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39.65% An ton's Journey ( StarCraft + other worlds) / Chapter 45: Adapting to new situation.

Bab 45: Adapting to new situation.

I woke up surrounded by dead bodies of animals.

It it strange experience, as I don't remember anything about getting in here.

Ugh. Am I free from the DA? Where am I?

I looked around and saw trees with some of them destroyed, dead bodies, and pile of blood under me.

I tried to move, but couldn't. I tried hovering, it didn't work.

As time passed, my vision began getting better, and with it, feelings began returning.

And hunger was first. I was hungry?! Wow!!! How? What is going on?

As I was hungry, thinking about reasons for it, I felt a wind with my skin. Yes. Wind.

This is impossible!!!

How could probe feel the wind?

As I was becoming all more and more hungry, I decided to try and use my inventory, as I remember placing a lot of food in there, but when I looked, I was scared.

" System! what is going on? Where are all my things? " I asked, thinking that I was talking. But I was obviously just making it up. It was all in my head.

" System!? what is going on? " I began worrying.

" System? " I asked a couple of times.

Oh no. Something bad must've happened while I was unconscious.

I need to eat, thankfully I still have some food left.

After taking some of it out, I tried to understand how should I eat.

And as I was trying to open the package, using manipulators, I saw something that horrified me.

Instead of manipulators, some kind of tentacles came out of my mouth.

How is it possible? What the hell happened?

As I was thinking about my situation, I didn't hear that some kind of animal was getting close.

As I was immersed in my thoughts, I felt pain. Pain of getting bitten in. And I shouted from pain, but what came out, was anything but shout.

It was a screech of pain from some kind of animal. And it was painful to listen to.

The one who tried eating me, unknown to me, was in pain from my screech and from biting in my carapace, that was not yet fully hardened, but lower part of it was already tough enough, to prevent serious damage from this boar-like animal.

As pain subdued, I decided to look back, at the one who made me feel pain, but the movement itself was unusual to me. I could easily move, but I felt unusual doing it. It's like I was moving on my stomach.

As I finally turned around, I saw dead, or at least unconscious boar that was bigger then me, with four eyes and four pairs of legs.

It's snout was so big, that it was around the size of everything else on his face combined.

I was not sure about it being dead, so I decided to make sure that it won't awake anytime soon. So, I began moving to it.

As I closed onto it, I felt it's breath. The air coming out of it's mouth smelled badly. And before it wakes up, I need to do one of two things. Kill it, or run away.

But if I ever make a mistake and don't finish it off fast, it might wake up from the pain.

On the other hand, it might follow my trail if I don't kill it. And then I would most probably die.

As I was thinking, I looked in it's eye, and in their reflection I saw myself.

A snail. With no shell, but with some kind of hardened skin, that was darker then my tentacles. No. Biological manipulators! Yes!


I am an insect.


What the hell happened after my meeting with Dark Archon?

As I was getting inside my thoughts again, I heard a sound from the boar that was close to me. And it woke me up.

I need to kill it. The most efficient way would be to use it's mouth or eye and through them, penetrate it's brain.

But with what should I do it? I tried using my manipulator to break through the carton package of the food, but couldn't break through.

As my hunger was getting bigger, I decided to eat first and only then kill that animal.

As I was trying to open the package, I picked a rock, and tried to use it. After picking it up, it began slipping out of my grab. As I tried to hold it, My 'hands' touched the wooden stick, and after I touched it, without my knowledge, it began melting.

After unsuccessful tries to pick the rock, I finally decided to find a wooden stick and break it in a way, so it would have sharp end.

As I picked one of the sticks around me, it broke. Wtf?

Looking closer, it melted. How could wood melt?

Was it me?

After getting this idea, I ran to the closest tree and tried to touch it with my manipulators.

Yes, it was me. The places at where I touched were melted and had extremely smooth cuts there.

This made me think that maybe package was not made out of carton, and after checking it, yes. Non-biodegradable package. Burning is the only way to get rid of it.

Now I know why I couldn't get in.

And now I know that using these things to puck my food would be bad Idea.

First of all, I need to understand if it works on the boar, so let's try it on it's eyes and nostrils, as if even it would wake up after it, it would nit be able to do anything to me.

As I got close, after hesistating, I pushed my biological manipulators inside its eye sockets and nostrils. As I began doing it, Boar woke up and began crying out loud and was convulsing from what I think is pain, but as I was melting it with extreme speed, It was not able to struggle for long, as through the eyes I reached it's brain extremely fast. And by reaching it, I killed it in a second.

As it died, I removed my tentacle-like 'hands', or should I call it tongues with no sense of taste, from inside its body, and placed it's body in inventory. I should keep potential food to myself. I don't have infinite food.

As this danger was destroyed, I decided to try and open the package. And as I needed something to break it with, I used another box like that. With it's corner, I smashed right in to the center of the box. And kept smashing until it broke.

As it took a lot of time to break it like that, I would need to find a better way.

In the result, I ate around ten kg of premade food, how the hell could I eat so much? Well. I am an animal and it seems that my current Body need a lot of food.

After eating, I put all food that was left, and all the parts of the box, inside inventory, and decided to put bodies that were around inside it too, but a little bit in different place as they were not really fresh. But I could use them to buy time to escape from any predator by just giving it food.

As I collected all the bodies, I began feeling sleepy. And decided to search for a place to sleep safely.

I began searching for anything that could be used as hideout, but in the end decided to dig through the tree and make a resting place inside one of them.

As for how they could fit me in? these trees ate very high and they have pretty massive trunks, so I just dug through it's outside and made a space inside it, with only one pretty small entrance that was even digging in curve right to the center of the trunk.

As It was pretty safe, in my opinion, and I made myself comfortable, I began sleeping.

After waking up, I tried getting out, but couldn't fit inside my previously made entrance.

Did I become fat all of a sudden? In one night?

As there were no other choice, I expanded it, making it less safe for me, but still safe enough to use such a tactic for nights.

So, as it was morning, I think, I better eat and look for higher grounds, to look around and find out if there are anything around me.

As I ate everything that was inside the first box, and collected the leftover box, I decided to open more boxes, to not spend more time on them later.

In an hour, I think, six boxes were opened.

I had pretty a lot of food, but with this speed of eating I would be out of food in two months.

Ok, I need to climb high, so I dug inside the tree and made myself a way up. After getting to the point where tree began creaking from the destroyed parts of it, I could see nothing except for the line of broken trees on the way to where I woke up.

So, I crashed in here and became a living being? Is this still the Star Wars universe?

Hmm. I need to find out.

But first of all, as I crashed, there must be something that crashed with me. On the landing site or on the way where I was falling.

I will need to check every now and then, maybe I would see more destroyed trees an see something that could help me.

So, this would be my plan for the future.

But now, I need to find a way to make food, as considering that I can't move fast in my present body.

I can barely move forward, I move like a snail and it seems I even move like it.

Am I a mutated snail? Lol.

Maybe. But who cares? I am alive and can feel!

~ before the nighttime ~

Fck, who asked me to blabber in mind. I am cold! Why is it so cold out here?

I need to get to the tree, fucking plane! why did I leave this forest patch behind. Now, on this field nothing hides me from wind and coldness of the night.

I a need to find a cover. I wan to sleep!

~After and hour or so ~

" Yaawn " I uncontrollably yawned all the time, deciding that I could at least partially cover myself using food boxes, so I tried. they were too small, so I pushed myself inside it, tightly, and used ally strength to break one of the walls. After couple of tries, one of the walls on the box cracked, and almost shot far in the distance.

As I've done the same with other box, I covered myself by these two boxes, even though I had to cover the land with broken parts that made it less comfortable. But at least, it was not so windy.

Like that I slept until it was too hot, as these boxes were colored in black and heated up in the sun.

With this, I decided to leave them on the sun to heat up more and began opening more boxes, and leaving the boxes on the outside.

As I opened all two hundred boxes, and left them to heat up beneath the sun, and taking them back in inventory when sun gone down, I spent three days opening them all up.

But now, I have around two hundred warm boxes for any sleeping needs. And a lot of food.

As I slept under couple of them this time, It was not so cold.

After this, I continued moving in the direction that I chose, getting up on the trees every two days, after getting back to the forest part.

Like that, month passed.

And I already ate all the food that was cooked.

How could I eat it? well. It seems that I am growing every day. Little by little. Nowadays, I can't fit inside 1/3 box sleeping bag, so I need to find a source of fire, as on the way I met couple of animals who tried attacking me and just broke their teeth and lost their lives by meeting me.

As my size grew, I began eating more and moving faster. The moment I realized that I was getting bigger, was the moment I became fatter then one box. And after that point, my length began growing rapidly, as before it I was just getting wider. ( T H I C C BOI )

As my 'tongues' were not really good at holding things, they were just destroying them, I decided to try and use pieces of my non-biodegradable boxes to lift some stone and smash it against another, to make a spark and begin a fire.

This didn't work. I couldn't hit them strong enough, and it was hard to hold them while using these pieces.

As I was searching for another way to get food, I began getting hungrier and hungrier.

And it was bad, this body needed so much food, and I had it, but didn't have a way to cook it.

The only wild idea was to try it raw, as I was not human and most probably could eat meat raw, bur I didn't want to risk being infested by parasites or any kind of infection.

As I was hoping to find a way to cook food, Night was closing in. And I was hungry to the point where I could not think straight, so I decided to try and sleep.

I couldn't fall asleep for a while, and when I finally fell asleep, I dreamt about huge pile of meat. So big and good, that I woke up biting in to the tree, chomping part of it away, and almost swallowing it.

Fck! It was dangerous. I don't know if I could eat it. I need to eat something and fast.

As I began slowly moving forward, I decided to climb on to the tree in search of water, to find a spot where I could catch a fish.

But as I climbed on the tree, I saw no river in my sight.

So, I decided that I need to try and eat some nuts that were lying on the ground, falling from trees sometimes.

Why didn't I think of it sooner? I just entered part where they grow just a day or two before.

It is my luck! So, I began getting down, but It was not destined to happen.

I was caught by some kind of eagle with four claws, and now I am flying high in the sky.

I could've killed it, but I don't plan to test my chances and fall down from such a height.

So, I would need to wait for this 'Eagle' to deliver me to the land. Argh. It flies a little bit to the side of my desired direction, but as I can see, it moves to the small mountain. From there I might be able to see where this track that I was following is leading.

After few minutes, This animal dropped me to it's nest with couple of pretty big kids of it's species

And the moment I landed, was the moment of their deaths. I don't plan to test my carapace against birds that big, so I just extended my tentacles and pierced their heads, making them fall down inside the nest.

As I didn't want to waste meat, and they were obstructing my view, I placed them in inventory.

But as I was very hungry, and was in the place where no nuts were in vicinity, I decided to leave on of the eagle kids outside. I took away it's feathers, and cut myself a tiny bit of meat.

As I wanted to be careful, I decided to try and wait a couple if hours after eating it to test my reaction to it.

The moment I took it in my mouth, using improvised fork made out of boxes ( just accidentally good piece broke ), I felt the taste of blood and fresh meat, but it was not disgusting, just bland and with little metallic taste from the Blood itself.

Tastes better then I expected.

As I decided to wait a little bit, I looked around and as it was getting late, I covered myself with boxes and got closer to still warm body. It shouldn't go bad in one day. I think.

Today I dreamt about eating a big big chicken, using old fashioned fork and knife made out if silver. As I was eating, with time, taste was becoming all more and more metallic. Is it because of the utensils being made out of silver?

And after this though, I woke up. And let me say, I woke up with half eaten body of small eagle and with my mouth filled with it's meat.

Fck. Am I eating in sleep now?

But As I felt myself finally full, and felt nothing bad, I decided to take leftovers and looked around.

In the far distance, On the hillside, I could see burnt trees and from this point, I saw some streaks of broken trees with longest one of them being mine.

As I couldn't see so far in details, I decided to head that way and see if there is anything out there that could help me to understand what happened.

Climbing down was not really easy, but in two days and couple of times slipping, I finally entered the forest and headed to the trail that would lead me to something important, I hope.

As days passed, I grew bigger and bigger. And as result, I was eating more and more.

At one point, I tried eating the wood and it was okay. It tasted like grass with a little bit of tough texture.

As for why? I was trying to use my mouth to bite into the wolf that attacked me, but he evaded and I just bot into the tree, accidentally swallowing it after another wolf attacked me from behind.

After taking care of them and others escaping, I was worried about not being able to digest the tree, so I tried vomiting it out, but it didn't work.

After couple of days and nothing bad happening, except for burping from rime to time, I continued moving at full speed to my destination.

After what I would call a Month after tasting a tree, I climbed a tree and it broke because of my size. Now I couldn't continue with digging a path inside those trees to climb up.

So, the only way for me to find anything else would come after I arrive at the burnt part.

~ couple of weeks later ~

I am close, and I can finally move faster then before. My boy now grew some kind of short legs or something, that were to the sides and on the lower part of my body.

Now I look like snail with four fat and short tentacles. They helped me to move faster, but I don't know why they only grew now.

After two more days, and me getting used to these new legs, I arrived at burnt patch of the forest.


Thank you [ Grey Knight ]

pa treon.com/Muraveyy


``` Author's note ```

`` 49 +- words ``

` 3224 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

So how was it? There were not much details about his travel or battles, as I didn't want unnecessary elongated travel.

Leave your opinions. pls.

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