The friction showed between Ian and Father Redrick was something that Elise wasn't aware. It was hard to read their expression in between as the two posed a smile on their faces when the test of strength had begun on the handshake.
Elise noticed, however, their handshake took a little too much time than necessary. When Redrick return the force of Ian's iron grip, a crack was heard crisply and the priest frowned before pulling his hand away. "The Lord, I see, is he a vampire?" asked Father Redrick as if he didn't know what Ian was and Elise wondered why he asked her when he could have asked Ian but didn't press much thought. Everyone do get nervous when they form a conversation with the Lord.
"He..." Elise answered unsure as she didn't know what to reply. Now that she wondered what do Ian claim he is in front of others? Sneakily, she sent a request for help with her eyes to the man beside her.
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