Before leaving, Beelzebub had bandaged Esther's ankle which he had broken. He was absorbed with his own greed that he wasn't able to stop himself from harming Esther. The thoughts of her scream haunts him endlessly like a broken violin.
He imagined the pain he had caused her and how she must have yelled in pain for his name. Hurting people might not make him feel guilty, as he believed those people deserve what comes to them but Esther— she never deserve any pain that he should cause.
Esther's eyes were tightly closed but she could feel the pain that aching on her ankle. In her nightmare she felt a large hand grasping tightly by her ankle, pulling her down and dragging her across the floor.
The sharp branches around the forest floor caused her skin to be scarped and wounded. She yelled for help but no one had heard her voice. In that moment, only one person's face came in her mind. She yelled then, "Beel!" Her voice cracked as fear caught her. "Please help me!"
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