In a blink of an eye, Elise found herself near the border of the forest with Ian. Her hands were not around his arm and when she took a careless step forward, Ian pulled her by her waist, saving her from the fall, "Still clumsy, aren't you, dearie?"
"Thank you," Elise said, her heartbeat was still pacing back and forth aloud. With his help she then found her steady ground and left the forest's border. "It's so quiet," whispered Elise and she looked to see the small village coming in sight but unlike her thought of normal village there was no light coming from torches or inside the house which was strange as they have come at night but not deadly night.
"Can't blame the silence, I was the one who made it," Ian grinned when he garnered Elise's eyes on him, "What did you think I do?"
"You killed them?" asked Elise as it was the first thought and answer that came to her mind upon thinking what Ian could have done to the village.
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