After her assistant had left, Martha then shifted her position to walk outside and bowed on the presence of the Lord, "The shoes should be done by the end of the week, milord."
"Wonderful," Ian retracted his hand from Elise. He stood up and Elise followed. She watched how Martha smiled at her with politeness and heard Ian spoke, "Elise you could go in advance, there is still something I am going to request Martha to do."
Elise was curious but she went to leave the store as Ian said. When the door clicked close, Ian's smile turning to a different one where warmth was void and only wickedness appearing.
"I should say you have a very chirpy assistant, Martha," Ian dropped a remark without seeing Diana's who was cleaning the cup and the glass whose face turn surprised when the Lord mentioned about her. There was a wall between them when Diana talked about Elise, which had her wonder how the Lord was able to hear her speak.
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