Esther was certain even if she had warned Asmodeus that Ian won't care about her death other than Elise, the demon wouldn't care. His eyes was clear in stating his deep hatred against Ian. No matter how small her life was in front of Ian's eyes, and how petty it would look to Asmodeus, the demon would still do it out of spite.
This was how demons were. Selfish, greedy, and petty to the core, thought Esther to herself before curling her lips close.
Esther pulled herself together. In the end nothing would matter if she win. Asmodeus had promised and demons could never go back against their own promise made by their rule.
She left Asmodeus side, walking toward the opposite side of the demon. Once she arrived, her eyes fell to the cushioned red seat that was place near the railing. Asmodeus had sat on his own chair which was colored in black, the opposite color of their perspective pawns.
"If you are ready, you should take a seat, milady."
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