Esther then sharply inhale her breaths, "Then tell me, how would we be able to enter his house? You know the consequences if you don't help me, do you?"
Venervy shake her hands as a way to show her surrender. "NO! Of course I would help you. While the lord warned me to not bring you to his presence, he also warned me to protect you. And the second warning is more important than the first."
As much as Esther wanted to say she is strong enough to protect herself, her couldn't help but throb at the concern that Beelzebub shown for her. He pushed her away yet he still concerned about him. Why?
"How?" Esther then asked, her blue eyes filled with determination.
Late at night, Beelzebub gazed at the white moon on the black sky, his handsome face was covered by a red mask as a the dress code of party requires for a mask to cover their identity. Beelzebub had chosen this for people to not bother him who currently at an ill mind.
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