The avian cry drew many gazes to the bright sky. Before the eyes of the citizens of the Cai Du Estate, a large white bird with golden eyes, beak, and tail soared into view. It elegantly flapped its wings as it regarded those below.
Atop Bai Lin, Su Mei and Ming Li were observing the estate. Su Mei frowned, "there's a Qi Array laid down here." While this was to be expected, Su Mei hadn't expected its quality to be so high.
Qi Arrays were formations established using materials of the heaven and earth alongside control-based spiritual formations. They drew energy from the natural environment or pre-placed materials, such as Scarlet Qi Stones.
Depending on their size, the quality of material, Qi Arrays can have various forms of strengths and capabilities. The Scarlet Solaris Sect's Scarlet War God Qi Array drew upon strength of the Scarlet Mountain's Quintessence and gathered it into the body of a single individual.
(1/2) - June 6th.
A few more days, and we'll be back to normal release times. <3