add a rule where at the start of the match, a fighter can switch with a different one? So if I got bored, I can switch to a different fighter but still not be out.] I said

[Well, we will do a vote. Raise your hands if you want this rule.] said the tournament manager.

Besides the 6th universe, everyone puts their hand up. Obvious that universe 7 would win with everyone there watching.

[Ok then. Can Botamo and Yami come to the stage?] questioned the manager who's name is Bob. (I don't know his name, so I just gave him one.)

[Fighters ready? Go!] screamed Bob

[Hehe] laughed Botamo

'He's kinda dumb. In the anime, he is shown to have a sort of shock resistance, but there are simply too many ways that can be bypassed. And yet he is this cocky. Telekinesis, Universal pull or push, grabbing and throwing, overriding the shock absorption like All might did to the Nomu. What's the easiest one to do?' I questioned myself as Botamo flys away, out of the ring.

'Telekinesis.' I answered my own question, which was suffice to say, really weird.

[Y-Yami wins!!] said Bob

(ok, I regret that name, ill give him the new name of Midori, so green in Japanese.)

[Next, will frost enter the stage?] questioned Midori

(Now it sounds like a girl name. I'm going back to Bob.)

[Now, fighters ready, G-]

[Actually, I just wanted to say good luck to you, friend.] said Frost in a polite tone, but what I hear is "I will definitely win and get all of that money!!".

'There goes my telepathy, spoiling the mood..' I thought as I answered him.

[Yeah, ok.] I said as the fight started.

[Can you go into your final form? I don't want to be labeled as a cowered.] I said without moving.

[Final form? What are you talking about?] questioned Frost

[We have one of your race in our universe. He has a 'final form'. So transform into it.] I stated

[Fine. If that is what you want. But do tell me, did you fight against him?] questioned Frost

[I didn't. Goku did. He utterly obliterated him. He's dead right now. Probably in earths hell again.] I said, making a hidden spark of anger grow in Frost.

[I see.. Then lets start the fight, shall we?] questioned Frost as he transformed into his final form, unlike in the anime. I suppress my power while going into SSJ. We both rush each other as a fury of punches collide with each other. In the mix, I duck and kick at his feet, making him start to fly. I rest on the ground like I'm lying on it as a barrage of ki blast invade Frost's 'no no zone'.

Scratches and cuts invade his body as he starts to send his own blasts. I teleport behind him and jump on him, making him crash into the ground and breaking through the arena, all the way to the out of bounds zone.

[T-The winner is Yami!!] said Bob after checking Frost's pulse.

[Could Magetta come down for the next fight?] said Bob as Vados stopped him.

[First, I think we should make a few repairs in the arena.] said Vados as she repaired the arena and still some-how found a reason to form that barrier. Still, not that much of a challenge if I can go to the core of the hottest star and not get a light burn.

[Hey!! Why did you put a barrier there?!] screamed Beerus as he stormed at Champa

[Why?! If he is this strong, then he can easily break the barrier!! It's good to have extra protection, right?!] screamed back Champa as he appeared in front of Beeurs, both having an angry expression. I appear next to them on the side and talk.

[I don't care, Beerus. Just let him.] I said as I teleport both of them back to where they were and go back into the arena where Magetta had just arrived.

[Fighters ready, Go!!] said Bob as a bell was rang

'Not much of a strategy needed here. He spits lava, makes heat, I break the barrier and GG, I win.' I thought as what did Magetta do? Heat up the place.

'Actually, lets make this more fun. Ill make him over heat himself. No, it will take a long time. Never mind..' I thought after sitting and watching Magetta continue to make the room hotter and hotter, leaving no sign of sweat on both of us. I charge a ki blast and fire it up, easily breaking the barrier. I then appear behind Magetta and kick him with just enough strength to get him off the arena. Though it is sad that Vegeta didn't get to do his MLG clutch landing.

[Jeez, this guy is on a roll.. Winner, Yami!!] said Bob as the process continued and Cabba arrived. Meanwhile, I switched with Vegeta so Cabba can go SSJ, teach Kale and Caulifla so they can become Kefla and I get more fun. Easy fun.

The fight went as expected. Vegeta won. Though he showed unnessassary power. The match ended and the referee was about to start the second match when I interrupted.

[Vegeta, switch with me.] I said

[Why should I do that?] questioned Vegeta

[Because I said so. If you don't, get prepared for what's to come later.] I said with a simple voice yet a scary face.

[Tch, fine.] said Vegeta as I switch places with Vegeta. Now, I was fighting Hit. Bob started the match as I immediately go SSJB I charge Hit with the intention to punch him on the spine from a fake from the front. Just when I get close, he uses time skip. I just continued going through the time skip, as if it isnt even there. Hit's 1/10 of a second time skip is pretty much a down graded version of Dio's "The World". And with Dio's "The World", it is at the Rule level, making even Sasuke's time control stronger. Then just imagine Hit's. It's worse than a rule, making it a law. Even with my sealed powers I would be able to bypass this.

[H-How!! How can you still move!!] questioned Hit with the expectation of me freezing in time.

[Then ill tell you.] I said, giving Hit a little bit of hope to defeat this ability

[Secret.] I said as I swoop his legs and send a barrage of punches at him. In a 10th of a 10th of a second, I had already dealt thousands of blows. I had fractured 10 bones, dislocated his arms and legs along with breaking them, and broken a part of his spine, making him not able to ever walk again. Meanwhile, the angels had just seen what I had done, not at all affected by the time skip. A little shock could be seen on their faces as they saw the brutality that I just brought upon Hit. I wave my hand as time moves again and Hit falls unconscious at the perfect moment. His arms and legs were twisted in a more than abnormal way as blood was pouring out of every part of his body. I deactivate my form as I stare at Bob.

[He is unconscious. Do I win?] I questioned as he nods in fright. Just like that, I had won without the occurrence of the evil energy.

[Yami! What did you do to him!!] said Goku as he dashed in front of me and try to send a fist at me.

[Thats none of your concern. If there is no sign of 'it', then I will heal him] I said as I start to use my energy along with the help of the system to search Hit's body. I find a small energy, just about to evolve.

'T-This is..'

[The energy needed to create a system.. an evil God might of have fufuilled someone's wish, and they wished to be in Hit's body. As for his system.. I don't think you should take it. It is already corrupt. Unlike the one in the 7 deadly sins world, this one is beyond repair. It's best to just store it in your inventory to save it for later to get more divinity or use it now and strengthen your abilities. Over the span of a few years, I should be able to purify the energy, but the system would be lost. What do you want to do?] finished Alfred

'Put it in my inventory. I'll save it for later.' I thought as a red ball appears in my inventory. I scan Hit again to see if there is any more abnormalities, which there isn't. I heal him and splash water on him.

[See? Are you happy no-] I stop suddenly as a ginormous amount of energy appear, but it wasn't normal energy, but God energy. God ki to be exact.

It was...

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