Leviathan followed the nurse's usher to the room. Leviathan watched the small board nailed in the door, 'Langston Wright.'
"He should be here by now, if not, you can come in and wait until his arrival. I will now go," said the woman before leaving the place.
Leviathan only nodded once before he turned the knob and entered the room. Instead of sitting per the words the nurse offered, he whispered, "Come out."
Hallow who thought he was called looked up only to flinch in surprise when he saw the shadow that rushes underneath him like the fast current of a waterfall.
"Search for the documents with the name of Yvonne Merchat, Cyril Ann, and Wallace Easton. Waste no time," ordered Leviathan, snapping his hand away for his shadow to move on its own.
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