After leaving the room which now occupied by Esther, Elise went into a little discussion in her mind. No doubt, she could sense a strong relationship between her and Esther which Ian told her due to scent of families. There were two possibilities she had in mind; the first was that Esther had somehow found a way to mimics her scent to appear like her family member or it was true that Esther was her relative.
Elise had just left the corridor and went to a large space formed by the four intersection of corridors when she saw the maids gathered together in discussion. Curious, Elise came closer, asking, "What happened?"
"Lady Elise," greeted the maids who saw her, some surprised while they bowed to show respect. When Elise moved her gaze to look what the maids were hiding behind their back, a look of nervousness appeared on the maids' faces.
"What is it?" Elise questioned without sounding too harsh or strict but the maids took it as a reprimand.
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