With a hand on his hips, Leviathan stared at Hallow who was now held on hand by the shadows. They had vacate to an alley to not attract attention. Leviathan sighed as he pushed his hair to the back of his head.
"Now tell me where you have gone? Based on your reply, I will think and measure how to punish your misbehavior," while looking at Hallow, a little frown then form on his forehead, "Or should as I thought roast and eat you?"
"Hey!" Hallow snapped, standing on his feet when he had been suspended on air. Seeing Leviathan's brows twitched, the chick lowered his gaze, "sir," he added the word in a politer tone. "I was thrown by you, if you didn't forget? I don't even now why I am here either! Besides, you know we have much more pressing matters to talk about! Elly had been waiting and searching for you."
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