Ian left the garden with Maroon following him. Over reaching the entrance, he saw a sight of a man with blonde curly hair and red eyes peering down on one maid over another, as if he was searching for his lost items amongst the maid; but Ian knows who the man was searching of.
It was clear that the face of the man was a fake, and something that Beelzebub had taken from a passing human. This was how most Demon put on a human-like facade when leaving hell to the mortal's world; except for him.
"Ian!" Beelzebub called when seeing him, who was walking toward the place he stood at, "I missed you."
The word 'miss' had Ian to roll his eyes. Ian reached out his hand as if to stop the man from getting closer, and waved his hand to cue the servants to leave. Although the maids were curious of the new guest, no one dared to ask the Lord, and left.
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