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Bab 56: War?

~ Five days after occupation of Coruscant ~

News were not really good.

Ot seems that Palpatine flew away just before I locked sky down.

Currently, we tracked one of the transmissions from his ship, where he was ordering massive attack on occupants of the Coruscant.

Republic, publicly announced me, zerg, protoss, and Jedi to be hunted and killed on sight.

At this moment, Republic had absolute control over inner circle, almost absolute control over middle ring, and almost no control over outer rim.

All the businesses that were successfully established, were destroyed.

Currently, I was collecting army around worlds. Around Coruscant, three hundred thousand 1km long ships were patrolling.

At this moment, zerg hatcheries were appearing all around lowest levels of Coruscant, to make sure that any kind of army would be unable to establish themselves here.

On all the planets where protoss established invisible colonies, Zerg began appearing in underground tunnels, caves and sometimes even right under the invisibility fields, when no available space was underground.

All the bases that were activated or being built by Republic, were being watched.

Strangely, resistance of Dooku still continues.

After talking with Yoda, Windu, Obi-wan, Qui-gon, and Anakin, I warned them about possible traitors among the Jedi, and even masters.

I even provided a couple of names of simple Jedi Knights, who couldn't be called Jedi anymore.

The only thing holding me down from killing or dropping them somewhere, was inability to tell if any of them worked for Sith.

Currently, I was thinking of looking for a reason Dooku still continued his fight against the Palpatine.

Wasn't he his underling?

Well. Now was the time to move all the searching groups out of Coruscant.

By the way, they were given orders of killing any and all groups that were doing heavy illegal stuff.

So, you could say that I cleared Coruscant and made it possible for normal citizens to live safer.

It was not my main goal, but it was recommended by Rohana. She said it might make people see us on better light, as this war was not only about armies. It was about how people saw us and thought about our goals.

So, it was decided that zergs and protoss who were stationed on the Coruscant, would take jobs of cleaning trash out.

And not in a hidden way, people should know who makes their life better.

This will make us be against many groups who do illegal business, but not all of them.

I don't plan to touch groups who just create illegal stuff and who doesn't hurt people in any way.

Yes. this was both satisfying myself as being good person, and making a difference in a war of opinions.

Next step, would be the fight against the incoming army, to show everyone that we have strength.

This war made it impossible to spend all resources on the world-sized Leviathan, so only ten percent of previously used people were left to work on it.

Currently, all the available strength was being used to create army.

Protoss ships were being created and populated by zerg, as it was necessary. Protoss were slowly repopulating, and even though they wanted to fight with honour, it was decided that ships would be mainly used by zerg.

It was just optimization. Nothing more.

Protoss could be called rare species, so they would be used less. But to satisfy their honour and belief, they still had their ships.

What should be known, is that protoss and zerg were really a good combination of species to work together.

Protoss knew extremely advanced technology, and zerg were naturally good at biology.

Well. Back to Coruscant.

Currently, I could see Republic's ships appearing from hyper space, whooshing right at the distance where they could be attacked by our artillery.

So, without waiting even a moment for their army to move in, battle began.

All the Tempests began charging their shots, and released them in one synchronized wall of energy balls.

Yes, wall. these balls were increasing in size the longer they flew, so it was literally the wall.

Their army, after receiving this blast, released hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions of small ships that rushed in headfirst, to protect the main force until they could reach the point at which they could attack.

And this was pretty effective strategy, these energy balls were releasing huge explosions upon hitting these bugs, that were activating closest shots.

This resulted in changing of way to fire, so no single ship could cause big chain reaction.

All the other ships, on our side, were waiting for troopers to get in firing range, that was bigger on our side.

Yes, we could begin shooting them already, but it would not be effective, so we waited until they would be in a position where they could be attacked with full power.

So, the moment they reached that point, all the Mutalisks rushed in. Also, being covered by all the other ships and interceptors, Motherships and Arbiters activated invisibility, successfully making enemy unable to pinpoint our position.

Yes, they couldn't see us, but they could shoot randomly and hit someone with their weapons.

Expecting panic from their side was obvious, but it seems their commander reacted pretty fast, making all of their army shoot randomly at our previous position and with time to shoot in random directions.

This didn't help them a lot.

But considering that their army was still arriving, already reaching a million 1km sized ships, their random shooting was destroying some random units.

Sometimes Mutalisks, sometimes Carriers.

But Leviathans and Motherships were protected, so nothing reached them.

From Troopers perspective, you could only see a rain of glaves coming from all sides, energy shots coming mainly from one side, where no one could be seen.

Scariest of all, was the moment when huge holes began appearing on big ships.

From the outside, you couldn't see anything, but from the inside - Leviathan's tentacle could be seen, opening and releasing zerg swarm upon unsuspecting crew.

Leviathans circled the fight, and by being covered in invisibility, they began attacking arriving ships.

This led to the panic in their army, as the ones who just arrived had no knowledge about what was going on.

imagine you appearing on battlefield, being ready to overwhelm your enemies, and your ship gets invaded by unknown army. Out of nowhere.

This led to Republic ships to be either captured, or destroyed.

Any ship that was captured, began shooting against Republic ships, bringing even more chaos in this battle, where my enemy couldn't understand who is who.

This battle would've been won by me, only if they wouldn't have ten to twenty times more ships that by sheer random and logic, began destroying Motherships.

Obviously, when you shoot and the projectile that you shot just disappears suddenly, it means that you hit something invisible.

And even though we destroyed more then a million Destroyers, our losses were beginning to pile up.

Every destroyed Mothership allowed Republic to target big groups from my army, and even though all the protoss ships were tough, they were not indestructible.

After hours of fighting, and many more enemy arriving, my army was down to twenty thousand.

In the space around Coruscant, you could see such a big amount of trash, that it wouldn't be surprising if in near future trash collector would become popular and profitable profession.

One and a half million massive Republic ships destroyed, and much more medium and small sized.

On the other hand, I lost much more, but it would take time to rebuild protoss ships, unlike Mutalisks.

And as It was seen as dangerous, I retreated fast, using warp spire and getting to the planets in outer rim.

After the battle, all the ships began spreading out across captured planets to keep them protected, while Zerg began mass producing Classic Mutalisks.

It was the fastest growing kind.

It was possible to make them stronger, better, tougher, but it would cost growing speed and amount of resources needed.

While it would provide better units overall, We need numbers to attack all the bases across the galaxy.

And looking at it in this way, it seems my idea of creating outposts and spires from system made it possible for me to easily defeat republic using force.

I could just use all my army in attacking small groups that were dispatched to protect the planets or to patrol the quadrant.

Yea... but to really defeat him, I need to make him look bad.

And in reality, I don't really need or want to rule this galaxy.

I could rule like before, by giving all the decision-making to others, and only check or do something time from time...

Well. it will need to be discussed.

Do I want to create a force and control the galaxy? or at least big part of it.

I will leave these thoughts for later.

Currently, we are on Aiur-Previosly know as Rakata Prime.

And at the present moment, Foundation for Jedi Temple is being created. While it is being created, all the Jedi were being moved to the plaza, where I will announce some things for them.

And while I wait for them to get there and sit on their places, I was thinking if I should take more forceful approach.

Well. it doesn't really matter.

On the scene, couple of chairs were placed, and it was made as such, so Grandmaster would be able to sit with me, while we discuss everything about our current situation.

This method is used by my suggestion. Firstly, it would allow to see all the Jedi's reaction ( and record it ) on some topics, and maybe allow them to think about some stuff that I would talk about.

Yoda, would not talk much. He was there just to provide credibility to my words and opinions.

He doesn't know about things that I would speak, but looking at him, he finds it fun. After knowing him for some time, I understood one crucial thing. Yoda, unlike many others, still can change easily. In all his years, he changed his opinion so much times, that it would be strange to think about.

Sometimes he was absolutely serious, sometimes he would joke a lot, sometimes he would think all the time, at others - he would not think at all.

He, after all is around 900 years old. And even if he have a lot of experience, he is still just a living being who can make mistakes and have wrong opinion.

" Hello everyone. Thank you for coming here, even if it was partially forced. Today, I would like to speak about many things, and it was decided that all of you should hear it at the same time. " I said, as I sat on the chair.

" Today, I will the one talking, and to ensure that everything I talk about is serious, I invited Yoda to accompany me today. " I said, loudly, as Yoda, in his new attire and with straight back walked on the stage and sat in the chair.

I think I even saw his face getting smoother then before.

" As all of you already know, we are currently at war with Republic that is controlled by Sith lord, who decided to eradicate all the Jedi. That led to deaths of many of your friends, who were on missions and weren't saved fast enough. " I said, looking at Yoda, who was just calmly watching over the Jedi.

" You all should know, that we were almost successful in killing the one responsible for all of the deaths of your friends, but he managed to escape. " I said, as I saw some Jedi looking at me with annoyance.

" But this is not the reason I organized this meeting. I wanted to point out some things about your doctrine, that couldn't be called moral or even logical. " I said, as Yoda looked at me with difficult expression.

" Yes. Yoda, it is about rule concerning emotions and attachments. This rule created generations of Jedi who don't know Normal feelings. They all were taught to not feel these emotions. " I said, as many Jedi began shouting that I am wrong.

" Really? you don't understand that you all don't have any experience with holding your emotions in check, so when the moment comes, where you begin to feel them, you can't fight. Because you don't even understand that it is either fear, anger, rage, or anything else. " I said, what made them even more agitated.

" Calm you all " Yoda said loudly, as he understood what was coming next. We already talked about the need to restructure the old ways of teaching. Current one was outdated.

" Now. What will be done. Next generation, just like current ones, would not be restricted from feeling emotions. They would be taught about them. " I continued, as everything calmed down.

" Also, Master's council will begin rethinking and remaking of currently applied rules, as many of them might've been unnecessary, or even detrimental to the Jedi. " I said, announcing restructuring of the Jedi order.

Yes, I convinced Yoda. For some reason, he was not really against it. He even supported me.


Well, after this, Council meeting was called and came the hardest part. Convincing them, and correcting the rules.

~ After couple hours of intense debate ~

Finally. They might be against partially, but Yoda convinced them that change is needed.

They didn't see me as someone who could butt in Jedi order's business, at least in the beginning.

Currently, we decided to collect all the documents about the rules, and meet tomorrow.

Obviously, every single master was being watched. I must find rats in it. Otherwise, many things might go wrong.

No, not might. Will go wrong.

As all the masters left the room, I was left alone with Yoda.

" Rash decision made you. " He said.

" I don't have the patience or good feelings about your codex. We need to take care of this as fast as possible, Jedi order can't live with moles and present rules at the same time. " I said, as I left the room, leaving Yoda alone.

In the morning, after everyone woke up and collected all the presently active rules, Yoda started first discussion.

We read currently active laws and rules, and I started debates on their usefulness or uselessness.

As it was impossible to decide everything in one go, we began meeting every day.

As we began changing, adapting and modifying rules, Mace Windu, Qui-gon, and Yoda were paying attention to everyone.

Their expressions, movements, actions, and so on.

Currently, three people from the council were suspected to be either enemy spies, or just overly emotional in a bad way.

Considering their teachings, that were not yet changed, it was concerning.

Yoda even was glad that I opened his eyes and showed him that he was ignoring too much stuff around him.

In the end, after one week of debates, first edition of new main rules was created.

Obviously, it was not everything. Only the main doctrine.

As Jedi were peacemakers, these new rules were changed in a way that would allow them to be peacemakers.

Changes were made about involvement in politics, personal attachments, main target of the order, teaching of younglings, master-padawan relationship, methods of searching for new blood, and much much more.

In new rules, Jedi would be taught about feelings, what they represent and which ones were leading to become evil. How they lead to it, what can make these feelings appear and so on.

So, they were taught things that every other Jedi in the past had to find out himself. Many of those were either converted, gone rogue, or died.

They couldn't fight or figure these emotions, so they kept accumulating them, until they broke out.

The things about force not being just two sided, and for Jedi to teach about balancing the force using dark and light side, were not really accepted by council, even though I tried.

Nevertheless, it was decided to look in to my suggestion and research about being able to use both sides at the same time.

Many things were done in the council room and in the galaxy.

All the planets that had army bases on them, and also had our outposts, were cleared out of any presence of Republic army.

And even when they tried to rebuild them, they were destroyed even before completing the base building.

On the bigger scale, Many groups of Arbiters assisted by spaceships were harassing patrols all around the republic.

Also, Protoss and Zerg began appearing publicly all around the galaxy and spreading information about corruption, abuse, and all other illegal activities. We collected a lot of dirt on every single senator in the Republic. We had time.

These claims alone were not enough, so all the senators were being publicly killed one after another in the show of power and righteousness. To appeal to the public.

And it was not really that difficult. one invisible squad, couple of Dark Templars, and done.

Zerg were doing it differently though.

Imagine tunnel appearing in the sky above you and suddenly big glob of meat falls out of it.

Upon landing, if it didn't kill the Senator, masses of zerg would pour out and begin their massacre.

All of these were being recorded, as it was a proof of power.

Yes, I could allow myself to send a spy team to set cameras before attack happens.

These attacks were not spontaneous. They were made when person would be in the safest place possible, to show that it was useless. Nothing would save them.

As for Palpatine, he was always on the move, never stopping for a long time on any planet.

It was the safest way to evade our attacks.

Well, maybe there was a chance to hide on hardly inhabited planet, but getting information about travel routes from Republic was not that hard.

Currently, I have no idea about galaxy's opinion on our war, but I knew that many places where we cleared trash out, people were at least thankful.

Yes. Jedi's reputation was used to kill any criminal available on the planet, successfully beginning slow process of returning Jedi to Peacekeepers, who were all for the peace, and were eradicating criminal activity that was breaking that peace.

Yes, when I pointed out that peacekeepers were not really keeping peace, how they should, but were only showing everyone that they were.

Yes, they were stopping rebellions, wars and such, but it was on such a small scale, from possible that ot was sad.

Also, all this shit about not killing someone who have no weapon or gave up was pretty idiotic. They didn't change it, but I will continue trying.

As another one of our meetings finished, I was tired. I was not ready to continue this shit every day, so it was suggested that we would be making it weekly, after thinking and planning our actions.

So, every week - full day of talking with annoying masters.

In last few weeks, since war started, I noticed that system was slowly reducing available conversion amount, and after asking, I was told that it had no time for it, and it was crucial time for her to finally make a stable hiding spot in this galaxy.

Any questions about who it was hiding from, were ignored, as anything else after that.

It seems we are fighting two wars at once, huh.

Well, coming back from my thoughts, I began doing my daily exercise. I began moving every part of my body to make sure that it was heated up and ready for a day.

It was not extensive, just simple stuff.

And even in this simple stuff, my chest was making it harder for me, moving my weight center higher.

My chest already grew up to the size that was bigger than I can grab with my hand, and it was still growing.

I don't really mind, but I prefer being male.

It was getting annoying.

I tried conversing with system about probability of making an outlet for energy, instead of making it gather in my body, but it was highly dangerous and not worth it.

I even began thinking of modifying myself again to look manlier, but After remembering continuous pain I decided against it.

So, a woman's body? huh? I don't even understand why should it be woman's. System explained it once, but it was all just a joke.

Currently, there was no problems with it, and no apparent changes in my actions, except acceptance of all types of clothes.

But I still returned back to baggy clothes.

Sizes bigger then needed, or longer. or wider. or both.


~ After few months ~

We finally found his hiding spot. Palpatine was currently flying to the planet for some kind of negotiation, so it was decided that ot was a moment to strike.

And strike I did.

To be sure of him getting killed, Annihilation Mothership was brought to clean up the zone where he is, if land group would not be able to do it.

All the ships were either destroyed or captured, to not let anyone out.

As Landing team approached the building where Palpatine had a meeting, I was watching them through cameras on the observers flying around.

Dark templars were moving through the corridor, closing onto his position, but the moment they got close to the entrance, light saber was pushed through the wall, almost killing dark Templar, successfully making him warp out with a wound.

After that, a robotic Sith with four hands came out and rushed at invisible team. Even though he couldn't see them, he tried.

But it was not the problematic part. Palpatine himself, came out. But not only he. With him, I saw at least hundred force users with activated light sabers that began eradicating the team.

And at that moment, as I was outside the planet, I saw Republic ships arriving.

In this moment, I decided that it was worth destroying the town, to kill them all. especially considering that there were a lot of sith there.

Definitely worth it. So, as I ordered, Team was warped out, as any and all of my units on the site.

And then came hell.

Plasma ray was shot out of Annihilator, heating everything around the location and spreading heat all around, melting everything that was around strike position.

This action, obviously alarmed Republic barmy, and started small skirmish, as Annihilator was making sure that they all died.

It was hardly possible to survive anything like that, but these are sith. who knows about their abilities that could let them survive.

To make sure, team was sent after Mothership stopped, just to make sure that no one survived. Even if it looked impossible. This is Star Wars world, everything could be possible in here


Thank you [ Grey Knight ]

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``` Author's note ```

`` 53 +- words ``

` 3821 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Sorry for late release, I am currently searching for work, so it is kinda hard to write sometimes.

Also, I was relaxing after releasing constantly with pretty long chapters ;)

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