Orias's face paled again. Elise didn't know why exactly Ian was urging her grandfather and the situation in the room appeared tense again.
Instead of getting provoked, this time, Satan only smirked, the man had a very cold and evil smirk that would only put one on edge. Despite looking as a handsome man, it didn't help hiding the cruelty he wield inside him.
Elise spoke, "Do you know who might be the one having the book now?" It would be very helpful if they could pinpoint the location of the dark sorcerers Lord and stop his killing for good. While bringing back to life people might be good, Elise now knew there was loopholes.
To bring back people alive there was needed one vital condition and it was for the person who was going to be brought back to life was a demon. Worse yet, no one can control who to resurrect and whoever came back alive was random.
Her worse fear was that the dark sorcerers bring one person from Hell they should have never.
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