The carriage shook as it moved to an uneven path as the snow piled. The lantern hanged outside the carriage also trembled as the horses. Ian looked at Elise's face and her eyes that glittered when she spoke.
Elise wasn't sure of it but somewhere she could feel she had combusted a person into ash like she did to the Relic hours before.
"Why do you say that?" Ian questioned, he could tell Karen had spoken something that had made Elise to think that she had killed someone.
Elise pursed her lips, "When I turned the Relic to ash earlier, I felt like that was not my first time to use my power. I think I used in the past too, but my memories are gone. There are some of my memories that I think I couldn't remember."
Ian knew that he could sense that Elise forgot a few things, "Did you remembered anything new?" and when he saw she nodded, he asked, "What was it?"
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