Unduh Aplikasi
48.75% The Ultimate Transmigration {Completed} / Chapter 39: DBS world

Bab 39: DBS world

*Yami Pov*

I arrive in a dark area where I find a really big blob in front of me.

'Alfred, how come it is so big? Isn't it supposed to be smaller?' I questioned while scrolling through the abilities that I can use.

[Although this world is a mortal world, it was able to produce a few people that got 100% in their mortal divinity. Namely Zalama, the dragon god, a few Saiyans and someone else.] said Alfred

'Lets see, abilities.. Alfred, got any recommendations?' I questioned

[Most magic in the DBS world is non-element based, so why not get that knowledge. I believe it is called the 'True Magic Way'. That would be one, next could be 'angel's authority'. It is used by Whis when he revived Frieza. It has several uses, which is reviving, turning back time which is boosted with the angel staff and a few other uses. Next is definitely Zeno's erase power, like I said before, he never trained it. But this is your opportunity as you can get his power. As for the last one, you can save it for later as I have got no idea for what to use it for.] said Alfred as I pick 'True Magic Way', 'Angel's authority' and Zeno's erase power. Then I hear a voice that I haven't heard in a while.

{*Ding* things chosen. Rebirth or Transmigration?}

[Do transmigration. Get it so that Shenron summoned me for Beerus. Also, will my Saiyan transformations be sealed?] I questioned

[Yes, the transformations will be sealed, but it is easy to unseal. Just put some energy in your nape and you will unlock the SSJ4 transformation after going through the others. For the god transformation, just use your god ki. If you want to unseal everything, then you can use the remaining skill points to unseal all of it. Also, because the DBS world has produced people that have ascended, there is a new restriction. You wont be able to be stronger than anyone in your race that is alive and in that realm. Meaning if Goku were to use SSJB kaioken x10, your power would never exceed it. Of course, since you are a Saiyan, you can upgrade your strength back to what it was, so there really isn't a big problem. Just retrain your powers. With this, your power will also go down, your base one I mean. It will be at 50, the same as Goku's at this time.] said Alfred

[I understand. Then ill retrain myself and I wont use any points as they can be used later on.] I said as my view changes into a sunny day.

[Hey.. are you the Super Saiyan God?] questioned Beerus

[Depends. Who are you?] I questioned while reactivating all of the available forms that I can do up to mastered Ultra Instinct as Ultra Instinct is just a technique and is more powerful the more forms a Saiyan has.

The thing about MUI is that it is special for every different race. For Saiyan's, they can make it a mode or just do it normally in base form. If a Saiyan goes into the MUI form, they will get a bigger power boost than in base form, hence the reason that it is mostly used in forms. Angels however use this is their base form as their race has no forms and they already have a high base power. Having MUI in a form is like having your mind split into 3.

One part of your mind is doing your defence, another is doing your offence, and another which is just doing whatever. The defence and offence part is the body, so you could say that your body is alive along with the mind, making the body and mind 2 excistances. That's what makes MUI the best technique and transformation that is available for everyone besides me as it is basically making new life that I can not and will never be able to communicate with.

[Im Beerus, the God Of Destruction. But you may address me as Lord Beerus.] said Beerus in a prideful tone as I start to scout the area.

[Yeah.?? Then how destructive could a destroyer god be?] I questioned in a sarcastic tone.

[Much more than you can imagine.] Says Beerus as he charges at me with 1% of his power. I dodge to the side while redirecting his punch to the side, making him miss me and fly into a railing at the edge of the huge boat.

(I'm using the Yacht version of this story)

[Is this the power of the Super Saiyan God? Ive got to admit, I'm very disappointed.] said Beerus as he stands his ground.

[It isn't. I just haven't seen you worthy of me using it yet.] I said as I start to launch attacks myself. Left punch, right kick, right elbow, left punch, and so on. Scratches continued appearing on me as barely any of my hits land on him. Seeing this, I start to power up into super Saiyan. The fight continues with me gradually powering up and stopping at super Saiyan 3 as with the Saiyan tail, the super saiyan 3 transformation can be completed and wont waste astronomical amounts of energy.

[I guess this is the limit of your power. It seems I must still destroy this world.] Says Beerus as he starts to become more 'destructive' with each of his punches and kicks.

[Wrong.] I said as I deactivate super saiyan 3 and activate my God form, changing my normal ki to the god ki of this realm. My hair grows a little higher as it becomes a light red colour with very small hints of green growing in it.

[This is the super saiyan transformation. Don't underestimate saiyans.] I said as my speed reaches high levels, rivaling 85% of Beerus's power in speed.

[Now this is the kind of battle I need!!] screams Beerus as he starts to power up until he is almost at full power. Shock waves that were affecting the entire universe were appearing as both Beerus and I slowly but surely rose higher and higher until we were in space. Tiredness was appearing all over Beerus's and my face as we both put all of our power into one final strike. Just when our fist's were about to clash, a hand came out of no where and grabbed both of our hands. It was Whis.

[I think this fight has dragged on long enough. Don't you think, gentlemen?] questioned Whis as I sigh and power down while slowly recovering my energy using my inner world, as to not draw suspicion.

[That was a fun little spar there, Saiyan. What's your name?] questioned Beerus in a normal tone as he showed no respect in his comment.

[Yami.] I said

[Well Yami, would you like to take over the God Of Destruction's seat when Beerus kicks the bucket?] questioned Whis as I started to ponder over it.

'Alfred, care to tell me about the benefits and non-benefits for this deal?' I questioned while showing a 'I'm thinking about it' expression to Whis.

[Lets start with the benefits. The benefits are immortality in age, energy of destruction, angel trainer and a clear connection to all the other gods and soon to be Omni-kings. With everything you have gained, the only real benefit you would get is the angel trainer which would soon be a waste as you will grow stronger than him and you can bribe him to train you either way. The other benefit is the connection to the other gods, but since you are going to leave the DBS-verse, there really isn't a point.

As for restrictions, there is too many to count, so lets go over the basic and simple-to-understand ones. Your life is connected to a Kai, your power is restricted, wont be able to train for real to get hard core training for yourself, get extremely bored, and a few other things. Oh, another benefit is the satisfaction of destroying planets. With this, by being the God Of Destruction, your karma will always only gain and will never lose any as it is the job you do. This would be very good for you, but sadly it is restricted to this anime-verse.] said Alfred

'Then there really is nothing that I will gain from this. Only disadvantages. The choice is pretty easy to pick.' I thought as I opened my mouth.

[No thanks. Though I would like to come and train once in a while.] I said as the three of us touch ground, back on the Yacht. I had my hands behind my back as my white-silverish hair breezed through the wind, making me seem like some old expert.

[Well, lets go Whis. We've longed since over stayed here.] said Beerus as I stop them while walking up to Goku.

[Whats your name?] I questioned him

[Son Goku. What's yours?] said Goku in his normal voice.

[Yami. Get 6 saiyan's here including you.] I said as he nods and disappears. After a few minutes, he appears with Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta and Videl as she wanted to come along as well.

[We weren't able to get 6 Saiyan's with us.. sorry..] said Goku in a guilty tone.

[No, you did.] I said as I started to position everyone in a circle like shape with everyone holding hands while Vegeta and Gohan had their hands on Goku's back.

[Send your Ki into him.] I said as they nod and start to do it. 5 seconds later and nothing happens. 10 seconds later and again, nothing happens until a thunderstorm suddenly arrives. Yellow lightning struck around the Ocean as the waves became more and more chaotic. Eventually, a hole in the clouds appeared as a light descended on Goku. He started to rise up as a red cocoon kind of layer appeared on Goku's skin. A few seconds later and the clouds dispearsed, leaving a red cocoon that was breaking at a normal rate. When all of the parts of this red layer fell off, Goku was left there with Red hair, red eyes and a much younger face, as if he was in his 20's. Everyone but Whis, Beerus and I couldn't feel his Ki as it had become God Ki.

[Welcome to the realm of the Gods.] I said as I went back to Whis and touched his shoulder. Whis nods as we start to fly away with a rainbow light surrounding us, acting as a barrier to the harsh weathers in space.

[What did you do to that Saiyan, Guki, was it?] questioned Beerus

[His name is Goku, and I made him become a super Saiyan God, though it is temporary. As for other information, find it out yourself.] I said as I started to drink water I made.

[So, where did you come from? I made Freiza destroy Planet Vegeta off the face of this Universe.] said Beerus

[You got a few things wrong. First, there are still a few Saiyan's alive out there. The full blooded ones are Goku, Vegeta and Vegeta's brother, Tarble. As for the half Saiyans, there is the son's of Goku, Gohan and Goten and the son of Vegeta, Trunks. Though they are half Saiyan's, they probably hold more potential than either Goku or Vegeta. Gohan also got a human pregnant, so that will add another one soon. As for me.. I have Saiyan blood in me for sure.. its just not that much.] I said in a slightly condescending tone as to not sound like a secret love child.

[So there is still this many Saiyan's still alive.. what a bad job Freiza has done. The next time I see him, Ill kill him for sure.] said Beerus in a calm tone.

[Unfortunately, you are too late, Lord Beerus. If you don't remember, this morning I told you that he has already died by the hands of Son Goku. Is all this sleeping getting to your head?] questioned Whis with a concerned tone.

[As if!! Everyone forgets at least one thing in their life.] said Beerus

[No, you are wrong. People like me that have Edetic memory wont forget any single thing. I will remember everything I have a memory of for the rest of my life.] I said as an invisible arrow struck Beerus, making him spit blood. The arrow had a word on it, saying 'wrong'.

(The arrow isn't real, just think of it as something like an anime thing where a person gets hit by this 'arrow'.)

[So what now? Do I just train with you Whis?] I questioned as we arrived at a planet with a gravity defying pyramid that was upside down.

[Along with that, you will have to do some chores.] said Whis

[Like?] I questioned back

[Fixing Lord Beerus's bed, cutting the grass and so on. In exchange, I will help you train. Does that sound good?] questioned Whis

[Sounds like training with extra steps. The cutting grass could be used with ki, which would be better for control, while the bed making could be practise for being precise and controlled with my hands.] I said with my hands in my pocket as the 3 of us enter a room with a table, kitchen and what appears to be an aquarium.

[Well, I think that is enough for today. Whis, wake me up in 5 years.] said Beerus who starts to Yawn

[5 years?! Why is it so short? Won't you be very tired?] questioned Whis

[Yeah, but I want to see the progress of those other Saiyan's in 5 years. Plus Yami will already get much stronger in these 5 years.] said Beerus as he started to walk into a room.

[Understood, my lord.] said Whis as he bows and goes to put Beerus to sleep while I start to make all kinds of foods from burgers all the way to top class steak. Whis come's back after a little while and starts to look through the food I had set on the table.

[What is this food?] questioned Whis while poking the burger.

[Its called a Burger. People in Earth made it. It should be to your taste's.] I said as I picked up a different burger and started to eat it.

[It could use some spice..] I said as I looked over to Whis. He took his first bite and was already having star's in his eyes. I decide to add some spices to both Whis's and my burgers. I take another bite and immediately drink milk.

[Thats a little too spicy, *cough*.] I said while removing some spices. Whis also had a red face until I also gave him milk.

[To think that such a food can leave me in such a vulnerable state.. I'm honestly ashamed.] said Whis

[Dont worry about it. No one will ever be able to get food this spicy unless they had a power like mine. I could make it less spicy if you want.] I said as I lower the spicy- ness of both of our burgers.

[Anyways, when do I start training?] I said

[Tomorrow at what I believe is 2:30 pm Earth time.] said Whis as he finishes his food.

[Ok then. Care to show me my room?] I said as I start to wash the dishes with telekinesis like usual.

[This way.] Said Whis as we start to walk through the area. It took a full 5 minutes of normal walking to even arrive there because of how big the place is.

[Well, this is your room. I believe you can make the things you need, so ill see you tomorrow 7:00 am. Goodnight!] said Whis nonchalantly as he starts to walk away while I start to make a few things. Namely a pillow, pyjamas and a blanket. The hygiene issues can be cleared with the use of energy, so that will be easy.

'Today's been such a long day.. I could of have countered at literally every single comment that everyone has said. I should really solve that anger problem I have. Alfred, is there a cause for this anger problem or is it just me?' I questioned while cleaning myself with ki.

[Its due to your Saiyan bloodline. Every higher level of bloodline purity in your Saiyan bloodline effects you. Goku's one does next to nothing, and that hit on the head helped too. Things like Vegeta's would be cockiness, the Ancient Saiyan would have an oppressing aura, which would be both cocky and too prideful and disrespectful. And before you ask, the Legendary super Saiyan isn't a bloodline, so to speak.

The legendary super Saiyan bloodline is opening your meridians in your body, like a cultivator except with bloodlines. So a bloodline meridian. The legendary super Saiyan is born with all of them open, and each time one is opened, the persons prideful and cocky attitude will get stronger. That means that normal Saiyan's can eventually unlock the legendary super saiyan bloodline, but it is highly unluckily. As you have the Ancient Legendary super Saiyan bloodline, your anger and cockiness is at an insane level. Think of Broly but a few thousand times stronger than that.

The easy way to solve this is to trick your mind. It can be hypnosis, mind control, and so on. You could use hypnosis on the unconscious part of your brain to change your attitude, or mind control to make it so that your mind thinks that you have a lesser Saiyan bloodline. Its relatively easy to do.] explained Alfred

'Then that's good. I haven't seen my status in a while, so can you show me?' I questioned as a screen appeared in front of me.

-- Status --

Name - Yami

Life span - ♾

Skill points - 50,000

Divinity - 77% M

Body strength - ??? (???)

Bloodlines - ??? (???)

Magic - True way of Origin magic

Cultivation - Sovereign realm (ATG)

Veins - Chaotic God Veins

Merged - All = 20%

Over all strength - 50

Energy - Primordial Origin Chaos

Race Powers - Mastered Ultra Instinct, True DL form, Origin Dōjutsu, Ultainum

Soul Weapons - Saiko, Chastiefol, Angel staff.

Grimoire's - All Grimiore

Points - Unquantifiable

'Great, still over powered as always.. though not as much as before. Alfred, is there a way to find out my body strength and bloodline?' I questioned

[Unfortunatly, there isn't. But my guess is that somehow, your body was able to evolve, allowing your bloodline to also be able to evolve into a higher one. I'm not sure about the effects as I'm not able to scan it, but it is most likely better than the True OAA's one. You have limitless potential. But..] said Alfred

'But..?' I questioned back

[No, its nothing. Anyways, get to sleep now. And don't use clones. Although Tien can make clones, the world laws wont allow it at all unless you are in your inner world, so you better get prepared for what's to come.] said Alfred as I started to drift off to sleep.

*In the Morning, 6:00am*

[..ak p.. wak p.. Wake up, Yami.] said Alfred as his voice started to fade in, just like how it faded out the previous night.

'Im up, I'm up.. what's the time? And how come I couldn't wake up by myself? I used to be able to do it all right.' I thought as I started to clean myself, change cloths and head to the kitchen area.

[Along with the race seal and clone seal, minor things like a few habits or a few normal things will be taken away. In this case, the waking up falls into both categories, so you will have to work on that again.] said Alfred

'Just what I needed..' I thought as I finished making breakfast in record time.

'6:05 am... I'm getting shabby at this. Well, nothing I can do. Ill wake Whis up and then do some chores.' I said. Yet I did not know the hell that was coming towards me. In the anime, Goku and Vegeta are only shown cutting grass, doing the bed and cleaning everything, but that still wasn't everything. Whis still had to do many things, which is what I was doing. Grow the plants, supply energy to a machine that produces the perfect gravity options, replace the water in the Oracal's home and other weird and unique tasks. In total, 105 tasks had to be done in the span of 6 hours and 30 minutes, which would normally be easy, but without clones and restricted power, it was more than enough to get a good sweat in, and I hadn't even started training yet!

A full 6 hours and 30 minutes of torture passed as I arrived in front of Whis who had something to his side as I tried to catch my breath.

[Put this through your arms and lift it. You will have to run across the planet with this on, and behind you, the floor will disappear and if you fall in, you will end up on the opposite side of the Universe, so make sure to not fall, okay?] questioned Whis as he forcefully put the red-orange arm weight on. My arms immediately become weak as I barely manage to hold on. I start to walk in a slow pace, on one track as every 10 seconds a part of the floor would disappear. Every time, I was only on the verge of falling off. Every single step was making my bones crack and my muscles both ace and rip apart, which was constantly being regenerated by my immortality, granting me immense Zenkai boosts to my arms. With this happening, I still somehow had the energy to talk to Alfred.

'Alfred, I've been wondering, but everything I get from a clone should transfer to me, including energy, so why haven't I been overloaded by energy whenever I undid a clone?' I questioned with constant sweat dripping on all of my cloths and on the floor that was slowly disappearing.

[Any extra energy is handled by me and transferred back into your inner world so you don't get overloaded with energy. And if you were to do something dumb and try to purposely overload yourself to get a Zenkai, it wouldn't work as A.), I'm here, and B.), you would explode, expelling all of the energy away and not granting your Zenkai as you would of had died. Immortality is like auto-saving your body condition with energy, making you never able to get a Zenkai from energy, but for your body, it will be okay as long as you don't die and do something minimal like what you are doing to your arms now.] explained Alfred

'That clears a few questions at the very least.. Alfred, how much longer until Vegeta comes here?' I questioned while speeding up the pace.

[In a few months he will arrive here. Good luck Yami!] said Alfred as he didn't respond to any more of my questions. Eventually, I gave up until I heard a voice in my head.

{*Ding* the excistance 396732967303769376937693796397676936977692397, Alfred as granted existence 358253896358652339835698 the title of 'Hard Worker (Not)' and 'The question boy'. Extra message loaded. Would you like to hear it?}

'Go ahead. I have nothing to lose besides the last bit of sanity I am holding on to.' I thought as veins popped in my head as they regenerated instantly.

[Hey Yami, this is Alfred. I have taken a trip for 'a few months' and I hope you will be safe. NOT!! Please increase your training more so I can watch it on my TV. Anyways, I hope that you get extra hurwty, like the little baby you are.

- Yours sincerely, Alfred. SIKE!! See you later, anger problem bit**. Alfred, the only system that has to deal with this kind of torture.]

'This is seriously unreasonable. I am over a million years old and I still get this angry over 1 single fu**ing message. ALFRED!! GET YOUR A** HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!' I screamed as the day continued with me constantly shouting in my head and veins constantly exploding. At the end of the day, a total of 15,872 veins had been popped in my head and a grand total of 104,578 profanities were screamed in my own head. A new record, if I have to say. I was currently finished with everything for the day and was cooking with telekinesis some pork.

[So.. would you like to tell me how you popped 15,872 veins in your head while still being alive?] questioned Whis with his near-perfect memory.

[Other than ki, I can use magic, and one of the many magic's I have lets me passively heal anything besides lost limbs. Vein's are no problem. As for why I popped that many, I.. I had an internal conversation with my split mind. You see, I was able to split my mind into 2 parts. One you could say is the brains and the other is the brawns. I'm the brawns part dispite already being very smart, and the brains part is relatively weak and only very knowledgeable. No big deal.] I said as I was spitting lies and another vein popped in my head.

[Thats impressive!! Maybe you could learn Ultra Instinct someday with a talent like that.] said Whis

[Yeah, maybe.] I said while keeping a poker face on the outside as I was thinking things like 'too late, already have it' and 'Ha! You, my teacher? How unreasonable is that?!'

[You know Ultra Instinct?] questioned Whis with slight surprise

[Yeah, I heard it from the God of Destruction from my timeline. The kai's are wrong with their nonsensical timeline stuff. Timelines are an infinite amount of things. The Infinite 'me's' are talking to the infinite 'you's' while the infinite Beerus's are all sleeping. Every timeline changes in some way or form. It could simply be a thought, or an action. I come from one of those timelines where someone with immense power probably had a different thought about something and that led me to be created. While in this one he had a different thought. I guess the timelines the kai's use are parallel timelines, meaning that they are the same. Its very rare to find those though.] I said, explaining my knowledge of timelines.

[So that's the reason why those things happen..] said Whis with a slightly guilty face

[Why the guilty face?] I questioned

[We angel's have an ability to turn back time for a few minutes, but I have always wondered, what is the cause of this? I guess I understand. I think its not time powers that I'm using but a different power that lets me shift timelines. If I move back time, everyone is moving back in time to a different timeline, as that one would already be gone. I guess it is already locked on to something similar. I always felt something was off about the time reversal ability. There always has to be an exchange for something..] said Whis

[Thats deep.. Well, ill head to sleep now. Goodnight.] I said as I clean the plates and head to my room.

This was the normal for every day for a few months. Wake up, use everything I need to, make breakfast, do chores, training, make new food, and sleep. Whis had left today to go to Earth because he said 'Although your food is delicious, I still need to try other new and unique foods, so I will take my leave.' He left just like that, leaving me with a sleeping Beerus and an Oracale doing absolutely nothing.

'Now I have to do everything..' I thought as I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a while.

[Whats wrong, Yami?] questioned Alfred

'YOU MOTHERFU**ER!!!!' I continued screaming and popping veins in my head until I calmed down, which took a few hours.

[Anyways, I got good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first? The bad one? Ok. The bad news is that you wont be able to use any forms from the Naruto world besides the Origin Eyes as it isn't really considered a form. More like a distant relative towards forms, if you get what I mean.

The good news is that you can use everything from Naruto if you converted it into ki. If you can make ki shadow clones, then the world laws will allow it. And for the tailed beast transformation, just use ki for the transformation and after that you can use it. But, because of the world laws, no one is allowed to see you using Primordial Chaos energy, so to everyone else, you have to use ki instead. You can still use it, but only when no one is seeing. You cleaning yourself these past months is ok since no one saw it. Should be pretty easy, right?] questioned and explained Alfred

'That would be hard to do. In these 4 months I've already eaten 4 chaos fruits, making my power reach an all new time high. Unless I use seals, I don't think I can single out energy from my energy. Maybe like 2 or 3 can be singled out? I haven't really tested it.'

[Well not my problem. Vegeta should be arriving here in an hour, so try to single out your energy.] said Alfred as I start to meditate. In the first 10 minutes, I was able to single out my energy into 5 different ones. Namely Mana, ki, chakra, Nen and chaos. After 30 minutes, I was able to single it out again into 3 energies. Ki, Nen and Chaos. And the last 20 minutes, I somehow had a breakthrough and was able to single out my energy into just ki and Nen, but the thing that mostly surprised me was that they fused. Ki is using your life force to show one's power, while Nen does the same except in a gentler form. They were 2 sides of the same coin.

'Alfred, is this energy allowed for use?' I said

[Yes, as the Nen only really provided more control and an easier time with the elements. It also allows you to use your Nen sword. Anyways, this is a new energy that you are using for the first time, so you can name it.] said Alfred

'Then I'll name it L force, as in Life force. Simple name but explains a lot.' I thought as I started to only using L force. Just when I was going to go back to do the last chore, cutting the grass, Whis and Vegeta had arrived. I used some of my energy to cut the grass, put it in a bag and fly towards them.

[Hi Whis, and, uhhh.. Vegetable?] I said with fake confusion

[Vegeta!! The prince of all Saiyan's!!] said Vegeta, clearly angry.

[No, you are literally only the prince of like, what, 5 or 6 saiyans? Disincluding me.] I said as I started to fly away.

[Whis, when does training start?] I questioned

[Well, its 2:00pm earth time, so in half an hour when Vegeta gets ready.] said Whis

[Yeah yeah. Anyways, I want to go to 'that' place. I think I am ready now.] I said to Whis, who only nods and brings out his staff. He taps it twice on the ground, and then it disappears with only a space crack behind leading to a white room.

[Go into here if you think you can overcome this challenge.] said Whis as I step in. When I'm inside, Whis closes the portal, leaving me there with only a staff.

'Now, in the anime, Goku and Vegeta kept their energy in their bodies, so Ill try that to start off with.' I thought as I gathered all of my scattered energy and brought it back into my body. When I did, I unconsciously changed into my SSJG form. Although I unlocked pretty much all forms above SSJG, I either need to be alone to use it, or I need to get a legit way of unlocking it, and the way to unlock SSJB was through here, keeping my energy in and then using my SSJ transformation over the SSJG. I did so, and my hair became that of a super Saiyan's, except blue. I didn't have a tail as I didn't need one. All I needed was a will and I can transform into any tailed transformation.

'Now that I got the SSJB form, I can either go and master the form like SSJ, or do kaioken on top of it. Or I can continue to work on it and achieve SSJB2. Well, I really shouldn't do any. Ill just start to make clones with ki.' I thought while going through a multitude of calculations using Senku's ability. After just 5 minutes, I already had the theory down, and it only needed to be put into action.

'So, in conclusion, the theory is using L force to scan everything in my body and try to copy it like a copy command on a computer. After that, ill need to 'paste' it somewhere around me, and to make this body, I have to use only L force to construct it, so a body made out of L force, perfect for what I need. The only downside is that it isn't linked to the inner world with the 100 mark. Other than that, I can adjust the amount of power the clone will have, even in the decimals. Pretty good theory I got there. The only downside is that I can only have 5 at a time due to just the sheer power of ki and not the control, unlike chakra.' I thought as I follow what I just thought, and a few seconds later, a clone of me appears.

[Hey, its a success, isn't it!!] said the clone with excitement.

[Yeah, guess so. Anyways, ill give you my energy so you can get to full capacity. After that, go and try to get the mastered SSJB form. Ill make a clone that will help you but will be the SSJB2 clone and a clone for the Kaioken. Got it?] I said as I made an extra 2 clones and refilled their energies.

[Well, lets get out of here first, then you can do what you need to do.] I said as I dispelled them, making them disappear, just like how they appeared. I touch the staff and immediately get teleported outside. When I am outside, I see not only Vegeta, but also Goku sparring with Whis. I fly towards them and start to talk.

[Whis, how come carrot is here?] I questioned

[You have finally come out? Well, its been a few months since you went in. Why did you take so long? And did you manage a breakthrough?] questioned Whis

[Yeah, I had 2 breakthroughs in fact. One is making clones with Ki, and anything they do gets transferred to me, meaning that I can get a lot of training done in a few days. Second, I got the Super Saiyan blue transformation. As for why it took a few months, maybe you did a time lag or something. For me, it was only about a few hours.] I said while staring at what both Goku and Vegeta were wearing. They already had gotten the SSJB transformation, but had yet to get it to my current level. If Goku and Vegeta had a 2/10 control over the SSJB transformation, then I got 9/10 control thanks to my Nen fusing with my ki. I was basically on the verge of unlocking the mastered form and after I have mastered it, I can unlock the SSJB2 form.

[Now that you say it.. yes, there appeared to be a time lag. Well, you have training to catch up on. How good is your super saiyan blue transformation?] questioned Whis

[Well, if those 2 can show me theirs, I could give an estimate.] I said as they both nod and turn into SSJB, leaving my mouth open.

[What? Is it that ours is better?] questioned Vegeta in a mocking tone.

[No, its not that. I'm just surprised at how bad your transformations are. The point of the SSJB transformation is control, meaning keeping your energy inside your body while doing the SSJ transformation. Yet, you are doing the SSJB transformation while still leaking out energy. If this was a 2/10 in control, then mine is already at a 9/10 in control.] I said as I turn into my SSJB transformation, which leaked absolutely no energy. The only part that I hadn't mastered is keeping it on at all times as I haven't even tried it yet. I make 4 clones that split into 2 groups after I had refilled their energy. The first is just casually using the SSJB transformation, trying to get the mastered form, while the other group were trying to get the SSJB2 form. To get a perfect SSJB kaioken form, I would need the mastered SSJB form to get it so that it wouldn't take too much energy.

[Lets go over the basics of the Saiyan transformations. First, we have the SSJ then the mastered version, which is mastered super Saiyan, keeping it on at all times without expending that much energy. Next, is SSJ2 and you can also master that like the mastered SSJ. Next is SSJ3 where your hair grows out. The mastered version of that is when you still have hair on your eye brows. Next we have the God form. It is a base form but with god ki. The SSJB transformation is basically the super saiyan for God ki, meaning all the things I talked about with the super Saiyan transformations can be applied to God ki. Meaning, try to raise your control over your forms, and you will get a form like SSJB2 or even SSJB stage 2 or something like that. There is also a form that Goku could get really easily, but it is a risk at the level of control he has now. If he get a 7/10 in control, then he can apply Kaioken to the SSJB transformation.] I explained, leaving both Goku and Vegeta's mouths open at how naive they have been.

[Then, does that mean the strongest form we can ever get is like a super Saiyan blue 3 with Kaioken?] questioned Goku

[No, in fact it is probably the weakest. You may think that the Saiyan tail is only used for the Oozaru form, but you can go beyond that. If you go into your Oozaru form and turn super Saiyan, and then compress that size into a normal body, then you can get an SSJ4 transformation that is on par with the SSJB transformation. To even get it, you will need to get your tail back, control the SSJ Oozaru, compress it and before that, you will need to master SSJ, SSJ2 and SSJ3.

Once you have the SSJ4 transformation, you can either start to get SSJ2 on the Oozaru, getting a better SSJ4 form, or you can either merge it with the SSJG form, or you can get the SSJ4 form but with only God ki, so go into Oozaru and turn SSJB and compress it. There is hundreds of thousands of combinations that a Saiyan can do, and when introducing the Legendary super Saiyan bloodline, those get hundred more. The SSJB3 transformation can be considered the real start to the Saiyan transformations.

Well, if you guys really want to get any of these forms, you will first need to get eternal youth, making you never die of old age. Just get Shenron or Parunga to get that for you. I already have it. But this doesn't mean that you cant die. Your soul could get killed or you could die from your body not being strong enough. Anyways, when you get eternal Youth, you will go back to the age of your prime, only in body.] I said

[Hooh?? Who knew Saiyan's had such potential. But if you know all of this, how come you don't have the transformations?] questioned Whis mysteriously.

[Secret.] I said normally.

[Well, you guys do you. Ill train by myself. Whis, can you let me back in without doing any kind of time la-] before I could finish, a loud crash appeared on the planet from a rainbow glow.

'It seems its already that time..' I thought before flying off to the location along with Whis and both Goku and Vegeta with their weird gravity suits.

[OIII, Beerus! Wake up, you have some guests over!!] said Champa as he started to throw energy at the gravity-defying pyramid.

[This cant end well..] said Goku

[Who dares disturb my sleep!!] screamed Beerus as he started to throw Hakai at Champa

[Me, your brother!!] Screamed Champa as he himself blocks the Hakai with his own, erasing both of them at collision.

[Thats enough.] says Both Whis and Vados as they stopped the 2 rampaging Gods of destruction.

[Well take this talk inside.] said Whis as everyone disappears and reappears in a room.

[Its been a long time, sis!] screamed Whis as he hugged Vados

[Yeah it has.] says Vados with a normal attitude.

[Well, we will leave this talk for later. *Cough Cough*, now, onto business.] said Vados while Goku starts to talk to me and Vegeta.

[Hey guys, he looks like a fat version of Beerus.. do you think that they are related?] questioned Goku

[Not a chance.] said Vegeta

[No, they are twins, and ironically, they are also both Gods of Destruction. The fat one is Champa and his angel attendant, Vados.] I said with a straight face.

[Wow!! Who knew a god of destruction could get so fat!!] said Goku in amazement, which went noticed by Champa. In fact, all of the conversation was heard by everyone in that room.

[My my, you cant be speaking to a god of destruction like that! You could really die!] said Vados in both a serious tone and in a tone that was saying 'I'm about to die from laughter!!'.

[Well, can you start this already? We got things to do and places to be.] I said

[I see you have taken in a few disrespectful disciples, Beerus.] said Champa with clear anger in his tone.

[Yeah, but at least I can back my words up.] I said

[Hurry up.] I added as Champa started to ignore me and started to talk to Vados.

[Bring it out.] said Champa with a smirk on his face. Seconds later, a few eggs appear.

[Aren't those just normal eggs?] questioned Goku

[Not just any eggs, but boiled eggs from the newly discovered Don-Don bird. They will leave you begging for more!] said Champa

[You guys can have some too!] said Champa as he floats 3 eggs to us. I use L force to open the egg and eat it with telekinesis.

[This is a normal egg. Heck, its probably worse than our normal eggs.] I said, destroying the remaining of the egg.

[Whis, bring 'that' out.] said Beerus as 5 ramen, a kettle with hot water in it and an hourglass appear. A few minutes pass and Goku, Vegeta, Vados, Champa and Beerus start to eat the Ramen.

[How come you aren't having any?] questioned Whis

[With the taste of that egg in my mouth, I think any food I eat would turn out disgusting, so its better to avoid this. Plus I can already make better food, so why should I eat this?] I questioned back as Champa had just finished all of his Ramen, along with the soup.

[How was that, champa?] questioned Beerus

[It was so-so.] said Champa

[And yet in your thoughts I hear 'I cant believe this was so good, and this was the result of just adding hot water!'. Why do I hear that?] I questioned

[You can read minds?!] questioned Champa with suprise

[Yeah, and if you learned more from your angel attendant, I bet you could easily do so as well.] I said while making the cups disappear.

[How was that, fata**? HAHAHA!!!] laughed Beerus

[Shut up, it wasn't even that good, skinny bastard!!] screamed Champa, making Beerus's attitude immediately become serious. They both fly on top of the crystal blue table as they start to exchange blows. Vegeta had already retreated back a dozen meters along with Goku as I, Vados and Whis were in the destruction area.

[How are you even standing there?] questioned Vegeta

[Just cover yourself with god energy and you'll be fine.] I said nonchalantly

[That's enough.] said Both Whis and Vados a second time as they stop an attack from both Beerus and Champa.

[You guys cant be fighting, and you know that.] said Whis

[Thats right. If you continue fighting, both the 6th and 7th universe will be destroyed. We wouldn't want that now, would we?] questioned Vados as the floor breaks from Goku stepping on it. I pull both Goku and Vegeta up with telekinesis and then repair the floor with restoration.

[Where did you even get this food?] questioned Vados

[Its from a planet called Earth. They have many such good foods!] said Whis

[Vados, lets go to the earth in universe 6.] said Champa

[Hmm.. unfortunately, Earth in our universe no longer exists.] said Vados with slight disappointment.

[What?! Fine then. Beerus, I propose a challenge. A tournament. You will bring 5 of your best fighter's and whichever universe wins will get the super dragon balls, and your Earth will go to our 6th universe. Do we have a deal?] questioned Champa

[Fine, but don't go crying when you lose.] said Beerus

[Well then, we will take our leave.] said Vados as Champa holds onto her back as they break through the ceiling and fly away.

[Wow!! How rude is that!] I said while repairing it.

[Well, she knew you could do it, so why wouldn't she do it?] questioned Whis

[She doesn't know anything. My ability lets me change back time of an object or person by a day, and even then, it can only be used once a day on that same object. It also rewinds things near it, so if that floor somehow spread to the sealing, I wouldn't of have been able to repair it. Plus, this is with my upgraded ability. The non-upgraded one has a bigger range, so it would of have definitely spread to the ceiling, and not make me able to fix it. Like I said before, she knows nothing.] I said as I start to walk off along with Goku and Vegeta.

[That power is like the Angels power, except on a lower scale, as we can change time in the whole universe while for you its only for a certain place. Though the time you can go back is longer than ours.] said Whis with slight surprise.

[Well don't expect me to explain all of my abilities. This was a one time thing.] I said as I teleport to where my clones are.

[Hows the progress?] I questioned

[Well, for the mastered super saiyan blue, we've got it down. Now we are working on the Kaioken as we have mastered the SSJB transformation.] said clone 2

[As for us, we got the SSJB2 form, but it is unstable. We are still trying to stabilise it, though it shouldn't take long. But thanks to that barrier you put around us, we wont get interrupted from all the god energy, so that's a relief. As for when we stabilise the form, it should be about 4/10 in control. When we stabilise it, dispelling everyone here and then get 4 new clones so we have all the knowledge we need.] said clone 4 as I nod.

[Well, how far have you mastered the mastered blue kaioken form?] I questioned to the first group.

[Well, we can easily go above x1000 kaioken without any damage, but in the blue form, we are about kaioken x100 with SSJB, but not the mastered. For the mastered, we got it up to kaioken x10. We should get kaioken x1000 at the end of the day with the mastered form. It will also bring no damage, only a slight drain to energy.] said clone 1

[Then ill leave you to it. Dispel yourselves now and I'll re-summon you.] I said as they disappear and reappear a second later as they continue training.

'Now, I think I am more than ready for the tournament. Guess all I will do now is unlock my tailed saiyan forms.' I thought as I headed over to Whis

[Whis, can you send me back?] I questioned

[Ok, ok. Why are you in such a hurry though?] Whis questioned

[I feel like ill have a breakthrough if I go back in.] I lied as I entered the re-opened crack.

'Now, lets go over a few things. The SSJB form focuses on control along with the violent nature of the SSJ, making it both chaotic and calm. That's how the form works. The more Chaotic, and the more controlled, the stronger the form will get. So, once someone receives their control at 10/10, their control would of have exceeded the SSJ, making the form limited. So, to solve this, they would need to get into a higher level of power, the SSJB2. And then they balance, upgrade and rinse and repeat.

The SSJ4 transformation is unlocked from the fusion of the Oozaru form and the SSJ and then condensing. So, there should be a version of just the Oozaru condensing, which is the Ikari form, but I guess this form can only be unlocked by the Legendary super Saiyan as he has all of his 'bloodline meridians' unlocked. So, first is to get my tail back as to 'normally' get the Oozaru transformation, I would need to get my tail back.

The way to grow back the Saiyan tail is to be in immense danger, making it grow back. But, there is always other methods. I could use hypnosis to bring fear and hatred onto myself, or I could try and control my bloodline. Controlling my bloodline would be easier, so Ill go with that... done. It really seems that I could regrow my tail. Now, to go into the Oozaru, ill need blutz waves. They are made from a full moon or when an immense heat source, in this case a star shines its light on the planet, which makes the planet act like a full moon, producing blutz waves. Either that or I just make a machine that can produce these blutz waves. In this case, since I can create anything, ill just make the machine and give it to the last clone I will make.

Done. I got both the clone and machine. Last step is to control the Oozaru form, which should be very easy. Controlling the brain is very easy, I have even managed to control energy that is made of billions of other energies, and single it out into a different energy, L force. Well, off with that for now. Next step would be condensing. There are 3 path ways a saiyan can go down that will grant power. The god way, the normal way, and the Oozaru way, with the God way being the strongest and the normal way being the weakest.

First, the normal way is the normal SS route. SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3 and that's pretty much it. SSJ rage, which is future trunks mode as a variation of the mastered SSJ2 that had power on par with the 3/10 controlled SSJB form. It's so-so, but still kinda good. The first transformation available besides false SSJ is the SSJ, which would be the second strongest of all the paths, but not with the strongest potential.

Second, the God way can be gotten when someone gets God Ki. The Saiyan would get red hair and eyes, but wont be able to evolve it any further without the SSJ transformation. As starters, this would be the most powerful at the start. It is basically the upgraded form of the normal way. It has the best potential and when combined with the other paths, its even better.

Lastly, the Oozaru path. There is much more forms than the normal path, but not as much as the God path. First would be the normal Oozaru, and that's it, but when combined with any other path, it would be better. This would have the 2nd best potential, but not a very good starting point. There should be a pinnacle for each of these forms, and I guess the Chaotic SSJ is the merge of all of them, though it leaves out the G for God and the 4 from the Oozaru path.

Im guessing the Saiyan's who ascended were Saiyan's that only did a single path in their lives and then strengthened it with other forms or just made the form more powerful. The other person is probably either someone from Jiren's bloodline or Hit's one. Either way, they would of have strong powers.

The way a Saiyan goes into the normal path is by having a power level of 3,000,000 at the very least, unless they had a special ability like my control. They need this power level along with rage. They will then activate the SSJ form and bam, 50x multiplier, 95x when fully mastered.

The God path is when someone has either got God ki from outside sources, or they did the God ritual. 5 SSJ's need to put their energy into another SSJ, making a God. Besides the SSJ requirement, no change will really happen besides the form being temporary. No emotion change, and even the body age will go down.

Lastly is the Oozaru. To unlock this, a Saiyan only needs their tail, and they got it. Be it controlled or uncontrolled. When I forcefully unlocked the transformations, it just manipulated my body into believing what happened, meaning I could of have just gone through that same emotion and would of have gotten it. When I went through the God form, no change in emotion happened. In SSJ, rage and sorrow were in me, and lastly, the SSJ4 form is when I was completely calm. So, I just calm down and think nice things when I'm in SSJ Oozaru and I will shrink. Pretty easy to do.' I explained to myself as I started to turn into an Oozaru.

Like expected, a solid grip came over my consciousness as it tried to make me go on a rampage. Obviously, it didn't happen and I as able to stay conscious the whole time. I turn into SSJ and start to go over pleasant memories of my time with Killua. After a few seconds, I feel my body shrink as I become an SSJ4.

'Success. That was actually pretty easy. Next, ill get out and try to get into an SSJ5 form? Alfred, what would the form be called if I went into my SSJ2 Oozaru and condensed? SSJ5?' I questioned

[It would be SSJ4 grade 2. As there isn't a grade 1, 2, or 3 like the normal route, it is just simply named grade 2. The normal SSJ Oozaru condensed would be called SSJ4 grade 1. And lastly, the SSJ3 condensed Oozaru would be called the SSJ4 grade 3. As for the God form, it would be SSJ4 God 1, 2 or 3.] said Alfred

[Easy then.] I thought as I repeated the process with SSJ2, SSJ3, SSJB, and SSJB2 as it was now stabilised from my tail being regrown.

'Is there a god version of the Ikari form, Alfred?' I questioned

[Yes, but it is only available to Legendary SSJ's. So, just go into Oozaru and use god ki without any other transformation. You fur will turn red, and then just calm down and you will become an Ikari God.] said Alfred as I unlock the Ikari God form along with the down-graded version, the Ikari form.

[What makes the Ikari form special is that it has limitless potential, meaning it can be better than any other transformation if someone has a good amount of strength in their body. As you have the best body in existence, you could probably upgrade your Ikari form to that of the Mastered True Chaotic DL form, and with Ikari God, it could probably go beyond.] said Alfred

'And the way to make the Ikari form grow is from rage.. But I can already control my emotions, so I get a free form towards a form better than my strongest currently?' I questioned as I start to search for the staff while dispelling all of my clones.

[Precisely. Though I wouldn't recommend it. When you got the Mastered True Chaotic DL form, it was sensed by some of the Gods in the God realm, so if you do the Ikari God mode at full power without a barrier, then it would make most of the gods in the God realm sense you and even some in the Origin realm, so actually use the knowledge of the God Seals you got from those 2 gods in the 7 deadly sins realm and make a barrier that will block that.] said Alfred as I find the staff and touch it, making me appear outside. It was night time and Whis was in the kitchen with Goku, Beerus and Vegeta. Whis was just preparing to make food until I showed up.

[Why hello, Yami. How was your little adventure?] questioned Whis while handing me all the cooking tools he just picked up.

[Quite eventful. If I was already powerful when I got the SSJB transformation, then you could consider me on par with the strongest G.O.D. Maybe approaching the Angel level.] I said

[Ohh? So what did you unlock?] questioned Whis

[I was able to unlock an SSJ4 blue 2. So SSJ4 plus the SSJB 2. I was able to somewhat stabilise the SSJB 2 form. In less than a months time, I should be able to get it mastered. When is the tournament?] I questioned

[Well, it was originally next week, but they said they wanted an extra month. Quite convenient.] said Whis while setting out the newly made food.

[Really? That's hella convenient. Though the mastered SSJB2 form is already overkill. I should already be able to add kaioken on top of my SSJB 2 form. So no harm done. Anyways, Whis. Do you have anything that you can teach me?] I questioned

[What about Ultra Instinct?] questioned Whis with a slight sparkle in his eye.

[I already have some of it. During my training in that white space the second time, I was able to enter a sort of enlightenment state and I entered a state where my body just moved on its own. When ever my clone wanted to attack me, I would dodge before i could of have thought of what to do, but whenever I tried to attack, I had to do it myself. So I got an Ultra Instinct Sign state. I was able to get a little of stability of the form, so I should be able to enter it for a few minutes and then stabilise it a little more until I can just enter it for a long time. Would you like me to show you tomorrow?] I questioned, giving myself an excuse to use ultra instinct sooner. Before, I said that I had unlocked all forms, but not naturally, but Ultra Instinct is an expeption as it is a technique that is just powered by pure strength. I have already unlocked the mastered version of Ultra Instinct. The world laws might of have restricted all of my forms, but not my own body movements.

The world laws are only able to restrict strong forms. The SSJ, SSJ2, SSJ3 and SSJG only need to have energy put into the nape and they will be unlocked. Any other transformation would need actual effort to unlock.

[Thats amazing!! If what you said is true, then you might of have already passed Lord Beerus! If we can develop your technique, then it will surely be better!] said Whis with his hand on top of his mouth.

[Why did you say technique? Isn't it a transformation?] I questioned with fake ignorance.

[No, Ultra Instinct is the art of self movement, a technique. Are you saying that you made it into a transformation?] questioned Whis

[Yeah. Apparently from my clones memories, my hair lifted up a little bit with a sliver aura surrounding me. My eyes were also silver with my hair turning black. There was a bit of heat transmitting from me as well.] I said, activating Ultra Instinct sign for a few moments before getting out of it.

[So far, I can get into it for a few minutes a day before my energy runs out.] I said

[Though, that is amazing in itself! You get a power boost and this technique. We only need to make the transformation more balanced and it will be ok!] said Whis as all of us besides Whis started to head to our rooms.

[So, what's this Ultra Instinct thingy?] questioned Goku

[Its when your body moves on its own. When you fight, you are telling your body what attack you want to do but Ultra Instinct just does it by itself. You can be thinking of food while you are fighting someone. You wouldn't even need to see them or focus on that person. Heck, you could sleep and your body would be fighting on its own.] I said

[And you were able to develop this?!] questioned Vegeta

[Yeah. Even though it isn't complete, its still better than nothing. Even Beerus hasn't gotten the full grasp over it.] I said as I go into my room.

[Good night.] I said as I closed the door. I quickly use my energy to clean myself, change into pyjamas and fall asleep. Months passed with only a few major breakthroughs. The SSJB 2 has now been fully controlled and the SSJB 3 is at 4/10 of its full control. I can now 'enter' mastered Ultra Instinct but I still get a massive energy drain. Using the Ultra Instinct Sign, I can make it last a few days before my energy dies out. The SSJ4 Blue 2 has evolved to SSJ4 Blue 3 and it can be used with Kaioken x20.

I have also learnt something else. There aren't 3 paths to gain power, but 4. God, Oozaru, Normal and then Deity. Deity is the start to Ultra Instinct. The mastered Ultra Instinct is the base form for this Deity path. To unlock this Deity path, you would need to max out the God, Oozaru and Normal. The Deity path is where sh** starts to get real. There is Ultra Instinct, Ultra Instinct 1, 2 and 3, then Legendary Ultra Instinct, True Ultra Instinct, Ultra Instinct 4, Ultra Instinct Oozaru, Ultra Instinct Oozaru 1, 2, 3, Legendary Ultra Instinct 4, and so many more. In my secret training, I was able to unlock the Legendary Ultra Instinct again, which is quite wonderful. With my L force reserves, I am able to use Legendary Ultra Instinct for a day, with the Ultra Instinct Sign really lasting a few centuries. Today was the day of the tournament and we were currently flying in a box towards a 'planet'.

[Hey Yami. What are you going to wish for when you get the Super Dragon Balls?] questioned Goku while stuffing his face with food. He already knew all of my transformations besides the Deity ones.

[Hmm, well I don't really have any wish I want. I can pretty much get anything I want with ease.] I said

[Really? Then can you give me the wish?] questioned Goku

[No, you'll probably wish for a bag that has infinite food or something like that.] I said, leaving an idea in my head.

[Actually, on second thought, I do have a wish. Gorky, do you have a senzu bean?] I questioned as he nods and gives me a senzu bean. I use my L force to scan it and copy it's properties. I then add all of my knowledge of healing into the senzu bean, making it a... super senzu bean. I duplicated a few thousands of those while putting the one in my hand into my inventory. This super senzu bean had been upgraded an astronomical amount. First, a normal senzu bean will fill a person up for a week, granted they aren't a saiyan, but this one would fill someone up for 100 years, which would be a few months in my terms thanks to all of my bloodlines. It can heal missing limbs, and all pain, curses and poisons will be removed and will actually be converted into strength for the user. And best of all, by planting this in a garden, which it can do, it will slowly grow and when it is fully grown, it will produce a senzu bean with double the effects, meaning I could get a senzu bean that would fill me up for trillions of years!

[What did you do to that senzu bean?] questioned Goku

[..? Oh, surprise.] I said

'Alfred, buy me the divine language if I haven't already.' I thought as a spree of information appeared in my head. We had arrived at the 'planet' after a few more minutes of travel. Currently, I was in a room with Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Frost, Hit, Cabba, Botamo and Magetta. Basically, universe 7's team and universe 6's team.

'A paper test, huh. In the anime, everyone but Buu fails. So it cant be that hard if even Goku was able to pass..' I thought

Sadly, that's were I'm leaving it off for today. (11022 words)

SomeSpookyGuy SomeSpookyGuy

I decided to change Yami's name to Yami permanently as now I am too used to it. Along with this, I have changed his attitude a little bit as to not expose information for everything.

Also, these chapters are written in advance, so there really isn't anything I can do to change them from the comments you guys suggest on previous chapters until the chapters have catched up with the chapters I'm doing now.

And once again, this is just a story for fun, so it will have lots of plotholes and things that don't make sense. Be sure to keep that in mind when reading this novel.

Anyways, tell me what you want as the last ability as long as it isn't too strong.

Thanks and Good day/night.

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