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48.27% An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds) / Chapter 55: Talks, talks, and ...

Bab 55: Talks, talks, and ...

Well. I hoped to talk with selected few from the Jedi temple, but it seems that this was no longer possible.

" I should leave. This is not the place for me " I said, as council began sitting on their appointed places.

" No, Mr. Anton. We would like for you to stay and explain yourself. Why did you attack Mr Palpatine? " asked one of the Masters.

As it was asked, I looked at Yoda, and he just sighed, nodded and went to his chair, where he is supposed to sit.

Some Masters were unavailable, so they appeared here using holograms.

" And why should I explain myself to you? " I asked, as the one who asked was unknown to me, and I saw no reason to explain it to him.

" You attacked a member of senate in front of Jedi, and this happened in a senate building. You shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions. " Another continued.

" If your answer won't satisfy us, you will have to be sent to prison and judged publicly. " first one continued, not raising voice, surprisingly.

They were more emotional in our first meeting.

What changed?

" Haha. You wouldn't be able to, even if I would've done something bad. " I said, making some of them be more serious. Some even moved their hands closer to the place where light sabers are supposed to be.

" And what is it supposed to mean? " They continued, acting like their only goal is to protect republic.

" I already said it long ago. Palpatine is Sith, and he should be killed. As no one believed me and didn't even try to check it, I had to take it in my hands " I said, spreading my hands and clenching fists.

" You need a proof for such proclamations. And our investigation provided nothing that pointed to this. Yes, he have some selfish goals, but nothing pointing at him being Sith was proven. " Windu calmly said.

The news of Palpatine becoming grand chancellor didn't reach us yet, as this meeting was in the process of being called.

" So, you don't have proof, and you accuse senator at that. Sorry, but the only thing that is awaiting you is prison. " another master said.

" Obviously, if you can prove your point, then it won't happen. But I don't think that we wouldn't be able to see a sith sitting right under our nose for so many years " Another Jedi master said, and looked at other masters.

Getting enough proof was hardly possible. There was proof of bribery and such things, but it was far from enough, as every senator was like that. And a recording of the crime was not enough. It could be falsified.

Especially it was obvious as some of our teams tried getting these things through the court. It didn't work.

There were tries to give this information to Jedi, but they don't care about such things.

As long as everything is peaceful, and no one dies - they are fine.

And every time any Dark Templar gets close enough to try and get a recording, Palpatine stops whatever he is doing, and changes to anything else.

Literally anything. Dark Templars saw him talking with Dooku from afar, but by closing in, they spread out immediately.

I tried using Observers, but they couldn't record audio. And no one forbids him from walking in the shady clothes.

" I don't have absolute proofs of him being Sith, but I for sure know that he is one. Also, we have some recordings of his shady deals. " I said.

" See these recordings I wish " Yoda said, stopping one of the Jedi from saying something.

" They can be brought, but you will have to wait a little. " I said.

" Wait we shall " Said nodding Yoda, making everyone quiet for some time.

After couple of minutes of waiting, all the recordings were brought in.

* Knock Knock Knock *

Sounded the door.

After opening the door, Templar entered and gave me the protoss projector and image emitters.

Galaxy's recording devices for spies were a lot worse then protoss's, so projector was needed.

So, after starting the projector, council saw around twenty-five records.

Some of them were concerning, some barely illegal, but it was seen that Palpatine was corrupted man.

There were no proof of him being Sith thought.

" This all will be taken in consideration. We didn't know about any of those" Windu said, looking troubled.

" How could you not know? Protoss filled many complaints about most of these cases. Didn't they reach any of you? " I asked.

I, myself only recently restored my relationship with protoss enough to get back in this project again, as this was very important project for the whole species. Especially knowing how evil Palpatine is in the movies...

" What? We didn't receive anything like that? Are you sure that they've done it? " One of the masters asked, sounding surprised.

Windu, Yoda, and Qui-gon on the other hand were looking concerned.

They knew about my dislike and suspicion, but they mostly didn't believe me, it seems.

I suppose they thought something like: This is my mania, or that I generally dislike Palpatine.

Ugh... I should've been more direct. Saying straightforwardly that it is not a joke or just my dislike.

Obviously, it might be something else. I can't read minds, so I wouldn't know about reasons.

" I am sure of it. You should check it. Preferably fast. As if you didn't even hear anything like that, it seems that you have problems. " I said.

" We will definitely do this, but it still doesn't release you from being imprisoned for attempt at killing the Senator. " Windu said.

" I don't care. And even if you will try to imprison me, shouldn't you first save Palpatine from Sith who captured him. Obviously, if he is not Sith, he should be still captured by them. " I said, not knowing that at this exact moment Palpatine was becoming the Grand Chancellor, becoming immune to anything I had against him.

He was just too influential already. Especially in the Senate.

" This we should do. " Yoda said.

On this point, they discussed about how to save him, forgetting about me.

I didn't hurry to get out, as I planned to finish Palpatine's life as fast as possible, so I called for Motherships and Arbiter's arrival, as they would be able to warp in invisible and hide the arrival of anything else.

Currently, Motherships and Arbiters were getting in positions to encompass the zone of arrival, so no spot would be missed.

I shouldn't scare him off, or else it will become hard to find him, if he manages to escape.

The world-sized Leviathan was not brought, as it Currently was being changed. Protoss had to change it's parts to ensure the best assimilation of Ark.

This Ark was absolutely different from anything previously constructed.

Obviously, part of it was the existence of zerg in the planned structure.

The other thing being flatness of the floors.

Partly, because inside the ship itself, many high floors would exist with artificial ecosystems.

This ship is mainly created for long travels through the space between the galaxies.

The grand void, as it was called by some.

Currently, multiple Mothership cores were being installed inside each level, as these would be providing additional control over gravity and atmosphere.

They would be responsible for many things. But they were heavily modified, so currently they had to complete final modifications right in the body of leviathan.

Otherwise, these cores would be unstable and might stop working with time.

But for them to exist for longer, they would have biological parts that could be supported by leviathan itself and repair broken parts or even prevent the break itself.

Almost all the smartest people from protoss and zerg were working on this leviathan in one way or another.

At the final point, the plan is to create absolutely enormous ship that would be a save haven for anybody willing to live there.

And this haven should be able to sustain itself for eternity.

Yes, eternity. This is how broken zerg and protoss were.

No one though about it before coming to this universe, as zerg were too aggressive at that time.

And after getting better under evolved Kerrigan, Borg made it impossible for this to be possible.

Well, this definitely came out of nowhere.

I should go back to the current situation.

The council was finishing the discussion and time came for their actions.

" We will have to bring you to the cell, Anton. It is the law. Don't resist, it would be detrimental to you. " Windu said, as he stood up and began walking to me.

At that point, I decided to activate my psi energy. It seems they don't take me seriously enough.

Yes, our relationships were not bad, but it seems that they think that they have upper hand over me.

Is this stubbornness or pride talking in me? When did I become such a rebellious person?

Doesn't matter. I won't get imprisoned. Looking at this situation, I would most probably be sentenced to death, as Palpatine is extremely influential, especially on this planet.

So, I just activated it.

Transparently- greyish liquid fire began getting out of my eyes and mouth.

" You better back off. Don't force me to fight. " I said, while my voice was getting heavier and louder. At the same time, all more and more fire was pouring out of my eyes and mouth.

" Don't resist. " Said one of the masters, taking and activating his saber, being followed by all other masters except for Windu, Yoda and Qui-gon.

For some reason, they almost synchronically turned their heads to the side and paid no attention to anything that is happening in front of them.

But others stood up, and prepared for a fight.

" Don't resist. you have no chance. " Said one of them.

But another, less patient rushed at me with intention of cutting my hands off.

At that moment, my shield stopped his light saber and deflected it's blade to slide across the shield's surface. It curved and became like Banana.

At that moment, my Dark Templars and templars were holding Jedi protectors, trying not to kill them. I ordered not to kill, only disable them.

They were not bad.

Obviously, that fight was not visible to me.

As blade curved, I took out minigun, one that was especially made to disable targets. Obviously I had tens of different ones.

I could fight against them with psi energy, but I was scared to kill them accidentally. So, only if I would have no other choice.

Masters were not expecting this situation, but they cooperated fast enough, and tried throwing me out of the room using force. This worked, and I flew out of the room with insane acceleration.

After crashing into one of the Templars that were using their psi energy to resist any force powers from affecting them and were there just maintaining shield that was protecting them from Protectors, I realized that going easy would be impossible, so I stood up and began emitting psi field, successfully establishing a zone of psi energy that could block any outside powers below certain threshold.

After that, Masters that were looking at me and templars through the door, tried to rush in and stop protoss from holding their position.

But I began charging the psi bolts and began bombarding them, successfully stopping them and forcing to defend using sabers.

These sabers were marvelous, they could defend against any type of energy projectiles below certain point.

Obviously, just psi bolts were not enough, And I began calling in all available forces that could help.

But there were not a lot of such beings left on this planet.

Currently, I received three replies.

And they began warping in behind me. I had to protect that place for a minute, so nothing would happen to them.

Masters were not idling, and began throwing chairs and pieces of walls at us, as direct force didn't work on me anymore.

First chair was a surprise, and it hit me right in the head, but other projectiles were either destroyed by my psi blades, that I enabled on my hands, or by psi bolts that were being shot all more and more frequently, to not let jedi push through this door, otherwise I would have to use something stronger and risk really killing them. They were trying to disable me too, not kill. So, this situation became stalemate.

At that point, my army began arriving under the invisibility field.

If anyone would've realised how much ships just arrived at the central system of the galaxy unnoticed, they would've become scared.

Thousands upon thousands of ships were arriving per second.

I didn't count all available force under me, but it should be counted in hundreds of thousands of medium and big sized ships.

As stalemate continued, three protoss arrived.

I was happily surprised at arrived guys, they were Aden, Oden and Adriana, who was still pregnant.

Were protoss carrying children for years?



" Ooh. nice to see you again, Aden, Oden, Adriana. " I said, after looking back.

The moment I turned my head, piece of wall smashed at my shield from the ceiling, and protector jumped at me, with saber pointed at my head.

But my shields were protecting only my body, so the curved blade almost hurt Adriana.

At that point, Aden made a scary expression and used lightning on protector and forced him back to the masters.

As brothers and Adriana joined the fight, I moved forward, while they protected Templars from behind and moved blockade towards the room, so no more protectors would jump down or up from different floors.

I, as I was no longer protecting their back began using lighting on them, from all four hands, insanely dense lightning came out and forced Masters from door frame, allowing me to get back in the room.

After coming in, I had to spread my hands out, so they all would become busy with it, but it was not enough.

Some of them were collecting the lightning using force and began shooting it back.

It was useless, but as they could retaliate, I had to use hive connection if I wanted to release non-lethal powers with enough energy.

I could use psi storm, but they could protect themselves using force. And this ability was too dangerous to use against someone who you want to keep alive.

Why would I want to keep them alive? They were not my enemies and they had no evil intentions directed at me, they were just doing their job.

Also, I was strong enough to allow myself to hold until army arrives.

Without strength, I might've been forced to escape or kill.

I was confused at why Three strongest Jedi were not fighting, allowing me to hold them back.

And as this though came to me again, I heard the voice.

" Stop you all this should. " Yoda said, being followed by shouting Mace Windu.

" Stop this nonsense now! "

At this point, I weakened my lightning and after couple of seconds the fight stopped, my side was obviously ready to defend, but as they stopped - I had no reason to attack. Especially as my forces were finally coming closer and closer to the planet.

I was in constant touch with commander, so I knew the situation.

" What happened? Why did you stop? " I asked, as though it was good for me, I didn't expect it.

" There are reports of Jedi being attacked all across the galaxy" Windu said, with a portable transmitter in his hands.

" Felt death I there. Died many " Said hurt Yoda, clenching his hand over the heart.


" Are you talking about Jedi Dying? " I asked.

" Yes. I received a lot of reports of attacks from the Jedi all across the galaxy. " Windu said, walking to the Yoda, and supporting him as Yoda almost fell down on the floor.

" Fck! Fck Fck! Why? This shouldn't have happened at this time. " I accidentally said out loud.

" what to you mean? " Qui-gon asked, as he was hurt by death of many.

Fight at that point stopped completely.

" Nevermind. I mean, how could this happen? " I corrected myself.

" Truth please speak " Yoda said, making everyone look at me.


"..." I looked around, and thought about my next actions.

I either tell, and lose nothing, or I keep quiet and leave everything to chance.

Simplified, but it is how it is.

" Not in front of all these people. " I said, spreading arms wide and looking at all the Jedi.

" Tell us, we all are Jedi, and we are on one side " Said Windu, not even suspecting that everything is much worse then he thinks.

" No. I trust only a few of you. And I won't speak about it until we are alone. And even If I would've liked to speak about it in front of everyone, there is no time. We all need to leave this place. " I said.

" Why is it? What is happening. exactly? " One of masters asked, as news of betrayal from Republic still didn't reach them.

" Jedi are being killed, like Windu and Yoda said ... " I began.

" They are... " one of Masters tried to interrupt me, to make me call them master and grandmaster.

" Not for me, and this in not important currently. We need to protect all of you, and lead you all out. It is not safe in here " I said, looking at Yoda, and saying:

" Follow me, if you want Jedi to survive"

As I just left through the door, and began going to the exit, I heard Mace Windu shouting commands to the others.

After that, I heard explosion coming from bottom floor, so I rushed to the direction of the sound, successfully breaking through multiple walls in process.

I didn't need to hold down now. I began using psi energy to propel me forward and just pushed through the walls.

The moment I reached outer wall, I saw that outside, there were couple of spaceships with a lot of clones rushing inside the temple.

And after seeing that Clones were using explosives to break the walls, I broke the wall and jumped down.

As I was falling faster and faster, I began collecting energy in my legs, and right as I landed, I released all the collected energy outside, creating an explosion that killed all the clones that were walking through the wide temple gates.

There were already clones inside, but It doesn't matter. I will keep these from entering, while Jedi are getting to the children and leading them down.

After a second from my landing, I was being shot at from all of the clone troopers that were there. This amount of blaster shots made me close my eyes from excessive brightness.

Currently, I had to open eyes, so I changed my helmet's color to darker one, that allowed me to open my eyes, and see the enemy.

As this was a battle, I didn't show mercy.

I increased energy intensity, and started using the easiest way to destroy masses of enemies.

Psi Storm.

Above the enemy, no clouds appeared like in the game. Air all around the enemies began heating up and so air waves were visible, after that, lightning began appearing, striking from one point, to another.

Unlike normal lightning, this one was a representation of psi energy concentration, successfully showing that in this area, life was forbidden.

The moment that lightning began appearing, all the troopers began just falling down and their armor began melting, showing how extremely dangerous that ability was.

As I was no longer holding back, and had no reason to multitask to train myself, I covered massive area, making any soldiers in a radius of hundred meters melt.

My energy storage might be incomparable to the Hive's, but It was massive, and I could recharge at any moment using my connection to the Hive.

Even though I was killing them in hundreds and even thousands, These attacks were happening all around the temple, so I had to access the Hive's psi energy, and destroy everyone on this side, even the ones who were far off.

By accessing the Hive's storage, I began releasing Fire from all around me.

And with it, I spread the storm further, up to a thousand meters outside, successfully melting everything that was there.

After clearing this area, I flew up and flew around the Temple, destroying every trooper, heavy machinery, and a ship that were attacking the temple and the Jedi.

After making a circle around, I saw Yoda looking at my burning form.

Surprise and marvel could be seen on his face. And by clearing surrounding area, I disconnected psi energy and flew to him.

" Is everything alright? " I asked, recieving a positive reply.

" So, now is the time to transfer all the jedi to the safety. I did what I could alone. " I said.

" Ready we are. Escape we will. Tunnel we have, follow me you should. " Yoda said.

" Don't need to. You can bring everyone here, to the outside. " I said, with relief.

" Dangerous it is. Escape is hard here. " He said.

" You don't have to worry. My ships are here, we can take all of you to the safety " I said, as I came outside, being followed by Yoda.

" See them not " Yoda said, looking outside.

" Feel them I."

" How?" Yoda asked, looking surprised. Rare sight.

" Easily. Commander. Show yourselves. We need extraction... Yes, good. I am waiting " I said in the communicator, installed in my earlobe.

After that, all the ships appeared at the same moment.

Hundreds of thousands massive ships appeared right above the whole planet.

Mothership was hovering right above the Temple, covering the Temple and everything around it in shade.

After looking at magnificent moment where Carriers began releasing interceptors, I looked at Yoda.

And his eyes were open WIDE.

I even though that they would fall out.

" Anton. " He said, looking at me.

" We can talk later. " I said, listening to the commander who said that they transported all the Jedi on the ship.

" It is our time. Yoda, be ready to be surprised from now on. " I said, as we were warped out right on to the Mothership that was above us.

And this one was not a simple Mothership, it was commander's Mothership.

Bigger and better.

As we were warped, we arrived at the field to everyone else.

There, I could see hundreds of Jedi, and thousands of padawans and young kids.

You might ask. How the hell all other Jedi were warped? Well. Do you remember people who covered my back?

They were the beacon for transfer. After grouping everyone up, they were just warped.

Obviously, they were told not to panic. What led to a little panic.

" Okay. listen here. " I said loudly, grabbing attention of Jedi Masters.

" I will explain what is happening " I interrupted Windu, who wanted to say something.

" First of all, let me apologize for this abrupt situation. I had to get you out of there as soon as possible. " I said, and Windu interrupted me:

" Why? And how did you bring us here? " He asked, looking warily to the sides, seeing group of protoss and zerg standing to the side.

" Well, mainly because I will have to move or destroy your temple, before Republic's army arrives " I said, answering first question.

" Why do you need to do this? Republic is our ally! " Said one of the Jedi.

" No, they are not. " I said, ordering protoss to come and provide them with tablets with current news.

" Republic said that Jedi rebelled and tried to kill Grand Chancellor Palpatine. " I said, as they read news about how Jedi betrayed the Republic and wanted to take control over it.

" Currently, I know that army numbered in hundreds of millions of clones, maybe even billions, I'm not sure, are coming here, so not to let all you information to fall into their hands, I have to destroy or move the Temple" I said, ordering to use gravity beams to lift the building up and to bring it on one of the Motherships.

" Wait. what do you mean by bringing it? " Windu asked, after reading some news.

" Well, I mean what I said, we are ripping temple out of the ground and bringing it with us. This is just to not lose your history. As a sign of respect for such a long survival of Jedi " I said, as the temple was being ripped out of the ground.

It was extremely slow process.

" Well. All the other questions can be answered later. Now, please follow them, they will answer all and any of your questions " I said, pointing to the protoss and zerg queens that were standing to the side.

" As for you, follow me. we have a lot to discuss " I said to the Qui-gon, Windu and Yoda, who followed me to one of the buildings.

What was interesting, is that no zerg were outside the temple. It was because zerg were slower at descending then protoss.

After we were transported on the Mothership, Mutalisks and Leviathans arrived and together with protoss began destroying anyone who attacked them.

Some people tried to flee, but were stopped.

Currently, Coruscant was being filled with protoss and zerg searching for Palpatine.

Streets were emptied, flying cars were stopped or parked.

No one dared to come out anymore.

The worst thing was that Palpatine could hide anywhere on the planet. Anywhere across more then five thousand levels.

And considering limited time, as by protoss's calculations and spies, massive army is being formed all around the world, we need to find and kill Palpatine until they arrive.

Hopefully, these few days would be enough to find him, or else we would have to fight enemy that is much bigger then mine.

Obviously, zerg could replenish army fast, but considering that protoss are slower at that, we would have to escape at some point.

If Palpatine is not dead before our escape, then all the protoss will have to either retreat, or prepare for defense.

Currently, I am walking to one of the rooms where I could safely talk. Without any risk.

As for Anakin and Obi-wan, they are currently flying here.

They were currently sleeping, so they didn't know about new state of the world.

They should arrive in couple of minutes.

They will arrive with couple of divisions that were sent to help them.

Currently, all around the galaxy, Jedi were either fighting or dying, so ships were being sent to all known positions.

" Okay. here we are. Inside, we would be safe from any risk of being spied on " I said, getting inside and activating shielding field.

That was technology that imitated previously used stuff that I bought from system.

I was told not to use it until absolutely necessary, so I didn't use it now.

" Well. here. Sit. " I said, sitting down on the comfortable chair, with table in front.

They sat in front of me, on the couch, and then we began.

I explained to them about Palpatine's plans that included what was currently happening.

When asked about reasons of not telling them, I used their - no proof, no action answer.

After that, they asked about technology, and received only one word -" Secret ".

Then about army.

" Well, this is my army. What else I can tell. "I answered.

" Why do you need it so big? "

" Because of the dangerous Sith that currently controls the biggest force of the galaxy" I replied, looking at them with a smile.

After that, we talked about a lot of things. Windu didn't know about my powers, and when he found that Yoda and Qui-gon knew, he was disappointed.

Reason of him being overly strict about rules eased the situation a little bit, but it was still uncomfortable.

We talked about a lot of things, mostly not worth mentioning, but when the questions began about me literally being one of the strongest forces in the galaxy, I decided to invite Anakin and Obi-wan to this place.

After they arrived, confused at situation, masters explained to them about what they seemed fit.

At first, they tried to remove Anakin from this talk, but I declined and said that he should know.

Anakin didn't react easily or kindly to our 'accusation' of Palpatine who was always on his side, but after some time, and as situation was sudden, and Anakin was not yet untrusting of the Jedi, we convinced him.

So, after the talk continued, and it touched upon my army staying at Coruscant, I had to explain that Palpatine had to die now, otherwise war could continue for a while.

Especially considering number of planets under his control.

Really, what would happen if even third of hundreds of thousands of planets in the republic would begin producing one big spaceship per month per planet.

It would be at least hundred thousand massive ships per month. And this is only if one THIRD would begin with only one ship per month. And not knowing exact number of planets under republic, it was just the smallest estimated number.

And as republic would begin it's expansion and reorganization to war times, this number would only grow.

These thoughts made them all think.

And I too began to think.

Should I destroy Coruscant if I couldn't find him these days? Death toll would be much smaller this way, as it would only be around 1 trillion people, instead of possible trillions dead and even more suffering.

I should seriously think about anything that could happen. On one hand, I still have human's thought process, so I felt that killing so much innocent people would be idiotic. I could hunt Palpatine at any point in time.

On the other, in the war much more innocent might die, and finding Palpatine might be impossible.

This. Is. Fcking. Hard.


Thank you [ Dark Knight ]



``` Author's note ```

`` 50 +- words ``

` 5000 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Hard times comes for the galaxy.

War is on the brink of starting.

Harsh world will soon punish everyone, if mc would be unable to kill Palpatine.

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